Saturday, November 24, 2012

  • Saturday, November 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The BBC on Saturday had a long radio piece about the death of Omar Mishrawi, going into details of the horror of a parent at losing a child. In that piece by Jon Donnison (who famously tweeted a photo of a dead baby from Gaza that was actually from Syria) he pretends to address the issues I brought up about inconsistencies in Mishrawi's death:
.., And in the entrance hall, a two-foot wide hole in the flimsy metal ceiling where the missile ripped through.

Despite the evidence pointing towards an Israeli airstrike, some have suggested it might have been a misfired Hamas rocket. But at that time, so soon after the launch of Israel's operation, Israel's military says mortars had been launched from Gaza, but very few rockets. Mortar fire would not cause the fireball that appears to have engulfed Jihad's house.

Others said the damage was not consistent with powerful Israeli attacks. But the BBC visited other bomb sites this week with very similar fire damage where Israel acknowledged carrying out what it called surgical strikes. Like at Jihad's house, there was very little structural damage, but the victims were brought out with massive and fatal burns. Most likely is that Omar died in one of the twenty bombings that the Israeli military says made up its initial wave of attacks. Omar was not a terrorist.
There is a bit of sleight of hand going on here.

Firstly, "very few rockets" does not mean "no rockets." The BBC admits that there were some rockets fired from Gaza in the initial hour after the Israeli airstrike that killed Ahmad Jaabari, when Omar Mishrawi was killed. GANSO does seem to confirm that initially, most of the terrorist fire was from mortars, not rockets, but GANSO misses a very large number of attacks in their list. Ma'an seems to confirm that a few terror groups shot missiles relatively soon after the Jaabari hit.

Secondly, Donnison is clearly implying that Israel's alleged airstrike against the Mishrawi home was identical to the strikes it made against terrorists - meaning that Israel was targeting the Mishrawi home. This makes no sense. Especially since...

Thirdly, the initial wave of Israeli attacks in the hours after the Jaabari hit had a single goal: to take out the Fajr-5 rocket locations in Gaza. There were some hits against suspected terrorists, however the IDF tweeted (a little cheekily) a warning for Hamas terrorists to stay underground.

Fourthly, the idea that an errant mortar (or rocket) could not cause the damage as seen assumes that the projectile does not ignite already flammable materials in the house. As I noted, most Gaza homes have propane and gasoline for heaters and generators because the electric power is not consistent, and apparently the Mishrawis are no exception (see photo in my initial post.)

Fifthly, Donnison repeatedly claims in this story that the house was hit by a missile. However, Mishrawi, in the initial BBC video report, said explicitly, and then confirmed, that the house was hit by "shrapnel," not a missile. The BBC's insistence now that it was an Israeli missile has really very little evidence, unless you trust Donnison's opinion that Mishrawi's house looks identical to those of houses that Israel admits they targeted for killing terrorists - none of whom he names.  A missile would certainly leave some traces.

Now, where does Mishrawi live? This BBC broadcast says he lives in the Sabra neighborhood, but that is not true - he lives in the Zeitoun neighborhood, as he says himself in that same initial BBC report.

Why is this important? Because the Zeitoun neighborhood is where there was at least one Fajr-5 rocket site that Israel targeted in that same time period, in the middle of a civilian area.

We've seen secondary explosions in videos from Israel's targeting underground missile sites, and there is no way of knowing where the fire-hot debris from those explosions will land.

Based on this evidence, the most likely explanation for Mishrawi's death now seems to be that shrapnel from a secondary explosion of a Hamas missile or ammunition cache targeted by Israel hit the Mishrawi home and ignited something inside, causing a fireball. A misfired Hamas rocket or mortar is still a possibility, though.

The idea that Israel, which managed to kill less than one civilian for every 30 airstrikes in Gaza, targeted the house of a low-level BBC employee during the initial wave of attacks - while he wasn't home - is simply not believable. Unless you are convinced, ab initio, of Israel's monstrous nature, there are other explanations that fit the incident far better.

But if you are the BBC, it is the only possible explanation.

While this radio story seems a bit like a whitewash to avoid any possibility that any other explanation besides a direct Israeli airstrike killed Omar Mishrawi, there is some good news. Questions were brought up and because they were retweeted and escalated, the BBC could not ignore them.

Yes, Donnison seems to have made up his mind before doing the pretense of research to answer the questions. And, yes, skeptics do not have any champions on the ground in Gaza to look at a story like this critically - we are completely at the mercy of the information and footage that the BBC itself is providing, when the BBC has great incentive not to make their employee look like he is mistaken in his grief and misplaced in his anger. (Is there other footage of Mishrawi's home that would shed light on what really happened? How far is his home from any major Israeli airstrikes on that first day? There are still lots of questions that an objective reporter would have asked.)

But the silver lining is that the Beeb was forced to respond; and we can see that its response is still far from objective (especially the insistence that it was a "missile.")

In the future, hopefully there will be journalists in the area who can overlook the camaraderie that the Western journalists in Gaza seemed to have shared and that can look at stories like this in a truly unbiased way.

(h/t JS for much of this)

UPDATE: See also BBCWatch for their take on this story.
  • Saturday, November 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Colonel Richard Kemp: Special Interview: Former Commander of British Forces in Afghanistan VIDEO

Leave Israel Alone!
"Jews are not promoting brainwashing children in military training camps, teaching them how to blow themselves up and cause maximum deaths of Jews and other non-Muslims. Jews don’t hijack planes; they don’t kill athletes at the Olympics; or blow themselves up in restaurants. There’s not a single Jew who has destroyed a church; there’s not a single Jew who calls for the death of infidels.
Perhaps the world should examine the respective values which exist in the Middle East. As Netanyahu said: ‘If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.”

Charles Krauthammer: Why Was There War in Gaza?
"Hamas considers all of Israel occupied, illegitimate, a cancer, a crime against humanity
Why was there an Israel–Gaza war in the first place? Resistance to the occupation, say Hamas and many in the international media.
What occupation? Seven years ago, in front of the world, Israel pulled out of Gaza. It dismantled every settlement, withdrew every soldier, evacuated every Jew, leaving nothing and no one behind. Except for the greenhouses in which the settlers had grown fruit and flowers for export. These were left intact to help Gaza’s economy — only to be trashed when the Palestinians took over."

Sarah Honig: Another Tack: A-Dawla ma’ana
Our successive confrontations with Gaza are an explicit acknowledgement that disengagement has failed, that we are not disengaged.
"When the blood-curdling battle cry exhorting the masses to slaughter the Jews, “Itbach al-Yahud,” was first shouted on April 4, 1920, by Arab marauders rampaging through the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem’s Old City, it was accompanied by another mantra: “A-Dawla ma’ana” – the government is with us.
That was the first brazen reverberation of the trust that Jews can be attacked with impunity, that no deterrence exists. It was since oft-chanted during the perpetration of other atrocities during the British Mandate era masterminded by Haj Amin el- Husseini, most notably the hideous Hebron massacre of 1929."

Hamas: Truce agreement says nothing about stopping the flow of weapons into Gaza
Izzat al-Rishq, a member of the terror group’s political bureau, says Israel is trying to protect its image after defeat

IDF chief of staff: As the dust settles, Hamas will realize the price it has paid
Benny Gantz pays hospital visit to soldiers injured by Gaza rocket fire, says all aims of Pillar of Defense were achieved

‘Taking down Hamas is a necessity, not just for Israel, but for humanity,’ says
estranged son of terror group’s founder

‘We need to educate the Palestinian public that Israel is not the enemy,’ Mosab Hassan Yousef tells Israel’s Channel 2

Richard Millett: Palestinian Ambassador to Britain: “The only solution is one state”
He finished his speech with this:
“We (the Palestinians) are the only, the only, country in the Middle East that are practicing democracy par excellence.”
“I think they (Israel) should be lucky to have the Palestinians as their neighbours.”

A View From Israel: Truth will prevail
"Netanyahu said that Hamas was committing a “double war crime, by indiscriminately targeting Israeli civilians while they hide behind their own.
"The moment we draw symmetry between the victims of terror and the unintended casualties that result from legitimate military action against the terrorists – the minute that false symmetry is drawn, the terrorists win,” he said.
No matter what happens, foreign governments must be made to understand this. Israel’s future depends on its ability to stand up to pressure and fight for what is right. Citizen journalists can surely assist and the last few days have proven that diligence online is not only useful, but influential in spreading the truth.

Israel Hatred at the Huffington Post
"In recent months, the Huffington Post entered the world of video news with its debut of “HuffPost Live.” One might suspect that it was little more than a video version of the leftist website founded seven years ago by Arianna Huffington. Yet a blog known as HuffWatch has been documenting the content at both websites and has discovered a grim, though unsurprising reality: both Huffington Post and HuffPost Live are repositories of anti-Semitic and anti-Israel vitriol. Leading the charge at HuffPost Live is host/producer Ahmed Shihab-Eldin."

BBC Watch: BBC Radio 4 gives Durban architect Mary Robinson free rein
"Nobody mentioned the Bar Ilan speech or numerous subsequent occasions upon which representatives of the current Israeli government have confirmed its commitment to a two-state solution and nobody pointed out to Mary Robinson the considerable irony of her making baseless accusations against a democratically elected Israeli government during a discussion on democracy."

BBC’s Donnison suggests (Gaza) rioters may be farmers… or scrap metal collectors

Indonesian Hard-Liners Register Volunteers to Wage Jihad Against Israel
The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) distributed registration forms to volunteers willing to wage jihad against Israel at a protest in front of the US Embassy on Friday.

Tel Aviv creeps up on Silicon Valley as top start-up center
The Startup Genome project crunches the numbers — lots of them — and concludes that the TA metro area is a great place to found a new venture
"While missiles pounded southern Israel and the IDF prepared to rout Hamas terror in a ground campaign, Israeli technology was once again proving its versatility. The world was stunned last week at the effectiveness of the Israeli-developed Iron Dome anti-missile system as it began shooting down Hamas rockets — and it was stunned again a few days later, when an international study declared Tel Aviv to be the second best place in the world for start-ups."
  • Saturday, November 24, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the official Iranian Mehrnews Arabic site:

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that resolving the Palestinian issue does not need war, but requires a unified Islamic decision to remove the Zionist entity off the map.
Again, this is the official translation from Iran, and it has been copied by many Arabic newspapers.

(h/t Lachlan)

Friday, November 23, 2012

  • Friday, November 23, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
I have previously discussed the case of Mahmoud Sadallah, the 4-year old boy whose the world media blamed on Israel - when in fact he was killed by a Hamas rocket.

One of the examples I gave was the Daily Mirror (UK), which showed a photos the grieving Egyptian prime minister Kandil cradling the head of the child, and had written "Egypt's Prime Minister wept today as he kissed the forehead of a boy killed in an Israeli airstrike on Gaza."

CNN and others made the same accusation, but they sort of retracted (reluctantly) when confronted with the facts.

The Daily Mirror did not, as far as I know.

So I was surprised to find out today that the link to that article is now broken, and cannot be found using the search engine on the Mirror website.

Instead of admitting the mistake, the Daily Mirror consigned the article to the proverbial "bit-bucket." It simply erased the article and pretended that it never made the mistake to begin with.

Puts your faith back into journalism, doesn't it?

It always amazes me that major, reputable media act with such immaturity when faced with their mistakes. They don't realize simple psychology: properly issuing corrections does not detract from their reputation, it enhances it.

The original CNN video with the same mistake is still online. Some 1350 people "Liked" it on Facebook. There is no indication that the report is based on a lie on that same page. People can Google it a decade from now and the lies that Sara Sidler spouted will still be there. CNN's retraction/clarification, as it were, is not even placed on the same page as the original video, where people can see the full picture. Instead, it was buried in paragraph 16 of an unrelated article. The impression that one gets isn't that CNN doesn't care about accuracy, its reputation is the driving force behind its correction policy and instead of doing proper fact-checking they instead try to minimize and hide their mistakes.

People understand that the news media can make mistakes.  But when the same media is seen trying to hide or bury those mistakes, they appear small and petty. The obfuscation is in some ways worse than the errors, because it shows that the outlets care more about their reputations than about the accuracy that they pretend is their primary goal.

I don't know which is worse - the Daily Mirror pretending that the mistake never happened, or CNN which buried its clarification but which still features the mistake in a video that people can watch in blissful ignorace on their site.

Either way, though, it explains why people increasingly do not trust the mainstream media and are relying more and more on alternative outlets, like blogs.

(h/t Emet)
  • Friday, November 23, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

LATMA: The BBC lies and Israel defends itself

A Ceasefire Has Not Been Enacted on Israel’s Other Battlefield
"Anonymous bloggers like Elder of Ziyon, who from behind a computer screen, armed with nothing more than a sharp eye for falsehood and an abundance of common sense, forced retractions and corrections (albeit some half-heartedly) from such media giants as London’s Telegraph newspaper and CNN. The outlets had falsely reported as fact, Hamas’ claims that four year old Mahmoud Sadallah, who was famously pictured cradled in the hands of Egypt’s Prime Minister, was killed in an Israeli airstrike. In truth, as Elder proved, he was killed by a Hamas rocket that fell short, landing in Gaza.
Others include Challah Hu Akbar, who meticulously surveys reports of civilian casualties in Gaza for discrepancies and falsehoods, BBC watch, who embarrassed the British network’s Gaza correspondent, Jon Donnison, after he posted one of the false Syria images on Twitter. Other such troopers go by the names of Brian of London, Missing Peace, Emet, Carl in Jerusalem, Aussie Dave, Huff Watcher and Daled Amos. There are a number of increasingly tech savvy larger Jewish groups that are becoming more digitally active as well."

Media should use ceasefire to reflect on double standards By Richard Kemp
"Predictably enough, the media has been full of shrill accusations of indiscriminate Israeli air strikes and deliberate targeting of civilians. Nothing could be further from the truth."

Why Israel can't win this propaganda war
'Moral superiority', that’s the key to understanding the left’s support for Hamas
"Western Leftists don’t have to live with the consequences of their support for aggression in the Middle East. But the sad truth is that the Palestinians are paying a heavy price for their failure to face up to realpolitik."

Russia Today Continues its Anti-Israel Propaganda, Going Even Further Than Arab TV
“A notable example is Abby Martin, a presenter on RT, who has a long history of making incendiary anti-Israel comments on her program “Breaking the Set”. Her statements range from wild exaggerations to outright falsehoods. Some of these comments are so blatantly and almost embarrassingly false, with presenters making allegations that even Arab TV channels don’t make.

BBC Watch Not enough Israelis killed by “home-made contraptions” for BBC’s Mishal Husain

Huffington Post Deletes Hamas Comment Praising Tel Aviv Bus Bomb From AP Story

Agence France-Presse perpetuates a Hamas lie
"AFP alone did not respond to direct calls to correct or otherwise address the egregious misinformation. AFP Jerusalem bureau chief Philippe Agret and photo editor Marco Longari did not lift a finger to correct the record even when they were informed that the Telegraph reported that “experts from the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights who visited the site on Saturday said they believed that the explosion was caused by a Palestinian rocket.”

Israeli Reservist Injured in Wednesday Attack Dies From his Wounds
The reservist who was injured Wednesday by rocket fire in the Eshkol Regional Council area has died.
28-year-old Lieutenant Boris Yarmolnik died Thursday from his wounds at Soroka Medical Center in Beersheba.

Tel Aviv terror attack victims speak
For first time since 2002, Tel Aviv rocked by bus bombing which injured 28; driver: 'I was sure it was a rocket hit'
Blast, smoke and anxiety – 28 people were injured in a terror attack in Tel Aviv on Wednesday when a massive blast ripped through a bus near the Kirya army compound. As three of the injured went into surgery, others recounted the moments of horror as they witnessed the first explosion on a Tel Aviv bus since 2002.

Israel Vs. Hamas Is Civilization Vs. Savagery
"Hamas' al-Aqsa TV, run by a Palestinian parliament member, is already notorious, encouraging children to become terrorists, as when it depicted a 4-year-old girl holding an explosive, singing of killing Israeli soldiers as a suicide bomber. On Wednesday, the channel's news reader prayed "to Allah the exalted that we see body bags in a short while" and joyfully reported that "the morale of Gaza residents is in the sky right now."
As Chaim Weizmann, Israel's first president, wrote over 60 years ago, "The real opponents of Zionism can never be placated by any diplomatic formula: Their objection to the Jews is that the Jews exist, and in this particular case, that they exist in Palestine."

FM: Israel will eventually need to overthrow Hamas
Liberman tells Channel 2 that launching IDF ground operation to occupy Gaza and overthrow Hamas regime would take 4 months.

In CNN interview professing a desire for peace, Mashaal asks, ‘How can I accept Israel? They have occupied my land’
After 8-day conflict that saw hundreds of rockets fired into Israel, Hamas leader claims his group does not target civilians

Hamas: We do not support Abbas's statehood bid By Khaled Abu Toameh
Denial comes shortly after Abbas's office says Haniyeh expressed support for effort to upgrade to non-member state.

Gaza leader Haniyeh thanks Iran for helping make Israel ‘scream with pain’
Hamas PM tells delirious crowds ‘the idea of attacking Gaza is gone,’ a day after ceasefire is agreed

PMW: Hamas song - death to Israel
A day after Hamas-Israel ceasefire following Hamas-Israel conflict

For third time, Lebanese army disarms rocket aimed at Israel
Soldiers defuse missile a day after two were fired but failed to reach Israeli territory

Gaza ceasefire: Hamas's celebrations mask major defeat
"Hamas has lost key generals, international support, used up a huge quantity of its weapons, lost key infrastructure, and helped give Israel the international support it needs for a ground operation in Gaza if Hamas misbehaves.
In addition, Israel's Iron Dome has proven very successful, and the US has agreed to supply more, making Hamas's weapons of choice increasingly less effective as the days go by. Hamas has also probably not delighted its Iranian masters either, as this conflict has brought Israel and the US closer than it has been since Obama took office – good news for Israel, but bad news for Iran as the US-Israeli divide was primarily over Iran in the first place.
In fact, other than a possible improvement in support from Palestinians and some bragging rights in questionable circles, it is hard to see what, if anything, Hamas got out of the past week."

The (real) new Middle East By Danny Danon
Only by staying true to our principles and meeting the terrorist aggression with decisive action can we hope to assure true safety and security for the citizens of Israel.

Venezuela: Dozens attack synagogue over Gaza conflict
Demonstrators hurl fireworks into building, shout anti-Israel slogan

Argentine govt. slams violence at anti-Israel rally in Buenos Aires

Jewish pupils attacked outside school in Paris suburb
Faculty report two attacks and one break-in in space of 48 hours

Italians hold speech rally for Israel
Italian MP Fiamma Nirenstein organizes a “speaking marathon” to support Israel in front of parliament in Rome.

‘Where’s my wife?’ Electronic SMS tracker notifies Saudi husbands
"Denied the right to travel without consent from their male guardians and banned from driving, women in Saudi Arabia are now monitored by an electronic system that tracks any cross-border movements.
Since last week, Saudi women’s male guardians began receiving text messages on their phones informing them when women under their custody leave the country, even if they are travelling together."

The eye in the sky, invented by the Israel Police
700 people work for the department’s Technology Administration, and they have developed some innovative tech — which is shared, for free, with departments around the world
  • Friday, November 23, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
This morning, after the incident on the Gaza border, CNN interviewed Diana Buttu, former PLO spokesperson.

See how she avoids answering anything, and how she lies with impunity without the interviewer making even a half-hearted attempt to blow holes in her statements:

0:19 - "The young man who was killed today was actually a farmer, who was trying to go farm his fields. There is absolutely no evidence that this was a demonstration,..."
She says this while the video is showing a demonstration! And Ma'an adds:
A relative of the dead man, who was at the scene, told Reuters that Qudaih had been trying to place a Hamas flag on the fence. He added that an Israeli soldier had fired into the air three times before Qdeih was hit in the head by a bullet.
So he was not only demonstrating - he was right at the fence and ignoring warning shots while apparently climbing it!

When asked about the bus bombing in Tel Aviv, rather than condemn it, Buttu says:
 0:51 - "Well, the incident regarding the bus occurred before the cease-fire took place - Look, I think we have to put this in its proper perspective..."
and then going on about how it is all about the "occupation." The implication is that a bus bombing is a legitimate act of war.

She then goes on to say that violence is inevitable for people under "oppression" - in other words, saying that Mahmoud Abbas' calls for "popular resistance" is simply not going to work, and Palestinian Arabs will always resort to violence. Again, the interviewer didn't press her on this matter, asking her if she felt this was their right, or what she thought about the bus bombing or the rocket fire on civilians.

She then completely ignored a decent question about whether an Islamist political takeover of the Palestinian Arabs was inevitable, answering with a terse "no" without explanation and then went back to her playbook of pretending that Israel was the only one to benefit from the Fatah-Hamas split and of course that they were using it to build new settlements - something that hasn't been done in, oh, about a decade - and somehow ethnically cleansing Arabs:
"getting rid of as many Palestinians as possible."

Again, no pushback from the host on this obvious lie.

And then Buttu goes on to say that negotiations are not ever going to work, and that the only path to peace is by having the world pressure Israel and support her murderous cousins who just terrorized a couple of million Israelis.

Gee, thanks, CNN, for allowing a propagandist liar to spew forth for three minutes without a single challenge. Great work.

  • Friday, November 23, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is what Gaza's soccer stadium used to look like, with the Pepsi brand prominently displayed:

Here is what Gaza's soccer stadium looks like today:

How cruel!

Except for this:

And it wasn't only a launching pad for long-range rockets, but also a weapons cache.

  • Friday, November 23, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Egypt's President Morsi decided to become a little more dictatorial:
President Mohamed Morsy has often celebrated the fact that he has seldom used his legislative powers, using that fact as an index of his care not to abuse his expansive authorities.

But a new constitutional declaration issued on Thursday night actually harnesses more power for Morsy, which he says he is trying to avoid.

The seven-article declaration renders the president's decrees and laws immune from appeal or cancellation. It also protects both the Shura Council and the Islamist-dominated Constituent Assembly from dissolution by any judicial authority, and further protects the assembly by extending its mandate to draft the constitution to eight months instead of six, as stipulated in an earlier constitutional declaration. Two cases against the Shura Council and the Constituent Assembly are currently awaiting a court ruling, but those cases will now be voided by the declaration.

The new constitutional declaration also gives immunity to all decisions and decrees issued by Morsy since he took office on 30 June and until the ratification of a new constitution, thus protecting those decisions from judicial or any other type of revision.

Further, Morsy granted himself the exclusive right to take any measures he sees fit to protect the country's national unity, national security and the revolution.
Sounds pretty absolute, doesn't it? And it cannot be a coincidence that Morsi decided to announce this right after being praised by the US for his role in brokering a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas.

Secular Egyptians aren't being fooled so easily.

In Alexandria:
Quarrels between opponents and supporters of President Mohamed Morsy escalated into violent clashes in Alexandria on Friday afternoon.

Eyewitnesses told Al-Masry Al-Youm that 15 were injured in the clashes as both sides hurled stones at each other, and at least five cars were smashed in the course of the violence. The confrontations led to a brief halt in traffic on the Alexandria Corniche.

Anti-Morsy protesters are gained control of the area in front of the Al-Qaed Ibrahim Mosque, while Morsy’s supporters have pulled back, the witnesses added.

Al-Jazeera Mubasher Misr reported that anti-Morsy supporters had stormed the office of Freedom and Justice Party at the area and set it ablaze.

And in Cairo:
Thousands of protesters marching from various points in the city are converging on Tahrir Square Friday afternoon, chanting slogans such as "Down with the Supreme Guide," "Wake up Morsy, it's your last day," and the popular "The people demand the fall of the regime," eyewitnesses report.

A march of dozens coming came from Estiqama Mosque in Giza Square after Friday prayers. The march included April 6 Youth Movement, Popular Current and Constitution Party members. Each movement raised its flag while others raised the Egyptian flag. The protesters also held banners denouncing the Muslim Brotherhood and its intervention in the state policy, as well as banners rejecting yesterday’s constitutional declaration.

Another march from Nour Mosque in Abbasseya that includes dozens of opponents to Morsy's decisions, including April 6 activists, is also headed to Tahrir.

The protesters held symbolic coffins wrapped in Egyptian flags and white flags that read "martyr."

They chanted "The people want to bring the president down" and "A second revolution anew."

The protesters arrival in Tahrir comes about an hour after Islamist supporters of President Mohamed Morsy came out in the tens to demonstrate against the Constitution Party’s anti-Morsy protest march from the Fatah Mosque in Ramses Square.

The two groups engaged in verbal sparring matches, shouting slogans at each other after the Friday prayers ended. Constitution Party protesters immediately left.
The problem is that the pro-Islamist groups can easily summon far more people at any protest any time they want. The parliamentary elections made that clear - the masses in Egypt are not pro-secular, and an Islamist government that veers towards totalitarianism is not considered a problem as long as Islamic law is the driving force behind it.

Will the US respond to this naked anti-democratic power play by Morsi, or will the billions continue to flow to Egypt?

There is nothing to be optimistic about here.

See also Barry Rubin for his usual spot-on analysis that does not conform to the sunny thinking of the conventional wisdom.
  • Friday, November 23, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

In your FACE, Foreign Policy and CNN!

Seriously, no one really understands the Technorati algorithms for ranking. Here is how they define it:
Technorati Authority measures a site's standing and influence in the blogosphere.

Authority is calculated based on a site’s linking behavior, categorization and other associated data over a short, finite period of time. A site’s authority may rapidly rise and fall depending on what the blogosphere is discussing at the moment, and how often a site produces content being referenced by other sites.

Topical Authority measures a blog’s influence within its subject category. Blogs will appear ranked by topical authority within Technorati’s blog directory. Factors include linking behavior from blogs and posts in the same category, how well a blog's overall content matches the category in question, and other associated data. It’s possible for a blog to have authority in several different categories. The authority in each category may be different.
I've previously seen my rankings go as high as #4. For the past couple of years I have been in their top ten more often than not, but I've seen my ranking fall into the 40s as well.

Technorati ranks some 18,000 blogs in that category.

I won't let it get to my head, but for now I have bragging rights to all my pseudonymous friends. Either that, or I have to make a virtual kiddush; the protocol is not really clear.

(My ranking in general politics has also skyrocketed, to #6.)

(h/t Yerushalimey)

  • Friday, November 23, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From PCHR:
At approximately 09:40, an Israeli warplane fired a missile at a group of Palestinian civilians near Abdullah Bin Rawaha Mosque in Maan area in the east of Khan Yunis. 2 civilians were killed: Abdullah Harb Salem Abu Khater, 21; and Mahmoud Saeed Abu Khater, 34.

The PalDF Hamas forum refers to Mahmoud Saeed Abu Khater, whose day job was apparently as a teacher, as a "mujahid."

His brother, Abdullah, was a member of Hamas as well:

It looks like they were not innocent civilians just standing around, but specific targets because of their terror ties.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

  • Thursday, November 22, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
It's been too long since I did one of these...from The Telegraph:

Scientists have grown fully functional heart muscles by reprogramming stem cells and skin cells from patients. They found that these reprogrammed cells can “reset” the rhythm of any unhealthy heart tissue that is placed around them.

The researchers believe that patients suffering from irregular or slow heart beats could be treated with an injection of new heart cells grown from stem cells to create a “biological pacemaker” that will regulate their heartbeat.

Currently patients who have suffered heart attacks that cause their heart to pump out of sync or who suffer from irregular heartbeats have to undergo surgery where a battery powered pacemaker is fitted to control the organ’s rhythm.

Dr Oren Caspi, from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology who has been carrying out the research, said the heart cells they had created appeared to behave like young, healthy heart tissue found in new born babies.

He said: “We found that the electrical signal from the heart cells we created synchronised the beat of any surrounding heart tissue.

“We have seen this happen in dishes in the laboratory and in animal models. When we integrated the cells into the hearts of pigs, they were paced by the cells that were injected.

“It seems that the cells that beat fastest control the pace, so it could be used to replace artificial pacemakers for people with slow or irregular heartbeats.”

Dr Caspi and his colleague Professor Lior Gepstein earlier this year became the first scientists in the world to generate beating heart cells by reprogramming skin cells taken from patients.

They converted the adult skin into a type of cell known as induced pluripotent stem cells, which have the potential to develop into any tissue found in the body. By altering the conditions they were grown in, the cells then developed into fully functioning heart cells.

The researchers believe it will be possible to use skin cells from patients to create injectable biological pacemakers – reducing the risk of them being rejected by the patients body.

They are now working with clinical heart specialists in a bid to trial the treatment in human patients.
  • Thursday, November 22, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Operation Pillar of Defense: Summary of Events
During the next eight days, the IDF targeted more than 1,500 terror sites across the Gaza Strip. The sites that were targeted were positively identified by precise intelligence over the course of several months, including:
More Statistics: Ceasefire Agreement Comes Into Effect

Soldier killed by Gazan shell buried in Jerusalem
Eighteen-year-old Cpl. Yosef Fartuk, son of haredi family, always wanted to serve state.

Hamas’s Triple War Crimes
"It is actually a triple war crime, because the use of civilians as shields is intended not simply for protection of the terrorists, but to ensure that Palestinian civilians are killed — to produce the response from the UN, the New York Times, and others in the “international community” necessary to win the media war that is conducted alongside the military one."

On Gaza Body Counts and the Numbers Game
A double standard between Israel and Gaza, Israel and the world
Here was the line:
"Israel has a vastly more capable military than Hamas, and its air campaign has resulted in a lopsided casualty count: three Israelis have been killed."
And here was JG’s response:
"Whenever I read a statement like this, I wonder if the person writing it believes that there is a large moral difference between attempted murder and successfully completed murder."

Alan Dershowitz: Why a Cease Fire Will Not Last
"The only solution to this recurring problem is for the international community and the media, once and for all, to expose the Hamas strategy, to condemn it, and to deny Hamas the diplomatic and media victory it seeks to achieve by its double war crimes."

Until the next time By David Horovitz
Israel achieved successes in Pillar of Defense. The worry is that Hamas achieved more
"The intelligence aspect of Israel’s strikes has shaken Hamas, no matter how swaggering its bravado. To lose your chief of staff, Jabari, on day one of a mini-war exposes a massive intelligence vulnerability. To see many of your key long-range missile locations pinpointed and targeted underlines the extent to which Israel has penetrated Hamas’s command and communications networks."

Greens party in a dubious alliance
A SENIOR Labor MP (Australia) has accused the Greens of supporting "gay-hanging, women-hating" terrorists by failing to condemn Hamas rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel.

Giving the Greens a rocket
"Next question: If Gaza is the ``world’s biggest outdoor prison’’, strangled by a blockade so severe that Palestinians are left, as activists such as Professor Juan Cole like to claim, desperately short of food and medicine, why would Hamas be smuggling in rockets instead?Strange priorities, especially when rockets are not weapons of self-defence but of offence. Of terror. Which, of course, is the stock in trade of Hamas, pledged to Israel’s destruction.

Media Comment: Irresponsibility even in war
Why do so many readers continue to support media outlets proven to be consistently unethical with unfair and biased toward Israel?
"As reported originally by blogger Elder of Ziyon, in breaking news, the BBC showed a “wounded” Gazan civilian being removed by stretcher following an Israeli attack. The headline was: “Hamas military: Attack opens the gates of hell.” Yet 30 minutes later a clip shows the same person walking about freely. As a result, CNN corrected its report on this incident."

CIF Watch: Guardian claims Hamas scored political points from photo of Egypt PM cradling dead baby
"It is worth noting that the Guardian is once again suggesting that Hamas, unlike the “craven” Palestinian leaders in Fatah, is more deserving of our moral sympathy, more justified in claiming the mantle of the authentic Palestinian resistance movement. Further, the picture of the Egyptian prime minister clutching a dead Gazan child, which the Guardian is referring to, is an incident which was revealed (by EOZ) to be a fraud."

BBC Watch: Terror in Tel Aviv: scare quotes at the BBC.
Note the wording of the report’s synopsis as it appears on the website: [emphasis added]
“At least 10 people have been injured in an explosion on a bus in Israel’s commercial capital, Tel Aviv, in what one Israeli official described as a “terrorist attack”.

Minutes after Tel Aviv terror attack, Glenn Greenwald praises Seumas Milne’s defense of ‘armed resistance’

Honest Reporting: Airstrike on Aleppo Hospital While World Watched Gaza
Now that the foreign press corps in Israel and Gaza have set the bar on concern for civilian casualties, will we see a similar level of righteous indignation at Syria?

Ankara wants NATO Patriot missiles to help contain Syrian fighting
Organization, seeking to stay out of conflict, may deploy arms to protect Turkey

Al-Jazeera offices in Tahrir Square firebombed, gutted
Incident comes on third day of conflict between protesters and security forces in Cairo

Amnesty UK official in hot water over Jewish MPs tweet
Kristyan Benedict tweets joke suggesting three Jewish MPs support bombardment of Gaza; Amnesty UK launches ‘confidential’ disciplinary process; official’s private Twitter feed includes strong anti-Israel views
On Tuesday, during a parliamentary discussion on violence in Syria and in Gaza, Benedict tweeted, “Louise Ellman, Robert Halfon and Luciana Berger walk into a bar… each orders a round of B52s… #Gaza.”
NGO Monitor: NGO Warfare Update: Amnesty Launches Frontal Attacks
"On November 19, Amnesty launched a direct assault on Israel’s right to self-defense, calling on the UN Security Council to impose an “international arms embargo on Israel, Hamas, and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza.” (plus more offensive Amnesty tweets)"

The Vatican on Gaza: Israel is a Baby-Killer”
Not a word was heard from the Vatican all the years Sderot babies were in mortal danger. They began noticing the violence last week.

'Iran is hauling dirt to site IAEA wants to inspect'
Western diplomats: Satellite images reinforce suspicions Tehran is trying to hide illicit nuclear activity at Parchin plant.

Even as Rockets Rain Down, Israeli Economic Strength Recognized
NEW YORK—On Nov. 20, for the sixth consecutive year, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) recognized the innovative technology and business acumen that characterizes the Jewish state at its “Israel Day.”

Diaspora kids reach out to Israeli students under fire
A school twinning program sponsored by the Jewish Agency lets schoolchildren from abroad express solidarity with their counterparts in Israel

Israeli Kids Learn Song To Overcome Fear Of Rockets

IDF band’s European tour takes nasty turn during Gaza operation
A bomb threat and chants of ‘Jews to the gas’ provide the low points of young musicians’ annual concert series
“The audience, which had paid $15 for tickets and donated thousands more to aid Israelis under fire from Hamas, showered the players with affection.
"During a pause in the performance, a YouTube clip by Dr. Elisheva Ronen, a Dutch-born pediatrician who lives in Ashkelon, was projected on a screen. In the clip, which has become a Facebook hit, Ronen filmed rockets falling near her home as sirens wailed in the background. Ronen then took the stage and, choking back emotion, thanked the audience members for their prayers."


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