Wednesday, May 03, 2017

  • Wednesday, May 03, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
A new report on attitudes towards gender equality in the Middle East shows that there are still a significant number of people, men and women alike, who can justify families punishing female members who act in ways that are perceived as a violation of honor, with many excusing "honor killings."

An  NGO called IMAGES surveyed people in Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and the Palestinian Authority. Here are their results on the questions of family honor and honor killings:

35% of Palestinian men say that men who kill their female relatives for "honor" reasons should not go to jail. That is a higher percentage than any other group surveyed.

Worse, 47% of Palestinian men say that female relatives who "act or dress" in ways that they disapprove deserve to be punished. (62% of Egyptian men believe that.)

The survey, called the International Men and Gender Equality Survey (Images), was carried out in the territories by a group at Bir Zeit University, and as a result it downplays the misogynist violence and attitudes to be the result of "occupation." This bias includes a section of interviews with former long-term prisoners, who are a tiny percentage of Palestinian men, about how well well they respect their wives for taking care of their families while they were incarcerated. The Palestinian part of the survey goes to great lengths to blame Israel, with the entire section introduced with "The reality of Palestinian lives – including gender relations and gender dynamics – has been carved by the prolonged Israeli occupation. The occupation has become the central structural framework of analysis for all elements of political, economic, and social life in Palestine. IMAGES findings in Palestine must be understood within this contextual framework."

In other words, even this survey is being twisted to Palestinian political desire to place the "occupation" as the central problem in the Middle East. As a result, findings like the tolerance for honor killings is downplayed and the more progressive findings are trumpeted. Paragraphs like these, with no scientific basis, are sprinkled throughout:

This leaves the pursuit of gender justice objectives in Palestine in a unique place: by
many indicators, quality of life seems to be deteriorating for the majority of Palestinians,
patriarchal structures and gendered expectations persist, and the occupation goes on
seemingly indefinitely. At the same time, partly in spite of and partly because of these
factors, many Palestinian women and men find themselves in truly transformed gendered
spaces. This study has sought to better document these overlapping dynamics and this
moment in the rich story of gender in Palestinian life. 
Here is where social science is subverted by politics.

So you have to dig to find out that about one fifth of Palestinian husbands beat their wives, 34% of men believe that there are times that a woman deserves to be beaten, and 67% say women are too emotional to be leaders. These are blamed on high unemployment by men, which are the fault of Israel (and the PA):

 These realities are a result of the prolonged occupation’s structural domination of Palestinian lives and the Palestinian economy, as well as the Palestinian Authority’s neo-liberal policies that impoverish the majority of Palestinians. The depressive symptoms, in this case, can be understood as an expression of the failure of society to provide the conditions under which men can fulfil their socially-assigned role as breadwinners.
Yes, a survey on gender equality is so subverted by anti-Israel politics that it accepts the idea of men alone as breadwinners to justify their violence and misogynist attitudes towards women.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

  • Tuesday, May 02, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
Nasreen Kadri singing at the Day of remembrance ceremony:

And singing to celebrate Israel's independence, a medley of songs about Israel and Jerusalem, with other Israeli singers:

Notice also that some of the dancers are in wheelchairs!

Israel is clearly one of the most progressive and liberal countries on Earth.

Which is exactly what drives the fake "progressives" crazy.

(h/t Yoel)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Edgar Davidson: Tuvia Tenenbom: "The Lies They Tell" review
Tuvia Tenenbom is a writer who manages to entertain at the same time as exposing evil and prejudice (mostly antisemitism). His previous book "Catch the Jew" was a devastating indictment of the antisemitism driving Europe's funding of anti-Zionist organisations in Israel. This latest book is an equally devastating exposure of ignorance and antisemitism in America. Tuvia is especially adept at exposing the hypocrisy of the left. However, contrary to what many people assume, Tuvia is certainly not 'a man of the right' or a conservative in any sense of the word. This is something I return to at the end of my review, along with some criticisms (that I think have been missed despite there having been some very good in-depth reviews of the book already, such as this one by Phyllis Chesler).
Before stating my reservations I want to make it clear that I think this is a brilliant and must-read book for anybody concerned not just with antisemitism but also with the increasingly damaging effects of 'political correctness' which, in America, has eroded free speech and created a highly authoritarian society - a process massively accelerated by 8 years of Obama. A recurrent theme of the book is the lack of critical thought and predictable consistency of leftists: the two things they are invariably obsessed with are climate change and 'Palestine'. Indeed Tuvia notes that there is a perfect correlation between opinions on climate change and opinions on Israel. Those who believe in man-made climate change are anti-Israel while those who don't are generally pro-Israel. Tuvia highlights the obsessive and irrational anger that leftists have for Israel which seems to be based on complete ignorance, such as:
  • The Quakers in Pennsylvania who love Obama but only worry that he is 'too friendly to Israel' and 'not supportive enough of the Palestinians'. They care deeply about the plight of the Palestinians but not local blacks whose neighbourhoods are more dangerous than Gaza.
  • Bryan from Texas whose main interest is in foreign affairs and who proves this interest by saying how Israel must 'stop settlement building in Gaza'.
  • Jason - the first person he meets in Fargo Dakota - who introduces himself as 'pro-choice, pro gay marriage, pro-environment and pro-Palestine.'
The “Occupation” Tour
On my last visit to Israel, I thought it would be interesting to take a tour of the West Bank from the perspective of critics of Israeli government policy. I went with MachsomWatch, an organization of Israeli women who, among other things, monitor checkpoints. The guide, Daniela, said the tour would not be political, but it was essentially a day long diatribe against Israel’s efforts to defend itself against terrorists.
The Orwellian logic of the tour began just outside the Palestinian town of Qalqilya. We could get a good view of the security wall separating the town from Israel. Roughly five percent of the security barrier consists of a wall rather than a fence and the reason for this stretch of concrete is that Palestinians used to shoot at Israeli motorists on the nearby highway. Daniela said there had not been any terror attacks from Qalqilya in years to suggest the wall was unnecessary as opposed to demonstrating its effectiveness.
One of the main messages of the tour, after visiting with three Palestinians, was that the checkpoints and gates inside the West Bank make life burdensome for Palestinians. Some spend an inordinate amount of time waiting at these checkpoints to travel through the area and to get to and from their jobs. Some fences separate farmers from their fields and groves and, according to the guide, are only permitted to pass through the gates at certain times, some of which are restricted to a few times per month or year. On a different tour, I saw an area where the fence separated some farmers from their land and, even though there were specific times when they were allowed to pass through the gates, when they wanted to tend to their crops they would simply shake the fence until soldiers arrived and opened it for them. Also, she also did not mention that Arabs benefited from the fence because it brought quiet and allowed a significant upsurge in economic activity.
During our tour, we did not witness any delays, however, it is true that Palestinians are inconvenienced by these restrictions and many feel humiliated by the way they are treated by soldiers responsible for ensuring they are not carrying weapons or planning a terrorist attack. Unfortunately, this is the price many Palestinians must pay for the decisions of their leaders to support terrorism. Their discomfort is temporary whereas the deaths of the victims of terror is permanent.
Fearless Arab woman declares love for Israel: 'Am Yisrael Hai'
In honor of the 69th anniversary since Israeli independence, an Arab woman has posted a video in which she fearlessly declares her love for the State of Israel and blasts the hypocrisy of the Arab world.
“My name is Sarah Zoabi. I am an Arab, Muslim, Israeli, proud Zionist,” she declares, as she stands in front of the Knesset building in Jerusalem. “I believe with my whole heart in the right of the Jewish people to a sovereign state in the Holy Land of Israel.”
“It is a right that G-d promised and gave to the Jewish people - not a kindness - the right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel.”
“The State of Israel is here to stay,” she says.
“How can I not love you, Israel?” she asks. “Even though you suffer from Arab and Muslim terror from within and without, you do not distinguish between sex, race, and religion. You respect, welcome, and embrace me as an Arab, Muslim woman.”
“Israel, my heart is full of love for you, a tiny country, but huge in the size of its good deeds - and you do a lot of good in the world. I stand proud next to your flag.

About 12 pathetic terror supporters took time out of their meaningless lives to "stand for freedom and dignity for Palestinian prisoners" in front of an electronics store in New York City last Friday.

Passers-by didn't even want to make eye contact as they were badgered to accept propaganda sheets.

Of course, "freedom and dignity" means the right to have more Arab satellite TV channels and the right to cook their own food in prisons. Not to mention air-conditioning.

Since the organizers weren't sure they would get enough people, they added that they were also protesting Hewlett Packard because, why not?

(By the way, I found a list of prisoner demands from 2004. They had even more demands then, like not to be searched and to keep cell doors open!)

There were similar protests in support of freeing Palestinian terrorists to kill more Jews in Brussels and Berlin.

Meanwhile, the Action Group for Palestinians in Syria have counted 220 Palestinian children who have been killed in Syria during the fighting so far from munitions or starvation.

For some reason, the "pro-Palestinian" crowd are more interested in releasing people who kill Israeli children than they are in helping out Palestinian children.

Perhaps their  real agenda has nothing to do with human rights. Just a thought.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Last week I came across a video I had stored on my Google Drive that I haven't looked at in years. It is a short clip from 2012 featuring J Street Field Director Carinne Luck answering a question during a J Street training session:

The video has been edited from a slightly longer video here.

The main points to take away from what Luck says are:
  • A sizable percentage of J Street is not Jewish
  • J Street responds to "the Hill, the (Obama) Administration" which wants J Street to "move Jews"
  • The bulk of J Street resources are dedicated to this
  • There is an uneasiness about those in J Street leadership who are not Jewish who may present themselves as Jews
  • In the longer version of the video, Luck also talks about how J Street "gives cover" for politicians in terms of the Jewish community - what are the politicians doing right or wrong and what do their Jewish constituents think.
  • Bottom Line: The goal of J Street is advocacy to the Jewish community--not representing Jewish interests and advocating for those interests in Washington.
The issue of J Street's goal being to "move Jews" on behalf of the Obama Administration seems timely considering the ongoing discussion of the echo chamber used by the White House to market the Iran Deal and discredit those who opposed it. Lee Smith writes about the implementation of the White House marketing strategy and how the Obama Administration echo chamber has now come unplugged:
The things that seemed to make sense last year—like exchanging Iranian crooks and spies for ordinary American citizens—now look ridiculous. And it’s clear why the deliberate urgency with which the administration messaged its Iran policy had the feel of an advertising campaign—because it was an advertising campaign, crafted to convince consumers that something you think is bad for you is actually good for you.
How much of that 'bad is good' way of thinking applies to J Street?

As a more recent example of J Street doing something "bad" for Israel's own "good" J Street brought "Breaking the Silence" to speak this week during Yom HaZikaron and Yom Haatzmaut. In their description on their website, J Street makes no mention of the days they picked for this. As for Breaking the Silence, J Street describes them as
an organization comprised of former Israeli soldiers who share testimonials of their experiences serving in the occupied territories. Through a photo exhibition, the soldiers share testimonials and highlight the moral and strategic dilemmas that the occupation creates for Israel and for the Israel Defense Forces.
But according to the NGO Monitor report on Breaking the Silence:
  • Breaking the Silence (BtS) collects testimonies of soldiers who served in the Occupied Territories during the Second Intifada,” claiming that the “testimonies portray a…grim picture of questionable orders in many areas regarding Palestinian civilians [which] demonstrate the depth of corruption which is spreading in the Israeli military…Israeli society continues to turn a blind eye, and to deny that which happens in its name.
  • Active in promoting “war crimes” charges against Israel. These charges were based on anonymous and unverifiable hearsay “testimonies.” [emphasis added]
  • Although claiming to address Israeli society, the NGO’s lobbying and media advocacy focus on international audiences, including presentations in Europe and the United States. Yehuda Shaul, BtS co-founder, defended this practice: “Sometimes, when you want to deliver messages to the inside, you must go outside.”
On the issue of echo chambers -- in 2012, in a New York Times article Jeff Zeleny described J Street as "a Jewish lobbying group in Washington that favors Democratic candidates"

Take a look. According to the J Street website:
That's 254 candidates J Street has endorsed over those 4 years.

Since J Street claims to be pro-Israel and pro-peace, are we to assume that there just aren't any pro-Israel candidates around?
Is it possible that in each and ever political race, the Democrat has a better record on Israel than the Republican?

For that matter, do each and every one of these Democratic politicians have a pro-Israel record?

Apparently not.

J Street described Tammy Baldwin as
Rep. Tammy Baldwin (WI-2) is running to replace retiring U.S. Senator Herb Kohl in what figures to be one of the most expensive and competitive races this cycle. Baldwin is the first openly gay woman elected to Congress and has represented this Madison based district since 1998. She is a strong supporter of Israel and two-state peace and proudly took JStreetPAC’s endorsement in 2010. Prior to serving in Congress, Baldwin served in the Wisconsin State Assembly, Madison City Council, Dane County Board of Supervisors, and practiced law for several years.

The Emergency Committee for Israel countered

J Street described Lois Capps as
Rep. Lois Capps is running for her sixth term representing this Coastal California district in Congress. Trained as a nurse, Rep. Capps serves on the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, sits on the Subcommittee on Health and is expected to face a competitive re-election contest in this newly re-drawn district that includes much of Santa Barbara. One of JStreetPAC’s earliest endorsees, Rep. Capps has been a public champion of pro-Israel/pro-peace issues since being elected to Congress in 1998. As she has stated: “The vision the President has set forth for two states for two peoples reflects longstanding efforts by the U.S. over several Administrations and is the only viable way to move forward and achieve these critically important goals.”
The Emergency Committee for Israel countered

Keep in mind that this is going on at a time when Pew Research shows that Democrats are now about equally split between sympathizing more with Israel (33 percent) and with the Palestinians (31 percent):

For the first time this century — if not ever — Democrats are now about equally split
between sympathizing more with Israel and with the Palestinian Arabs. Source: Pew Research

J Street may well argue that they are concentrating on electing Democrats to Congress in order to combat that trend. However, the fact remains that this trend is going on at time that J Street is insisting on endorsing only Democrats, some with questionable pro-Israel credentials, for office.

Some echo chamber.

If indeed J Street acted under the guidance of the Obama Administration, not only backing the Iran deal but in general influencing American Jews rather than representing Jews in Washington -- J Street may well have served as a small scale echo chamber. J Street has successfully advocated and supported causes that were sometimes questionable and at other times actually detrimental to the cause of Israel.

Lee Smith notes in his article that the power of the Obama Administration echo chamber has been unplugged now that Obama is out of office.

That may be true.

But that is not going to stop J Street from continuing to try to follow the Obama White House directive to "move Jews."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

On Independence Day, UNESCO okays resolution denying Israeli claims to Jerusalem
The United Nation’s cultural body on Tuesday passed the latest in a series of resolutions that denies Israeli claims to Jerusalem, in a move both forcefully condemned by Israel and touted as a diplomatic feat due to the growing number of countries that opposed it.
Submitted to UNESCO’s Executive Board by Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar and Sudan, the resolution on “Occupied Palestine,” which indicates that Israel has no legal or historical rights anywhere in Jerusalem, was expected to pass, given the automatic anti-Israel majority in the 58-member body.
The vote, which coincided with Israel’s Independence Day, passed with 22 countries in favor, 23 abstentions, 10 opposed, and the representatives of three countries absent.
The 10 countries that voted against the resolution were the US, UK, Italy, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Greece, Paraguay, Ukraine, Togo, and Germany.
Its wording was slightly less harsh on Jerusalem than previous resolutions, in that it does affirm the importance of the city to the “three monotheistic religions.”
In the moments after the vote passed, Israel’s ambassador to UNESCO, Carmel Shama-Hacohen, draped in a large Israeli flag, addressed the meeting.
“Even now, after this miserable vote, this blue and white flag is flying high above the Temple Mount and throughout Israel’s eternal capital city, Jerusalem, waving in the wind, saying to all ‘here we are, and we are here to stay,'” Shama-Hacohen said.
“This biased and blatantly deceitful decision, and the attempts to dispute the connection between Israel and Jerusalem, will not change the simple fact that this city is the historic and eternal capital of the Jewish people,” Danon said in a statement. “Israel will not stand silently by in the face of this shameful resolution.”
Full text of May 2017 UNESCO resolution on ‘Occupied Palestine’
Ahead of UNESCO vote, Netanyahu says Jews closest to Jerusalem
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday harshly criticized a resolution by the UN’s cultural agency that seemingly rejects the Jewish state’s sovereignty over any part of Jerusalem, saying the measure ignores the strength Jewish people’s millennia-long bond to Israel’s capital city.
Speaking at the Bible Quiz held annually on Independence Day, Netanyahu said that despite the text of the resolution, Judaism has deeper roots in Jerusalem that any other religion.
“There is no other people in the world for whom Jerusalem is as holy and important as for the Jewish people, even though a meeting will take place at UNESCO today that will try to deny this historical truth,” he said.
“We denounce UNESCO and uphold our truth, which is the truth,” that “throughout Jewish history Jerusalem was the heart of the nation.”
UN Watch: UNESCO’s Anti-Israel Resolution Gets Least Votes Ever
UN Watch, a Geneva-based human rights NGO, condemned the “hijacking” of UNESCO’s agenda by the Palestinians and Arab states, after the agency’s 58-member board singled out Israel today for condemnation—the only nation to be criticized—as the Jewish state celebrated it 69th Independence Day.
“Israel lost the vote today, but it did score a small moral victory: despite reported fears that Germany’s negotiations with the Palestinians would erode support, Israel in the end won more votes than ever before, including from major democracies like the U.S., Britain, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch.
“The Palestinians at UNESCO are hemorrhaging support for their ritual anti-Israel resolution: last April they had 33 yes votes, then in October it was down to 24, and today it’s down to 22. The no votes increased substantially from 6 to 10.”
“And once again, India—an increasingly important friend and ally of Israel—has voted to abstain, showing that its recent break from decades of lockstep voting with the Arab states is now a fixed policy.”

Israel is something you have to experience in order to truly understand. This land is both less and much more than people tend to assume.

These are some of the things I learned living in Israel:

In Israel, I learned that “no” means “maybe.”

Rules are for the boring.

There always is a better way, there has to be a better way. It’s just a matter of finding it.

Stubborn isn’t a bad quality (necessarily). Neither is pushy. They are just ways to get things done.

In Israel, I learned that just because people complain doesn’t mean they aren’t happy. Loud doesn’t mean that people are angry. In Israel, loud means that people are passionate, that they care (it may not be what you care about but there is always passion about something).

Israelis love to criticize and complain about politics, the country, “the situation.” They say that there is too much division, prejudice etc. Looking around one discovers a society that is actually extraordinarily egalitarian, where anyone can succeed – if they are willing to work hard enough. Gender, age, race, cultural background, socioeconomic background, and religion are not barriers for those with the drive to succeed. Just ask Golda Meir, Karin Elharar, Rami Levi or Col. Rasan Eliyan.

In Israel, I learned not to “judge a book by its cover”. For example, an impressive looking restaurant is not a sign that it is good. The question is whether or not it is full of people. The person sitting next to you that is poorly dressed may be filthy rich or a Nobel Prize winner. You never know. Israelis always appreciate content, achievements over making sure things look nice. Or organized.

In Israel, I learned the true meaning of generosity. People will smother you with advice, give you the clothes off their back and food from their mouths. There is always room for one more at the table – “pull up a chair, take a plate” – it doesn’t matter that the plates may not match, what matters is being together.

In Israel, food means love. It means life. People whose grandparents starved feel most satisfied seeing other people eat. Lots means that you care. If bread isn’t still hot it’s not really fresh. Israeli food is really good. Especially our fresh fruit and vegetables. Coffee tastes better here too.

In Israel, strangers can become instant best friends and tell you their most private thoughts.

It’s not weird, they are just family you haven’t met before.

In Israel, children are loved. They should be seen and heard. The more, the better. Old people are also appreciated. Just seeing someone old makes Israelis happy, especially if they lucid and still active. Living is an achievement. Knowing that there are new generations, growing strong and free is a source of joy.

(I suppose that what happens when so many of your relatives have been murdered…)

In Israel, I learned that heroes don’t look like action figures. Often it is not their physique that is impressive, it is their strength of character. Interestingly, most true heroes object to being called heroic or even brave. They will tell you: “I just did what I had to do. What else could I do?”

I learned, as inexplicable as this sounds, that just because an Israeli defines him or herself as an atheist doesn’t mean they don’t believe in God or the necessity of the Jewish people to be a “light on to the nations.” They have different ways of explaining why this is so. The concepts are different but the bottom line is the same: morality, decency, personal responsibility, being judged by history.

I learned that miracles are real. They aren’t a thing of the past. Not burning bushes but miracles nonetheless, things that should have happened but didn’t. Things that defy all laws of nature and statistics – like Israel itself. There is no other explanation for this country.

Most of all I learned that other countries might be easier or more comfortable but there is no place like home.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, May 02, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Arab reaction to the Hamas document issued yesterday focuses on one specific point: Hamas' seeming break with the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood has become toxic, especially in Egypt but also in other Arab states like Jordan and Gulf states.

Hamas is trying to dissociate itself from the organization that it was originally a branch of (see the similarities of their logos) because it wants to be considered a legitimate representative of the Palestinian Arabs on par with the PA. Its association with Islamists was hurting that goal.

The document itself also reveals that Hamas is trying to appeal to the Arab world at large that has been ignoring it lately:
Palestine is an Arab Islamic land. It is a blessed sacred land that has a special place in the heart of every Arab and every Muslim.
Palestine is at the heart of the Arab and Islamic Ummah and enjoys a special status.
The Zionist project does not target the Palestinian people alone; it is the enemy of the Arab and Islamic Ummah posing a grave threat to its security and interests. It is also hostile to the Ummah’s aspirations for unity, renaissance and liberation and has been the major source of its troubles.
The liberation of Palestine is the duty of the Palestinian people in particular and the duty of the Arab and Islamic Ummah in general.
Hamas believes that the Palestinian issue is the central cause for the Arab and Islamic Ummah.

A number of Arabic articles are discussing whether Hamas is serious about this break or whether it is simply a trick to gain legitimacy.

While Hamas is intending to fool the Western world, its real aim is to regain the legitimacy it had in the Arab world only a few years ago.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, May 02, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the New York Times, May 14, 1948:

Other smaller newspapers also noted that Tel Aviv was bombed:

So what exactly happened?

The Palestine Post gave details:

Here is a stunning photo from a Life magazine photographer with the wreckage of the Egyptian plane downed, literally, on the Tel Aviv beach.

Here are other shots of the plane:

As Israel's Air Force flies over the nation today, remember that they are the ones that ensure that no one else can fly bombers over Israeli cities as they used to.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Tuesday, May 02, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

The Canadian Jewish Chronicle published this backgrounder on May 14, 1948. While the editors probably were just looking for generic material to fill the issue with, it is refreshing to see a history of Israel that accurately shows the entire breadth of the Jewish attachment to the land for 4000 years, and not a history that starts in the 19th century that subtly supports the Arab narrative of Jews as outsiders stealing the land.

This timeline, by contrast, shows a fairly decent history of how Jews have attempted and often succeeded in returning to Zion throughout the exile, as well as how the "anti-Zionists" of old tried to stop them and how some proto-Zionists helped them.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Monday, May 01, 2017

  • Monday, May 01, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

This is the part of the supposedly moderate Hamas "political document" that not only justifies murdering Israelis, but couches the murder of Israelis as a human right:
Resistance and Liberation:

24. The liberation of Palestine is the duty of the Palestinian people in particular and the duty of the Arab and Islamic Ummah in general. It is also a humanitarian obligation as necessitated by the dictates of truth and justice. The agencies working for Palestine, whether national, Arab, Islamic or humanitarian, complement each other and are harmonious and not in conflict with each other.

25. Resisting the occupation with all means and methods is a legitimate right guaranteed by divine laws and by international norms and laws. At the heart of these lies armed resistance, which is regarded as the strategic choice for protecting the principles and the rights of the Palestinian people.

26. Hamas rejects any attempt to undermine the resistance and its arms. It also affirms the right of our people to develop the means and mechanisms of resistance. Managing resistance, in terms of escalation or de-escalation, or in terms of diversifying the means and methods, is an integral part of the process of managing the conflict and should not be at the expense of the principle of resistance.
Yes, this is justification for bus bombings, rocket fire to civilian areas and stabbing random Jews.

But Hamas' main political rival, Fatah, believes the exact same thing.  From its 2009 political platform that has not been changed:

The liberation of the homeland is the central axis of the Fatah Movement’s struggle, including the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, as an inalienable right. This right cannot be lost by attrition since it was recognized and confirmed by the international community.... In the short run, it focuses on confronting the settlements, the judaization of Jerusalem, the siege imposed on our territories,  putting an end to the occupation of our cities and villages as a step towards achieving our strategic goals.

Fatah launched armed struggle, and other methods of legitimate resistance to liberate the homeland. Such a right is recognized by international law as long as the occupation of our land remains. ...

The Palestinian people’s right to practice armed resistance against the military occupation of their land remains a constant right confirmed by international law and international legality. However, the selection of struggle methods, in time and space depends on the capabilities of our people and our Movement.
The only differences between the Fatah and Hamas platforms is that Fatah says that sometimes it needs to use "peace" as a strategic option, while Hamas only says it may choose to "de-escalate" armed resistance. Fatah does add language claiming that it doesn't target civilians, a lie (it celebrates its attacks on civilians in the document itself as "legitimate resistance"). Hamas has claimed in the past that same lie, that it doesn't target civilians, but that lie did not make it into the political document.

Fatah makes it clear that its ultimate goal is the same as Hamas': to "liberate the homeland" which of course includes all of Israel, with a state in the territories as phase one. And Hamas says the same by saying that it would accept such a Palestinian state in the territories but by not emphasizing that its goal remains the same: from the river to the sea.

The media coverage of the Hamas document has not been as bad as I feared, although there is plenty to complain about. But there has been next to no coverage of the similar document issued by Mahmoud Abbas' movement. And the two documents are virtually identical.

And Fatah knows it:

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Col. Kemp, Gen. Molan: Where is world outrage over Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul?
On May 1, Israelis will observe Remembrance Day, honoring soldiers who fell in defense of the Jewish state, and victims of terrorism.
At an age when most teenagers are getting ready to go off to university or travel abroad, Israelis devote at least two to three years of their lives to defending and protecting their country, the only Jewish state, and by extension the West’s front line of defense in the global war against Islamic terrorism.
Two such soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of the State of Israel were Lt. Hadar Goldin and Sgt. Oron Shaul, who were killed in action by Hamas during Israel’s defensive 2014 war with the terrorist group, Operation Protective Edge.
On August 1, 2014, hours after a United Nations- and US-brokered humanitarian cease-fire between Israel and Hamas went into effect, Hamas terrorists emerged from a tunnel in Gaza, ambushed an IDF unit and killed Hadar, who was only 23 years old. Hamas then took his body and have been holding it hostage in Gaza since, treating it contemptuously as both a bargaining chip and an instrument to torment his family.
Shaul, who was only 20 years old at the time, was also killed by Hamas, when he left his armored personnel carrier to repair the vehicle and Hamas fired on his unit, killing him, and likewise taking his body and malignly holding it in Gaza.
Holding the bodies of soldiers killed in action and refusing their return to their next of kin for burial is a serious violation of the Geneva Conventions and international humanitarian law. As is using the soldiers’ bodies as bargaining chips, which Hamas continues to do.

David Collier: Stephen Sedley, FSOI and the PSC, getting antisemitism all mixed up
As I researched for an article about the demonstration and counter demonstration at SOAS on 27 April, I came across an essay on antisemitism by Stephen Sedley. Sedley is a former appeal court judge and the essay was just published in the London Review of Books. The essay dealt critically with the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism.
The building block for the IHRA definition reads:
“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.”
The definition was adopted by the UK government in December 2016, as part of an ongoing war against increasing levels of antisemitism. The IHRA definition logically accommodates a defence against ‘Israel as Jew’ manifestations of antisemitic activity. In turn anti-Israel activists, accused the government of ‘weaponising antisemitism‘.
What seems to be true is that antisemitism is being viewed as a serious battle and improved definitions are being deployed to fight against a defiant and flexible disease. So what on earth are some people doing trying to undermine these efforts?
The Sedley article is just the latest of a recent tsunami of attempts to discredit a newly deployed working formula. It is time to cast an eye on this dangerous strategy.
Does Anyone Here Care about Muslim Women?
The Palestinian Hamas terror movement recently banned Palestinians living under its control in the Gaza Strip from celebrating International Women's Day. Hamas dismissed a decision by the Palestinian Authority (PA) government in the West Bank to give all civil servants a day off on this occasion, arguing that International Women's Day was a "Western and foreign" event that is incompatible with Islamic traditions and teachings.
The Islamic movement also issued a warning to all public and private institutions in the Gaza Strip, including schools and universities, to refrain from marking the occasion.
Hamas's decision drew sharp criticism from many Palestinians, especially women's groups and human rights organizations, as well as the Palestinian Authority. The critics maintained that the ban was a sign of Hamas's disrespect for women and their contribution to Palestinian society.
The General Union of Palestinian Workers issued a statement in which it condemned Hamas's refusal to acknowledge and honor the role of Palestinian women. The statement said that Palestinian women have made huge sacrifices and contributed remarkably to the Palestinian labor force and the development of society.
The Hamas ban also angered many Palestinian men, who expressed outrage over the "humiliation" of Palestinian women. Fathi Tbail, a leading Palestinian journalist, commented: "I will celebrate International Women's Day, whether you (Hamas) like it or not. All you represent is retardation!"
But not all Palestinians were protesting the latest Hamas insult against Palestinian women. Take, for instance, Linda Sarsour.
Sarsour is a US-based supporter of sharia law and the anti-Israel BDS movement who chose, instead of condemning Hamas for cancelling International Women's Day, to spew her hatred against Israel and Zionism.


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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