Thursday, November 15, 2012

  • Thursday, November 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Israeli ambassador to the UN Ron Prosor making a statement yesterday and taking questions at a press conference:

IDF spokesperson Avital Liebovich to a hostile interviewer on Al Jazeera:


(h/t Josh)

  • Thursday, November 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
While the media try to keep things "even-handed" or even emphasizing (as the BBC did) "the total disparity of force between the two sides," no one is reporting the actual words of the terrorists.

Yes, as JPost notes, Islamic Jihad took credit for shooting rockets at Tel Aviv. But you cannot understand the conflict unless you understand the mindset of the Islamic supremacists who rule Gaza, and you cannot understand their mindset without reading their actual words.

So here is Islamic Jihad's announcement of responsibility for shooting rockets at Tel Aviv:
The Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, announced the bombing of the occupied city of Tel Aviv with a Fajr-5 rocket for the first time in the history of the conflict between the Islamic Jihad military wing with the Zionist enemy.

The Al-Quds Brigades said that its rocket unit managed by the grace of Allah Almighty the bombing of the occupied city of Tel Aviv, which has heard a huge earthquake-like blast with the city sirens still reverberating after the holy jihad bombing.

Quds Brigades confirmed that it will teach the enemy a lesson in the art of jihad and fighting.
The earlier announcement of when it shot rockets at Rishon LeZion referred to them as "blessed resistance missiles."

The Western media rarely report on the fanaticism and hate behind the terrorists. The leftist narrative that everyone is pretty much the same with similar desires and goals and world outlook is so ingrained in the minds of the reporters that they believe that reporting on the words of hate and Islamist supremacy is vaguely Islamophobic or racist. So instead, we are treated to vanilla descriptions, often in passive voice, watering down the seething hate and fanaticism that drives the haters of Israel.

They are not motivated by land, nor conflict, and certainly not to defend their people's lives. Their motivation, as their words indicate clearly, is simply pure seething hate for anyone who is not a Muslim extremist and who does not willingly submit to the rule of Islamists.

When journalists dilute the motivation, they are not reporting the story, but rather what they hope the story is. And that is not only a disgrace to journalism but it is a major disservice to the public.

  • Thursday, November 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Arab students at the University of Haifa, and reportedly at other Israeli universities, held a moment of silence in memory of arch-terrorist Ahmad Jaabari today.

While a million Israelis are worrying about their loved ones being killed by rockets, these Haifa students then started singing songs about how "Palestine" is their homeland:

Zionist students responded by singing Hatikva, and some held a counter-demonstration:

Many photos at the "Arabs48" website .
  • Thursday, November 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Targeting a rocket warehouse in Gaza. Lots of secondary explosions:

Hamas video showing them firing from civilian areas:

And two slick pieces of hasbara (which, you will recall, I do not consider a bad word :) )

How does the IDF minimize civilian casualties?

What gives Israel the right to defend itself?

(h/t Yoel)
  • Thursday, November 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Egypt Independent, in English:
Hundreds of protesters rallied in front of the Arab League in Cairo against the Israeli assault on Gaza Thursday, chanting slogans and carrying Palestinian flags, Al-Masry Al-Youm reported.
But what were those slogans they were chanting?

For that, you have to read the Arabic media:

"To Jerusalem we go, martyrs in the millions"

"Khyber Khyber oh Jews .. The Army of Muhammad will return"

"From Liberation of Palestine .. one people not two peoples"

"Jihad, Jihad .. Is the solution"

And the banners they were holding said slogans like

"Zionists, be patient - Egyptians will visit your graves"

"Islamic revolution"

"Zionism and Syria, two sides of the same coin"

"Revenge, O Qassam Brigades"

  • Thursday, November 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
At 4:13 of this video you can see - and hear - a rocket being fired right behind this al Jazeera reporter in Gaza City

(h/t Gidon Shaviv)
  • Thursday, November 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Look at this guy being carried because he is "injured" in this BBC report:

Thirty seconds later:

It's a miracle!

(h/t Jason)
  • Thursday, November 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
I'm not liveblogging like Muqata, but here is the news from last night:

4 Israelis were killed - including two women - and a baby injured in a rocket attack on Kiryat Malachi.

3 Hamas terrorists were killed on a motorcycle/taxi in Gaza. This makes 11 killed in Gaza so far, 7 of them terrorists.

There have been over 130 rockets from Gaza in the past 24 hours. Iron Dome intercepted 13 since midnight and about 28 yesterday.

Hamas, which has been making up stories from the start, warns Gazans not to believe Israeli "rumors." Presumably the interior minister is referring to pamphlets the IDF is dropping warning Gazans to stay away from terrorists who are about to be toast. He also said there is plenty of food and fuel, and warned shopkeepers not to price-gouge customers.

Here is video of the IDF targeting underground Fajr rocket launch sites:

Hamas has now named its rocket firing barrage "Operation Shale Stones." Which indicates that they will be burning for a long time.

Hamas also claims that it will air footage of firing a long-range Fajr rocket that they pretend hit Tel Aviv on its TV station. Amazing how not a single Israeli in Tel Aviv heard even a siren, let alone an explosion.

If you want to see what Ahmad Jabari looked like dead, Hamas websites have lots of photos.

The impression I am getting is that most Arab nations really don't care anymore. There are very few outraged articles and even fewer official statements that go beyond the boilerplate. The only people really upset are  the usual Western anti-Israel leftists who see this as an excuse to hold protests and people like Max Blumenthal who fume that the Israel Lobby is hushing up all criticism. Yup, we control the Arab press too!
  • Thursday, November 15, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the UN:
The Secretary-General spoke by telephone today with President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt about the worrisome escalation of violence in southern Israel and Gaza and the need to prevent any further deterioration.

The Secretary-General expressed strong support for the leadership being exercised by Egypt to restore calm in the region.
Isn't it interesting that the Secretary General didn't mention the missiles that were fired from Egypt into Israel Wednesday morning, before the IDF killed Ahmad Jabari? Missiles that Egypt admits came from her territory?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

  • Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Now that the false rumor that Tzipi Livni slept with Arab politicians for extortion purposes gain has been fully believed by stupid Arabs, the obvious next step is for them to wonder what other prominent Jewish women did the same.

An article in Sudanese Online gives us the answer.

First, it mentions the treacherous Queen Esther, that beauty who ruthlessly seduced a Persian king, forcing him to marry her in order to save her people from genocide.

The article then fast-forwards to more recent times, saying that many girls slept with Moshe Dayan in order to further their careers, apparently using "pulsating lust."

We learn that Golda Meir also slept with Arab kings and leaders, which directly led to the establishment of the Jewish state in 1948, and later caused these Arab leaders to treat Palestinian Arabs poorly.

Surprisingly, the article failed to mention Monica Lewinsky, who is the usual Arab poster child for Jewish sexual ambition.
  • Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The second night of riots in Jordan may have more far-reaching implications than Israel's actions in Gaza.

The riots started yesterday in reaction to government ending fuel subsidies. But both the rioters and Jordanian police have turned violent:
Riots renewed in the southern governorate of Karak Wednesday evening with protesters clashing with anti-riot police and torched the old governor house.

Public Security Department (PSD) media center said that protesters placed burning tires in the abandoned governor home, adding that protesters used Molotov cocktail and improvised incendiary weapons against gendarmerie forces, who used tear gas to disperse crowds.

The protest in Karak witnessed harsh slogans against the government, and critical chants against King Abdullah II.
One gendarmerie policeman is in critical condition in the intensive care unit after being shot by unidentified assailants late Wednesday night in Shafa Badran district in Amman.

The policeman, a corporal, received a gunshot wound to his face when unknown assailants fired gunshots in a drive-by shooting at the police station using automatic weapons.
In Irbid, north of Jordan, one citizen was killed and 16 others were injured, including 12 policeman, PSD said.

A security station in Al Wasatiyah district in Irbid was attacked, reportedly by an armed group late Wednesday night who attempted to storm into it.

Clashes erupted between police and the rioters, leading to the injury of 12 security personnel and four of the attackers.

One member of the armed group was pronounced dead upon arrival to the hospital, after sustaining fatal wounds, PSD added.

Just as in Egypt, it looks like the Islamists are fanning the flames from a distance, but poised to swoop in as soon as it appears that the ruler is going to fall.

The situation might literally explode in the coming days.

  • Wednesday, November 14, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
First, Hamas claimed that they killed three Israelis in Beersheva with the hundred or so rockets they shot on Wednesday. They didn't.

Then they claimed that they killed an Israeli on a warship off the Gaza coast, using a guided missile, and this was confirmed by Israel. They didn't.

Finally they claimed to have shot a rocket at Tel Aviv. And not a Grad or a Fajr, but a home-made rocket! They even published a photo!

However, they didn't. And the photo was taken at Netivot during one of their rocket barrages earlier this week.

We saw this same pattern of ridiculous lies during Cast Lead as well, where Hamas tries desperately to put a good face on the fact that their leaders scurrying like rats from one hiding place to another.

UPDATE: Another lie, from Hamas' Al Qassam Brigades Twitter account:

Actual photo came from Syria last month .


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