Monday, January 06, 2014

UNRWA workers are on strike in the West Bank.


Because when you live in a culture that says that the world owes you everything for free, you believe it.

Demonstrations were held on Monday for the second day in a row in Bethlehem in protest against policies of the UN's Palestine refugee agency as one of 27 hunger strikers was taken to the hospital.

An UNRWA employee was taken to the hospital as five local employees continued their hunger strike for the fifth day running in protest of the termination of their contracts.

They held signs saying "the termination of the contracts of 50 employees is a great crime," "UNRWA employees union is the first line of defense for the issues of refugees," and "No to the systematic reductions policy," among others.

The hunger strikers called for their reinstatement at their places of work and demanded their full rights.

A member of the UNRWA Arab employees' union Ibrahim Hamdan said that "the UNRWA administration terminated the contracts of the hunger strikers after 10-12 years of employment."

"These employees must be given fixed contracts, and not dismissed," he said.

There are 27 UNRWA employees on hunger strike in the West Bank, from 55 whose contracts were terminated, and Hamdan said the UNRWA is responsible for their health.

Gunness told Ma'an on Thursday that the employees who were on hunger strike were temporary employees whose contracts were not renewed. The funding that provided those employees with salaries had been cut from $40 million to $25 million, he said.

UNRWA advertised 27 job openings after the layoffs took place, but "those on hunger strike did not apply," Gunness said.

The employees were aware that their positions were "never permanent. ... It seems a bit strange to go on hunger strike for that reason."
Notice the language used by the protesters - they use the language of "rights" because that is the only rhetoric they know, from years of insisting on "rights" that don't exist anywhere else.

Only with such a twisted view of the world can these people claim that temporary jobs give them the right to full employment with full medical benefits and higher salaries than their neighbors.

Yes - that is one of their demands:

[Union leader] Mahmoud Hamdan added that employees were calling for a fixed exchange rate to be applied to their basic salary to a assure a steady income.

Meanwhile, the Palestinian workers' union said in a statement that the crisis in Gaza was partially due to UNRWA's policies, without elaborating.

In response to the strike, UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunness said in a statement that the agency's "staff are paid over twenty per cent above the equivalent salaries in the Palestinian Authority. This is in accordance with our salary policy, which aims to keep our staff paid at the same rate or above PA equivalent."
Meanwhile, the "Popular Committees" in the camps - staffed by self-appointed "leaders" - are also protesting and shutting down services, because they say they are supposed to get paid by the PA.

A spokesman for the popular committees in the West Bank refugee camps, Imad Abu Simbel, said that the committees closed their offices and halted services on Monday in protest against UNRWA policies and the government's failure to transfer funds to them for the last three years.

"The directors of the committees took this step in response to the negligent policies of UNRWA and because government has not transferred the earnings of the committees for three years," Abu Simbel told Ma'an.

"It seems that the government is uninterested in ending the suffering of refugees in West Bank camps, through pressuring the UN or even transferring the earning of popular committees," Abu Simbel added, "as if camps are not part of the nation."
These self-serving committees are defining themselves as being the camps themselves!

There is an entire fake nation filled with people who only take, take and take some more, who literally believe that the world owes them free housing, medical care, schooling and guaranteed employment. The PA does nothing to dispel these demands, and indeed it fuels them - after all,  it demands outside funding to prop itself up.

In the 20 years since Oslo, an entire generation of high-tech entrepreneurs could have been raised. The Muslim world could be relying on Palestinian Arab tech expertise, done remotely. Petrodollars could have been pouring in to create an economy that isn't based on bureaucracy, tons of international NGOs, and 19th century agriculture and construction techniques.

Not only has this not happened, but  there are no major plans to do this in the next 20 years.

I have yet to see an op-ed in a Palestinian Arab paper that tells its people to grow up and start to actually work at state-building and taking responsibility. No, all you see is more whining about how awful everything is and it is the fault of someone else (usually Israel, but it could be Hamas, or the West, or Egypt, or anyone besides themselves.)

A state with such a mindset would collapse in about a week without being propped up by other countries. It would descend into chaos and violence in no time. It doesn't take clairvoyance to see this happening.

But the creation of such a doomed state is a vital world priority.

For "peace."
From Palestinian Media Watch:

Syrian TV host: "When they talk about [the US] imposing a solution, we know that it will be deficient."

Member of Fatah Central Committee Abbas Zaki: "You can relax. We find ourselves united for the first time. Even the most extreme among us, Hamas, or the fighting forces, want a state within the '67 borders. Afterward, we [will] have something to say, because the inspiring idea cannot be achieved all at once. [Rather] in stages."

[Official Syrian Satellite TV Channel, Dec. 23, 2013]

The "phased plan" to destroy Israel was spelled out by the PLO in 1974, and has never been rescinded.

And there is evidence that Mahmoud Abbas subscribes to it as well.

From Ian:

Khaled Abu Toameh: Israeli Arabs: We Do Not Want to Live in Palestinian State
It is much easier for Palestinians to accuse Israel of racism than to admit they do not want to be part of a Palestinian state.
"This is an imaginary proposal that relates to the Arabs as if they were chess pieces that could be moved around according to the wish of the players." — Ahmed Tibi, Member of Knesset.
If the Arab Knesset members are so worried about becoming citizens of a Palestinian state, they should be working toward integration into, and not separation from, Israel, and listening more to their constituents rather than the voices of Fatah and Hamas.
Palestinian Terror Education: Funded by U.S. Taxpayers
A ninth-grade PA textbook indoctrinates students into martyrdom. In an exercise where students are asked to connect two sentence, a correct answer links the phrase “Morning of glory and red redemption, nourished by the blood of Martyrs” with the concept of “hope for the liberation of Palestine.”
When UNRWA promotes such sentiments, UNRWA schools violate children’s basic right to protection from harmful influence. The question remains: Will US citizens file complaints against UNRWA with Congress and with the courts, or will US citizens let this kind of US-funded education for terror continue unabated?
The Palestinians want to dance at two weddings
Abbas can’t dance at two weddings at the same time, nor can he have his cake and eat it. If he is declaring a Palestinian state based on Resolution 181, and if he genuinely wants a peaceful settlement, he must acknowledge the Jewish state called for in the Resolution.
The State of Israel is not changing its official name, even if it is, in the words of the Balfour Declaration, “a national home for the Jewish people.” It is totally different from the case with Muslim countries.
At least four countries -- Afghanistan, Iran, Mauritania, Pakistan, -- officially term themselves “Islamic Republics.” Even the Palestinian Basic Law of 2003 touches on the issue. Article 4 says, “Islam is the official religion in Palestine…Islamic Sharia shall be a principal source of legislation.”

  • Monday, January 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
CiFWatch looked at The Guardian's style guide and found this:

Israeli Arabs who live - or move - into neighborhoods across the Green Line cannot be considered settlers - only Jews can!

And there are, indeed, Israeli Arabs who live across the Green Line - including many who moved there from other parts of Israel!

Only Jews can be "illegal settlers." Only Jews must be evicted from their homes en masse. Only Jews can violate international law. Which is pretty much the definition of antisemitism.

We've seen this type of double standard before. In 2012, Israel announced new building on the other side of the Green Line - but only the Jewish neighborhoods were condemned by the EU, not the Arab neighborhoods being built by Israel at the exact same time.

However, this definition makes this racist double standard official.

Judea and Samaria must be Judenrein, in the conventional wisdom of the enlightened West,and the people who hate the idea of Jews having  rights to live there won't let little things like double standards and antisemitism stop them.

In the case of the Guardian, the antisemitism is there for everyone to see, in black and white.

It's the latest "style."

(h/t Yoel)

  • Monday, January 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
In 2012, as the Syrian civil war raged, Hamas moved its headquarters out of Damascus.

Khaled Meshal moved his offices to Doha, and his deputy Abu Marzouk moved to Cairo.

Now it looks like Egypt is not going to tolerate Hamas' presence there for much longer.

Egypt, which has labeled the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization and has accused Hamas of complicity in some Sinai terror attacks, is reportedly considering expelling Abu Marzouk. Hamas is expecting to be kicked out, and is considering either consolidating its offices in Doha or movng Abu Marzouk to Gaza, which is seen as less likely.

A few months ago there were rumors that Hamas' position in Qatar was similarly threatened, and that it was considering moving to Khartoum, as the Arab world has become less tolerant of an organization that was flying high only a year ago.

  • Monday, January 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
A group of children in a Palestinian village south of Tulkarem have taken the unprecedented step of writing a letter directly to the United Nations in a bold attempt to win back their soccer ball from Israeli occupation authorities.

The children in the village of Kafr Sur sent the letter to Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon via social media, asking him to intervene after the ball fell into lands confiscated by Israeli authorities to build the separation barrier through their village.

The campaign began after a local youth named Amir was playing soccer in the village and kicked the ball too far, hitting it into an area in the village under Israeli military control and beyond barbed wire, according to municipality head Imad Zibda.

The group of children spoke to Ma'an on Saturday, explaining that the Israeli occupation had impinged on their rights by not allowing them to retrieve their ball, which had disappeared behind the barbed wire of the separation barrier.

Ma'an helpfully publishes five staged photos of the kids playing soccer (somehow, they managed to find another ball for the photographer.)

When did the incident occur? Did the kids ask to get the ball back? We don't know, because the point of the story isn't facts, but propaganda.

They stressed that they have the right to play in their own lands without any restrictions. They expressed their fear that the ball would never be returned because it had fallen on the other side of the barbed wire. 
They feared that all of the lands that had been confiscated from the village would suffer a similar fate, they added.
Really? No prompting from any adults to come up with perfect anti-Israel quotes for the media?

Arabic reports do mention that it was an adult's idea to write to the UN and disseminate this story on social media.  The letter is clearly written by an adult in a child's voice, starting off with "We are a group of children in Kafr Sur who collected a sum of money by ourselves and bought a football for the exercise of our right to play like other children." Yeah, kids say stuff like that all the time.

Clearly the adults in town found that this is a media-friendly story and ran with it to make a soccer ball into an international incident, with the helpful collusion of Arab media. Now they are just waiting for it to go viral, and given how much people hate Israel, the chances are very good it will.

Indeed, a version of this story was played out, virtually, in 2009, to worldwide headlines.

The Israeli company Cellcom made a popular commercial then showing this same scenario. Look at how the IDF responds there:

The tagline is "We all just want to have fun." The company said the commercial was about overcoming obstacles.

At the time, the Israel haters made their own version, with the IDF responding to a soccer ball with tear gas and gunshots:

That episode showed very clearly which side actually wants to live together with the other side in peace and which side will take every opportunity to demonize the Other. The Israeli commercial humanizes the Palestinian Arabs; the PalArab response demonizes Israelis.

Can you imagine the outcry if an Israeli had made a commercial showing the soccer ball returning to the Israeli side as a shrapnel-filled bomb? That is the equivalent of the second ad - but only one side is expected and encouraged  to hate.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

  • Sunday, January 05, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Egyptian authorities seem to enjoy jerking around Gaza solidarity activists.

On January 2, after a number of days of pleading, Egyptian authorities allowed an Italian delegation (with the name "never forget the right of return") to enter Gaza through the Rafah crossing, even as it kept that crossing closed for actual Gazans.

The Italians had a wonderful time mugging for the cameras and doing nothing to actually help any Gazans. (Yes, they pretended to bring in some token "medical supplies.")

On Saturday, this same delegation was barred from leaving Gaza. They spent three hours at Rafah and the Egyptians said they did not make the proper request to leave, so they are stuck.

Meanwhile, "Miles of Smiles" attempted their 24th visit to Gaza - and were also promptly barred by the Egyptians.

Of course, regular Gazans are banned from travel. Rafah has opened sporadically over the past four months but even when it is open the number of people allowed to leave is very small.

Still, no outraged op-eds, no UN resolutions and no NGOs condemning Egypt's capricious and near-total siege of Gaza.

  • Sunday, January 05, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is a synopsis of the debate at St. James Church last night, about Israel's separation barrier, which really says all you need to know,  From "amie" in the comments section of Harry's Place:

Alan Johnson of Bicom spoke brilliantly; cogently articulating the case for the wall as a security issue. His rhetorical devices were masterly, as he spoke of the realities of the actual wall as against the never never world of the pretend wall, which in turn facilitated the calcification of the intellectual wall which refused to recognise the reality of the need for the real wall.

He cited famous harrowing instances of bombing and terror.

He showed graphs of how the level of terror decreased dramatically after the wall.

He cited last week's abortive bus bombing where the terrorists had got through a breach in the wall, from Bethlehem.

When he finished, (to a good round of applause from the substantial pro Israel presence there.)

Jeff Halper, the next speaker, opened his mouth wide and bellowed: This wall has NOTHING to do with security.

And without his having to say a single thing more to back up or verify this bellow, the hall erupted into cheers and applause.

I watched two attractive young women behind me as their faces broke into delighted beaming smiles of relief, clapping wildly. Without more, everything they had invested in, momentarily in danger of panicky disturbance by Johnson was reassuringly reinstated by this single, unsubstantiated bellow.

...Halper just shouted total outrageous lies, that Israel was killing children with chemicals which melted their insides, (White Phosphorus again?) and with weapons with whirling blades which shredded them. All to wild cheers.
  • Sunday, January 05, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon

Saeb Erekat - so moderate in English, so crazy in Arabic.Original post here.
From Ian:

The end of dhimmitude
We are now witnessing one of the most dramatic developments in the historic configuration of relations among Jews, Christians and Muslims. Christians in Israel’s Galilee are courageously promoting their pre-Islamic non-Arab identity as an old-new collective Aramean/Aramaic-speaking Oriental narrative. This is a cultural and political game-changer with revolutionary significance, for Israel, the Middle East and the global scene.
Under the leadership of Father Gabriel Nadaf, an Orthodox priest from Yafia near Nazareth, and Shadi Khalloul, a Maronite activist and army reserve officer from Gush Halav, the Christian Recruitment Forum has been established. While all non-Jews in Israel, excepting the Druse and Circassians, are exempt from the military draft, a new promotional effort has been undertaken to further encourage Christian youth to voluntarily enlist. This initiative expresses both a desire to serve the state and integrate into Israeli society, conveying that Christians are committed to the security and welfare of the Jewish state of Israel.
London "Peace" Festival Organized by Terrorism Advocates
Interpal was an inaugural member of the Union of Good, a coalition of charities that manages the financial support required by Hamas for its terrorist activities.
These links, which have been comprehensively detailed before, include recent Palestinian news footage showing Interpal's primary trustee, Essam Mustafa, attending a press conference hosted by Hamas to honor Interpal's work.
Interpal's other trustee, Ibrahim Hewitt, has referred to the "so-called Holocaust." In a pamphlet written by Hewitt, 'What Does Islam Say,' he advocates the killing of apostates and adulterers, and demanded that homosexuals suffer "severe punishments" for their "great sin."
Richard Millett: Israel’s “beautiful resistance” to suicide bombers: A response to Lucy Winkett
Moreover, St James’s Church’s Bethlehem Unwrapped festival has attracted antisemites, Holocaust deniers, those campaigning for the destruction of Israel and those who condone violence to that end.
This may not have been St James’s Church’s intention but this is what has happened and for this Rector Winkett should apologise to Britain’s Jewish community which is bearing the main brunt of the backlash.
The biggest irony is that St James’s Church itself is protected by a security fence; a tall metal fence that contains a locked door. When the door is unlocked it is heavily guarded. Some may call this a checkpoint.

After my latest takedown of the NYT's Roger Cohen was published on Algmeiner, he sent out two tweets. One linked to Mondoweiss attacking him from the crazy Left:

And the next linked to mine:

He obviously doesn't understand why I say "Palestinian Arabs" instead of "Palestinians," which is something Menachem Begin used to be particular about. And I didn't do any real research for the piece beyond what I had already done for years. Which means that, in effect, Cohen is admitting that I posted stuff he was unaware of - as I wrote in the piece.

Also, by putting my post and Mondoweiss' next to each other, Cohen is being self-congratulatory that since he is being attacked from both sides the truth must be in the middle where he thinks he is, which is a rather poor assumption.

(h/t DE)

  • Sunday, January 05, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The EU continues to ignore the Oslo Accords and to actively work to grab as much land in Area C as possible and give it to Palestinian Arabs without coordinating with Israel.

Here's a new initiative.

Innocuously called the "Land and Water Development Programme," here are its objectives:

The global objective of this Call for Proposals is to promote social and economical development in the 'Area C' of the West Bank through supporting agriculture growth and profitability.

The specific objective of this Call for Proposals is to enhance the access to and the utilization of land and water.

The priority-components of the Action/project that will stem from this Call for Proposals are:

  1.  land reclamation of non-utilized agricultural lands (including rangeland reclamation).The activities related to land reclamation under this Call for Proposals, will be of the kind of 'heavy reclamation works', such as land levelling, building or rehabilitating of retaining walls, etc. The 'light reclamation works’, such as ploughing, fencing, planting seedlings or intercropping, etc., will be the responsibility of the farmers and/or of their associations or cooperatives;
  2. rehabilitation of agriculture roads to facilitate access to markets, inputs, equipment and services.The rehabilitation of agriculture roads will be carried out with the purpose of improving productivity and competitiveness;
  3. increase water availability for agricultural purposes (rehabilitation or construction of rainwater harvesting cisterns, community-reservoirs, small dams, steel water tanks, rehabilitation of wells and springs, water conveyance systems, etc.) and,
  4. capacity development to farmers' associations/cooperatives to strengthening their management skills, including women's empowerment initiatives, and improving agriculture practices, in particular, the development and adoption of good practices in water demand management.
Besides pre-determining the outcome of negotiations, the EU is also ignoring its own positions. If Israel is the legal occupier of Area C, then it is the party responsible for governmental functions like land registration, digging wells, building roads and so forth. By the EU ignoring Israeli responsibilities for the area, it is - ironically - not recognizing Israel as the occupier under international law.

The EU, quoting the PA's "Agriculture Sector Strategy 2011-2013," says this initiative is meant to "Promote farmers' perseverance and attachment to their land and retention of their occupations - Palestinian farmers’ adherence and attachment to their land is one of the most important components of resisting the occupation and settlement activity."


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