Tuesday, August 21, 2012

  • Tuesday, August 21, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt remains closed today, ostensibly because of the 'Eid al-Fitr holiday.

But Palestine Today reports that the Taba crossing between Egypt and Israel is open, and some 6087 tourists have poured into the Sinai from Israel in recent days.

According to the article, the larger Egyptian army presence in the Sinai has prompted Israelis (including many Israeli Arabs celebrating 'Eid) to decide to vacation in Egypt, and the Egyptian border is being staffed adequately for that purpose.

Not so the Gaza border.

So who's besieging Gaza again?

There is one other fact that is worth mentioning: Israel has not sent any goods into Gaza since the holiday started.

Is it because Jews started celebrating 'Eid?

No, not quite.

The COGAT webpage says "At the request of the Palestinians, the Kerem Shalom crossing will be closed during the Eid al-Fitr celebrations (19 to 21.8)."

Isn't it interesting that the Gazans, who we are constantly told are so desperate for goods and fuel, can afford to cut themselves off from all aid for three entire days?

Monday, August 20, 2012

  • Monday, August 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Reader jzaik came across a community newspaper called The Halal Post while shopping:

You can find the entire paper here.

The cover story was ten tips for Ramadan. Here is tip #6:

I had no idea that the "settlers" had such power to be able to enslave Arabs! This is news!

So I was wondering, exactly how do those evil Jews enslave the poor Palestinian Arabs? Do they use whips? Guns? Do the Zionists threaten to rape their daughters if they don't do their bidding?

Then I remembered - the Palestinian Authority answered that question only last week!

You see, the Jews enslave the Palestinian Arabs by paying them roughly double the salary they would make by being employed by other Palestinian Arabs.

So when you buy Israeli dates, you might be contributing to the pain of the comparably well-compensated Muslim Ummah.. Because, of course, it is painful to be able to buy new cars and computers for your family that your neighbors cannot afford.
  • Monday, August 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday I showed some photos of little kids in Gaza handing out holiday candy and cakes to Islamic Jihad terrorists.

Now it is the turn of the hot girls of Gaza to do the same.

(And when I say "hot," I mean that literally. August in a burqa in the desert cannot be fun.)

"Hey there, big guy! I have some more sugar for you under this burqa!" "Ewww!"

"Damn! I think her thumb brushed against me! Now I have to kill myself!

"Hey! I want the AK-47, not this crappy rifle!"

Right before the square dance

  • Monday, August 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Egypt Fully Rearming Sinai - with US Help by Shoshana Bryen
"Secretary Panetta is talking about helping Egypt to do something forbidden by the Camp David Accords -- bring large-scale forces into Sinai. Israel's long term concern is whether Egypt will at some point remove the additional forces. Recent comments by Egyptian government officials suggest they will not."

Egypt Reportedly Sets up Anti-Aircraft Missiles in Sinai Desert

Days after rocket attack, army deploys Iron Dome to Eilat
IDF says placement part of program to test anti-missile battery in different cities

Shin Bet: PA security guard involved in terror plot
"Four Palestinians arrested in Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine terror plot One suspect worked as guard in Palestinian National Security Forces and cell planned to use weapons he could access as part of his duties with the Palestinian force."
"The Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) has apprehended a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist cell that was planning to carry out shooting attacks and abduct Israelis for use in future prisoner exchange deals, the agency announced on Monday."

‘Obama Should Visit Israel, Show Muscle to Iran’
Obama should show Iran his muscle and visit Israel as a clear sign of support for a military strike, says ex-IDF Intelligence Chief Yadlin.

United Church of Canada approves boycott of settlement goods
Church votes to abstain from consuming products originating in West Bank
"Other resolutions relating to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict singled out the settlements as a principal obstacle to peace in the region; called on Israel to suspend settlement expansion; and expressed regret for previously asking Palestinians to acknowledge Israel as a Jewish state as a precondition to peace."

Ex-CIA spy says Hezbollah has been active in Bulgaria for decades
Robert Baer tells Bulgarian TV he personally investigated a Hezbollah cell in Bulgaria in the 1990s

US 'concerned' about media freedom in Egypt
The United States said on Thursday it was "very concerned" about freedom of the press in Egypt after authorities moved to put on trial two critics of new President Mohamed Morsi.

Toronto: Jewish Man Told Israeli Flag 'Incites Riots'
A Jewish high school teacher from Toronto warned by local police that he is inciting a riot by carrying an Israeli flag.

Israel Haters Chant in Toronto: From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free

Al-Quds rally in Sydney – we want the lot
The speaker then clarified their overseas goal. He stated: “When we say Free Palestine, we don’t mean the (the little that is left). We want every square centimetre that has been occupied since the beginning. We want the removal of the entire Zionist regime from the land of Palestine. We don’t want the little dots on the map. We want the entire land. We want the removal of every single Zionist.

Jews March against Anti-Semitism in Sweden

Nasrallah Threatens Hundreds of Thousands Dead, Turning Israelis' Lives into Living Hell

Israeli singer tops German charts
Asaf Avidan’s ‘One Day/Reckoning Song’ was remixed by a German DJ, and is now the most downloaded song in several European countries

The other Queen mother: A new documentary explores the unconventional life of the Queen’s mother-in-law, Princess Alice
"...for more than a year, she hid a Jewish family on the top floor of her house, only yards from Gestapo headquarters. When the Gestapo became suspicious, Alice made her deafness an excuse for not answering their questions.
When she was posthumously honoured as Righteous Among The Nations – the highest Israeli honour to non-Jews who risked their lives during the Holocaust – Prince Philip said, ‘She would have considered it a natural reaction to fellow beings in distress.”


The Christian girl with Down's Syndrome facing a death penalty in Pakistan.

Syrians turn a captured tank into a children's swing for Eid celebrations:

A letter from an IDF officer to Olympic Gold Medalist Aly Reisman:

There was nothing apologetic about what you did. For so long we've had to apologize for who we are: for how wedress, for our beliefs, for the way we look. It seems like the International Olympic Committeewanted to keep that tradition. Quiet, Jews. Keep your tragedy on the sidelines. Don't disturb our party.

They didn't count on an 18 year-old girl in a leotard.

Thank you for standing up against an injustice that was done to our people. As I was walking back to my machine at the gym, I caught one of the officers give a long salute to your image ontelevision. I think that says it all.

Clueless in Cleveland about Jewish refugees

Ha'aretz sloppiness prompts worldwide headlines that State Dept. never labeled Jews "terrorists" before

Lord Sacks resigns from interfaith charity after they embark on anti-Israel campaign (h/t Ishai)
  • Monday, August 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
A strange article in Egypt Independent:
Head of the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip Ismail Haniyeh said on Sunday that Palestinians do not intend to leave their country nor intend to settle in Sinai.

During his Eid sermon, Haniyeh said that the Palestinians will hold on to Gaza. “We will not settle in Sinai or anywhere East or West,” he said. “Gaza is an integral part of Palestine. No to an alternative homeland, migration or resettlement.”

Concerns that Gaza Palestinians would be resettled in Sinai to repopulate the deserted peninsula, which has housed pockets of radical militancy, have been coupled with both Egyptians and Palestinians repeatedly expressing their lack of interest in such a solution.
What are they talking about?

The answer can be seen in an Al Ahram article from a couple of days ago reported by Firas Press.

Ever since Egypt started allowing children of Egyptian mothers and Palestinian Arab fathers to become citizens, many Gazans have married Egyptian women and moved out of Gaza to live in new houses built, often, with profits from illegal smuggling tunnels.

This is alarming the residents of the Sinai, who are fearing a mini-invasion of their land by Gazans. They demanded that new laws be passed to ensure that the Sinai remain "Egyptian," raising fears that Egypt might allow Gaza to annex parts of the Sinai which would become an "alternative homeland" for Palestinian Arabs.

Despite all the rhetoric about how much solidarity Egyptians feel with Gazans, when it comes down to it they hate and fear Palestinian Arabs as much as every other Arab nation does. This Arab antipathy towards Palestinians is truly one of the most under-reported stories of the Middle East.
  • Monday, August 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon

Following are excerpts from a sermon delivered by Deputy Speaker of the Hamas Parliament Ahmad Bahr, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on Aug 10, 2012.
Ahmad Bahr: If the enemy sets foot on a single square inch of Islamic land, Jihad becomes an individual duty, incumbent on every Muslim, male or female. A woman may set out [on Jihad] without her husband's permission, and a servant without his master's permission. Why? In order to annihilate those Jews.
Oh Allah, destroy the Jews and their supporters. Oh Allah, destroy the Americans and their supporters. Oh Allah, count them one by one, and kill them all, without leaving a single one.
Maybe he should write an op-ed for The Guardian or The New York Times.  I'm sure this can be justified somehow as a legitimate position that should be debated.

  • Monday, August 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
In February, I noted a story about a French-Jewish woman who had a daughter with a Saudi prince, who then kidnapped the child and is raising her in a Saudi palace as a Muslim. The mother, Candice Cohen-Ahnine, had won a French custody case but the prince refused to give up the girl, who was seen on Facebook in full niqab and playing with her father's guns.

Cohen-Ahnine had even written a book about her battle for her daughter.

It now seems possible that her dedication to her daughter has cost her life:

A French-Jewish mother in a high-profile custody battle with a Saudi prince has died after falling from a fourth-storey apartment, amid suspicions of foul play.
Police are investigating the death of Candice Cohen-Ahnine, 35, who fell from her Paris apartment on Thursday night.

Investigators had initially seen it as an accident, but by yesterday (Sunday) reports in the French media suggested that Ms Cohen-Ahnine had slipped and fallen to her death "as if she was escaping something dangerous".

Police refused to confirm the reports when contacted by The Daily Telegraph.

Ms Cohen-Ahnine's lawyer, Laurence Tarquiny-Charpentier, said the death "seemed to be some sort of accident", and did not know whether foul play was involved. She said there were witnesses, and more information is expected today.

"What I can tell you is that it wasn't a suicide," Ms Tarquiny-Charpentier said.

"She was a woman who was a real fighter and a very positive person, and plus, there were plans to see [her daughter] Aya in mid-September. That was her greatest motivation of all."
(h/t Ian)
  • Monday, August 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is one of the most notorious monsters released in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange, now happily living in Jordan with her husband., another released terrorist.


Following are excerpts from an interview with released Hamas terrorist Ahlam Tamimi, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on July 12, 2012.
Ahlam Tamimi: 16 Zionists were killed [in the suicide bombing you helped carry out].
Interviewer: Was the sound of the explosion...?
Ahlam Tamimi: It was very loud. The mujahid Abdallah Barghouti did a perfect job producing the guitar [containing the bomb], and the results amazed everybody, thanks to Allah.
Afterwards, when I took the bus, the Palestinians around Damascus Gate [in Jerusalem] were all smiling. You could sense that everybody was happy. When I got on the bus, nobody knew that it was me who had led [the suicide bomber to the target]... I was feeling quite strange, because I had left [the bomber] 'Izz Al-Din behind, but inside the bus, they were all congratulating one another. They didn't even know one another, yet they were exchanging greetings.
While I was sitting on the bus, the driver turned on the radio. But first, let me tell you about the gradual rise in the number of casualties. While I was on the bus and everybody was congratulating one another, they said on the radio that there had been a martyrdom attack at the Sbarro restaurant, and that three people were killed. I admit that I was a bit disappointed, because I had hoped for a larger toll. Yet when they said "three dead," I said: "Allah be praised."
Interviewer: Was it an Israeli radio station or a Palestinian one?
Ahlam Tamimi: That station was in the Zionist language, and the driver was translating for the passengers.
Two minutes later, they said on the radio that the number had increased to five. I wanted to hide my smile, but I just couldn't. Allah be praised, it was great. As the number of dead kept increasing, the passengers were applauding. They didn't even know that I was among them.
On the way back [to Ramallah], we passed a Palestinian police checkpoint, and the policemen were laughing. One of them stuck his head in and said: "Congratulations to us all." Everybody was happy.
This is not just Tamimi having false memories - this is what happened after every suicide bombing.

You can see here that she was treated like a rock star in the Amman airport when she arrived there after her release, to live TV coverage:

  • Monday, August 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ammon News:
State Minister for Media Affairs and Communications and Government Spokesperson Samih Maaytah said that four shells landed on Jordanian territory due to clashes between the Syrian government forces and the opposition forces on the Syrian side of the borders, injuring a Jordanian girl who suffered shrapnel wounds, Petra news Agency reported.

Maaytah added that four other citizens were sent to hospital suffering from panic.

He also expressed the government's condemnation of the incident, noting the government summoned the Syrian ambassador in Amman and handed him a letter of protest.
This has happened in Lebanon as well.

But if it happened on the Turkish border, I'm not sure that the reaction would be so muted.
  • Monday, August 20, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Israel's MFA:

Recent Iranian statements: Threats, delegitimization of Israel and antisemitism

Destroying Israel:

"President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told them there was no place for the Jewish state in a future Middle East…. 'You want a new Middle East? We do too, but in the new Middle East ... there will be no trace of the American presence and the Zionists,'….
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Quds Day Address, 17 August 2012;
Reuters, Published: 17 August 2012

"The Israeli regime is a tool in the hands of Zionists to control the Middle-East and the entire world, Ahmadinejad stated. The Iranian president further stated that the International Quds Day is the day of unity among all human beings to remove the Zionist black stain from the human society."
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Quds Day Address, 17 August 2012;
Fars News Agency, Iran; Published: 17 August 2012

"President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ... said the very existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to the humankind and an affront to all world nations….The Iranian President further described the World Quds Day as an occasion for the unity of all human communities to wipe out this scarlet letter, meaning the Zionist regime, from the forehead of humanity."
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Quds Day Address, 17 August 2012; IRNA - Islamic Republic News Agency; Published: 17 August 2012

"Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei…. noted that liberating Palestine from the grip of Israel and its allies is a religious duty for all Muslims across the world."
Ayatollah Sayyid Khamenei - Statement made during a meeting with hundreds of veterans from the Iraq-Iran war, 15 August; Fars News Agency, Iran; Published: 16 August 2012

"General Amir Ali Hajizadeh ….said if the Zionist hooligans embark on practicing their verbal threats, they will provide the best opportunity for the destruction of Israel because then the forged regime will be wiped out of the map and thrown into the trash bin of history for ever."
Commander of the Aero-Space Forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Bridadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh - Interview with IRNA; IRNA - Islamic Republic News Agency; Published 18 August 2012

"He [Ahmadinejad] added: 'Anyone who loves freedom and justice must strive for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the way for world justice and freedom.'"
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Speech to ambassadors from Islamic countries ahead of Quds Day, published on Ahmadinejad's website on 2 August 2012; Jerusalem Post; Published: 2 August 2012

"Zionists understand only the language of force, Ayatollah Khatami reiterated. He further noted that the Zionist regime will meet destruction through unity in the Islamic world."
Tehran's Provisional Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami - Address to a large congregation of worshippers on Tehran University campus, 17 August 2012; Fars News Agency, Iran; Published: 17 August 2012

"Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami underlined the importance of this year's International Quds Day (August 17, last Friday of the Ramadan) rallies, and said that 'The nations of the region, which have toppled dictators, also have the power to annihilate the Zionist regime (Israel).'"
Tehran's Provisional Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami;Iran Daily Brief; Published: 14 August 2012

"Khomeini's successor, Ayatollah Khamenei, said on Wednesday that the liberation of Palestine was top on the Islamic world agenda and predicted that 'the fake Zionist regime would soon fade away from geography and every inch of the occupied territories be returned to Palestinians.'
Ayatollah Sayyid Khamenei -15 August; DPA and the Associated Press, Haaretz; Published: 17 August 2012

Delegitimization of Israel's existence:

"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told an annual anti-Israel protest in Tehran on Friday that the Jewish state was a "cancerous tumour" that will soon be excised….'The Zionist regime and the Zionists are a cancerous tumour,' he said. 'The nations of the region will soon finish off the usurper Zionists in the Palestinian land.... A new Middle East will definitely be formed. With the grace of God and help of the nations, in the new Middle East there will be no trace of the Americans and Zionists,' he said."
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Quds Day Address, 17 August 2012; AFP; Published: 17 August 2012

"Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, said on Sunday that noble Quds and Palestine are the main issues of the world of Islam….Elsewhere in his address, the Ayatollah referred to ignorance of Muslim nations and governments for years and rule of the hegemonic powers over their fate as well as creation of the cancerous tumor of Zionism in heart of Muslim world….Zionism is a danger for entire humanity…."
Ayatollah Sayyid Khamenei - Address to officials and others, including ambassadors of Muslim states in Tehran, 19 August 2012; IRNA - Islamic Republic News Agency; Published: 19 August 2012

"'The very existence of the Zionist regime is an insult to humankind and an affront to all world nations," the news agency's English-language report on the speech quoted him as saying. "Confronting Zionists will also pave the way for saving the whole humankind from exploitation, depravity and misery.'"
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Quds Day Address; 17 August 2012; New York Times, Published: 17 August 2012


"Ahmadinejad said that a "horrible Zionist current" had been managing world affairs for "about 400 years." Repeating traditional anti-Semitic slurs, the Iranian president accused "Zionists" of controlling the world's media and financial systems…. 'Quds Day is not merely a strategic solution for the Palestinian problem, as it is to be viewed as a key for solving the world problems,' he said.
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Speech to Ambassadors from Islamic countries ahead of Quds Day, published on Ahmadinejad's website on 2 August 2012;
Jerusalem Post; Published: 2 August 2012

He [Ahmadinejad] said Zionists, who think solely of power, wealth and dominance over others, have been inflicting very heavy damage and suffering on the whole humanity for over two thousand years especially during the past four centuries. Saying that the two world wars were designed by Zionists and carried out by the US to retain dominance on other countries, the president further noted that Zionists have been administrating affairs in the US since the very beginning of its establishment."
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Quds Day Address, 17 August 2012; IRNA - Islamic Republic News Agency; Published: 17 August 2012

Sunday, August 19, 2012


(Update: Challah Hu Akbar noticed that I was counting launchings or rockets/mortars, not the number of rockets and mortars themselves. I updated the graphic.)
  • Sunday, August 19, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Al Ahram youth newspaper has an article on how Ramadan is now celebrated in the old Jewish quarter of Cairo and how Jews used to live there in harmony with Arabs.

It is a nice article, with interviews of old Arabs who recall fondly their Jewish friends and even their being asked to do things forbidden to Jews on Shabbat.

The old Jewish quarter is now a shopping district, but without any Jews:

While the article is certainly not anti-Jewish. it tries to distinguish between "Egyptian Jews" and the "Zionists who now live in Israel," who are presumably not the nice Jews that they recall.

However, the article contains a glaring mistake in its description of how the tens of thousands of Egyptian Jews disappeared. It merely says "since 1948, Jews began to migrate from Egypt, sold everything and migrated either to Israel or to different countries."

Of course, the Jews were stripped of their possessions, subject to violent and often deadly attacks, and eventually expelled from Egypt.

As Wikipedia summarizes:
By the 1940s, the situation worsened. Sporadic pogroms took place in 1942 onwards. In 1945, the Jewish quarter of Cairo was severely damaged. As the Partition of Palestine and the founding of Israel drew closer, hostility strengthened, fed also by press attacks on all foreigners accompanying the rising ethnocentric nationalism of the age. In 1947, the Company Laws set quotas for employing Egyptian nationals in incorporated firms, requiring that 75% of salaried employees, and 90% of all workers be Egyptian. As Jews were denied citizenship as a rule, this constrained Jewish and foreign owned entrepreneurs to reduce recruitment for employment positions from their own ranks. The law also required that just over half of the paid-up capital of joint stock companies be Egyptian.

After the foundation of Israel in 1948, difficulties multiplied for Egyptian Jews. That year, bombings of Jewish areas killed 70 Jews and wounded nearly 200, while riots claimed many more lives.[26] During the Arab-Israeli war, the famous Cicurel department store near Cairo's Opera Square was firebombed. The government helped with funds to rebuild it, but it was again burnt down in 1952, and eventually passed into Egyptian control.

In the immediate aftermath of trilateral invasion during the Suez Crisis of 1956, on November 23 by Britain France and Israel, a proclamation was issued stating that 'all Jews are Zionists and enemies of the state', and it promised that they would be soon expelled. Some 25,000 Jews, almost half of the Jewish community left, mainly for Europe, the United States and South America, and Israel, after being forced to sign declarations that they were leaving voluntarily, and agreed with the confiscation of their assets. Some 1,000 more Jews were imprisoned.

After the 1967 war, more confiscations took place. Rami Mangoubi, who lived in Cairo at the time, states that nearly all Egyptian Jewish men between the ages of 17 and 60 were either thrown out of the country immediately, or taken to the detention centres of Abou Za'abal and Tura, where they were incarcerated and tortured for more than three years. The eventual result was the almost complete disappearance of the Jewish community in Egypt; less than a hundred or so remain today.

I had not heard of the 1945 riots, and looked them up:

And it turns out that the Egyptian 1945 riots sparked a much larger pogrom in Tripoli a few days later:

It is so much nicer to recall how tolerant your country was and ignore how anti-semitic it ended up being as it ethnically cleansed its entire population of Jews.


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