Tuesday, August 27, 2013

  • Tuesday, August 27, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Most media didn't mention this, but this sentence in the Washington Post about the funeral procession in Qalandiya yesterday pretty much says it all:
As members of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades fired automatic weapons in the air, a local Muslim cleric told the mourners that “the Israelis don’t want peace. They want to shed our blood.”
In fact, raw video of the procession shows a large masked Al Aqsa Brigades contingent, firing lots of weapons and trying to look tough:

The end of this video shows how reporters love to take romantic shots of the gunmen, with one of the terrorists even doing a sort of pirouette, fashion-model style, to ensure that the footage looks more dramatic:

Remember, this Fatah terror group was supposedly dismantled in 2008.
  • Tuesday, August 27, 2013
From Ian:

In Syria, America Loses if Either Side Wins
Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that the use of chemical weapons in attacks on civilians in Syria last week was undeniable and that the Obama administration would hold the Syrian government accountable for a “moral obscenity” that has shocked the world’s conscience.
In some of the most aggressive language used yet by the administration, Mr. Kerry accused the Syrian government of the “indiscriminate slaughter of civilians” and of cynical efforts to cover up its responsibility for a “cowardly crime.”
Mr. Kerry’s remarks at the State Department reinforced the administration’s toughening stance on the Syria conflict, which is now well into its third year, and indicated that the White House was moving closer to a military response in consultation with America’s allies.
Tony Blair: military intervention in Syria vital to prevent 'breeding ground for extremism'
''People wince at the thought of intervention. But contemplate the future consequence of inaction and shudder: Syria mired in carnage between the brutality of Assad and various affiliates of al Qaida, a breeding ground of extremism infinitely more dangerous than Afghanistan in the 1990s; Egypt in chaos, with the West, however unfairly, looking as if it is giving succour to those who would turn it into a Sunni version of Iran."
He added: ''Iran still - despite its new president - a theocratic dictatorship, with a nuclear bomb. Our allies dismayed. Our enemies emboldened. Ourselves in confusion. This is a nightmare scenario but it is not far-fetched.''
Barry Rubin: America's Impending Defeat in Syria
The administration has trapped itself with two problems. One is that the rebels who are being supported in Syria are extreme radicals who may set off blood baths and regional instability if they win. The other is that a challenge has been given to very reckless forces: Iran, Syria, and Hizballah. When the United States threatens these three players the response is “make my day!”
So this is the situation. The United States is bluffing, it does not want to exert force and probably won’t. In other words, Iran and Syria would be quite willing to fight a war but the United States and its government doesn’t have the will to do so.
Here’s How Kerry, Hillary and Obama Let Assad Get Away with Murder
Even seven years ago Kerry knew better than President Bush’s advisers and stated that the Bush administration’s refusal to talk to Syria and Iran is “a mistake” and “the kind of policy that’s got us into trouble” in the region.
Anyone living in the Middle East knows that once a leading senator comes for friendly talks with one of the wicked men on earth, that means the United States does not have a strong will to isolate and weaken him.
Expert: US-led attack on Syria may lead to increased Russian cooperation with Iran
Russia warned Western powers on Monday against any military intervention in Syria, saying the use of force without a United Nations mandate would violate international law. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Moscow had no plans to be drawn into a military conflict over the civil war in Syria and that Washington and its allies would be repeating “past mistakes” if they intervened in Syria.
Ariel Cohen, a senior research fellow at the US think tank the Heritage Foundation, told The Jerusalem Post in an interview on Monday that in response to an attack on their Syrian ally, Russia could “expand supply of dual use nuclear technology” to Iran as its nuclear energy company, Rosatom, is anxious to sell more reactors.
US to present evidence Tuesday ahead of Syria strike
Unlike the invasion of Iraq, however, US-led military action in Syria will likely be brief and limited in scope, a punishment for chemical attacks and a deterrent against future use of nonconventional weapons, administration officials told the Washington Post on Monday, stressing that the United States had no desire to become embroiled in the civil war there.
Two administration officials said the US was expected to make public a more formal determination of chemical weapons use on Tuesday, with an announcement of Obama’s response likely to follow quickly.
Israeli intelligence seen as central to US case against Syria
This time, too, Israeli military intelligence has reportedly played a key role in providing evidence of Assad’s chemical weapons use. On Friday, Israel’s Channel 2 reported that the weapons were fired by the 155th Brigade of the 4th Armored Division of the Syrian Army, a division under the command of the Syrian president’s brother, Maher Assad. The nerve gas shells were fired from a military base in a mountain range to the west of Damascus, the TV report said.
The report did not state the source of its information. But subsequently, Germany’s Focus magazine reported that an IDF intelligence unit was listening in on senior Syrian officials when they discussed the chemical attack. According to the Focus report Saturday, a squad specializing in wire-tapping within the IDF’s prestigious 8200 intelligence unit intercepted a conversation between high-ranking regime officials regarding the use of chemical agents at the time of the attack. The report, which cited an ex-Mossad official who insisted on remaining anonymous, said the intercepted conversation proved that Assad’s regime was responsible for the use of nonconventional weapons.
Assad wants Assad dead
In my best estimation, Syrian president Bashar al-Assad wants his brother Maher dead. Also, in my best estimation, it was Maher who unleashed the gas attack without any warnings or orders from anyone, which is why Russia has issued a statement saying a US military intervention will not cause it to start a war. The Russians are happy if this surgical US approach means Bashar can survive.
From day one Maher al-Assad, one of the most violent men in the region, if not the world, has been the ignored elephant in the room. Bashar cannot contain him because Maher trained his 4th army to turn its guns on his own family if necessary. Killing him will ease the tensions all around and may yield a political solution that will stop the deadly spiral of violence.
Israel readies homefront for possible Syrian attack
Patriot anti-missile batteries in Haifa put on alert - Netanyahu convenes security cabinet - IDF announces major drill on Golan Heights - Education Minister Shay Piron: School system ready for any deterioration of security situation.
New Details of Jewish-American Photojournalist Held, Tortured by Syrian Jihadists for Seven Months
Schrier is one of at least 15 Westerners, mostly journalists, abducted so far this year. The New York Times noted that his experience reflects an overall decline in security, and a spike in extremism.
The Times account neglected to comment on Schrier’s Jewishness, or on whether it was relevant to the behavior and motives of his Islamist captors. The Anti-Defamation League has emphasized that anti-Semitism “is intrinsic to Al Qaeda’s ideology and motivation,” and extremist opposition fighters in Syria have threatened to attack Israel.
Syrian FM decries US lies on chemical weapons, says military intervention would serve Israel
The Syrian foreign minister said that a US strike against Syria would serve the interests of Israel and al-Qaida linked groups.
He stated that the Syrian government was "honoring all pledges and commitments" by allowing UN inspectors access to the site of last week's alleged chemical attack in the eastern suburbs of Damascus which reportedly killed more than a thousand people.
Moualem said that the Syrian government was committed to maintaining protection for the UN inspectors and the opposition was behind sniper fire directed at the delegation on Monday.
Syrian FM Threatens 'Surprises' for Western Forces
Muallem said that his country had defenses that would "surprise" the world, and that any such action against it would serve the interests of Israel and Al-Qaeda.
"Syria is not an easy case. We have defenses which will surprise others," he said.
"The war effort lead by the United States and their allies will serve the interests of Israel and secondly Al-Nusra Front," an Al-Qaeda-linked jihadist group in Syria, said Muallem.
Report: Hezbollah Fighters Receive Treatment for Exposure to Chemical Agents
At least four Hezbollah fighters came into contact with chemical agents in Syria and are receiving treatment in Beirut, a security source told Lebanon’s The Daily Star on Monday.
According to the anonymous source, four or five members of the Shiite terror organization came into contact with the chemical toxins in tunnels in and around the Damascus suburb of Jobar over the weekend.
At IDF’s Faux Hezbollah Village, Israeli Troops Prepare for a Third Lebanon War
Israeli officials say Hezbollah has an arsenal of more than 60,000 Iranian-made rockets, some capable of reaching Tel Aviv. In 2006, Hezbollah fired roughly 4,000 rockets at Israel during a month-long war. Next time around, Hezbollah could fire that many missiles every two days. Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, an IDF spokesman, said at least some of the missiles would probably make it past the Iron Dome air-defense systems Israel has had in place since March 2011. “The volume of rockets would challenge the capabilities of the Iron Dome,” Lerner told me. “It would not be able to stop all of them.”
While Hezbollah is currently preoccupied with helping prop up Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, sending thousands of battle-hardened Hezbollah fighters to help Assad reverse rebel gains and regain the upper hand in the bloody civil war there, Lerner and other Israeli officials warn that Israel remains the group’s top target. “Those rockets won’t be used against the Syrian rebels,” Lerner said. “We know where they’ll be aimed if Iran gives the directive.”
Gaza in a state of shock after Egypt upheaval
"For Hamas, Morsi's ouster has been like a political tsunami," says Palestinian political expert Omar Shaban, who lives in Gaza City. "For the past year, they've had every imaginable support - both economic and political - and suddenly, it's all changed," he explains.
While some allies in the region distanced themselves from Hamas, the Morsi-led government in Egypt provided ideological support. Qatar had promised millions in financial aid.
The change of leadership in Egypt has forced Hamas to rethink their situation. Many believe it will crack down even harder to be able to control the Gaza strip and its residents.
Why is Crushing the Muslim Brotherhood a Bad Thing?
Here’s a wacky, outside-the-envelope idea that we just might want to give a shot – let’s try defeating our enemies. It’s bound to work out better than protecting and empowering them.
The Egyptian Army is taking tough stand against the Muslim Brotherhood. It is backed up by an Egyptian people who rapidly tired of the Islamofascist freak show a minority of them elected. The Army, while losing many of their own, killed a lot of the insurgent Brothers. For some reason we’re supposed to be upset.
I just can’t work up a lot of caring because a pack of murderous subversives whose declared goal is returning the globe to a permanent state of Seventh Century Bedouin theocracy tried to fight it out with a tough, well-armed and patriotic Egyptian military and got their teeth kicked in.
Washington Post lobby locked down during Egyptian anti-Morsi protest
The protest appeared to include, among others, a large number of Coptic Christians, who make up about one-tenth of Egypt’s population and many of whom live in the District and neighboring suburbs. Some complained that the Post had not sufficiently covered the rash of mob violence against churches and Christian-owned businesses in Egypt since the July 3 military coup that removed President Mohamed Morsi.
“You have very skewed coverage of the news in Egypt. You have not been covering all that is happening,” said Iris Soliman of Bethesda. She objected to the Post referring to Morsi’s ouster as a coup and said it should instead recognize that it was the “second wave of the revolution.” She chided the paper for not covering what she said were Muslim Brotherhood supporters stockpiling mosques with guns.
UN report: Iran increasing enrichment capacity
In its upcoming report, the UN nuclear watchdog is expected to reveal that Iran is continuing to move forward with its nuclear program, Reuters reported on Monday. The International Atomic Energy Agency will cite diplomats who said that Tehran has increased its capacity to enrich uranium, and has begun to produce fuel for a plutonium reactor in Arak, the report said.
At the same time, the IAEA inspectors are expected to confirm that Iran maintains limited production of uranium gas.
Sentenced to death for a sip of water
...though I’m kept in a tiny, windowless cell, I want my voice and my anger to be heard. I want the whole world to know that I’m going to be hanged for helping my neighbor. I’m guilty of having shown someone sympathy. What did I do wrong? I drank water from a well belonging to Muslim women, using “their” cup, in the burning heat of the midday sun.
I, Asia Bibi, have been sentenced to death because I was thirsty. I’m a prisoner because I used the same cup as those Muslim women, because water served by a Christian woman was regarded as unclean by my stupid fellow fruit-pickers.
Today the New York Times has its latest of a series of articles fawning over Iran's supposed new direction. This one concentrates on its new foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif.
Until this summer, Mohammad Javad Zarif, one of Iran’s most accomplished diplomats, was an outcast, exiled from the government by ultraconservatives for working too closely with the West. Rather than presenting the Iranian case to the world, as he had done so effectively throughout a 35-year diplomatic career, he was spending his days teaching at the Foreign Ministry’s training center on a quiet, leafy campus in North Tehran.

That changed with the election of the moderate president, Hassan Rouhani, in June. Now, Mr. Zarif is the country’s new foreign minister and seems virtually certain to lead Iran’s delegation in nuclear negotiations with the West — further indications, analysts say, that Mr. Rouhani is serious about reducing tensions with the United States and other Western countries.

Mr. Zarif is the new face of a new policy,” said Davoud Hermidas-Bavand, a professor of international relations at Allameh Tabatabaei University in Tehran, who knows Mr. Zarif personally. “Our former foreign policy obviously did not yield any results and was clearly doomed. We need to revise our former methods and soften our stances in order to find a solution to the nuclear problem and reduce the sanctions.”

..His English is fluent, and both Western diplomats and journalists laud him as one of the rare Iranian officials who actually talk clearly to them.
Maybe Zarif is a wonderful person. Maybe he secretly eats turkey on Thanksgiving and watches Real Housewives of Atlanta.

But Zarif, like the new "moderate" Iranian president Rouhani, cannot make any real decisions on policy.

Because Iran is a dictatorship under Ayatollah Khamanei. Khamanei is not just a mere dictator, but also the religious leader of the nation. His word is divine law. 

His freaking title is "Supreme Leader."

Literally nothing can be done in Iran's government or official media without Khamanei's tacit approval. The person that allows Rouhani and Zarif to put a moderate face on Iran in the New York Times is the same person that allows the most crazed antisemitic and anti-Western conspiracy theories to be published in Iran's official media.

Yet the New York Times, and other newspapers, barely mention Khamanei any more as they fall over themselves praising Iran's new, supposedly moderate leadership.

Rouhani and Zarif are nothing more than smiling faces on an autocratic regime that supports terrorism, seeks to become a world power using nuclear weapons and is dedicated to destroying Israel. They are doing their jobs under Khamanei's hardline control, not in spite of it.

Remember, Rouhani was hand-picked as one of the candidates of the Iranian election - by Khamanei. This seemingly new "policy" is nothing more than Iran's implementation of "good cop, bad cop."

How can any serious article by a mainstream newspaper ignore these facts? How can the Times report that a puppet of a dictator, one who cannot do anything without his approval, will change anything in reality?

Now, I'm not saying anything that the NYT doesn't already know. Which means that, effectively, to the Times, style is more important than substance.

Iran's nuclear program isn't the problem - the problem is that the West is alarmed by it. If only an Iranian diplomat can ease those tensions, and let Iran cross the nuclear threshold without interference, then the NYT will be happy.

This is not journalism. This is advocacy. And it is not just wrong, but dangerous.

(h/t EBoZ)

  • Tuesday, August 27, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
According to Arabic media, on Sunday there were clashes between Islamic Jihad Al Quds Brigades terrorists and Hamas Al Qassam Brigades terrorist forces in Gaza.

Residents of the Bureij camp woke up to the sounds of fighting as the two groups exchanged fire.

Reports say that Islamic Jihad wanted to fire rockets into Israel, but the Hamas forces stopped them. The fighting moved then inside the camp.

One Islamic Jihad terrorist was arrested by Hamas, but he was released quickly to avoid an escalation.

Two weeks ago, when the prisoners released by Israel went to Gaza, another skirmish between the two groups erupted with small arms fire.

  • Tuesday, August 27, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,
The Tamarod Gaza movement, meant to topple Hamas, now has 45,000 Facebook fans and has been getting more media coverage lately.

A message they released today is refreshing in its honesty.

The PLO has negotiated with the Zionist enemy at some length (twenty years) and the negotiations did not reach the desired goal, but it has made ​​some achievements in the political field and there are those who see it and there are those who do not want to see ... a piece of land called Gaza and more the West Bank [are under Palestinian control] and [many countries and the UN] recognize the State of Palestine on paper, etc....

Here, a question arises: over seven years now of the obnoxious division between Fatah and Hamas, they have been negotiating to end the division and they did not achieve anything tangible! How many years they need to negotiate to end the division???
While Tamarod is as anti-Israel as anyone, this is the first time I have seen any Arab, let alone a Palestinian, admit that the Oslo process has helped the PLO achieve enormous gains both politically and in concrete terms. Even the Western media portrays the "peace process" as something that has been at a deadlock forever with Israel often being the party blamed for no progress - but here, in Arabic, at least one group acknowledges (in a backhanded manner) that the PLO has gained a great deal through the process.

Which means that Israel has conceded a great deal during the process.

The PLO? They have given up nothing tangible. Their major party Fatah still says, today, that they have not abandoned "armed struggle" and terror - and it is still part of their platform.

It is interesting that it takes an Arab group to point out what so few Westerners are willing to admit as they continue to blame Israel for everything.
  • Tuesday, August 27, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Syrian Radio and TV site has an article that asks a very simple question: Why are all these revolutions happening in the Arab world but not in the West? Why are only Arabs suffering from all this infighting and regime changes?

The answer, of course, is that it's a vast conspiracy.

All of the Arab world's problems started with the invasion of Iraq. Up until then the Arab world was a place of "safety and security." Yes, the article really says that.

Then came 9/11, a CIA-led attack to provide an excuse to attack the Arab world and to fragment it and cause infighting in the heretofore peaceful area.

Jews were involved as well, of course, because most of them didn't come to work on 9/11, proving foreknowledge.

The execution of Saddam Hussein was orchestrated to humiliate Arab leaders so they would be obedient to the wishes of the US.

The US attacked Iraq because of Israel, naturally, since Saddam was the only Arab leader willing to challenge Israel. (Does this mean that Syrian Radio and TV considers the Assad family to be wimps?)

So going back to the original question, of why there is no uprising in the US or France or whatever, it is because Western countries are the sponsors and manufacturers of terrorism in the Arab world to keep the Arab countries fragmented and weak so they cannot threaten Western nations and Israel.

See? It all makes perfect sense!

Monday, August 26, 2013

  • Monday, August 26, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
I took a mini-break Sunday and went to the beach.

I noticed something I had never seen before, and it was driving me crazy. When the ocean waves retreated (backwash), they left consistent diamond-shaped patterns in the sand behind. The lines were never perpendicular to the shore, but rather perhaps at 80 degree and 100 degree angles facing the shoreline.

Here is the pattern being left behind on dry sand as the water (upper left) retreats:

Here is it while the sand is still wet from the backwash, contrast added to make it more obvious:

So I did a little Internet sleuthing. While I couldn't find many photos of similar patterns, apparently they are common. Here is an abstract from an article in the The Encyclopedia of Beaches and Coastal Environments:
Rhombohedral ripples are so common on the lower foreshore of a beach that Johnson (1919) called them backwash marks . The flow of the backwash down a beach often results in diamond-shaped rhombohedral ripples of low height that are best recognized by the criss-crossed pattern of intersecting lines of the lee slopes of the ripples. Generally there is a well-developed scour on the seaward side of the ripple rhombs, whereas the landward side of the diamond shape is more gentle.

Rhombohedral ripples seem to have been first described by Williamson (1887), who viewed them as resembling "the overlapping scale leaves of some cycadean stems." Observations by Woodford (1935) and Demarest (1947) show that rhomboid ripples form as a lee wave, radiating seaward from coarser than usual grains or more compact sand or from centers of escaping interstitial water. Rhomboid ripples form only in the water-saturated lower part of beaches that slope between 2 and 10 degrees (Emery, 1960). ...
I found a couple of other papers which went into math that is way beyond me. Also some claim that these patterns come from things like seashells sticking out of the sand, but the pattern was way too regular.

Apparently, there is no definitive answer as to why these patterns get generated, although there are some people who have worked very hard at figuring this out. (My initial guess was resonance patterns from the sound of the surf, but then the slope of the beach shouldn't matter.)
  • Monday, August 26, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press Agency reports that Al Kalima, a defunct Palestinian Arab literary magazine, is being resurrected, to address the lack of a specifically Palestinian Arab voice.

The announcement, by the General Union of Palestinian Writers, states that the new quarterly magazine will "welcome all submissions that are consistent with the Palestinian National Line" and adhere to contemporary literary standards.

In most countries, artists are the ones in the forefront of criticism of the leadership. In the Palestinian Arab territories, the artists are the first ones to say that the major purpose of their writings is to support their rulers and to quash any criticism.

This small unimportant announcement shows how little freedom of expression really exists under Mahmoud Abbas.

Yesterday, Abbas said how important freedom of expression is to some handpicked journalists who agree with him, even as others protested how the PA doesn't let journalists do their jobs.

  • Monday, August 26, 2013
From Ian:

Palestinian official: Peace talks meeting canceled after IDF kills 3 in West Bank clashes
The Palestinian Authority has canceled a meeting with Israeli peace negotiators scheduled to take place Monday in response to the killing of three Palestinians by Israeli security forces at the Kalandiya refugee camp in the West Bank earlier in the day, AFP quoted a Palestinian official as saying.
Security forces who arrived in Kalandiya near Ramallah to arrest a security suspect came under a large scale attack by hundreds of Palestinians on Monday morning, resulting in deadly clashes in which three rioters were reportedly killed.
Poll: Only 21% Believe in PA State as Real Solution
The most popular answer in both cases was simply to maintain the status quo. Currently Judea and Samaria is split into three areas, called A, B, and C. The PA has full control over Area A, Israel controls Area C, and in Area B the IDF is tasked with oversight of security, while the PA has legal power over other aspects of daily life.
Forty-one percent of respondents said the status quo is their preferred solution, and 51% said it is the most realistic solution. In comparison, just 21% said the creation of a new PA state is the solution with the best chance to take place.
Poll: One-fifth of Jewish Israelis prefer Palestinian state in Jordan, rather than the West Bank
Some 19 percent of Jewish Israelis prefer to see a Palestinian state in Jordan rather than in the West Bank, but only 7% really think it could happen, according to a Maagar Mochot poll commissioned by Professors for a Stronger Israel.
“There are alternatives; we are not sitting with a gun to our heads,” said former National Union MK Arye Eldad, as he addressed a daylong conference on Sunday that debated all aspects of the question of two states for two peoples on two banks of the Jordan River.
There are more options than the standard equation of “Either we will have a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria, or we will have a bi-national state,” Eldad said.
Fatah Stresses: We're Not Giving Up 'Right of Return'
Members of Meretz said that Abbas told them a “fair agreement” will end the conflict with Israel and that a “peace agreement with Israel will be final and binding." He did not, however, specify what is meant by a fair peace agreement and did not commit to the fact that the PA would give up its demand for the “right of return”, which would see millions of Arabs who fled Israel in 1948 and their descendants flood Israel.
On Sunday, Abbas chaired a meeting of the Central Committee of the Fatah movement, at the conclusion of which Fatah spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh said in a statement that "the main goal of the negotiations with Israel is to establish an independent Palestinian state within the [pre-]1967 borders with its capital Al-Quds (Jerusalem -ed.), and the return of refugees in accordance with resolutions by international legitimate institutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.”
Guardian: Mahmoud Abbas gives up claims on “historic Palestinian city” of Haifa
For those attempting to figure out how cities which are within Israel’s 1949 boundaries can be characterized by Sherwood as “historically Palestinian”, you have to understand that Palestinian propaganda frequently refers to their people’s longing to “reclaim” such cities, part of a broader narrative which rejects Israel’s right to exist within any borders.
By referring to even those cities which have always been Israeli as “historically Palestinian”, Sherwood is not only parroting Palestinian anti-Zionist propaganda, but in effect imputing ‘moderation’ to Abbas for the mere act of relinquishing territorial claims for which there is absolutely no moral or legal basis.
Fabius: EU Guidelines May Need to be Re-examined
Speaking at a press conference in Jerusalem, Fabius said that the EU could consider somewhat changing the boycotting guidelines.
"We need to check whether the guidelines created things that were unintended,” he said, adding that the new guidelines are not intended to change and influence the situation but rather "draw lessons from things that happened in the past."
The new guidelines, drafted in July, state that the EU will no longer be party to any economic, social or academic ventures involving Israeli institutions based in Judea and Samaria, eastern Jerusalem or even the Golan Heights.
European nations: Don't do business in settlements
The countries mentioned by Israeli ambassadors include Britain, Germany, Denmark, Holland and Sweden, according to Yedioth Ahronoth.
According to one report, one country's foreign office told a company involved in trade beyond the Green Line that its actions are in violation of local law and international law which stipulates that settlements are illegal. The company is now considering dropping out of the project but is also under pressure from Israel to stay on board.
Ariel: We Won't be Confined to the Auschwitz Borders
The Housing Minister added that the two-state solution to end the Arab-Israeli conflict is unrealistic and will never happen.
"Anyone who thinks that we can be forced to build only within the Auschwitz borders is wrong,” he said, referring to the pre-1967 borders, which are indefensible and were termed “Auschwitz borders” by former Foreign Minister Abba Eban.
“I suggest to such a person that he look for the big criminals against humanity elsewhere. They are not here, they are elsewhere in the Middle East,” said Ariel.
Likud MKs: Jewish Construction Must Go On Despite Peace Talks
Likud MKs told Arutz Sheva on Sunday that building Jewish homes in Judea and Samaria is not an obstacle to peace and that Israeli construction must go on in these regions despite the peace process.
The MKs participated in a dedication ceremony for a new neighborhood called Leshem in the community of Aley Zahav.
“I think that it is important to deliver the message that Jewish settlements will not be uprooted,” said Deputy Transportation Minister Tzipi Hotovely. “We’re here to stay and we’re here to extend the Jewish settlements and I think this is one of the most exciting things to see before Rosh Hashanah.”
Jews Down Under: Kevin Rudd & Bob Carr have gone underground
Australia’s Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Foreign Affairs Minister Senator Bob Carr have gone underground since Carr announced on 8 August at the Lakemba Mosque in Sydney that Rudd personally as well as the Labor Party had adopted as policy that Jews had no right to legally live in the West Bank.
Attempts to elicit whether Rudd personally and the Labor Party had adopted this policy prior to Carr’s announcement have ended in total confusion.
Aussie opposition head looks to ‘rebuild’ Canberra-Jerusalem ties
The head of Australia’s opposition said Monday that he will seek to improve ties with Israel, as his conservative bloc geared up for a national election next month.
Liberal party leader Tony Abbott told reporters Monday that the last two governments had not maintained Australia’s strong relationship with the Jewish state, a fact he would attempt to fix, according to the Australian Associated Press.
“There’s been a bit of wobbling under the current government but I would expect our standard rock-solid friendship with Israel to resume should the coalition win the election,” he said, referring to the bloc of opposition parties seeking to unseat current Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.
BBC blurs Iranian regime role in 2012 attacks
The BBC then adds: “Israel has accused Iran of orchestrating the attacks, a charge which Iran denies.”
The BBC neglects to inform its readers that the police investigation into the attack in New Delhi – in which the wife of an Israeli diplomat, her driver and two bystanders were injured – resulted in India’s police concluding that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards were behind the attack or that US counter-terrorism officials have reached the same conclusion as their Israeli counterparts.
Six great food apps from Israel
Israelis are passionate about food and phones. So it’s no surprise that among the plentiful Israeli-made smartphone applications are shortcuts for locating restaurants, finding recipes, ordering takeout and deciphering nutrition information on packaged goods.
Many of these apps are, at least for now, available only in Hebrew (such as App-to-Eat, ZapRest, CupsTelAviv and LikeEat). Here are six that are already available in English. Check them out in Israel and/or abroad.
Turning IV failures into successes
For many hospital patients, intravenous tubes, which supply nutrition or medications, are actual lifelines. Unable to eat normally because of their conditions, or in constant need of medication, the tube is the only way they can receive life-sustaining nutrients or drugs.
In many cases, however, interfacing a tube with the body – by hooking it up to a blood vessel – is a major hurdle for medical staff. Over 40% of IV insertions are “failures,” the term applied to an IV insertion that “misses” the first time, said Dr. Yaakov Nahmias, the director of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Center for Bioengineering.
Torah hidden by Polish priests since WWII returned
A Torah scroll that since 1942 has been hidden in a Tuchow monastery was returned to the synagogue in Dabrowa Tarnowska in southern Poland.
The Torah was returned earlier this month but reported for the first time on Saturday.
It had been brought to the monastery in Tuchow, approximately 60 miles from Krakow, by an anonymous person who asked the Redemptorist priests to hold the scrolls until the synagogue in Dabrowa again became a place of prayer, according to Father Kazimierz Piotrowski of the Redemptorist monastery in Warsaw.
  • Monday, August 26, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
A few hours ago, people surfing to Google.ps saw this:

According to TechCrunch, this was not a hack of any pages owned by Google, but it was a domain registry hack. The hackers compromised the .ps domain and redirected Google queries to their own server.

It is not too surprising that the .ps domain is not very secure.
  • Monday, August 26, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Christian Post:
A Revolutionary Court in Tehran has sentenced an Iranian Christian convert to 10 years in prison for his Christian work, according to an Iranian Christian news agency.

Mohammad-Hadi Bordbar, who was arrested on Dec. 27, 2012, was sentenced by Branch 26 of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, according to Mohabat News. The judgment was delivered by Judge Pir-Abassi, a judge notorious for his harsh sentences.

Bordbar, aka Mostafa, was given five years for his membership in an "anti-security organization" and an additional five-year term for being part of a gathering with alleged intent to "commit crimes against national security."

The verdict states that Christian evangelical activities amount to "Zionism," to fight the Islamic regime of Iran by establishing evangelical ministries and organizations and holding underground worship meetings.

The charges include apostasy, belief that evangelism is a duty, distributing 12,000 Gospel tracts, possession of Christian material, attendance in house churches run by a Korean lady, involvement with other house churches and translation of Christian films for dissemination.
But Iran is also on the lookout for the next big Zionist religion:
Extremist far-right groups have been trying to spread freemasonry and Zionist principles in order to remove Islam from Europe.

This is according to French university scholar and international affairs expert Pierre Dortiguier, who also told IQNA that by spreading Islamophobia, these groups seek to implement their plot to create a new religion based on freemasonry and Zionist principles and replace Islam with this new cult.

Elaborating on the France’s stance vis-à-vis religious symbols like Islamic Hijab, he said like other leftist governments, the French government is very much interested in removing all religious symbols. This is not about eliminating the Islamic culture only, because it was used against Christianity in the 19th century as well.

He said in the past years, as some Western philosophers say, Christianity is no longer in people’s mind and heart and the only religion that continues to live is Islam. “Therefore, in order to eliminate Islam from Europe and implement their plot to bring a new religion based on freemasonry and Zionist principles, they started to spread Islamophobia.”

The university scholar said the growth of Islamophobia in Europe is not a coincidence, but there are special foundations, methods and goals in play and different groups involved.

“In fact, Islamophobia is the second phase of a bigger plan to fight against the spread of Islam among Europeans. The first phase was presenting theories and writing books and articles to spread doubts about Islamic teachings.”
What is the fourth holiest spot in Sunni Islam?

We all know that the top three are the mosques Mecca, Medina and the one that was built on top of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. But what is number 4?

According to Wikipedia, many Muslims consider the Ummayad Mosque in Damascus to be the fourth holiest site.

Others consider Kairouan, in Tunisia, to have the honor.

Still others consider it to be the Eyup Sultan Mosque in Turkey, a site that attracts many pilgrims.

Harar in Ethiopia is yet another city that has made this claim, and UNESCO agrees.

However, our "peace partners" in Fatah have made up a new 4th holiest mosque in Islam, one that no one else on the planet ever designated as such, as far as I can tell. Not surprisingly, it is at the second holiest place of Judaism.

The caption the Tomb of the Patriarchs on their Facebook page as "The Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron, which is the fourth holiest mosque for the world's Muslims."

That would be news to most Muslims.

Obviously, this is being done to push Jews out of Hebron. Just like Mecca and Medina are off-limits to non-Muslims, our "peace partners" are trying to elevate the holiness of Jerusalem and Hebron so they can kick the Jews out - in the name of Islam. (They are trying something similar at Rachel's Tomb, pretending that it is the ancient "Bilal bin Rabah Mosque," something that was made up in the 1990s.)

See also this previous post.


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