Thursday, April 17, 2008

  • Thursday, April 17, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Once again, the Washington Post gives legitimacy to a mass-murdering terrorist, and it seems that they are doing it because of Jimmy Carter. Some lowlights:
Last week's attack on the Nahal Oz fuel depot should not surprise critics in the West. Palestinians are fighting a total war waged on us by a nation that mobilizes against our people with every means at its disposal -- from its high-tech military to its economic stranglehold, from its falsified history to its judiciary that "legalizes" the infrastructure of apartheid. Resistance remains our only option. Sixty-five years ago, the courageous Jews of the Warsaw ghetto rose in defense of their people. We Gazans, living in the world's largest open-air prison, can do no less.
He applauds the Arab murder of innocents and in the next breath compares Gazans who support the mass murder of Jews to Jews slated for genocide.
Our movement fights on because we cannot allow the foundational crime at the core of the Jewish state -- the violent expulsion from our lands and villages that made us refugees -- to slip out of world consciousness, forgotten or negotiated away. Judaism -- which gave so much to human culture in the contributions of its ancient lawgivers and modern proponents of tikkun olam -- has corrupted itself in the detour into Zionism, nationalism and apartheid.
So Jewish nationalism is evil, but Islamic nationalism - the core of Hamas' existence, and orders of magnitude more violent by any yardstick - is just peachy. I love how he quotes "tikkun olam" as well, perhaps a nod to his ideological pals of the Jewish ultra-left.
A "peace process" with Palestinians cannot take even its first tiny step until Israel first withdraws to the borders of 1967; dismantles all settlements; removes all soldiers from Gaza and the West Bank; repudiates its illegal annexation of Jerusalem; releases all prisoners; and ends its blockade of our international borders, our coastline and our airspace permanently. This would provide the starting point for just negotiations and would lay the groundwork for the return of millions of refugees. Given what we have lost, it is the only basis by which we can start to be whole again.
While it is obvious that he is saying that Israel must be utterly destroyed before Hamas would consider stopping murdering Jews, it would be impolitic to write those words. This way he can sound a bit more peaceful.

And he signs off with a final threat:
As for the Israeli state and its Spartan culture of permanent war, it is all too vulnerable to time, fatigue and demographics: In the end, it is always a question of our children and those who come after us.
To have the leader of masked gangs dedicated to nothing but murder saying that the the State of Israel has a "culture of permanent war" is beyond parody. His demographic threat only points to the futility of Israel granting concession after concession.

To be fair, he WaPo also publishes a fairly good rebuttal to Zahar as well as a rebuke to Carter in their own editorial on the opposite page:
ON THE OPPOSITE page today we publish an article by the "foreign minister" of Hamas, Mahmoud al-Zahar, that drips with hatred for Israel, and with praise for former president Jimmy Carter. We believe Mr. Zahar's words are worth publishing because they provide some clarity about the group he helps to lead, a group that Mr. Carter contends is worthy of being included in the Middle East peace process....

Mr. Zahar lauds Mr. Carter for the "welcome tonic" of saying that no peace process can succeed "unless we are sitting at the negotiating table and without any preconditions." Yet Mr. Zahar has his own preconditions: Before any peace process can "take even its first tiny step," he says, Israel must withdraw to the 1967 borders and evacuate Jerusalem while preparing for the "return of millions of refugees." In fact, as Mr. Zahar makes clear, Hamas is not at all interested in a negotiated peace with the Jewish state, whose existence it refuses to accept: "Our fight to redress the material crimes of 1948 is scarcely begun," he concludes.

In that fight, no act of terrorism is out of bounds for the Hamas leader, who endorses the group's recent ambush of Israeli civilians working at a fuel depot that supplies Gaza. The "total war" of which he speaks was initiated and has been sustained by Hamas itself through its deliberate targeting of civilians, such as the residents of the Israeli town of Sderot, who suffer daily rocket attacks.

These facts would hardly need restating were it not for actors such as Mr. Carter, who portray Hamas as rational and reasonable.
Nevertheless, they could have written the same editorial without printing Zahar's sickening words, where the realities of editorial space give Zahar's genocidal hate the same legitimacy that Carter's meetings do to Hamas. Jimmy also condemned rocket attacks, that hardly blunts the net effect of treating terrorists as respectful players, and the WaPo falls into the same trap.

By doing what they did, the WaPo allows half-truths and lies from Hamas stand unchallenged in the pages of their paper. Editorials need to at least have some standards of truth, and Zahar's doesn't live up to them as he speaks of international law and history.

And just like Carter congratulates himself on being so bold, so does the Washington Post.
  • Thursday, April 17, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Wikio has joined the ranks of the rankers - places that attempt to rank blogs according to various criteria.

For reasons that mystify me, as of this writing this blog is ranked 594th out of some 30,000 blogs ranked, putting me in the top 2% of all blogs ranked.

Treppenwitz , whose posting made me check this out, is at 850. Soccer Dad beats me out at 533, Yourish trails at 758, and Israellycool is at 658.

Oh, and Little Green Footballs - which gets more hits in a day than I do in a year - is at 1003.

Just proving that the International Zionist Web is not a force to be trifled with.

Wikio - Top Blogs

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

  • Wednesday, April 16, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The latest edition of the Al Quds Brigades magazine is out, and it features an unusually large amount of pictures that Freud himself would blush at.

On the cover of the magazine we can see that the theme, as one hand of the masked man - perhaps role-playing for his lover - grasps towards his member while his other holds on tightly to his large sex toy:
Image Hosted by

Our next photo shows two male members of the "boys' club" rolling around with each other on the ground while their symbolic phalluses aim erect into the sky, fulfilling their own wish for the ability to perform better with each other:
Image Hosted by

In our next shot, the fabulous PIJ members turn exhibitionist, as they proudly show off the sizes of their long, long weapons. Their excitement is palpable, if a little staged.
Image Hosted by

And, finally, the inevitable orgy picture, with five members grasping their symbols of masculinity to show off for each other:

The masks indicate that they are in this for pure pleasure and have no interest in a real relationship with their partners, as they don't even have to betray any emotion as they enjoy their orgasmic spasms of pleasure.

While the production values are not up to Western standards, the Al Quds Brigades are well on their way to become world players in this important market.
  • Wednesday, April 16, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today, Israel struck back at terrorists in Gaza after the fatal ambush this morning killing 3 IDF soldiers.

Some 18 were killed, including a Reuters cameraman named Fadil Shana'a (whose Arabic name autotranslates as "preferred hideous." )

The Palestinian Arab press is calling this journalist a "shahid". As Palestine Press Agency writes (autotranslated):
The Palestine Press News Agency's workers gave heartfelt condolences of the family of journalist preferred hideous, photographer for the Reuters news agency ..."[We] lost today a steady fighter was always designed to expose the crimes of occupation against the Palestinian people."

The Palestine Press News Agency sends condolences to the family of the martyr she prays to God that the soul of martyr and give his family patience and solace.
The circumstances of the death remain unclear. His fellow journalist claims that "There was nobody around us except a group of children who we were going to film. There were no resistance groups in the area," which seems unlikely that on a day with this much fighting that the "journalists" would be trying to videotape children away from the action.

But what is clear is that Palestinian Arabs know that Reuters is their best friend, and that Reuters journalists are more valuable to their cause than any number of terrorists.

Islamic Jihad eulogized him this way (autotranslated from Palestine Today):
As we bled to aspens eye martyr preferred hideous journalist, who has spent his life to the service of our people and expose the crimes of the enemy attacks and to renew the Covenant and with the Al-Bay `ah God that this blood is fuel Jerusalem crimes and the enemy will not pass without a painful punishment, God willing.
UPDATE 2: AP reports that the Reuters team was photographing Israeli tank movements, proving that Reuters journalists are simply liars.

UPDATE 3: Reuters released the video he was shooting at the moment he died. It looks like he was hit by an Israeli tank shell from a tank that he was filming. While it appears to be an accident, it also shows that Palestinian Arab "eyewitnesses" were wrong in calling it an airstrike. Also, Reuters' emphasis that the SUV was clearly marked "TV" doesn't apply as much to a tank shooting from a large distance which couldn't have seen it.

More updates here.
From Reuters:
Hamas said on Wednesday that former U.S. President Jimmy Carter would meet two of its leaders from Gaza in Egypt, in further defiance of Israeli leaders, who have shunned him over his contacts with the Islamist group.

Hamas official Ayman Taha told Reuters senior leaders Mahmoud al-Zahar and Saeed Seyam would travel to Cairo later in the day for talks with Carter, who began a Middle East visit on Sunday.

"Mr Carter asked for the meeting. He wanted to hear the Hamas vision regarding the situation, and we are interested in clarifying our position and emphasising the rights of our people," Taha said.
I'm surprised that Jimmy hasn't publicly offered to mediate between Hamas and Fatah yet.

Also, this means that Egypt allows Hamas leaders to freely travel between Gaza and Egypt.
  • Wednesday, April 16, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
That fuel crisis in Gaza cant be too bad if they keep putting conditions on Israel on how to deliver it:
Firas Press reports Tuesday (autotranslated):
The owners of the oil companies and gas stations in Gaza that they refuse to recognize any quantity of fuel from the Israeli side in the event there is no clear commitment to the provision of quantities of fuel needed to fill a minimum daily consumption of the people.

In statements said Dr. Mahmoud Alkhazindar Vice President of the Assembly of the owners of the fuel companies and gas stations «was our decision to stop recognizing these meagre quantities until the Israeli side pledges to introduce sufficient quantities of fuel and systematic and progressive enough to the area of the sector and the rate of consumption».

He added that the company owners wait to know varieties, and the quantity of fuel that Barak promised corrections as of today, and then decide if they collect or not.
Firas Press reports that Ahmed Mohammed Awad, of Islamic Jihad, was "accidentally" killed in Rafah last night.

It seems equally likely that he was murdered and that the accident story is just to preserve his martyrdom.

The 2008 self-death count is at 62.
  • Wednesday, April 16, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Mahmoud Abbas, who has been called a "man of courage" and a "man of peace" by George Bush, who has said repeatedly in English that "The Palestinian people desire peace, and there is no power on Earth that can prevent the Palestinian people from moving toward the peaceful solution and living and coexisting in peace," has decided to award his society's highest honor to people who he believes are worthy of emulation:
The Al Kuds Mark of Honor, the PLO's highest medal, will be given to two female terrorists who helped kill Israelis, Israel Radio reported Wednesday.

Ahlam Tamimi, a Hamas affiliate serving a life sentence for driving the suicide bomber who exploded himself in the Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem, killing at least half a dozen people, including a whole family and Amra Muna, who seduced Ophir Rahum over the Internet and then lured him to Ramallah where he was murdered, will both be awarded the medal.

Conferring the Al Kuds Mark of Honor is decided at the discretion of the Palestinian Authority's president, and he alone has the final say when choosing the Palestinians to be honored with the medal.
Yes, Mahmoud Abbas wants all young Palestinian Arab women to become terrorists just like Tamimi and Munra. And he had a lot of women terrorists to choose from, too, so it must have been a tough decision.

The EU, US and UN should harshly criticize this any minute now.

Previous examples of Abbas' love of terror:
Abbas proud of Fatah terror
Mahmoud Abbas, warmongering extremist
Abbas' support for terror
Abbas wants Israel destroyed
Mahmoud Abbas, terrorist

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

  • Tuesday, April 15, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
AFP reports:
Lebanon is a liberal Middle East country with unfettered Internet access, but state censorship is also rife on any topics that touch upon Israel or sensitive issues such as religion.

Oscar-winning films such as "Schindler's List," the music of late violinist Yehudi Menuhin, the songs of Enrico Macias... the list of artists and their works deemed to be inappropriate is long.

"There has been ruthless censorship in Lebanon for decades, using absurd criteria and under the pretext of national security," said Bassam Eid, production manager at movie distributors Circuit Empire.

Hollywood stars including Frank Sinatra, Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman have long been banned for their perceived support for Jews or because they were in a film directed by a Jew as Lebanon scrupulously applied an Arab League blacklist boycotting Israel.

Censorship is applied in Lebanon if a work is thought to incite religious dissent, damage morals or state security or contribute to Israeli propaganda.

Music does not escape either. "About 80 percent of Death Metal is seized" because of anti-Christ content, according to one record store owner in Beirut who asked not to be named.

"To ban the Israeli Philharmonic is understandable, but not top world violinist Jascha Heifetz who's Jewish but not Israeli. Even so both Daniel Barenboim and Gilad Atzmon are OK because they're seen to be anti-Zionist!"

Normally, this would be considered anti-semitism, but that terminology seems to escape AFP.

  • Tuesday, April 15, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Good news from Yemen, in a follow-up to the sick story I posted a couple of days ago:
A Yemeni court yesterday granted divorce to an eight-year-old girl who sought the help of a court judge to terminate her marriage two months after she was forced into it.

Nojoud Muhammad Nasser lodged a complaint at a court in the capital Sanaa last week against her father who forced her to marry a man 22 years her senior, and asked the judge to secure her divorce.

The girl’s lawyer and human rights activist, Shadha Nasser, said that the court “ordered the marriage to be terminated immediately because she was underage and had not reached puberty.”

The court also ordered the child’s family to pay 50,000 Yemeni rials (about $250) in compensation to the 30-year-old ex-husband.

The amount was paid by a volunteer who was attending the trial, the lawyer said, adding that the compensation was toward the dowry the husband had paid to the girl’s father.

The ruling terminated the marriage instead of granting a divorce to prevent the husband from seeking to reinstate the marriage, according to the lawyer.

Nasser, a human rights activist, said the minor had filed a suit asking for divorce and told the court that her husband had been physically abusing her and forcing her to have “sex with him after hitting her.”

Last week, the court ordered the father and husband to be arrested after hearing the girl’s testimony. The father was later released due to health problems.

Now, if they can put a little sanity in the female genital mutilation depravity....
  • Tuesday, April 15, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
A new poll in Gaza from the "Institute of Development Studies," reported in Palestine Press Agency (Arabic), shows that 80% of Gazans would seriously consider leaving Gaza if they could, while 44% would leave immediately if they could.

Not mentioned was the fact that zero percent of the neighboring Arab countries would accept a single Gazan who wants to move.

So much for "Arab unity."
  • Tuesday, April 15, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is astounding:
SANA’A, April-13 — Preventing female circumcision and pre-marriage medical tests evoked turmoil and disagreement among Parliament members (MPs) in last week’s session.

The session ended with a unanimous agreement to cancel the term 3, which would prevent female circumcision, and delay the discussion of pre-marriage tests.

Zid Al-Shami, an MP who suggested delaying the approval of the two terms, confirmed that such topics are “sensitive and need more awareness.”

“I suggested canceling term number three, about preventing female circumcision, for many reasons. First, the term, which was written in the draft, included inappropriate and shameful sentences. Second, female circumcision exists in few regions in Yemen, like in Hodeidah and Hadramout, so it not common practice. And finally, there is still religious debate regarding the issue, so as we have no directives by the heads of religion to forbid female circumcision, we do not have the right to ban it,” Al-Shami explained.
Wikipedia has a good overview of the Islamic debate over FGM, and showing that at least some Islamic scholars do find Islamic legal justifications for this barbarism.
Both Palestine Today and Palestine Press Agency report that Egyptian officials invited Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shalah to visit Cairo to meet Jimmy Carter but Shalah refused, saying that Carter is following an "American/Israeli agenda." Shalah has been harshly critical of Khaled Meshaal's planned meeting with Carter.

It would appear that Carter initiated this request to meet with the arch-terrorist. All of the reasons that Carter uses to justify meeting with Hamas - that Hamas has supposedly offered a truce, for example, or that most attacks are not initiated by Hamas - do not apply to Islamic Jihad, yet Carter apparently wants to give legitimacy to Islamic Jihad terrorists anyway.

Meanwhile, Carter plans to meet with a Hamas official in Ramallah and he has already laid a wreath at the grave of his fellow Nobel Prize winner, Yasir Arafat, a man responsible for the deaths of thousands of people who Carter admired greatly.
  • Tuesday, April 15, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports that a 25-year old Arab from Bidya was shot dead by unidentified gunmen, and that the killer may have been an Arab Israeli.

Ma'an Arabic mentions a 35 year old man found murdered in the formerly Jewish town of Netzarim in Gaza. He worked in the "Palestinian intelligence service" and was arrested yesterday by Hamas and tortured. Palestine Press Agency reports that "angry youths" are rioting over his murder.

On the other hand, reports of three dead last Sunday from an explosion in Jabalya seem to have been premature; according to PCHR only one was killed and two seriously wounded. So our count of Palestinian Arabs violently killed by each other this year remains at 61.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Former US president Jimmy Carter toured Sderot on Monday and said the firing of Kassam rockets from the Gaza Strip at the western Negev is "criminal."

Carter, who made the comment after he was shown the remains of hundreds of rockets that were fired at the town, said he would try to promote a ceasefire in the region.

The Secretary-General condemns rocket fire against Israel by Hamas... He calls on Hamas and other militant groups to cease such acts of terrorism.
To call terrorist acts "criminal" betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of the facts and a clear bias towards the terrorists.

The only time I can find Dhimmi Carter condemning rockets to Sderot he also didn't use the word "terrorism," just using the blander "attacks" or the passive "violence" and even-handedly comparing suicide bombing to Israeli defensive actions last February:
The Carter Center condemns the recent Palestinian suicide bombings and rocket fire against Israel and calls on the Palestinian leadership in Gaza to take urgent and immediate measures to halt the spiraling cycle of violence.

At the same time, the Center reiterates its previous calls for Israel to end its siege of Gaza and urges Israel to refrain from further attacks and assassinations against Palestinians. If the Annapolis process is to have any chance to succeed in bringing a lasting peace to the region, Israel and the Hamas leadership in Gaza must negotiate an immediate ceasefire, and all sides must redouble efforts to resolve key issues to enable a viable two-state solution.

The February 4 attack by two Palestinian suicide bombers was the first such attack within Israeli borders in over a year and the first claimed by Hamas since August 2004. Hamas' claim to have resumed the use of suicide bombings against civilians as a means of resistance to Israel is strongly condemned. In addition to these attacks, recent rocket fire has maimed two children in the Israeli town of Sderot. These attacks have led Israeli authorities to call for large-scale retaliatory operations in Gaza and for the assassination of Hamas leaders. Israel retaliatory attacks in eastern Gaza have killed both militants and innocent civilians. A missile dropped on a Palestinian school killed a teacher and wounded several students.

Both the Israeli government and Hamas, which has repeatedly stated in the past that it is willing to negotiate a truce with Israel, should take immediate steps to end the tragic cycle of retaliation.

This is obscene.

Carter equates Israeli actions with those of Hamas,
he attempts to paint Hamas as more interested in peace than Israel by repeating Hamas lies about its interest in a temporary "truce",
he refusese to label even Palestinian suicide attacks as "terrorism,"
he implies that Hamas has been innocent of any terror acts in a 3.5 year period,
he implies that Israel assassinates - purposefully targets - innocent Palestinian Arabs and not only the terrorists,
he seems to be upset about the maiming of two Israeli children only because Israel might retailiate -

--these are all examples of his clear leaning towards the terrorists. Moreover, even though at the time of this press release it was known that the "school" that Israel shot at was a launching pad for Hamas rockets - a war crime - Carter doesn't mention it.

It is sickening.

Rockets being shot at civilians in Sderot is not merely a criminal act, and to label it as such is to downplay it. Jimmy has a rich record of downplaying Arab terror and demonizing Israeli actions, and this is yet another example.


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