Sunday, July 22, 2012

  • Sunday, July 22, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
This Sports Illustrated article from 2002 has some details that are relevant on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the Munich Olympics massacre.

Following the Oslo Accords of 1993, the mastermind of Black September's Munich attack enjoyed a certain respectability. Mohammed Daoud Oudeh, a.k.a. Abu Daoud, sat on the Palestinian National Council, where in 1996 he joined a majority in voting to revoke the clause in the PLO charter calling for Israel's destruction. Though Israel had long known of his role at Munich -- Mossad was believed to have been involved in a 1981 assassination attempt in which he was shot six times -- he even carried an Israeli-issued VIP pass that allowed him to shuttle between his home in Amman, Jordan, and the occupied territories.

All that changed in 1999 after Abu Daoud openly acknowledged his role in the Olympic attack, both in his memoir, Palestine: From Jerusalem to Munich, published in Paris, and in an interview with the Arab TV network al-Jazeera. Germany issued an international arrest warrant on Abu Daoud, and Israel canceled his travel credentials, barring him from the Palestinian lands he had spent his adult life trying to liberate....

"At the time, it was the correct thing to do for our cause," Abu Daoud told SI. AP
In late July, SI's Don Yaeger went to the Middle East to find the 72-year-old Abu Daoud. After five days in Syria, where he met with leaders of several Palestinian groups, including the Palestinian Authority, PA president Yasir Arafat's Fatah faction and the militant Hamas, Yaeger received a call from Abu Daoud, who said he was in Cyprus. Abu Daoud, who would not reveal where he resides -- saying only that he lives with his wife on a pension provided by the PA -- agreed to answer written questions. Among his claims, in his memoir and to SI, are these:

Though he wasn't involved in conceiving or implementing it, "the [Munich] operation had the endorsement of Arafat." Arafat is not known to have responded to the allegations in Abu Daoud's book. In May 1972 four Black Septembrists hijacked a Sabena flight from Brussels to Tel Aviv, hoping to free comrades from Israeli jails. But Israeli special forces stormed the plane, killing or capturing all the terrorists and freeing every passenger, leaving Arafat, by Abu Daoud's account, desperate to boost morale in the refugee camps by showing that Israel was vulnerable.

Though he didn't know what the money was being spent for, longtime Fatah official Mahmoud Abbas, a.k.a. Abu Mazen, was responsible for the financing of the Munich attack. Abu Mazen could not be reached for comment regarding Abu Daoud's allegation. After Oslo in 1993, Abu Mazen went to the White House Rose Garden for a photo op with Arafat, President Bill Clinton and Israel's Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. "Do you think that ... would have been possible if the Israelis had known that Abu Mazen was the financier of our operation?" Abu Daoud writes. "I doubt it." Today the Bush Administration seeks a Palestinian negotiating partner "uncompromised by terror," yet last year Abu Mazen met in Washington with Secretary of State Colin Powell.

While he doesn't regret his role in the operation, Abu Daoud told SI, "I would be against any operation like Munich ever again. At the time, it was the correct thing to do for our cause. ... The operation brought the Palestinian issue into the homes of 500 million people who never previously cared about Palestinian victims at the hands of the Israelis." Today, he says, an attack on an event like the Olympics would only damage the Palestinians' image.

Daoud also was interviewed about the Munich massacre for a film called "One Day in September," produced by John Battsek and Arthur Cohn for Sony Pictures Classics. Director Kevin Macdonald said Abu Daoud admitted Black September was merely the cover name adopted by Fatah members when they wanted to carry out terrorist attacks.

The PLO operative recalled how Arafat and Abu Mazen both wished him luck and kissed him when he set about organizing the Munich attack.

In an interview in 2006, Abu Daoud described how the Olympics massacre was a great victory for the Palestinian Arab cause:
Discussing the Palestinians' struggle for a homeland and rejecting the use of the word "terrorist" to describe its fighters, he said of the Munich days: "There was nothing we weren't prepared to do to keep the Palestinian cause in the public eye.

"Before Munich, we were simply terrorists. After Munich, at least people started asking who are these terrorists? What do they want? Before Munich, nobody had the slightest idea about Palestine."

"Today, I cannot fight you anymore, but my grandson will and his grandsons, too," he said, addressing Israelis.
Unfortunately, the murderous calculus of the PLO was correct. Only two years after Munich, Yasir Arafat was honored at the UN.

When Abu Daoud died in 2010 of kidney failure in Damascus, Mahmoud Abbas praised him without any equivocation:

President Mahmoud Abbas sent a telegram of condolences yesterday over the death of the great fighter Muhammad Daoud Oudeh, 'Abu Daoud,' who died just before reaching 70. The telegram of condolences read: 'The deceased was one of the prominent leaders of the Fatah movement and lived a life filled with the struggle, devoted effort, and the enormous sacrifice of the deceased for the sake of the legitimate problem of his people, in many spheres. He was at the forefront on every battlefield, with the aim of defending the [Palestinian] revolution. What a wonderful brother, companion, tough and stubborn, relentless fighter. [Al Hayat al Jadida, July 4, 2010]

President Mahmoud Abbas yesterday held a telephone conversation with the family of the Shahid (Martyr) fighter Muhammad Oudeh, Abu Daoud, member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council and former head of the movement's Supervisory Committee, and expressed his condolences over [Oudeh's] death.

During the conversation the President noted [Oudeh's] life filled with the struggle, his devoted effort, and the enormous sacrifice of the deceased for the sake of the legitimate problem of his people, in many spheres. He was at the forefront on every battlefield, with the aim of defending the [Palestinian] revolution." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 5, 2010]
And official PA media were even more explicit in their praise for the Olympic massacre and its architect:
"In its [Black September terror group's] ranks were many distinguished men and women, headed by the Panther of Palestine, Salah Khalaf 'Abu Iyad.' Abu Daoud was one of his prominent assistants. His [Abu Daoud's] name shined brightly in the German city of Munich in 1972, where the Olympics took place....May Allah have mercy on this great Fatah fighter and patriot, Abu Daoud."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 6, 2010]

(I posted the SI article originally in 2005.)
  • Sunday, July 22, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Just great:
Rebel forces gained control of the Bab al-Hawa crossing between Syria and Turkey on Thursday.

But by Saturday evening, a group of some 150 foreign fighters calling themselves as Islamists were in control of the Bab al-Hawa post, an AFP photographer said.

Some of the fighters said they belonged to Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), while others claimed allegiance to a group called Shura Taliban.

They were armed with Kalashnikov assault rifles, rocket launchers and improvised mines.

The fighters identified themselves as coming from a number of countries: Algeria, France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates and the Russian republic of Chechnya.
But there is some better news, as the Kurds are asserting control of their lands in Syria:
On the second day of events in Syrian Kurdistan, several more cities have fallen into the hands of Kurdish groups.

Fawzi Shangal, the leader of the Kurdish Accord Party in Syria told Rudaw that the city of Amude and Efrin fell on Friday and they expect Derek city liberated within hours.

Shangal maintained that the Kurdish cities fell without any major clashes. The forces of the Assad regime withdrew from the area, he said.

“According to the Erbil agreement [signed between Syrian Kurdish political factions] On June 11, the Kurdish National Council and the Council of Western Kurdistan have formed a joint leadership to run those cities,” he said.

Members of the Democratic Union Party [PYD] raised the Kurdish flag alongside the official flag of the Kurdistan Workers Party [PKK] on all government buildings in the newly liberated cities on Friday.

Kobane, in the province of Halab [Aleppo], was the first Kurdish city near the Turkish border to be liberated yesterday.

On Thursday PYD stopped soldiers of the Free Syrian Army [FSA] from entering Kobane as the news of the liberation reached other parts of the country.

“The Kurdish forces rejected a request by the FSA and told them that they [Kurds] can control their own areas,” Hussein Kochar, a PYD official told Rudaw.

Kurdish leaders are preparing for the full liberation of Syrian Kurdistan and the responsibility of restoring peace and order in those cities.
And another city was liberated from Assad's troops this morning in Syrian Kurdistan.

The biggest wild card in Syria is still Assad's chemical weapons.

(h/t Yoel)
  • Sunday, July 22, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week I reported on the lying advertisements that were posted in Metro-North railroad stations this month, showing the ridiculous Map That Lies.

The person who put the ads up, Henry Clifford, told Fox News, “There’s always room for discussion of different sides of every story, but there’s no room for discussion on fact. Anyone who challenges these maps and the content of these ads, it’s their obligation to show that they’re historically wrong. The ball is in their court.”

I responded with a point-by-point refutation of the maps, pointing out that now the ball is in his court. Besides an initial response claiming he is too busy to do a full response, and even after I sent him a reminder email on Friday, he has not bothered to respond.

But Yaacov Lozowick emailed him a similar reply to mine - a bit shorter and better written. And Clifford's response to that email proves, yet again, that the anti-Israel crowd knows that they are lying, but they pretend they are lying for a good reason.

Here is his entire response to Yaacov:
In any format the bottom line is irrefutable - the Palestinian people have lost most of their homeland.
What happened to your professed interest in facts, Henry? You issued a challenge to disprove the ads based on facts, and they were disproved easily. But now, instead of admitting that your ads are lies, you are appealing to what you clearly consider "the bottom line."

Your pithy response indicates that you cannot respond to the facts. It indicates that you believe that lies are justified for the Palestinian Arab cause you advocate.

If you were a real man, consistent in your words and deeds, you would publicly admit that the ads were deceptive and have no relationship to the truth.

But you aren't. You are just a hater, and lying to further your hate is par for the course for you and the anti-Zionist crowd.

UPDATE: He finally replied to me, similar to his non-reply to Yaacov:
I'm sorry, I have received at least 500 emails, 90% positive, am flooded with requests for comment or interviews, I just don't have time to debate. The Palestinians have lost most of their homeland and the earth is not flat. You can't change fact.

Yet that is exactly what this hypocrite is trying to do with these ads.
  • Sunday, July 22, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Egypt Independent:
February 2011 explosion
The pipeline transporting Egyptian natural gas to Israel has been bombed for the 15th time since the January uprising last year, according to North Sinai Governorate sources.

The explosion, which took place in the Taweel area, 10 km east of Arish city, would appear to confirm that gas exports to Israel have restarted.

The source referred to information about the resumption of gas exports to Israel four days ago.

However, Mohamed Ayyoub, head of the Gasco Company in Arish, denied that exports had restarted, saying the gas inside the pipeline was left from before Egypt had announced it was halting gas exports. According to sources, the company continues to pump gas to keep the equipment efficient but does not pump the gas to Israel.

The blast apparently took place in a depopulated area and was caused by improvised explosive devices. No casualties were reported.
Reuters adds:

The blast occurred in the early hours of Sunday morning at al-Tuwail, east of the coastal Sinai town of al-Arish, at a point before the pipeline splits into separate branches to Israel and Jordan, security officials and witnesses said.

An official in the company that manages the pipeline said exports of gas to both Israel and Jordan had been halted since an explosion that hit the pipeline in April and that the flames were caused by residual gas.

Residents in al-Arish, however, said gas shipments had begun three days ago through the pipeline, which at one point supplied Israel with about 40 percent of its natural gas.

Egypt in April terminated its agreement to supply gas to Israel because of what it said was a business dispute.
Piecing this together, it seems that Egypt never resumed pumping gas to Israel, nor to Jordan, since April. Some testing or maintenance probably occurred a few days ago and Sinai residents assumed that the shipments were resuming, so they arranged for another bombing.

Given that Egyptian officials have been sentenced to prison for selling gas to Israel at low prices, it seems very unlikely that any gas shipments were resuming.

The main party to be impacted by these explosions is not Israel - but Jordan. Jordan was far more dependent on Egyptian gas than Israel was, and it is interesting that this time the pipeline was bombed before the split.

Arabs being hurt by other Arabs isn't news, though.
  • Sunday, July 22, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Two articles from The Times of Israel:
BOSTON (AP) — A Muslim-American man admitted Friday that he plotted to use remote-controlled model planes packed with explosives to blow up the Pentagon and US Capitol.

Rezwan Ferdaus, 26, pleaded guilty to attempting to provide material support to terrorists and attempting to damage and destroy federal buildings by means of an explosive.

Ferdaus was arrested last year after federal employees posing as members of al-Qaeda delivered materials he requested, including grenades, machine guns and plastic explosives.

Under a plea agreement, federal prosecutors agreed to drop four other charges. Prosecutors and Ferdaus’ lawyers also agreed to jointly recommend a 17-year prison term. Sentencing is set for Nov. 1.

Ferdaus grew up in Massachusetts and has a physics degree from Boston’s Northeastern University.

Prosecutors said Ferdaus began planning jihad, or holy war, against the United States in 2010 after becoming convinced through jihadi websites and videos that America was evil. He later contacted a federal informant and began meeting to discuss the plot with undercover agents.
A Muslim husband and wife convicted of planning a terror attack against Jews in Manchester, England, were jailed Friday.

Shasta Khan, who was convicted of preparing for acts of terrorism and two counts of possessing information likely to be useful in an act of terrorism, was sentenced to eight years in prison. The 38-year-old hairdresser, who had pleaded not guilty, will serve four years minus the 350 days she spent on remand.

Her husband Mohammed Sajid Khan, 33, an unemployed car valet, was given an indeterminate sentence for public protection, which means that after a minimum of seven-and-a-half years, his position will be regularly reviewed by a parole board. He had pleaded guilty to engaging in conduct in preparation of terrorism.

The sentences “reflect the fact that Mohammed Sajid Khan was clearly the dominant character in this terror plot, and we hope he spends a long time behind bars,” said Mark Gardner, spokesperson for the Community Security Trust, an organization which provides security advice, infrastructure and manpower to British Jews. “We will never know if Shasta Khan would have turned to terrorism had she not married her husband.”

The Khans were in the early stages of building a home-made bomb, following instructions they found on the internet, when their plot was discovered in July 2011. Police had been called to their home in Oldham, greater Manchester, following a domestic dispute.

They had spent months scouting out potential Jewish targets in Manchester, including two synagogues and the Jewish Agency building.

They couple, who had met on the internet in 2010 and married just six weeks later, had become radicalized by material they read on the internet, including an English-language magazine published by an al-Qaeda affiliate.
Both Muslims.

Both became would-be jihadist murderers based on stuff they read on the Internet.

Both chose targets that have only peripheral involvement with Israel.

Now, certainly they only represent a "tiny minority of Muslims" that we hear so much about.

But if that tiny minority is only 14% - which is the number of Muslims who felt 9/11 was completely or mostly justified - that is still tens of millions of adult Muslims who are potential jihadists. (And 23% felt that 9/11 was "partially" justified.)

It is not exactly a comforting thought.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

  • Saturday, July 21, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday dismissed a claim by Qaedat al-Jihad that it was responsible forWednesday’s terrorist attack in Burgas.
Foreign Affairs Ministry spokeswoman Vesela Cherneva dismissed the previously unknown Islamist group’s assertion of responsibility for the attack in an email sent Saturday to Elnashra, a Lebanese newspaper.
The previously unknown group is a possible affiliate of al-Qaeda, commentators in Israel said Saturday evening, noting its name in Arabic — “Qaedat al-Jihad.”

No Bulgarian officials present to pay respects at Mustafa Kyosev’s funeral
Kyosev, 36, belonged to Bulgaria’s ethnically Turkish, Muslim minority, which comprises 8% of the country’s 7 million people.
He was survived by his wife Emine and 10-year-old daughter.

The Levy Report and the ‘Occupation’ Narrative by Dore Gold
“Levy’s discourse is relevant for the Palestinian side in one important respect. If the Palestinians are constantly fed by the international community the “occupation” narrative, their propensity to consider making a real compromise, which is critical for any future agreement, will be close to nil. In fact, this false narrative only reinforces their mistaken belief in the delegitimization campaign against Israel as an alternative to seeking a negotiated settlement of the conflict. Rather than creating a setting for diplomacy to succeed, it only makes a real Middle Eastern peace more remote than ever.”

Palestine – United Nations Perfidy Exposed by David Singer
“The canard – supported by countless United Nations General Assembly Resolutions – that Jewish settlements in the West Bank are illegal in international law – has been dealt a crushing blow with the the recent release of the Levy Committee Report in Israel rebutting that claim.”
[By the way, it's been a couple of weeks since the Levy report was released. Has anyone seen any attempt by its critics to rebut its arguments? - EoZ]

Obama administration sends CIA officers to find biological and chemical weapons in Syria

Israel ‘will have to strike’ if Syrian weapons are moving to Hezbollah, says top analyst

Islamic Jihad leadership abandons Syria for Iran
“Circumstances in war-torn country force terrorist organization to relocate, reports London-based Arabic daily”

BBC pictures reveal more about their attitudes to the Middle East Conflict than they might wish
"With the BBC continuing to report on the Middle East conflict in the way it does - who needs the Balen Report?"

Batsheva Faces Ugly BDS, But The Dire Plight Of Gaza's Christians Is Ignored
“The acclaimed Batsheva Dance Company is due to perform at the Edinburgh Playhouse from 30 August to 1 September as part of the Edinburgh International Festival.
But inevitably the usual suspects have mobilised against the visit – "Don't Dance With Israeli Apartheid" is the name of a Facebook page, for example.”

Pat Condell: American Dhimmi

Egyptian Retired General Ahmad Mansouri: If Iran And Syria Are Attacked, Egypt Will Join Them In Taking Action
Egyptian Screenwriter Wahid Hamed: The Muslim Brotherhood Has Reneged On All The Promises It Made

Israeli scientists see through walls, barriers
"Move over Superman, scientists have found a way to see around corners and through solid materials.”

Also, The Daily Telegraph declares the Galilee Judenfrei
  • Saturday, July 21, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Egypt's Seventh Day newspaper reports that Egyptian officials are charging Raafat Hashim, 57, with a misdemeanor for possessing 63 toy machine guns that "insult Aisha."

The article notes that after an investigation, the guns were indeed found to be insulting Mohammed's favorite wife, and Hashim is being charged with "exploiting religion in promoting the dissemination of extremist ideas and sedition."

He says that he bought the toys six months ago in Cairo's Jewish quarter.

This story has been going around the entire Arab world since at least last year. We have shown video of a cleric in Sudan railing against the toy and then "proving" how it insults Aisha.

"Go, go, go. Pull over. Save the hostages." is being interpreted as "Shoot Aisha!"

One would think that Mr. Hashim has a good, solid defense. But then we must remember exactly what kind of judge is going to listen to him.

Friday, July 20, 2012

  • Friday, July 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Reuters:
New York police believe Iranian Revolutionary Guards or their proxies have been involved so far this year in nine plots against Israeli or Jewish targets around the world, according to restricted police documents obtained by Reuters.

Reports prepared this week by intelligence analysts for the New York Police Department (NYPD) say three plots were foiled in January, three in February and another three since late June. Iran has repeatedly denied supporting militant attacks abroad.

The documents, labeled “Law Enforcement Sensitive,” said that this week’s suicide bomb attack in Bulgaria was the second plot to be unmasked there this year.

The reports detail two plots in Bangkok and one each in New Delhi, Tbilisi, Baku, Mombasa and Cyprus. Each plot was attributed to Iran or its Lebanese Hezbollah militant allies, said the reports, which were produced following the bombing in Burgas, Bulgaria of a bus carrying Israeli tourists.

Wednesday’s bombing in the Black Sea city is listed in a document headed “Suspected Iranian and/or Hezbollah-linked Plots Against Israeli or Jewish Targets: 2012 Chronology,” the latest of the nine 2012 plots linked to the Islamic Republic or its proxies.

U.S. officials say they increasingly concur with Israeli assessments that Iran and its proxies organized the killing of seven Israeli tourists in Burgas by a suicide bomber after they boarded an airport bus.

One U.S. official said Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed Shiite Muslim militia, had in the past carried out suicide bombings.

A second U.S. official said U.S. federal authorities’ tally of alleged Iran-linked plots in 2012 largely paralleled the NYPD list.
AFP adds:
The Pentagon said Friday that there were "distinctive Hezbollah markings" linked to the Burgas terror attack which claimed the lives of five Israelis.
Also, Walla reports that US ambassador Dan Shapiro said that there are some signs that Hezbollah was involved in the attack.

(h/t Yoel)

In the past year Israel successfully prevented numerous terror attacks against Israeli targets abroad – most of which were not reported.

Yedioth Ahronoth reported Friday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday revealed never before published information about one of the foiled attacks. He said that an attack against Israelis was prevented in South Africa, but did not disclose any further details.

A very senior defense official said that since May 2011 more than 20 terror attacks have been prevented, including in Azerbaijan (twice), Kenya, Turkey, Thailand Cyprus and Bulgaria (prevented at the beginning of the year) and in Turkey (an attempt to attack the Israeli Consul in Istanbul).

"Iranians and Hezbollah members are incarcerated in jails throughout the world, the senior security official said. “We don’t know how long the wave of terrorism will continue – it's global.”
  • Friday, July 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Latma Summer Series:
Alone in the dark
The stiff-necked sheikh

Prayer to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the massacre at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich

Antique Pictures of the Western Wall to Be Released Online. How Antique? Think Abe Lincoln's Days

Who Will Save the Christians in the Gaza Strip? by Khaled Abu Toameh
"We only hear voices telling us not make too much noise. Today it is happening in the Gaza Strip, tomorrow it will take place in Bethlehem. In a few months, there will be no Christians left in Palestine." — Christian man, Gaza City

Al Jazeera: Mark Regev on the Bulgaria bus attack (Freudian slip at 4min)

Terror Gives the Lie to Iran’s Pose as Rational Actor by Jonathan S Tobin
More "rationality" from Iran: Iran Could Ban Images Of People Eating Chicken
“As a last resort to fight soaring food prices, a top Iranian official has proposed a ban on images of people eating chicken on television.”

The Arab Education Problem, a Decade On
“A decade ago, the UN’s Arab Human Development Report made waves when it found that “The Arab world translates about 330 books annually, one fifth of the number that Greece translates.” The Report also noted that the Arab world had become a scientific desert:”

What America Gets for Its U.N. Blank Check by John Bolton

Honest Reporting has more on the BBC Olympics site, inc. Mark Regev’s letter: BBC Olympic Coverage Declares East Jerusalem as Palestinian Capital

The BBC's tainted spectacles
“It's of little wonder the BBC has spent eight years and over £270,000 in taxpayers’ money on legal fees to prevent the public from seeing an internal “Balen” report”

An inevitable move: Glenn Greenwald joins Guardian US from Salon

Swiss call for moratorium on death penalties in Gaza - (What about the rockets?)
“Following the hanging of three men by Hamas earlier this week, Geneva says capital punishment is a violation of the most fundamental of human rights”

UK Muslim couple convicted of plotting terror attack on Manchester Jews
“Husband and wife downloaded ‘Make a bomb in the kitchen’ manual from the Internet, cased synagogues and Jewish Agency building”
“This trial has shown the reality of anti-Jewish terrorism in Britain today. It explains why Jewish communities take security and antisemitism seriously,” said Mark Gardner, spokesperson for the Community Security Trust, an organization which provides security advice, infrastructure and manpower to British Jews."

Mellanox provides 562% return on two-year investment
Analysts look ahead at Mellanox, which has provided by far the best return of any technology share on either the TASE or on Wall Street.

Also, the always thought-provoking Diana Muir Appelbaum on Time for Population Separation in Syria.

And the always worthwhile Yaacov Lozowick on his answer to The Map that Lies, and his

NormanF is also asking me to post this.
  • Friday, July 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
This year's edition of Starving Gazan photos:

  • Friday, July 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Radio Netherlands addressed the issue I brought up, and I commented further, in my "Switched at Birth in Gaza?" post. Since the post has received thousands of views and is still going strong, I decided to keep the updates in that post itself.

From Qudsmedia, in an article railing against the idea that Israeli law extends to the Temple Mount:

Now if we can just get rid of that ugly spherical thing on the left side....


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