Showing posts with label honor killing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label honor killing. Show all posts
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Sunday, June 11, 2023
Elder of Ziyon
DCI-P, gaza, honor killing, honor/shame, media bias, media silence, Mohammed Tamimi, murder, Mustafa Nahed Muhammad Saqr, NGO silence, No Jews No News
There was a heinous crime in Gaza this weekend.
A two and a half year old child, Mustafa Nahed Muhammad Saqr, was drowned in a barrel of water.
His stepmother admitted to the murder. She was jealous that she couldn't have children of her own so she decided to murder her husband's child to avoid that feeling of shame. It was a twist on honor killing.
There were reports in Gaza media on Friday when it appeared to be an accidental drowning, but now that the mother has confessed, instead of showing more interest in the story, Palestinian media has become mostly silent. I only saw this mentioned in a couple of relatively independent but obscure sites.
Which makes this a double honor crime - one the murder itself, and the other by Palestinian media not wanting to cover a horrific murder because it makes them look bad, and it detracts from the narrative that Israel is the only source of evil in the region.
As of this writing, Defence for Children International Palestine has not mentioned this murder. Chances are they won't. Because they aren't trying to defend Palestinian children's lives - their entire purpose is to demonize Israel.
Western media showed intense interest in the accidental killing of Mohammed Tamimi, who was about the same age as Mustafa when he died last week. Social media erupted with memes and photos of the child, alive and dead. But only the most extreme anti-Israel activists accused Israel of deliberate murder.
Here we have a deliberate murder of a Palestinian child, and Western media will shun the story, a week after they eagerly embraced a story of a Palestinian child tragically but mistakenly killed by Israel.
By any objective standard, the murder of Mustafa is a much more important story.
But there are no objective standards when it comes to media coverage of Palestinians.

Sunday, December 04, 2022
Sunday, December 04, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
Amad, blame Israel, honor killing, violence against women
But then, in a distant second place, it mentions real statistics on violence against Palestinian women - from Palestinian men.
In 2015, 15 killings of Palestinian women and girls were monitored and documented, while 18 other killings were documented during 2016, and in 2017, the Women’s Center recorded 30 killings. In 2018, 24 Palestinian women were murdered.
In 2019, the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics conducted a survey showing that about 59.3% of married or ever-married Palestinian women / girls in the age group (15-64 years) have been subjected to violence (including psychological and economic) by their husbands: 70.4% in Gaza compared to 52.3% in the West Bank. The highest percentage, 66.9%, were in the 20-24 age group. More than half of ever married girls and young women aged between 15 to 19-years-old have been exposed to violence by their husbands.
For physical violence 18.5% experienced it in the previous 12 months from their husband, and 9.5% suffered sexual violence from him. An astounding 12% suffered from sexual violence in the Jericho area not from their husbands.
15% of married women in Gaza experienced incidents of sexual abuse by husbands over the previous year. More than half of these experienced it repeatedly (3+ times).
As long as Palestinians pretend that all problems are from Israel, Palestinian women are not ever going to get the help they need.
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
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Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Tuesday, November 29, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
antisemitism, blame Israel, double standards, family values, gender equality, hamas, honor killing, Hypocrisy, LGBTQ2S, Palestinian Authority, pinkwashing, Queers for Palestine, violence against women
From The Left Berlin:
Fully one out of every three married Palestinian women suffer physical violence by their husbands. Initiatives like these tell these women, sorry, you aren't important.
The cynicism is almost beyond belief. Even the language they use shows that they know that this has nothing to do with reality.Here we reproduce two draft e-mails which have been suggested by the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) coordination team of the European Coordination of Committees and Associations for Palestine (ECCP). ECCP is a network of 43 European organisations, NGOs, trade unions and solidarity groups from 18 European countries, dedicated to the struggle of the Palestinian people for freedom, justice and equality.We find that this attempt to link different struggles – to show that Palestinian rights are indivisible from the rights of women and LGBTQI+ people – is an important development in building an international movement to support the Palestinians. We therefore urge you to support the ECI initiative and to send these mails to any relevant organisations with which you are in contact.In particular, the mails ask for support for the ongoing ECI to #StopSettlements and stop EU complicity with the oppression of Palestinians. An ECI is more than just a “normal” petition. If the initiative receives one million validated signatures, the EU Commission is legally obliged to respond to the demand for a ban on illegal trading with the occupied territories.
But they know that they must "link" the "struggles." And, as a result, Palestinian women and gays remain imprisoned by laws that are explicitly against them, because their natural allies in the West are being told to concentrate their efforts against the most liberal, pro-gay, pro-woman state in the Middle East.
The draft letters are even more of a joke. For the pro-women's groups:
As Europeans fighting for gender equality, and against sexism and the patriarchal system in our countries, we bear a responsibility to support our sisters’ fights abroad. Including in Palestine where Palestinian women resists the Israeli apartheid regime and demand the fulfilment of Palestinian rights. Our Palestinian sisters are not only confronted with gender violence, femicide but also Israeli settler colonialism which constitutes a gender violence in itself. Israeli occupation and colonisation add another layer of oppression and contribute to gender-based violence within Palestinian communities.
That last sentence translates to "Palestinian men beat their wives and daughters, and we blame Israel."
For the pro-LGBTQ groups:
The Palestinian struggle is deeply committed to addressing gender violence, feminicide, queerphobia and settler colonialism, which are co-constitutive of each other. The State of Israel and its supporters use Pinkwashing as a strategy to cynically exploit LGBTQIA+ rights in order to project a progressive image of Israel while concealing its occupation and apartheid policies oppressing Palestinians.Awareness that queer and trans-liberation cannot be separated from Palestinian liberation is growing. As Europeans fighting against sexism, patriarchy, queerphobia and all systems of oppression in our countries, we must support Palestinian people in their struggle for their rights and against the Israeli settler colonial system.
If you really support Palestinians and LGBTQ/women's rights, you would protest Palestinian policies, not Israeli policies!
Fully one out of every three married Palestinian women suffer physical violence by their husbands. Initiatives like these tell these women, sorry, you aren't important.
By prioritizing protesting Israel over the Palestinian Authority and Hamas that have laws against gender equality and gay rights, these groups are showing that their hate for Israel takes priority over their love for their fellow LGBTQ and women in the territories!
That is the nature of antisemitism, both new and old - the hate is so powerful, that people are eager to throw their own purported allies under the bus just to have a chance at hurting Jews.
(h/t DL)
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
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Friday, October 07, 2022
Friday, October 07, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh, Ajyal Radio, Al-Bayt Al-Mukhtalif, censorship, Hebron, honor killing, LGBTQ2S, Louay Erzeigat, murder, Rita Petrenko
Times of Israel reports:
A gay Palestinian man living under asylum in Israel was murdered and beheaded Wednesday in the West Bank city of Hebron. The unnamed suspect, who was arrested by Palestinian Authority police near the scene of the crime soon after committing it, recorded the act in a video that he uploaded to social media before his capture.The victim was 25-year-old Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh, who according to reports on Ynet and Channel 12 had been living in Israel for the past two years as an asylum-seeker after authorities acknowledged his life would be in danger if he returned to Palestinian territory.It was not immediately clear how or why the young man ended up in Hebron. Friends of Abu Murkhiyeh in Israel alleged he was likely kidnapped to the West Bank before his murder, though it was not clear that they had evidence of this.Rita Petrenko, founder of Al-Bayt Al-Mukhtalif, a non-profit organization for the empowerment of the Arab LGBT community, said that she had helped to arrange for Abu Murkhiyeh’s asylum papers in preparation for his eventual resettlement in Canada and that he’d actively participated in LGBT discussion groups. Describing the young man as “hard-working and intelligent,” Petrenko regretted that he had not been transferred to safety in Canada before his life was brutally taken from him.
Now, here is how the story is being reported in one of the few Palestinian news sites that even mention a gruesome murder:
Today, Thursday, Palestinian police spokesman Colonel Louay Erzeigat revealed some details of the horrific crime that took place in Hebron yesterday evening, where the headless body of the victim was found, after the perpetrator deliberately cut off his head and placed it next to the corpse.Ajyal Radio quoted Erzeigat as saying: "Unfortunately, a complex crime and a crime of a new type that the Palestinian territories are witnessing, and this is not the first crime that has occurred during the past few days.Erzeigat added: "This crime, which reached to separate his head from his body, after he killed him with several stab wounds, and the most dangerous is the process of filming this crime and broadcasting it on social media, which disgusted citizens, so we call on citizens not to transmit these images."
It seems to be missing something, doesn't it?
This is an honor killing, the exact same mentality where men kill women who they believe have done something to dishonor the family.
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
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Thursday, July 07, 2022
Thursday, July 07, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
AISHA Association for Woman and Child Protection, blame Israel, gaza, Heba Al-Danaf, honor killing, Hypocrisy, male violence, PalArab lies, toxic masculinity, violence against women, women's rights
There have been some shocking murders of women in the Arab world recently, such as that of Nayera Ashraf, 21, stabbed to death in broad daylight in Egypt by a man whose marriage proposal she rejected, and Iman Arsheed, a Jordanian nursing student shot multiple times for similar reasons.
In response, women throughout the Arab world called a general strike for two hours on Wednesday to protest these and similar murders by a patriarchal Arab society.
In Gaza, dozens of women joined in the strike as well. But the rules are different in Palestinian ruled areas.
They had to add an anti-Israel angle.
Gaza's AISHA Association for Woman and Child Protection sponsored the protest. A speaker from that group said, "We in feminist organizations, women's rights organizations, and our allies announce our support for the cross-border women's strike campaign, to demand an end to the systematic violence and oppression of women in the Arab region. We are appalled that women are still being deprived of their basic rights, including the right to life, and we are outraged by the escalation of brutal murders of women in various countries in the region."
But AISHA spokesperson Heba Al-Danaf took pains to say that this is not only a protest against femicide throughout the Arab world, but also against Israel, saying that "the Israeli occupation is one of the reasons that contribute to the continuation of murders against Palestinian women."
By adding this gratuitous and absurd anti-Israel message, the group completely undermines its goals. Suddenly, it is not Arab men who are at fault for killing Arab women - but Israel. Arab women are murdered throughout the Middle East - but in Gaza, it is Israel's fault.
This takes Arab men off the hook. It isn't the patriarchy or misogyny or male supremacy that makes them treat women like garbage - it is the "occupation."
Palestinian Arabs grow up with the unshakeable belief that everything bad about their situation is Israel's fault, and anything that takes away from that message must be muted. This pervasive antisemitism hurts the Palestinian themselves by diluting and misdirecting the issues towards an enemy that they cannot control.
Gaza men beat and murder women, and Israel is blamed.
Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! |
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Monday, March 08, 2021
Monday, March 08, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
"pro-Palestinian", family values, gender equality, honor killing, Hypocrisy, International Women's Day, Islamic values, NGO silence, violence against women
Today is International Women's Day. As usual, "pro-Palestinian" groups are using it as a means for anti-Israel propaganda.
Yet not one is calling for more women's rights under Palestinian rule.
As we've mentioned before, the Palestinian Authority cynically uses women's rights as a weapon against Israel but really doesn't care about rights for its own women.
It joined the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) along with over a dozen other international agreements in 2014 without reservation. Yet it never actually put any of CEDAW's provisions into law.
Not only that, the PA itself has rejected the convention as violating Islamic law.
Not one "liberal" anti-Israel group said a word.
The editor of a major Palestinian newspaper admitted that there was no intent for the Palestinian government to actually take these international agreements seriously. The only reason that it joined these conventions was to pretend to be a "state" so the International Criminal Court can bring a case against Israel: "The government cannot implement CEDAW in its entirety in light of the existence of a societal system, and that the signing of the agreement is political and was not intended to undermine the Sharia, and had it not been for the signing of CEDAW and many other agreements, the International Criminal Court would not have accepted us."
The actual laws under the Palestinian Authority and under the Gaza government undermine women's rights. Here are only some examples from a 2018 UN report that, as far as I can tell, was completely ignored by these hypocritical "pro-Palestinian" groups who pretend to care about Palestinian rights.
It gets even worse.
A 2018 survey showed that:
- 35% of Palestinian men say that men who kill their female relatives for "honor" reasons should not go to jail.
- 47% of Palestinian men say that female relatives who "act or dress" in ways that they disapprove deserve to be punished.
- 17% of Palestinian men admitted to have engaged in physical violence against their female partners, 21% of women say they have been hit by their husbands.
- 80% of Palestinian men say "A man should have the final word about decisions in the home."
- 34% of them say "There are times when a woman deserves to be beaten."
- 63% of men say "A woman should tolerate violence to keep the family together."
Again, these "pro-Palestinian" NGOs and media outlets who happily use women's rights as a club to beat Israel don't have a word to say about Palestinian misogyny that affect Palestinian women every day.
When these groups claim that Israel is the main oppressor of Palestinian women, they are actively hurting Palestinian women by not allowing a real conversation about their rights to even take place.

Thursday, October 08, 2020
Thursday, October 08, 2020
Elder of Ziyon
anti-Israel feminists, censorship, gender equality, honor killing, jew hatred, Leila Khaled, Mondoweiss, PFLP, rape marriage law, social media, violence against women, women's rights
A recent Mondoweiss article by the "Palestinian Feminist Working Group" sheds some light on how hate for Israel is often disguised using liberal buzzwords that have nothing to do with the actual agenda of these groups.
The article is typically ridiculous - it pretends that Zoom, YouTube and Facebook's pulling the plug on a conference featuring a proud terrorist Leila Khaled was about censorship and a silencing of Palestinian feminist voices when it was simply adhering to existing US anti-terrorist and sanctions laws.
It goes on to justify Palestinian terror as "resistance" and defining everything Israel does as terror.
This is the first appearance of this group, which is what makes it interesting. The group has no website. It describes itself this way:
The Palestine Feminist Working Group is a U.S. based network of Palestinian and Arab feminists who are committed to ending all forms of Zionist colonial and gendered violence and oppression. We believe that social liberation is a critical component of Palestinian national liberation. The working group was founded by the Palestinian Youth Movement’s (PYM) Women’s Committee. To learn more about our work and/or to join our efforts contact us at Palestinianfeminists@gmail.com
Note that it doesn't say a word about feminist issues in the Palestinian controlled territories at all. The supposed feminism of this group begins and ends with attacking Israel.
Many of the people signing this article are academics at US universities:
Noura Erakat, Assistant Professor of Africana Studies, Rutgers UniversityDr. Sarah Ihmoud, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, The College of the Holy CrossDr. Hana Masri, Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication, University of PennsylvaniaMaisa Morrar, Physician Assistant and member, Palestinian Youth MovementDr. Loubna Qutami, Assistant Professor of Asian American Studies, UCLABasima Sisemore, Researcher, Othering & Belonging Institute, UC BerkeleyRanda M. Wahbe, Ph.D. Candidate, Anthropology, Harvard UniversityYazan Zahzah, MA in Women and Gender Studies, San Diego State UniversityLeena Odeh, J.D., The Decolonizing Race Project
Isn't it strange that these "Palestinian feminists" have so little interest in feminist issues in Palestine?
The United Nations Development Programme published a comprehensive guide to gender laws under the PA and Hamas in late 2018. It uncovered state-sponsored discrimination against women, which I have summarized before:
Domestic violence: Palestine has no domestic violence legislation.
Marital rape: Marital rape is not criminalized.
Abortion for rape survivors: Abortion is prohibited in the West Bank by the Jordan Penal Code (Articles 321–325) and in Gaza by the Criminal Code of 1936 (Articles 175–177).
Sexual harassment in the workplace: Sexual harassment is not criminalized by the Labour Code.
Honour crimes: Mitigation of penalty Laws allowing mitigation of penalties for ‘honour’ crimes were repealed in 2011 and 2018 in the West Bank. However, the government in Gaza has not applied the reforms.
Adultery: Adultery is an offence in Gaza and the West Bank. In the West Bank, Article 282 of the Penal Code criminalizes adultery
Human trafficking: Palestine does not have comprehensive anti-trafficking legislation. Some provisions of the Penal Code of Jordan apply to trafficking in the West Bank.
Sex work and anti-prostitution laws: Prostitution is prohibited by Articles 309–318 of the Penal Code in the West Bank and Articles 161–166 of the Criminal Code of 1936 in Gaza.
Marriage and divorce: The personal status laws for Muslims require the husband to maintain the wife. A wife owes obedience to her husband. A husband can divorce by repudiation (talaq). A wife has the right to divorce on specified grounds. She can also apply for a khul’a divorce without grounds if she forgoes financial rights.
Male guardianship over women: Muslim women require consent of a wali (male guardian) to marry. There are some weak legal protections for women under guardianship. Women can seek permission from the court to marry if the guardian withholds consent without a legitimate reason.
Guardianship of children: Fathers are the sole guardians of children.
Custody of children: After divorce the mother has custody up to a certain age, but automatically loses custody of her children if she remarries. Inheritance Sharia rules of inheritance apply to Muslims. Women have a right to inheritance, but in many cases receive less than men. Daughters receive half the share that sons receive.
Polygamy: Polygamy is permitted.
Legal restrictions on women’s work: Some legal restrictions exist on women’s employment in certain industries that do not apply to men, such as mining.
The report seemingly went into a black hole. There are very few references to it online. Yet it is probably the most comprehensive report on women's rights in the Palestinian territories that exists.
Real Palestinian feminists would be screaming from the rooftops about this. But not the members of the "Palestinian Feminist Working Group."
The fact that Leila Khaled's PFLP actually murdered an Israeli girl last year doesn't diminish her "feminist" bona fides for some reason. None of these "feminists" condemned the murder of a Jewish girl.
These people aren't feminists. They are Jew-haters who use feminism as a justification for their bigotry and hate.

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