Tuesday, June 21, 2016

  • Tuesday, June 21, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

As mentioned, the Palestinians and UNRWA try very hard to pretend that a significant number of worldwide refugees are Palestinian.

But when you dig only a little bit beneath the surface, you see that no one really believes it, and the only reason that Palestinian "refugees" are recognized as refugees by anyone is because the UN insists that they are.

Exhibit A, from a statement on World Refugee Day by the EU:
We call on all partners to strengthen the international framework for refugee protection and resettlement through global responsibility-sharing and solidarity.

Resettlement? No one is calling for Palestinians to be resettled! But if they are refugees, shouldn't they be included in the massive worldwide push to resettle refugees? Why aren't they?

Exhibit B, from the UNHCR annual report (which tries hard to include the pretense that Palestinians under UNRWA's definition of refugee are real):

True, this is a list of people under UNHCR's mandate; But look at the categories and how they apply to "Palestine":

They would claim to have about 2.5 million "refugees." But how many are seeking asylum? The question doesn't even make sense for Palestinians under PA control, it is only relevant to real refugees.

In fact, UNCHR says there are some 3.2 million refugees seeking asylum elsewhere. But virtually none of them are Palestinian, and the very few who do seek asylum are refugees from Syria or Gaza, escaping death from ISIS or Assad or Hamas - real refugees, not the fake ones who claim to be refugees from pre-1948 Palestine.

The very definition of asylum is "the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee." 

Refugees naturally want to seek asylum, right? But Palestinian "refugees" don't! So why are there essentially no UNRWA "refugees" seeking asylum elsewhere?

In fact, European countries would never consider "refugees" under UNRWA's definition to be eligible for asylum.  Their rules for accepting asylum are specific and apply only to those who are real refugees, e.g., those who have "a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group." - in other words, not Palestinians. 

World Refugee Day is a wonderful occasion to highlight how bogus the "refugee" status of Palestinians really is.

(h/t Irene)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Monday, June 20, 2016

From Ian:

A Dynamic Duo of Duplicity Hits Jerusalem
David Sheen, whose tweets about Jews and Judaism frequently resemble those of neo-Nazis and who once produced a video in which Judaism is said to “hate humans,” and Dan Cohen, who engaged in pro-Hamas propaganda from Gaza while in the territory with the terrorist group’s approval, did participate in this year’s Jerusalem Day march – in order to defame its participants.
Together they’ve produced a video for the hate site Mondoweiss entitled “Worship God by Nakba,” the supposed translation of a Hebrew chant shouted by teens during the march. Sheen and Cohen write that the chant calls for “the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.”
Unfortunately for Sheen and Cohen, however, some of their less credulous viewers understand Hebrew.
The teens in the video (10:15) are actually shouting “Worship God with rabak,” (עבדו את השם בראבק) a slang word that roughly means “great enthusiasm.” It is a take on Psalm 100:2, “Worship God with joy; come before Him with exultation,” which the teens are seen singing immediately afterward.
Sheen and Cohen portray this as a “call for ethnic cleansing.” That is, of course, a lie. (The pronunciation of בראבק. ba-rabak, leaves little question as to what they’re saying. בנכבה, be-Nakba, would both sound different and make no sense grammatically.)
In fact, the video is riddled with made-up translations.

JPost Editorial: Twitter and Hamas
If Osama bin Laden were alive today, would he have a Twitter account? There is a good chance he would, judging from the sorts of folks permitted to remain active on the online social networking service.
News of the horrific massacre of innocent restaurant- goers at Tel Aviv’s Sarona Market had barely broken when Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh took to Twitter to praise the murderers.
“One of the #TelAviv bomber heroes, mercy and light on the kindness of your soul,” the former Hamas prime minister tweeted in Arabic at 10:45 p.m. on June 8, alongside a picture of one of the attackers, “shot in the street.”
Haniyeh’s Twitter account has been active since March 2012, and has 314,000 followers.
And Haniyeh is not alone. Khaled Mashaal, Hamas’s leader, has had an account active since May 2015, now with 45,800 followers. The main Hamas Twitter page, active since October 2010, has 239,000 followers. It even has an English-language account to helpfully convey the organization’s support of shooting innocents at a shopping center, dubbing it “a natural response to Israeli crimes.”
Twitter has already taken significant steps to remove the Twitter accounts of Islamic State supporters. A study commissioned by Google Ideas and published by the Brookings Institution’s Project of US Relations with the Islamic World found that in 2014 and 2015, Twitter banned hundreds of accounts used by the most active IS supporters.
Google, Facebook must be held accountable for criminal content – justice minister
Large internet companies and content providers such as Facebook, Google and Twitter should be held accountable for criminal activity on their platforms, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked said at a conference in Tel Aviv on Monday.
“We need to acknowledge the fact that some very severe crimes are being conducted and incited through those platforms — such that there should be some measure of accountability” regarding the illegal activities and content that is published through their services, declared Shaked, who said these large internet companies were an “area of focus” for her ministry.
The Justice Ministry is working on draft legislation “to order a removal” of certain content from websites that incite to terrorism, and other legislation to curb specific content, like the distribution of child pornography, for example, she said. “In each case we are talking about content and websites that reach a particularly high threshold of criminal severity,” she added.

  • Monday, June 20, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al Soava is a set of sandy hills right outside Rafah that residents have turned into a recreation area. Kids fly kites and run up and down the dunes as families picnic.

Vendors go around selling toys, snacks and drinks for the people taking a break.  It is apparently the only open space easily accessible to residents of Rafah.

Hamas has started to flatten the dunes in order to give the land to its employees who haven't been paid for three years.

One Gazan complained bitterly, saying "Al Soava is park that dozens of families flock to a day. It is an escape from their homes, as most of them are poor, who cannot afford to go to the expensive beachfront chalets and cafeterias. These golden sands is the only place for fun and happiness for their children. "

That Gazan refused to give his name for fear of being arrested by Hamas.

Hamas is naming the new neighborhood "Attar," after Raed Attar, a top-ranking terrorist who was killed by Israel in August 2014.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, June 20, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

Sarah Leah Whitson is the Executive Director, Middle East and North Africa Division of Human Rights Watch. Sari Bashi is HRW's Israel/Palestine Director.

Today they met with Hanan Ashrawi of the PLO.

According to Ashrawi, they spoke about supposed Israeli violations of human rights. She praised HRW for "its ongoing work to expose Israel's deliberate violations of international humanitarian and international law."

The three discussed how best to gather evidence of Israeli crimes that would stand up to scrutiny at the International Criminal Court. They went on to talk about how they could cooperate in the future.

Ashrawi also told HRW that Palestinians are committed to human rights.

The PLO jails and exiles political opponents, it does not provide adequate protection for gays or Christians, it prosecutes people who eat in public on Ramadan, and it considers Jewish freedom of worship to be criminal.

There is no shortage of snarky tweets on the timelines of HRW employees cutting down such statements by politicians that are clearly lies. But the timelines of Whitson and Bashi are barren of any criticism of the Palestinian leadership. More telling, they did not mention a word about this meeting with Ashrawi, who was exposed only a couple of years ago as heading an NGO that said Jews drink Christian blood and that praised terrorists.

HRW's bias against Israel is well-documented by its own statements. But we also need to see what it doesn't say. It's silence about Palestinian violations of human rights, and its willingness to secretly collude with human rights violators just to gather more dirt (real or imagined) on Israel, shows exactly how little HRW really cares about human rights and how it is merely an NGO facade for a political group.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

PMW: Palestinian Authority espouses Hamas’ religious war ideology
The Palestinian Authority is teaching its population that the conflict with Israel is based on a religious ruling which is identical to a significant religious ruling of Hamas. This Islamic religious ruling holds that all the land of the State of Israel is an inalienable religious endowment - a waqf - of which it is "forbidden to relinquish a single grain of soil." This means that Palestinians are prohibited from accepting Israel's existence in any borders as that is violating the waqf.
This week, PA TV's daily Ramadan program Palestine in the Quran taught:
Head of the Waqf's Al-Aqsa Academy of Heritage and Antiquities Najeh Bakirat: "Every grain of soil in Palestine is ours. The status of Hebron is part of the status of Palestine, as it is an integral part of the Palestinian land, like the status of Nazareth in our eyes, and Haifa, and Jaffa, and Acre (i.e., all are cities in Israel). Every grain of soil in Palestine is part of the blessed Palestine, and holy Palestine which is a waqf (i.e., an inalienable religious endowment in Islamic law). Therefore it is forbidden to relinquish a single grain of its soil." [Official PA TV, Palestine in the Quran, June 11, 2016]
PA TV Ramadan lesson teaches that Islam prohibits Israel’s right to exist

Khaled Abu Toameh: "Selling a House to a Jew is a Betrayal of Allah"
The renewed campaign against Palestinians suspected of selling real estate to Jews is also part of the belief that the entire land is Muslim-owned, and no Muslim is entitled to give up even one inch of it to a non-Muslim. In other words, it is forbidden for a Muslim to sell his home or land to a Jew or Christian. This would be the nail in the coffin of any Palestinian leader who attempts to make any territorial compromise as part of a peace agreement with Israel.
This campaign has raised fears that Palestinians may resume extrajudicial executions of suspected land dealers.
"The land dealers should know that they would not be able to avoid earthly and life punishment. Not only will they not be buried in Islamic cemeteries, but their entire families will also be punished and it would be forbidden to marry or to deal in any way with their family members." — Palestinian National Work Commission in Jerusalem.
This campaign undermines Palestinians' long-standing claim that Jews "illegally seize" Arab-owned houses and land in Jerusalem. It seems that rather than illegal seizure, Jews have been paying willing Arabs cold hard cash for the properties.
Yair Lapid: The United Nations has lost it
The following is an edited version of a speech delivered by Yair Lapid to the Israel Law Center conference in Jerusalem.
The United Nation has lost it. When it comes to Israel the UN has lost credibility, lost common sense, and more than anything lost its most important asset – its integrity.
At the end of March, I stood in Geneva, with hundreds of protesters, wrapped in Israeli flags. We stood beneath the Broken Chair Monument which stands opposite the United Nations Human Rights Council. Inside, in the elegant hall, there was a debate, another debate, about Israel.
The UN Human Rights Council’s treatment of Israel strayed from the boundaries of legitimate criticism long ago. In the past decade the council has voted for 61 resolutions condemning human rights abuses across the world and 67 resolutions which condemned Israel.
Let me repeat that — The council has condemned Israel, a democratic country which upholds international law, more times than the rest of the world combined.
Israel is the only country on earth which warrants its own agenda item in the UN Human Rights Council. Agenda item 7 dictates that every time the council meets there will be a ‘discussion of the human rights situation in Israel’. This discussion happens irrespective of whether or not there have been reports of human rights violations. It happens without a factual examination of the complaints lodged by Palestinians, usually allies or members of the various terror organizations that are sworn to destroy Israel.

  • Monday, June 20, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today is World Refugee Day, and as they do every year, the fake Palestinian "refugees" are pretending to be real refugees.

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics released figures for the occasion. Out of all residents in the West Bank and Gaza, 41.6% are considered "refugees."

No one blinks at such absurdity.

If they are Palestinian and live in what the UN and their leaders call the State of Palestine, where exactly are they refugees from?

Moreover, the PCBS says that some 40% of all "refugees" live in Jordan.But the vast majority of them are full Jordanian citizens. So why are they considered "refugees"?

This is all before the question of why, alone among all "refugee" populations, Palestinians are the only ones whose refugee status is automatically renewed every generation.

There is no way under UNRWA's definition for Palestinians to lose their refugee status. Even if a peace plan would suddenly appear and the Palestinian leaders agree to stop  insisting on the fake "right to return", UNRWA would have no means to take them off the roles.

The "refugee" status is permanently bestowed upon all Palestinians until they somehow all cram back into their alleged ancestral homes, in the same villages. Because if you say that they can move to a neighboring village in Israel and no longer be considered refugees, then why can they not live as citizens of "Palestine" in Nablus as non-refugees?

The refugee issue is a thinly veiled attempt to destroy the Jewish state. It has nothing to do with real refugeehood and calling Palestinians refugees is an insult to the millions of real refugees who are truly suffering today. And UNRWA is fighting to get as much of the world's refugee relief budget as it can, causing real refugees to be even worse off.

Happy World Refugee Day.

UPDATE: The PLO Negotiations Affairs Department tweeted this:

I responded:

They then blocked me.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, June 20, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Hamas site Palestine Times:

A girl was shot at dawn on Monday while in her home west of the Tal al- Sultan area of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip.

According to our correspondent the 13 year-old was critically injured, after suffering a gunshot wound in her chest area, while sitting in her home.

She was transferred to the European Hospital east of Khan Yunis.

Security sources suggested that the source of the gunfire that hit the girl was from Egyptian territory, as there was ​​heavy fire on the Egyptian - Palestinian border.
Heavy fire on the border between Egypt and Gaza?

Al Quds adds that there are regularly police actions in Egyptian Rafah where Gazans hear gunfire and explosions, and more than once shells have landed on the Gaza side.

Just another aspect of the Middle East that no one hears about because Israel is not involved.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Monday, June 20, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Blood libel published in Turkish American News and many other places

This story has been published in dozens of Arab sites, and has spilled over into English sites as well:
An Israeli Rabbi, Shlomo Mlmad, the chairman of the so-called Council of Rabbis in West Bank settlements, had reportedly called on Israeli settlers to poison Palestinians through their water supply.

According to Israeli anti-occupation organization “Breaking the Silence”, the call for poisoning Palestinian water aim to push the Palestinians to leave their villages and pave the way for Israeli settlers to take over their lands.Israeli rabbis

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) has denounced the move as an incitment against Palestinian people.

“This is an incitement and a call for killing the Palestinians,” Wasil Abu Youssef, a member of the PLO Executive Committee, told Anadolu Agency on Sunday.

He said such opinions by Jewish rabbis “prove that Israel is not a real peace partner”.

“Dozens of similar orders were made by rabbis that called for killing Palestinians, robbing their lands and farmlands and destroying their property,” he said.
This is complete fiction. There is no "Rabbi Shlomo Mlmad" and no "Council of Rabbis in West Bank Settlements."

The story appears to have started from a video published in NRG last week that allegedly shows Breaking the Silence's Yehuda Shaul telling a group two years ago, in English,  that Jewish settlers poison the wells of Palestinians.

(Video below, sorry I couldn't stop it playing automatically.)

That blood libel by a supposedly Zionist Jew is bad enough, but he said nothing about a rabbinical decree.

The earliest mention of such a decree comes from the PLO itself. Not Hamas, not Iran, not even Fatah - but Israel's supposedly moderate peace partner.

Last Wednesday, the PLO's National Bureau for the Defense of the Land and to Resist the Settlements first reported this story, quoting this fictional Rabbi Mlmad from an alleged Channel 10 story a year ago.

If such a story was broadcast, it would have been all over the place.

So the source of the blood libel is the PLO itself, and then its Palestinian Authority subsidiary is now condemning a fiction that Mahmoud Abbas' people made up to begin with.

There is no moral difference between the PLO creating a blood libel of Jews poisoning wells and medieval antisemites claiming the same thing. Except now the rumors spread much more quickly. The news stories include photos of black-clad Jews as proxies for this imaginary 'rabbi."

Western governments and NGOs must pressure the PLO to retract and apologize for their overt and explicit antisemitism. Unfortunately, the West hardly ever even acknowledges it.

UPDATE: The EU-funded Ma'an published this as well.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

  • Sunday, June 19, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the PLO Negotiations Affairs Department Twitter account:

The "Palestinian Revolt of 1929" is the heroic term that the current Palestinian leadership - including CNN darling Saeb Erekat, who heads the PLO-NAD - gives to the massacre of over 100 Jews throughout the land of Israel in 1929.

Even according to Palestinian histories, the worst crime they can accuse the Jews of was putting up a temporary screen at the Kotel between male and female worshipers on Yom Kippur of 1928, something which had been done in previous years. So, of course, they had to start stabbing Jews to death in Hebron, Jerusalem, Safed and elsewhere in 1929.

In Arabic, it was never called the "Palestinian Revolt" because the Arabs who rioted did not call themselves Palestinians. Instead, it was known as the "Buraq Revolution," Buraq being the name they give the Western Wall over the past century. So besides glorifying the murders of Jews as a heroic revolt, the PLO is renaming the massacre to make it sound like it was a "Palestinian" issue.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Sunday, June 19, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
In Nablus, two men were arrested and sentenced to a month in jail for drinking alcohol while driving a car.

But they were not arrested for drunk driving.

They were arrested and sentenced for "publicly breaking the Ramadan fast."

The Magistrate's Court of Nablus, in handing down the sentence, stressed "the obligation to pursue violators of the sanctity of the holy month" and recommended that judicial authorities be vigilant both about violations of the law as well as about "assault on the sensibilities of Muslim fasters."

Also in Nablus, three people were arrested for eating and smoking behind a vegetable market. Police caught them red-handed and arrested them on charges of breaking the fast publicly.

The Nablus police chief warned all citizens against violating the sanctity of the holy month of Ramadan, warning that anyone who breaks the fast before sundown will go to prisom.

In Tulkarem, another man was arrested for smoking in public during the day. That case is being referred to the public prosecutor in that town.

The police in Tulkarem issued a statement saying that they will not allow anyone to violate the sanctity of the holy month of Ramadan, saying they have taken security measures to ensure the right of all citizens to maintain a spiritual atmosphere during the month.

Imagine the outcry if Israel would enforce similar laws during Jewish fast days, like the one coming up July 24, which is similar to Ramadan in the sense that it is from dawn to nighttime. If Israel would arrest people for eating in public it would be widely derided as a theocratic state with no respect for the human rights of non-Jews or non-religious Jews.

But when the Palestinian Authority does it, it is merely that that they are protecting the venerable traditions of their people and the alleged human rights of the religious Muslims not to be offended.

Amazing how in both cases, human rights are invoked to realize opposite results.

Equally amazing is that the hypocrites who hold these contradictory positions have no qualms about it.

If Jews tried to eat a meal at that spot, it would cause an international outcry about their "desecration."

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

1974 Ma’alot Massacre – My search for the brother and sister in the iconic photo
As Legal Insurrection readers know, my recent trip to Israel was intended to give me a chance to meet and help document the stories of the victims of the recent so-called Knife or Stabbing Intifada, such as the family of Yaakov Don.
Because my trip was cut short from two weeks to three days due to a family health emergency, I didn’t get to meet any of the victims or their families.
I also intended to document the victims of past terrorism, as I did in 2015 when I met with a survivor of the 1971 rocket attack on a school bus at Moshav Avivim, and the families of Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner, killed in the 1969 supermarket bombing masterminded by Rasmea Odeh.
In particular, I planned on focusing on the Ma’alot Massacre, the May 1974 takeover of a school in the northern Israeli town of Ma’alot by Palestinian terrorists who infiltrated from Lebanon. Of the over 100 hostages, 25 were killed including 22 students.
Chloe Valdary: 21st Century Zionism: The Importance of Place & Homeland in Popular Culture
As a Tikvah Fellow at the Wall Street Journal, I’ve spent the last 9 months researching the world of pro-Israel advocacy in the campus space — namely what works, what doesn’t, and how to make it better. What I’ve discovered in part is that we as a community don’t understand what Zionism actually is. We reduce this philosophy — to which there have been many contributions from an array of philosophers and thought leaders — to discussions about UN resolutions and media bias. But this is not the sum and substance of Zionism; the ideas at the core of Zionism have nothing to do with the BDS movement or other anti-Israel campaigns. Instead, Zionism is defined by concepts that inform the way we as human beings create meaning in our lives and shape a sense of identity. These tendencies are found in every society and are, in addition to being particularly Jewish, profoundly human. My comments below explore just how much the Zionist idea is found in the way we express ourselves in today’s popular culture.
When discussions about Israel arise in our inner circles, we often take the concept of “homeland” for granted. We reduce “homeland” to something that exists purely for political purposes — something to be divided or retained as Oslo, or American policymakers see fit.
Yet a homeland is not simply a pile of dirt and dust that exists to do the bidding of foreign diplomats. It is a physical space that plays a prominent role in the flourishing of a community. It satisfies that community’s need for rootedness — a concept central to the productive development of one’s identity. In many cultures, a homeland should not be held in high esteem merely for the sake of utility, (the production of goods and services), but for the cultivation of the community ontologically speaking, and for the sanctity of the individual who understands that he or she belongs to something: A place, A people, a history, and therefore a purpose and a destiny.
Islamist Apologetics
The Arab Spring was hailed as a movement that would finally bring democracy to the Middle East and an end to authoritarian rule from Tunisia to Syria. But as is often the case in the region, disappointment was swift to follow. In Egypt, the first free elections in 2012 brought to power the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood and President Mohamed Morsi. But after only one year, the Egyptian people demanded he step down and called on the army for a coup to retake the country from the Islamists. This history encapsulates the tensions between Islamists and secularists in the democratic process, which is the topic of Shadi Hamid’s latest book, Islamic Exceptionalism: How the Struggle Over Islam Is Reshaping the World.
Hamid, a senior fellow in the Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, ends his book with a discussion of the dynamics between liberalism and Islamism in the Middle East, and the difficult democratic process after a revolution. He explains how democracy is struggling to gain ground in the region because the people often elect Islamists, which causes liberals to revolt and stage a coup. Islamist participation in the democratic process is polarizing because of the fears that it provokes (although Hamid doesn’t seem to think these fears are legitimate). This leads him to an interesting and thoughtful discussion of how to draft a constitution, who should write it, how much public involvement there should be, and how to craft nonnegotiable “supraconstitutional principles,” like our Bill of Rights, that limit what a democratic majority can do. This is a useful reflection on the complications inherent to the region because of its religious history and the relatively recent introduction of secular government there in the 20th century.
Hamid’s titular goal, to point out how Islam is “exceptional,” is also helpful in understanding Islam’s relationship to the law and the state. He spends the first part of the book explaining that Islam is fundamentally different from both Judaism and Christianity in its relationship to the state and governance. Christianity, he argues, didn’t have a “positive conception of divinely mandated governance,” because its founder, Jesus, was a dissident, while Judaism had a similar body of laws as Islam, but not the context for governing (Jews lived under non-Jewish rule for eighteen hundred years). Islam, on the other hand, is a juridical religion created to dictate every aspect of life, and was founded by Mohamed, who became the head of a state. Thus, unlike Judaism, Islam had both the body of law, and the context to implement those laws—until the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1923. This discussion is important in understanding politics in the Middle East, especially in the wake of the Arab Spring.

Jewish Americans are split on the question of Arab-Muslim immigration into the United States.

As the children of immigrants it is exceedingly difficult for us, from an ethical standpoint, to oppose the immigration of others into the United States. This is particularly true given the history of Jews in Europe during the middle of the last century.

The immigration question is largely partisan within American politics.

The Right tends to be wary of Muslim and Latino immigration into the country, when not in outright opposition, while the Left is generally willing to fling open the doors to whomever may come.

As someone concerned about the well-being of the Jewish people, however, it seems to me not unreasonable to be cautious. The scale of migration out of the Middle East that we are seeing today is somewhat comparable to the mass migrations that we saw following World War II.

It will, in fact, change the nature western societies, particularly in Europe.

Many Americans are concerned about Latino illegal immigration. As a Californian, I can tell you, that my neighbors tend to be concerned about gang activity, the prospect of rising crime, housing prices, and the economic hit that the tax-base will take in order to integrate the immigrant population into the schools and the medical facilities and so forth.

I am not.

What concerns me is that a Jihadi just killed about fifty people in Orlando, Florida, and all the Left can talk about is the NRA and Donald Trump.

As I wrote on Israel Thrives in response to a comment by Empress Trudy:
Can we, or should we, as the children of hounded immigrants deny the rights of other immigrants to come to the United States and enjoy "the blessings of liberty" as the Jewish people were able to do?

It's a sticky point, isn't it?

We are the children of immigrants, after all.

In fact, obviously, the US is a country of immigrants with the exception of Native-Americans.

So, if we wish to keep Jihadis out of the country we face an ethical dilemma.

Given Jewish history in the 20th century, it tends to be difficult for us to make the argument against immigration.

What I would insist upon, I guess, is a recognition of the fact that Islamic immigration is largely an anti-Semitic immigration - given polling data from the region - and therefore as a matter of basic common sense, and self-preservation, we are under no ethical obligation to support it.
It seems to me that there are two things that American Jews, and our friends, need to acknowledge.

The first is that the rise of political Islam is the single most significant international political happening since the demise of the Soviet Union and the second is that the gun control issue is a "red herring" when it comes to the issue of American Jihad.

Political Islam

We must recognize that political Islam is a very serious international political movement that represents a direct threat to the Jewish people and the secular West.

The Right seems to recognize this, but the Left does not.

In fact, the failure of the progressive-left to acknowledge the significance, or even existence, of political Islam represents a terrible and hypocritical form of bigotry. The "anti-racist" Left, I would argue, is the most racist political movement in Europe and the United States, outside of political Islam, today.

We call it Humanitarian Racism and it is a form of racism that presumes that "people of color," particularly Arab-Muslim men, are so "backward" and so deformed by western imperialism that they cannot be held to any standards of contemporary human decency. So, for example, if Arab parents and Arab media encourage their children to run out into the streets of Israel with hand-axes for the purpose of chopping down the first Jew that they see, we're supposed to believe that this is the fault of those Jews.

This is Humanitarian Racism and it is the prominent form of bigotry in the contemporary West.

The hypocrisy, of course, is profound.

If a Jewish kid wears dreadlocks at San Francisco State University he get accused of "cultural appropriation."

However, if Arab kids call for the genocide of the Jews via calls for "Intifada! Intifada! Long live the Intifada!" they are told by SFSU president, Leslie Wong, that they represent the very best of what the university stands for.

Gun Control, Orlando, and Immigration

It is reasonably obvious that Americans are going to have their handguns for home defense and their rifles and shotguns for shooting woodland creatures of various sorts. 

The American Left, which used to represent my political hom, wants to argue that Orlando is about gun control.

It is not.

Orlando is about a violent political trend within the Muslim community that goes back at least to the 1920s with the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Cairo. 

Some, for good reason, would argue that it actually goes back to Mohammad in the 7th century with his suggestion that Muslims should strike at the neck of the kuffars, the infidels. And although Omar Seddique Mateen was a native-born American with Afghani roots, the Orlando shooting points to the question of Arab-Muslim immigration into the United States because of the Jihadi inclinations of a significant percentage of its population.

This is not to argue that gun control is unnecessary, but merely to suggest that the Democratic Party is using gun control as a deflection of the real issue, the Jihad, which Democrats refuse to discuss lest they end up pointing the trembling finger of blame at one another while screaming from the hillsides "racist!"

We can never honestly face the Jihad, much less defeat it, if we cannot bring ourselves to discuss it.

The American Right seems comfortable enough discussing what is, in fact, a major international threat - just ask any freshly raped woman in Sweden - while those in the American Left would rather have root canal surgery than so much as breathe the words "radical Islamic terrorism."

There is a grand hypocrisy at work here.

The western-left claims to be "anti-racist" and yet represents the most racist political movement throughout Europe and the United States today with the sole exception of political Islam. The contemporary form of this racism is not entirely different from white western nineteenth-century imperial notions of "white man's burden."  Smug and self-righteous white western leftists look upon their "little brown brothers" with benevolent contempt.

They honestly have such a low opinion of non-white people that they feel they must indulge any and all wrong-doing - up to and including the slaughter of around 50 people in an Orlando nightclub for the purpose of enforcing Sharia - as the fault of the US government for not rounding up guns. Or as the fault of a generalized, free-floating hatred for Gay people within American society. Or as the fault of right-wing "Islamophobia" which drives some Muslims into murderous fits of rage.

The truth is that most Muslims have no particular interest in waging Jihad or slaughtering their Gay neighbors. But, nonetheless, there is a trend within Islam that is highly traditionalist and that despises Gay people, Jewish people, non-Muslims, in general, and that believes that women should live their lives within a potato sack.

That trend is known as al-Sharia and it resides directly within the heart of the faith.

Michael Lumish is a blogger at the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular contributor/blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under.

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