Thursday, December 20, 2012

  • Thursday, December 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

  • Thursday, December 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,
From Palestinian Media Watch:

Two teenage hosts on the Palestinian Authority TV program for youth Speak Up, which is co-produced with the Palestinian NGO PYALARA, chose to read aloud a poem that glorified plane hijackings and threatened Israel and the United States:

“People of Israel, don’t get caught up in arrogance,
the hands of the clock will surely come round...
Expect us always, expect us where least expected.
We’re in every airport, and in every ticket.
We emerge in Rome and in Zurich from under the rock…
Our men arrive without warning, with the fury of thunder and the pounding of rain.
They come in the Prophet’s robe and with Omar’s sword (Muslim conqueror).
Remember, always remember that America, important as it is, is not Allah the Almighty and Omnipotent, and that America with all its strength will not stop the birds from flying.
A small rifle in the hand of a small boy can kill the big one.”
The mention of Rome and Zurich in the poem is a reference to hijackings by PLO/PFLP terrorists. In July 1968, El Al Flight 426 from Rome was hijacked. In February 1969, terrorists attempted to hijack El Al Flight 432 before taking off from Zurich.

PYALARA, the co-producer of this program, is funded by NDC. NDC's international donors include: the European Union, the World Bank, the French government’s Agence Française de Développement, a donor consortium of Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden, the Islamic Development Bank, the United Palestinian Appeal, and the Palestinian private organization the Welfare Association. [NDC website, accessed Dec. 20, 2012]
PYALARA is also funded by the Swedish Olof Palme International Center.
Earlier this year I exposed real anti-semitism in PYALARA's youth magazine.
  • Thursday, December 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The latest HRW report condemning Israel reveals, within its own text, how biased the organization is towards Israel and how "fair" it is with terror groups.

First, look how they characterize Israel's actions in the first paragraph:
Four Israeli attacks on journalists and media facilities in Gaza during the November 2012 fighting violated the laws of war by targeting civilians and civilian objects that were making no apparent contribution to Palestinian military operations.
There is no caveat. HRW is stating, as a fact, that Israel targeted civilians, without any knowledge of what Israel was actually targeting.

HRW's reading of international law is flawed - read this invaluable NGO Monitor article that explains exactly why - and its "evidence" is laughable.

The two men’s families, interviewed separately, said the men were neither participating in the fighting nor members of any armed group. Human Rights Watch found no evidence, including during visits to the men’s homes, to contradict that claim. Hamas’s armed wing, al-Qassam Brigades, has not put either man on its official list of killed fighters– an unlikely omission if the men had been playing a military role.

HRW's "investigation" is talking to families of suspected terrorists, seeing if there is any "evidence" in their homes (what are they looking for, rockets?) and saying that Hamas hasn't put them in their list of "martyrs." This last point should note that Hamas has been adding "martyrs" to their list as recently as this week, and those killed in Cast Lead were often posted many months after the fighting.

But this is enough for HRW to make definitive statements that Israel targeted civilians.

Now, look at how HRW reports this other incident where Israel bombed a media building:

A second and separate attack on the third floor of the Shoruq Building on the afternoon of November 19 appeared to target specific Palestinian militants, who, if present, would have been unlawfully placing the building’s civilian occupants at risk, Human Rights Watch said. The IDF apparently contacted at least one international journalist in the building to warn them to evacuate.
All of a sudden, when there is evidence of Islamic Jihad violating the laws of armed conflict, HRW is hedging. "Appeared," "would be," "if present," "apparently" - all phrases that it doesn't use in reference to Israeli actions.

Later on, we see that HRW knows very well that Islamic Jihad terrorists were there:

A second attack that afternoon on the building’s third floor appears to have been on a military target, killing one member of Islamic Jihad’s armed wing, Ramez Hareb. If Palestinians involved in military operations were meeting in the Shoruq Tower, as the IDF claimed, they were placing civilians at unnecessary risk in violation of the laws of war, Human Rights Watch said.
Now, the IDF gave out a list of the people it was targeting on that floor of that building, including Hareb:
  • Baha Abu al-Ata: Commander of Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s Gaza City Brigade; involved in planning attacks against Israel, arms manufacturing and long-range rocket launching capabilities
  • Tissir Mahmoud Mahmed Jabari: Senior Islamic Jihad operative; responsible for training within the organization and approving terrorist attacks against Israel
  • Halil Batini: Senior Islamic Jihad operative; a key figure in planning the group’s long-range rocket launching operations; responsible for internal security
  • Ramez Harab: Responsible for propaganda in Islamic Jihad’s Gaza City Brigade; an aide to Tissir Jabari; the former head of the Sheikh Rajuan Division
Obviously, the IDF had good intelligence on who was in that building - yet HRW doesn't even lift a finger to investigate whether Islamic Jihad was performing a war crime!

This also proves that the IDF was obviously not targeting people indiscriminately, and that it had specific military targets in mind. HRW's blanket statement that they were not military targets shows that it would not believe anything the IDF says, no matter what, unless they can twist it into making it look guilty.

HRW - in its own words, in its own report - consistently gives the benefit of the doubt to Islamic Jihad and Hamas terror groups, but gives no such slack to the IDF which is accuses, without any reservation, of war crimes.

If that isn't bias, then I don't know what is.
From conspiracy site Terminal X (h/t Judge Dan at Israellycool):

[S]ources close to TX revealed on Sunday evening via email that Israel is working on a heavily-funded bio-engineering program which is funded by a select group of retired elites within the Israel Defence Forces on 'hybrid animals'.

The source, who is a retired security official from a Gulf country, made the claims while referring to one of his junior comrades who was tasked with undercover information gathering in the illegitimate state more than 7 years ago.

"He described a large, underground laboratory adjacent to the Negev desert where a highly-secured bunker was located, guarded by about two dozen troops of the elite Sayaret Matkal commandos and Military Intelligence units".

"He observed various visits to the facility by then Military Intelligence chief Aharon Zeevi-Farkash accompanied by a panel of scientists who changed on rotation every other day. Although he wasn't able to capture any footage owing to the high security and sensors in the area, he was able to have several glances from very narrow openings".

The retired officer described how the underground bunker had another sub-station inside it which had no window at all:

"He recalls those Zionists (Israelis) talking of 'super beasts' equipped with improvised weapons".

Did the said spy who claims to have found such a facility actually see any such 'mutated beasts'? This question was posed to the source:

"Once, he shared details of a group of bizarre rhinoceroses and canines but never spoke on the subject again. Our superiors thought we had been feeding on telltale rumors hence that chapter was closed once and for all".

At the end, the source said that he, along with his subordinate, retired early from service.

After exhaustive research, I found a photo of one of the super-rhinos that the Arab spy witnessed:

  • Thursday, December 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian Arab activists held a protest that closed down the International Committee of the Red Cross offices in Ramallah today.

They were protesting Israel's treatment of terrorist prisoners and the supposed lack of ICRC pressure on Israel.

If the Red Cross provides health services from this location, this is a clear violation of international law.

Even if not, the Palestinian Arab propensity to protest those who are trying to help them - a practice that goes back to the early 1950s with attacks on UNRWA - shows a particular immaturity.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

  • Wednesday, December 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
In the past we've seen prolific and completely nutty Khaled Amayreh showing his anti-semitism, his inability to tell the truth, his belief in parapsychology and UFOs, and his desire to incite an all-out terror war against Israel.

Now, he is writing in Al Ahram to convince Egypt to start a war with Israel.

Whether we like it or not, Israel has been, is and will always be Egypt's existential enemy. There is a preponderance of evidence corroborating this fact.

...Yes, the two states reached a peace treaty in 1978. However it is crystal clear that the Camp David treaty, which the Egyptian leadership signed more or less under duress, did very little to put an end to undeclared but definitive Israeli designs against Egypt.

Israel wanted to use the Camp David treaty to strip Egypt of its Arab and Muslim character as well as cause irreparable damage to the collective conscience and consciousness of the Egyptian people. However, thanks to the enduring vigour and strong moral fabric of the Egyptian people, the morbid Israeli designs were a gigantic fiasco.

According to Israel Shahak's book, Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years, much of Egypt is actually part of Biblical Israel according to some sages of the Talmud. This mythology is taught to Jewish students in hundreds of Talmudic schools (yeshivot) and colleges throughout Israel.

I would have thought that these ideas were no more than mythical hallucinations on the part of some deranged so-called 'sages'. But when I found out that many otherwise level-headed rabbis kept regurgitating these myths, I began to view the matter differently.
How can you argue with that? An anti-semite writes nonsense and another one quotes him! I must not have spent enough years in yeshiva to learn about how it is part of Eretz Yisrael. But those clever Jews returned the Sinai because they want to conquer all of Egypt!

Only a Jew is smart enough to figure out how that works. Oh, and Khaled Amayreh.
The Egyptian media reported on several occasions the arrest of Israeli agents with instructions to spread the AIDS virus in Egypt, generate chaos, including sectarian conflicts between Muslims and Copts.

More to the point, it is absolutely logical to assume that Israel's agents are implicated in one way or the other in the current crisis between the Egyptian government and the opposition.

I don't have hard evidence to prove this impression, but the Hebrew press reported numerous times of late that the Israeli intelligence was heavily involved in manipulating events in the largest and most important Arab country.

And with the January 25 Revolution, it is very likely that Israeli designs against Egypt have become more virulent and daring, given the tumultuous transitional period Egypt is undergoing these days.
Damn, we're good!

The man is certifiably insane. So he is well qualified to write an op-ed for Al Ahram.

(To their credit, most of the commenters say he is nuts, too.)
  • Wednesday, December 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Mondoweiss, exhibiting the remarkable lack of shame that we come to expect from sites like that, published a piece of propaganda from "The Right to Education Campaign at Birzeit University."
In light of news that Cornell University has engaged in a joint bid with Israel's Technion Israel Institute of Technology to build a campus of applied science and technology on New York's Roosevelt Island, we, the students and volunteers at Birzeit University's Right to Education campaign, support the initiative of New Yorkers Against the Cornell-Technion Partnership (NYACT).

Cornell University's students, professors and partners alike will be implicated in Israel's colonial project in Palestine through the University's decision to work in collaboration with the Technion, an institution that has long been, and remains deeply complicit in the design, implementation and justification of Israel's ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
To give a flavor of how moral the students at Birzeit are, here is a pro-Hamas march there only a week ago:

Here's part of an "art exhibit" shown there this month:

Here's more:

At the end of 2003, elections were held [at Birzeit] for the student government council. The campaign featured models of exploding Israeli buses. In the debate, the Hamas candidate asked the Fatah candidate: "Hamas activists in this university killed 135 Zionists. How many did Fatah activists from Bir Zeit kill?"

Here's a photo from last month of a Birzeit student quietly going about his studies:

Moral indignation from Birzeit students towards Israel? Now, that's funny.

(h/t Lori)

  • Wednesday, December 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Some biased reporting from Reuters:
Palestinian government employees in the West Bank began a two-day general strike on Wednesday to protest against a delay in the payment of their wages because of Israeli economic sanctions.

Israel is withholding some $100 million in monthly customs revenues it collects on the Palestinians' behalf as punishment for their successful bid at the UN General Assembly last month to gain de-facto statehood recognition.
Is it all because of Israeli sanctions? Well...
The Palestinian Authority, which exercises limited self-rule in the West Bank, was experiencing a deep financial crisis even before the move, and its 153,000 public sector workers have seen their salaries repeatedly issued late this year.

...Government workers last received salaries for October, which were payed belatedly at the end of last month. There was no word on when November or December wages might be handed over.
If the October wages were not paid on time, and the UN stunt was in late November, exactly is Israel the only party responsible?

Reuters manages to admit in a later paragraph:
Israel said the Palestinian UN initiative contravened their peace accords and has threatened to withhold tax returns for four months to cover outstanding Palestinian debts with Israeli utility firms.
Oh! So the PA owes Israel hundreds of millions of dollars! Something that we knew for months already!

Meaning, if the PA had paid their debts to Israel, they would have the exact same financial crisis today! Yet the world expects Israel to keep providing free services and never to dare to do anything to collect the debts. How dare they!

Oh, and this:
Arab countries have yet to fulfill pledges to offset the Israeli measures with cash donations.
In fact, they have yet to fulfill pledges to the PA given years ago. Most recently before the UN stunt. But Israel is the only party to blame, apparently.

Reuters here is parroting what the Palestinian Arabs are saying .For example, Fayyad today said that "the financial crisis is because of the Israeli piracy of Palestinian tax revenue," pretending that there was no crisis beforehand.

And imagine if the Israel electric company simply turned off the power instead. What an outcry would ensue! Reuters would have photo essays of kids with candles and patients in hospitals without electricity.

As usual, Israel is set up to be the bad guy, no matter what it does.

Meanwhile, teachers in the West Bank also went on strike earlier this week for non-payment of salaries.

By the way, I have never heard Fayyad amend his plan to have the PA be financially independent by the end of 2013. In fact, their debt has skyrocketed since then - again, while Israel transferred tax monies every month.

Not to worry. The World Bank assured us already in 2010 that the PA has the infrastructure ready to become a state.
  • Wednesday, December 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

UN Watch: Hypocrisy: UN adopts 9 resolutions on Palestinians & Golan, yet silent on Syrian massacre of Palestinians
GENEVA, December 18 – The U.N. General Assembly today adopted nine resolutions on Palestinian rights and the Golan, sharply criticizing Israel yet making no mention of Sunday’s massacre of Palestinians by Syrian warplanes firing missiles into a mosque in a Palestinian refugee camp near Damascus. Nor did the texts mention the tens of thousands of Palestinians who continue to flee the camp.

CIA game changer
Now is the time for President Obama, finally, to respond to all the official requests for Pollard’s release by commuting his sentence to time served.
Moreover, the document puts the lie to American allegations that have been used for over a quarter of a century to justify Pollard’s continued incarceration. For example, Pollard’s full cooperation with the prosecution was one of the welcome admissions in this document, as was the confirmation that the volume of information Pollard transferred to Israel was far less than claimed.
The CIA document also reveals the subterfuge used by the US government to breach its plea agreement with Pollard.

Abbas Asks UN for First Step to Flood Israel with Foreign Arabs
Abbas asks UN to take first step to flood Israel with foreign Arabs by suggesting Syrian “refugees” move to the PA.
His latest diplomatic ploy could place Israel again in the role of “bad man.” Abbas asked Ban “to help the Palestinian refugees in Syria, who are suffering from the bloody conflict there, to return to live in the Palestinian Territory.

Israeli Druze Envoy: Abbas Does Not Even Represent His Wife
The so-called problem of the Palestinian Authority-Israel struggle actually disguises the real problem of Islamic fundamentalism, Israeli Ambassador to Norway Naim Araidi told the local ABC news outlet. He said that Muslim extremists want to replace modern life in Europe with Islamic Shari'a law.
As for PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, “He does not even represent his wife," according to the ambassador.

As Terror Attacks Increase, Samaria Residents Protest Security Deterioration
During November, the GSS reports that there were 122 terror attacks in Judea and Samaria, with 98 of those attacks occurring during Israel’s Operation Pillar of Defense aimed at halting rocket fire emanating from Gaza. In Jerusalem, 44 attacks were recorded, with 27 occurring during Operation Pillar of Defense. A majority of the attacks, 156 of the 166, involved Palestinians throwing Molotov cocktails."

Iranian news site pins Newtown shooting on ‘Israeli death squad’
American Press TV panelist charges that ‘Zionist-controlled Hollywood, news media’ cultivate American culture of violence
Michael Harris, the financial editor at Veterans Today, a website littered with anti-Semitic and anti-Israel conspiracy theories, charged in an internationally broadcast interview on the Iranian station that “Israel has been operating death squads.” Harris, a former Republican gubernatorial candidate in Arizona, used the interview as a soapbox for an anti-Semitic rant against Israel and American Jews.
[Veterans Today/PressTV reacted to the articles about their nuttiness, saying that they are  effectively an admission of guilt by Israel. Possibly crazier than this article was. - EoZ]

Defiant Iran vows to continue enrichment, dismisses sanctions as insignificant
Ahmadinejad says international pressure will not slow down Tehran’s nuclear program

Syrian jets again bomb Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus
Government claims Yarmouk camp houses PFLP-GC fighters

Iran keeps silent on the killing of Palestinians in Syria
Based on the Iranian government’s claims that it wants to help Palestinians defend themselves, will the Iranian regime provide weapons to Palestinians in Syria who are under attack from Assad’s forces?
Or are Palestinians victims only when Iran’s adversaries attack them, and not when Iran’s allies do the same?

Israeli Attorney Wins $338 Million Case Against Syria
Syria was ordered to pay $338 million to two American families for its funding of a 1991 kidnapping of American biblical archaeologists during an excavation in Turkey for the remains of Noah’s Ark, the Israeli law center that helped win the judgment announced in a press release.
Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, director of Tel Aviv-based Shurat HaDin Law Center, represented the families along with New York attorney Robert Tolchin. Syria was found vicariously liable for the kidnapping, which was perpetrated by the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) terrorist organization.

Review of deadly Benghazi attack finds systematic security faults
Panel cites State Department failures, says there was no protest outside US Consulate before terrorist ambush
Systematic failures and leadership and management deficiencies at senior levels within two bureaus of the State Department resulted in a Special Mission security posture that was inadequate for Benghazi and grossly inadequate to deal with the attack that took place,” the panel said.

Egypt orders probe into alleged vote violations
Low turnout, irregularities have opposition crying foul in referendum on Islamist constitution

Hungarian Minister reveals he’s Jewish ‘whether you like it or not’ following Jewish list controversy
BUDAPEST (EJP) --- A Hungarian Minister confronted the country’s recent anti-Semitism row head on when he told parliament he was Jewish. After the far-right Jobbik party was roundly criticised by both the government and Jewish community alike for calling for a registry of Hungary’s prominent Jews to be drawn up in the interests of “national security”, the State Secretary of the Development Ministry Janos Fonagy revealed to cross-party politicians: “My mother and father were Jewish, and so am I, whether you like it or not.

ISRAEL21c’s year in videos
From hummus ice cream to cardboard bikes and Olympians, we bring you the 10 most-watched 2012 videos we’ve produced showing the ‘real’ Israel.

U.S. "Cautiously Optimistic" On European Hezbollah Designation: State Department

Netanyahu: "We will continue to build in Jerusalem for eternity"

Jews unsure why everyone else still looking forward to "holidays" (h/t Yerushalimey)

  • Wednesday, December 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

It is that time of year when everyone, it seems, is asking for your money.

Elder of Ziyon is not nearly as large as the mythical organization I named myself after. It's pretty much just me. Even so, this blog has made an outsized impact in the pro-Israel world.

This quarter alone the blog has been seen on CNN, quoted in The New York Times Lede column, as well as the Jewish Press (more than once), Israel National News, FrontPage, BreitbartAlgemeiner (multiple times,) the Jerusalem Post, Commentary, BuzzFeed, PJMediaJewish Telegraphic Agency and The Blaze, plus many other blogs and websites.

And it has made a difference. We helped get mainstream media to issue corrections and change the tone of their reporting during the latest Gaza conflict.

During this quarter, my Twitter feed has exploded from about 2700 followers to over 3500. The blog itself had over 215,000 pageviews in November, shattering my previous record.

I have continued to scoop every major English-language media outlet dozens of times with stories big and small. I have given you original research and fascinating historical information. Hopefully, I have also entertained you.

Meanwhile, the anti-Israel sites are raising tens of thousands of dollars to publicize their hate, managing to put together professional operations with paid staff and slick layouts. The Electronic Intifada hate site claims to have already raised some $90,000 while the virulent Mondoweiss claims $17,000.

Unlike most other sites that have similar influence, I do most of the work myself - writing, graphics, comics, posters, infographics, videos, not to mention blog maintenance. But it takes a lot of time - and a little money  - to consistently research and publish the number of posts a day I do. (And thanks again to Ian for his stellar work in the daily linkdumps.)

If you find this site valuable, and many of you have told me you do, please consider making a donation.

The New York Times charges $180 a year for digital only subscriptions. Ha'aretz charges abut $100 annually to access their content online. My content - all 15,645 posts - is all free. If you spend more time here than you do at the commercial news sites, please consider paying what you would to subscribe to a newspaper or news-magazine.

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As always, thanks to all of you who have donated, or helped out by giving me news tips. Thanks also to those who have complimented me and who have used my posts to do direct actions that help Israel and fight the haters.
  • Wednesday, December 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here's a tweet by Douglas Herbert, International Affairs Editor at France 24:

Herbert thinks that one of the US' top two priorities is to pressure Netanyahu - while Abbas is breaking signed agreements!

And this news editor is not even aware that Time's Person of the Year is not an award or an honor; rather it is just Time's opinion of the person who "for better or for worse, ...has done the most to influence the events of the year." Stalin was named Man of the Year twice and Hitler once.

Yes, one tweet shows that a news editor is both ignorant and biased against Israel. Not surprisingly, the two often go hand in hand.

France 24 is wholly owned by the French government, and broadcasts in three languages: French, English - and Arabic.

(h/t dmo)

UPDATE: Herbert deleted the tweet, perhaps thinking that no one will notice. You would think a person in the media would realize that silently erasing evidence makes things look even worse.

  • Wednesday, December 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Times of Israel:

An Israeli start-up that provides technology for the development of browser extensions has been sold for $37 million. Israel’s Crossrider has been bought by e-commerce company, which will continue to operate the developer as before, the company’s CEO told reporters.

Crossrider’s is an exceptional success story. It’s less than two years old, and already has over 200 million users developing extensions for browsers. With the “browser wars” heating up to full steam, Crossfire’s easy-to-use platform that allows users to develop cross-browser extensions has made the company a sort of “kingmaker.”

Here is a sympathy card you can send your anti-Israel friends.

(h/t Adam L. for text. Previous BDS sympathy card here.)


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