Showing posts with label Preoccupied. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preoccupied. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Rest Of Mideast Kind Of Jealous Ben-Gvir Wants To Send Only Palestinians To Europe

Itamar ben-GvirAmman, August 25 - A controversial, discriminatory proposal by a far-right Israeli lawmaker piqued interest in the wider region this week, and caused many to wonder why only disloyal Arabs living under Israeli rule would get deported to an area with one of the highest standards of living in the world, while the rest of the Middle East's population remains under oppressive control of corrupt dictatorships.

Otzma Yehudit Party Chairman Itamar Ben-Gvir continued his career of provocative, ultranationalist rhetoric in the leadup to November parliamentary elections, with a repeated promise to voters last week that he will make the party's joining any government conditional on passage of a law mandating expulsion to Europe of any non-Jews in Israel and the territories it controls who act against the principle of Israel as the nation-state of the Jews. Ben-Gvir's proposal makes no such demand regarding Jewish Israelis who engage in anti-Arab violence, prompting familiar accusations of racism against him. In the wider region, however, the response has featured a more circumspect, even envious, tone, with many in Lebanon, Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and elsewhere wondering why they must suffer where they are simply because Israel lacks the means and authority to deport them to Europe.

"Palestinians get all the luck," lamented a Damascus resident. "Not only do millions of them get refugee status in perpetuity - which refugees from no other conflict ever got - they have an easy one-way ticket to Europe. My family has to risk lives and give up everything we own just to arrange for smugglers to try to get us to Europe, and even then it's hazardous and success isn't guaranteed. It just isn't fair."

The nuances of Ben-Gvir's attitude and its subtle departure from that of his late mentor, Rabbi Meir Kahane - who advocated wholesale removal of hostile Arabs, and not merely of those who engaged in violence or worked against Israel's Jewish character - make little difference to the envious Arabs of surrounding states and territories, observers note. "The way Zionism is depicted in general Arab media leaves no room for such distinctions," explained Tarin Fethr, an analyst with Al Jazeera. "In the crudely-crafted Arab narrative of the last century, all Zionists want to dispossess and probably exterminate Arabs. It's the specifics of the current brouhaha that intrigue most of us. We'd kill - I mean, I guess many of us do kill - to get moved to Europe for doing things we'd want to do anyway. Goddamn Palestinians. Not only do they get the most international aid per capita; now they get to ditch this godforsaken desert while we wallow in the same political and social pit as ever."

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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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crowded park rideTel Aviv, August 18 - The director of a large outdoor facility offering rides, games, and other diversions acknowledged this afternoon that the miserable experience you and your loved ones had during your visit there resulted from a specific effort on her part to destroy your outing by arranging for more than the usual number of summertime day camp visits at the same time.

Tzula Hakhis, who runs Superland in the Tel Aviv suburb of Rishon LeTzion, admitted at an end-of-the-day staff meeting that she had deliberately scheduled two dozen groups of at least forty children each for the sole purpose of ruining the family outing that you and your spouse had planned for weeks. "I commend all of you for handling the crowds today," she told the workers. "Together, we succeeded in spoiling an entire outing, and, I hope, contributing to the undermining of a family's entire summer."

Hakhis reserved special mention for the staff who ran the water flume ride. "You did a fantastic job of moving the line as slowly as you could and never letting it get shorter than a hundred people. thanks to your hard work, our target family wasn't able to go on the ride more than once, and even then, it was the catalyst for endless bickering."

The only ride that allowed your family on without significant wait or hassle was the paddleboat attraction, which by nature gets exhausting after the first minute and keeps the riders in the summer sun and its water-reflected intensity for an unbearable ten or fifteen minutes. That ride, as well, touched already-fraught nerves and prompted one parental overreaction.

Most Western amusement park visitors would find Superland's selection of games underwhelming. "American guests turn their noses up at our measly four or five game booths," acknowledged Hakhis. "Not to mention our non-functioning video arcade. Even the plush toys don't compare to what you can find at a third-tier park in North America. But that doesn't matter to provincial kids. They don't know what they're missing. So the disappointment and frustration for a family that has to wade through throngs of misbehaving day-campers just to miss a shot at a bad stuffed imitation of a popular animated character... that's what it's all about."

Sources within the family hinted at reports that the debacle has not swayed you or your spouse from following through on a separate planned trip to Luna Park in Tel Aviv next week, with whom Hakhis has already shared your information.

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Thursday, August 11, 2022

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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native American attireChattanooga, August 11 - A man who campaigns for the recognition of indigenous status for the descendants of the tribes who inhabited the Americas before Europeans colonized the land acknowledged today his ambivalence about his efforts, because those efforts conflict with two key axioms of his worldview, namely that Palestinians were there first and that their claims take priority among all progressive causes.

Michael Hayes, 23, shared his internal conflict with a group of fellow activists during a drive from the Washington, DC, area to a retreat just outside Memphis where like-minded campaigners for human rights will share experiences, ideas, and reflections on their work. "There's this tension I've been sensing for some time," he confessed to his two car-mates at a rest stop. "I get that solidarity with other rights gives smaller groups the ability to generate greater impact and make more noise. The thing is, the only pattern I know is for other causes to cede primacy to the Palestinian cause, and I'm struggling with how to do that effectively in my work."

"Let's take Indian reservations," he explained. "Anyone can see the neglect, even outright hostility, that animates official policy on reservations. But I'm having trouble determining where the transition is supposed to begin from combating that systemic abuse and dispossession, with all the associated traumas and side-effects, to using the phenomenon merely as a prop to illustrate what Palestinians face. Like, are we actually supposed to care about indigenous Americans, or does the importance of their suffering and their status as victims of injustice exist only while it can serve as leverage for the true cause, Palestine? I need clarity."

His buddies offered encouragement. "You'll get to an equilibrium," predicted Mason Fletcher, whose activism against over-policing in minority communities has overlapped with anti-Israel campaigns alleging Israeli complicity in the phenomenon. "I know my focus area isn't the same as yours, but we're all fighting an oppressive system from different directions and each of us has to decide for themselves what weight to give Palestine in that constellation of considerations. A lot of it depends on funding, to be honest."

"Ain't that the truth," spat Haida Batar, a women's rights campaigner whom both Fletcher and Hayes have tried to impress with their feminist credentials, so far without success. "Goddamn Zionists and all their money. We wouldn't need money like this if the patriarchy weren't so entrenched. That's exactly why we have to liberate Palestine. Everything flows from that. I don't know how, exactly, but social justice language has always featured prominently in anti-Jewish stuff, which must mean we're on the right track."

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Thursday, August 04, 2022

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Moroccan poolJericho, August 4 - A high-ranking functionary of Mahmoud Abbas's government blamed Israel for exacerbating the shortage of natural and agricultural resources, observing that to keep his spa, garden, and swimming facilities functioning, he has no choice but to deplete those public resources, all thanks to Israeli policies that fail to maintain sufficient supply for both his needs and those who must drink, bathe, wash, and cook.

Palestinian Authority Deputy Assistance Minister for Prisoner Affairs Fashla Sharmuta lamented the desperate state of water resources available to Palestinians, with the situation so dire that by the time he fills the Olympic-size pool at his home, plus his four jacuzzis, his wading pool, his wave pool for surfing practice, his backup lap pool, his decorative fountains and ponds around his property, and irrigation for his expansive lawn, not enough remains for ordinary Palestinians to access what they need for agriculture, food, and basic hygiene.

"It's the Occupation's exploitative water policies," he explained in an interview. "They take all the water from the aquifer and divert streams for their illegal settlements." Israel's water sources come in the main from desalination, the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret Lake), rain reservoirs, recycled wastewater, rivers from melted mountain snow, and the like. Palestinian government bodies charged with coordinating the maintenance and repair of water supply infrastructure have long refused to engage with their Israeli counterparts, leaving that infrastructure's decay to worsen, increasing wastage and decreasing supply.

"It's a longtime problem," agreed Abbig Hattub, assistant manager of a Jericho-area water park that has never cut back on its water use. "We go through millions of liters a day during the summer, and that puts a dent what's available for regular homes and businesses. It's a brutal thing the Occupation forces us to do, prioritizing commercial leisure activities over basic necessities."

The warped priorities that the Occupation produces exert effects even on Palestinian areas not technically under occupation. The Gaza Strip, which has no Israeli soldiers or settlers in it, suffers electrical power shortages because Hamas rockets aimed at Israeli civilian communities fell short and struck the territory's power plant instead. Hamas and the allied Islamist militant terrorists chose to delay allowing repairs to the facility, the damage to which, and the consequent human suffering from lack of electricity throughout the territory, was obviously Israel's fault. Hamas officials also pointed to the fact that Israel's existence as a safe place for Jews leaves Muslims no choice but to continue trying to kill Jews in order to prove Israel's existence does not make them safe.

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Thursday, July 28, 2022

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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NetanyahuJerusalem, July 28 - Party leaders, campaign consultants, and aspiring legislators continued this week to prepare for parliamentary elections later this year, with some of the largest parties settling on the one message they must convey to voters, but one that they fear might not resonate with the electorate in a way that generates inspiration, a shared sense of purpose, or a compelling reason to vote for them in particular: just don't vote Binyamin Netanyahu back into the premiership.

The Knesset voted to disperse last month, triggering new elections scheduled for November 1. That contest brings back to prominence many of the phenomena that characterized the other four contests in the last five years. Chief among those phenomena, political rivals of Netanyahu failing to develop positive platforms of their own, to the point that the essence of several different parties' campaign messages have focused in the main on bringing down the man who has dominated Israeli politics for thirteen years, and not on any vision for Israel's future that differentiates each party from any other.

Polls show a familiar deadlock between the "will sit in a government under Bibi" and "will not sit in a government under Bibi" factions, neither of which can muster a parliamentary majority of 61 seats that allows a coalition to form. That stalemate prevailed through several previous contests after the last coalition under Netanyahu collapsed, but until last year when anti-Netanyahu factions cobbled together a diverse coalition just big enough, none could form a government to displace him. Mixed results from the current Bennett-Lapid government and associated political machinations reasserted the fractured and fractious nature of the polity the government purported to represent, restoring the status quo ante of Bibi vs. anti-Bibi factions not broad enough to secure governance, and neither faction with enough coherent positive vision that voters rally to them in sufficient numbers.

"In a word, inertia," explained one analyst. "Netanyahu sat at the top for so long that he entrenched himself in enough minds as the status quo, and others must convince voters of any necessity to change. Enough elected officials convinced themselves last time around that they had done so, and formed a Bibi-less coalition. But the folly of that effort has now become evident, and the anti-Netanyahu faction has also readopted the status quo ante: making everything about Bibi Bibi Bibi and refusing to articulate a word about what their parties actually stand for."

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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Millions Of Happy Arab-Israelis Are A Token Minority, But The Antizionist 5% Of US Jews Are The Authentic Ones

By Rafael Shimunov, Jews For Racial and Economic Justice

Rafael ShimunovBrooklyn, July 21 - The familiar, cynical tactic of taking an unrepresentative slice of a group and holding them up as representative of the larger demographic features in the hasbara efforts of Zionist propagandists. They would have you believe that most of the non-Jewish population of Israel, who accept the Jewish State and hope for integration with the majority, somehow represent the entire corpus of that population. We progressives, however, understand and call out the dishonesty of that rhetorical move. We also tout the approximately one-twentieth of American Jewry who oppose Israel, as the only position worth adopting as truly representative of American Jewry.

The Nazis had their token Jews; the Southern plantation owners had their token Negros; radical Republicans have their token homosexuals; and Zionists have their token Arabs. The goal is the same: pretend that tiny minority of the minority represents the much larger group that in reality feels very differently about the system, the majority, and what path to choose in the larger society. At JFREJ, as at If Not Now in my previous capacity, we work to raise awareness and bring to the decision-making table the Jews who find they lack influence among Jews and Jewish organizations because ninety-five percent of American Jews are Zionist, leaving the remaining five percent on the fringes, where we must struggle to impose our will on the other nineteen twentieths. Because we're the real Jews- just ask the Neturei Karta!

A small percentage of Arabs with Israeli citizenship identify as "Palestinian" - and we will also insist on calling all Israeli Arabs "Palestinian," because, as with our own position among American Jews and Jewish organizations, we know better than the benighted - or perhaps intimidated! - majority. *We* speak the authentic truth that the so-called mainstream fails or refuses to acknowledge because it makes them uncomfortable. Palestinian-Israelis speak the authentic truth that the so-called mainstream refuses to acknowledge because the majority has coopted or deceived them. How dare anyone tokenize a minority of a minority to represent the majority of that minority!

So stop tokenizing. In democratic societies, with democratic sensibilities, the majority has to matter. Also, the majority of American Jews are complicit in Apartheid, ethnic cleansing, dispossession, genocide, Islamophobia, racism, and probably a few other crimes, but we're the good ones! We're the true Jews, the ones who would never assert sovereignty, the ones who will always behave as the majority culture wants. because we know not to oppress minorities.

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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Beitar Jlm logoJerusalem, July 14 - A stalwart supporter of this city's Premier League team, known for the jingoistic, often-racist, and sometimes-violent passion of its core demographic, plans to return from this evening's match too late to catch evening services at his synagogue, forcing him to look for nine other men who can take time away from their customary after-hours vandalism to form the necessary quorum for communal devotionals.

Shimon Abutbul, 30, told reporters on his way to the Beitar Jerusalem game against B'nei Sakhnin that he hopes to catch Ma'ariv, the evening liturgy, after the match, while acknowledging that doing so will require assembling a minyan, the ten necessary men over the age of thirteen, while hundreds, perhaps thousands, of fans express either their jubilation at a victory over the mostly-Arab opposing team, or their frustration at losing to them, by smashing windows, beating up people wearing anything other than yellow-and-black Beitar colors, strewing trash, spray-painting nationalist slogans, and harassing passers-by.

"I'm still saying Kaddish for my mother," explained Abutbul, a produce-stall proprietor by day. "She was always supportive of the things that kept our family connected to our community and heritage, and support for Beitar has long been a staple of that culture. I've managed not to miss a single time since she died six months ago. We'll have to leave some things to God, and I don't mean just the performance of our boys down on the pitch tonight. We have to show those filthy Arabs who's boss now, on the field and off. Black and yellow!"

Jerusalem-Sakhnin games often devolve into fights between opposing groups of fans, who bring the resentments and animosity of the Arab-Israeli conflict to each match between the two clubs. Conservative sensibilities among Beitar's Jewish supporters assign symbolic political importance to the rivalry and feel the need to reassert, by proxy, Jewish sovereignty after centuries of life as an underclass under Islamic rule; Sakhnin fans bring to the confrontation both the shame of Arabs having lost their dominant position despite outnumbering and outgunning the Jews of 1948 and 1967, and the cumulative grievances of discrimination against their minority since the founding of the modern state of Israel. More than once, law enforcement has ordered games between the two squads to take place with no fans in attendance, both as a penalty for the disorder and as a preventive measure.

Abutbul boasted that he once succeeded in assembling a minyan after a Grateful Dead tribute concert, but conceded that not all the participants were necessarily in a mental state to realize they formed part of the quorum

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Thursday, July 07, 2022

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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textbooksRamallah, July 7 - The sea change underway in the Middle East involving the acceptance and integration of Israel into a region once uniformly hostile to the Jewish State continues among numerous avenues, such as the reworking of educational materials in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia no longer to include antipathy for Jews, Jewish sovereignty, or Jewish interests in the form of the Jewish State. Palestinian education officials have seized all that suddenly-available Judeophobia and attempted to fit as much as possible into their textbooks in a curriculum that already features the most such material of any country, observers have noted.

Deputy Minister of Education for the Palestinian Authority Wilqil Dajoussi acknowledged the phenomenon in an interview Thursday. "Over a very short period there's been a glut of anti-Jewish educational material released into availability," he noted. "It began subtly a few years ago when the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and several other Persian Gulf countries began normalizing with the Zionists, and the trend has continued. Riyadh seems intent on joining that group. Obviously, the Palestinian position is clear, and we're not in favor, but my focus is narrower: it's my job to make sure that the quantity of antisemitic materials instilled into Middle Eastern children remains at its historic levels, and we do that by taking all of the antisemitism that no longer suffuses Saudi, Emirati, and other school texts, and making room for it in ours."

"It's definitely been a challenge," he admitted. "It's not like we had only a token amount of it before in our textbooks. We've tried for decades to cram it into every didactic context imaginable, and a few you wouldn't have imagined under the most absurd circumstances. Our word problems in arithmetic involve the dehumanization of, and incitement to violence against, Jews. Our engineering students must calculate the vectors and necessary force, accounting for air resistance and the shape of the projectile, to hit an Israeli car with a Molotov cocktail. It's hard to find extra space for more antisemitism, but with all the instances of Jew-hate suddenly excluded from Saudi materials, we have to find a place for them."

Leading proposals for the integration of that additional antisemitism suggest replacing standard algebraic variables such as "x," "y," and "n" with symbols such as the Nazi swastika, or Hakenkreuz; introducing more explicit racial, as opposed to religious or cultural, antisemitism, adjusted for the Arab-Islamic context; and highlighting, wherever possible, Jewish involvement in such nefarious enterprises as the transatlantic slave trade. The latter proposal stands less of a chance of adoption, ministry officials concede, in light of the involvement of Muslims and Arabs in the slave trade today.

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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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river crossingJerusalem, June 30 - Progressive American NGOs have dispatched researchers to examine the activities of Zionist programs for children in Israel during July and August with an eye toward documenting the myriad ways in which attendees learn and practice militant dispossession of Palestinians, as those NGOs have described the programs, but, unable to find real examples of that pedagogical phenomenon, the researchers have felt forced to fulfill their investigative mandate by depicting innocuous everyday activities in violent, tendentious terms such as counselors urging children to "attack defenseless sandwiches with their bare teeth."

"Each morning the children are indoctrinated to storm the facilities in which their day camps take place," wrote one IfNotNow researcher. "The program calls for parents to send the children with a 'second breakfast' or late-morning snack of a sandwich, disrupting the native comestibles of the local ecology and imposing their own culinary sensibilities on the indigenous environment."

"Staff encourage the children to cultivate a dehumanizing attitude toward Palestinian ground," another wrote, "with games such as 'tag' and 'Capture the Flag' inducing them to trample the land with their youthful - and therefore unhygienic, 'filthy,' if you will, feet, violating the sensibilities of Palestinians everywhere."

Another researcher documented the camps' disregard for Palestinian public health. "The children, as well as their supervisors, maintain a high level of physical activity that increases their carbon dioxide output, adding to climate change woe for Palestinians," she attested. "During these dry summer months, dust kicks up easily from the ground with every step. The running, stomping, skipping, and other physical activities in which these campers engage pushes particulate matter into the air that can enter the lungs of vulnerable Palestinians already weakened by Israel pumping dihydrogen monoxide into their once-bucolic villages."

Beyond the physical violence, the researchers also recorded numerous instances of ideological indoctrination, such as instilling in the children positive associations with love for their country, people, communities, and society. One researcher reminded the sixteen expected readers of his report that societies, as a rule, contain people who engage in violence.

The activists will submit their completed research to their parent organizations at the end of the month. The NGOs will then use those reports to develop promotional materials for fundraising from antisemites and for and the thus-lucrative demonization of Jewish Israelis and of those who agree with the notion that Jews have a right to exercise sovereignty in their ancestral homeland.

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Thursday, June 23, 2022

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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German refugees

Berlin, June 23 - German government officials announced today that henceforth, the country will observe the ninth of May to highlight the displacement and suffering of Germans that occurred in the aftermath of German surrender to the Allies in the Second World War and of the Holocaust, following the Palestinian model of a national day of grief and vengefulness on the day after the anniversary of Israel's declaration of statehood in 1948 that also resulted in massive displacement amid a regional effort to exterminate Jews.

The Federal Republic's Minister of Interior Affairs Krei Bulli convened a press conference to inform journalists and the public of German Nakba Day. "We have deemed it appropriate to emulate the reaction of others who have undergone similar experiences," he stated. "Others have brought calamity on themselves by attempting to eliminate Jewry, even if those others did not succeed in making the impact that the Third Reich did manage to achieve in that respect. Palestinian Arabs, with whom Nazi Germany allied during the war, and whose other Arab allies enjoyed close ties and training with the Nazi military apparatus, underwent experience that resonates with us as perpetrators of such a genocide; the Palestinian Arab reaction has inspired us to cope with our legacy of suffering in the same way."

"Palestinian leaders selected the fifteenth of May for their Nakba Day," he continued, "because it immediately follows the date of the Jewish State's founding, and they tie their suffering to that event, suffering that came about because of failed Arab attempts to commit genocide against the Jews. We, too, note Germany's surrender on the eighth of May, 1945, precipitated by an ideology that demanded geocide of Jews, and the consequent German suffering that grew out of that genocide, and declare 9 May 'German Nakba Day.'"

Historians noted that in both cases, the flight and permanent displacement of Palestinians and Germans began well before the symbolic date of the observance. "Ethnic Germans started fleeing where they lived outside Germany as the Red Army advanced" in 1944-5, explained WWII historian David Glantz. "The displacement continued for several years afterwards, as well, ultimately affecting tens of millions of Germans. As for Palestinians, many of them began heeding Arab leaders' advice to get out of the way of the ostensible Arab military juggernaut that would cleanse 'Southern Syria' of Jews, long before May 14, 1948. May 9 and May 15 are symbolic, not literal." Glantz also noted the parallels between displaced Palestinians who hoped to claim the property of ethnically-cleansed Jews in Palestine and eventual German refugees who had settled in ethnically-cleansed properties in Poland.

Minister Bulli also floated the idea of a United Nations agency that could keep the descendants of those WWII refugees stateless until they reclaim the places they had lived beforehand, like the one the Palestinians have.

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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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We Don't Specifically *Want* To Genocide Jews From Palestine - We Just Want Nobody To Interfere If We *Do*
By Marwan Shibli, Palestinian activist

man smoking hookaGaza City, June 19 - Too much misunderstanding and willful distortion of the Palestinian position pervade the rhetoric surrounding the issue, to the point that many people wrongly assume we aim to kill every Jew between the River and the Sea, along with whoever gets in the way. In fact we plan no such set of operations once we remove the colonialist pig-dog usurper invader Jews from our land - rather, in the eventuality that we do conduct such operations, we insist that everyone stay out of the way.

A casual reading of our statements and literature might convey the incorrect impression that, upon achieving the longed-for liberation of our land, we will continue the same treatment of Jews that we have demonstrated for a hundred years. Such an attitude ignores the fact that we will be sovereign, not under the - sometimes nominal - boot of Israel, the British, the Ottomans, or whoever. That means we will enjoy the power to choose our own method of dealing with the Jews, unencumbered by occupiers' preventive policies. Of course genocide will be on the table - but the point is not that we intend specifically to round up the Jews, plunder their property, rape the women and girls, and yeah, the men and boys too, all while we beat, stab, shoot, what have you; we just want the *power* that represents, to play the oppressor instead of the victim. The specifics of whom we victimize and how are less important.

For this reason and others, we Palestinians sometimes object to comparisons between our movement and Nazis. Yes, our leadership allied with Hitler during the Second World War; yes, Nazis trained our fighters; yes, we fought the immigration of Jews fleeing extermination at the hand of the Nazis; yes, we fly the Nazi swastika and openly admire Hitler and his goals. None of those points, however, get at the true kernel: it's not so much the desire to destroy every Jew while subject them all to fear and pain; it's more that it's the best way we can feel the power and control we feel we deserve, especially once we could no longer lord it over the lowly dhimmi Jew no matter how low we ourselves fell in society.

Our aim isn't genocide of the Jews per se, in other words. We just want you to stay out of our way when we end up doing just that.

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Friday, June 10, 2022

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Tel Aviv, June 9 - New research suggests that whereas your political fellow-travelers represent myriad, diverse views, and that fringe elements attract only ridicule and criticism from the overwhelming, decent majority, the other political camp kowtows to the radicals in its midst who have hijacked the agenda at that end of the political spectrum and as a consequence, voting for anyone from that half of the political map effectively places the government under the control of dangerous fanatics who will destroy everything of value.

Scientists studying political phenomenology have discovered evidence that only your opponents get defined by the most extreme among them; you and your close allies, however, know how to distance yourself from unhinged, racist, violent, or otherwise objectionable voices that overlap with parts of your vision, and only dishonesty could account for those who associate you with those objectionable elements. Your invocation of the other side's extremists, however, captures the essence of that entire camp's ideology.

"It's uncanny," remarked lead study author Tenn Denschuss of the Statistics Department at Tel Aviv University, the study's lead author. Your positions, rhetoric, and behavior, he confirmed, remain "beyond reproach, untainted by coincidental association with unsavory fanatics whose tactics and bigotry give them more in common with the thugs on the other side," whereas your opponents' positions "grow out of  suspicious closeness to, and sympathy for, some of the most destructive forces and movements of the last two centuries, which they fail to denounce with sufficiently convincing vigor."

Denschuss observed that the phenomenon holds across multiple angles of political difference: disputes over policy or vision in the realms of public health, democratic processes, security, bodily autonomy, criminal justice, racial tensions, separation of religion and state, the environment, regulation, taxation, income inequality, international relations, military policy, infrastructure, free enterprise, freedom of expression, and what restrictions, if any, apply to individual liberties, among other areas.

"This looks like a pretty robust phenomenon," he noted. When you hold a certain position, "it inevitably stems from a well-reasoned, coherent analysis of data, using supportable assumptions and the right mix of empathy and incentive." On the other hand, when those who disagree with you espouse their positions on any of these issues, their analysis, if even worthy of the term, "suffers the fatal flaw of ulterior considerations, distorted ethics, and undue influence from radicals whose extreme agenda will inevitably generate larger and more problems than their favored policies ostensibly aim to solve, while in fact in they were honest, those fanatics would admit they aim not to address the issue but to seize power and impose their agenda while suppressing dissent."

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Thursday, June 02, 2022

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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hackerIsfahan, Islamic Republic of Iran, June 2 - Online activists with skill in compromising the security of internet-connected remote computers celebrated a milestone today in the ongoing campaign to undo the Zionist project, now that they have succeeded in taking down the interface that a Kiryat Motzkin-based small laundry business uses to advertise its services, location, hours, and contact details.

The team of Iranian hackers exchanged high-fives and virtual congratulations upon crashing the website of Levi Dry Cleaning, run by local resident and second-generation proprietor Yehoshua Levi and his wife Nitza. Temporary neutralization of the enterprise's site marks one more important step in the generations-long effort to eliminate Jewish sovereignty on land that Islam once dominated; the existence of Israel represents a never-ending source of shame for those who associate Islamic superiority with everything good in the world. As soon as anyone notices the site not functioning, they will realize the enormity of Iran's capacity to penetrate Israel's cybernetworks.

Experts differ on when, if ever, the breach will gain the proprietors' attention. "Most of the online interface with customers takes place via WhatsApp and the business's Facebook Page," argued cybersecurity and defense commentator Moshe Sharatt. "I'm not sure they've even checked their website this year at all."

"It's bound to happen soon," countered network specialist Laura Itti. "They're going to have to change the banner about COVID-related policies, which haven't been relevant in months."

The hackers plan not to rest on their laurels after this accomplishment. "We've already identified a dozen other prime targets, of immense strategic value," boasted a hacker calling himself Chow Khamein. "There's a 24-hour billiards hall in Jerusalem that has lousy cybersecurity on its site - should be a cinch to hack that one and put up a message glorifying the Ayatollah and promising the demise of the Zionist Entity. That will bring our victory even closer."

Chow Khamein and his associates already envision the decoration they expect to receive from Tehran. "Medals, and maybe a computer-shaped trophy," suggested the hacker calling himself 4Chinzz. "Remember, we also took down that arrogant site advertising a two-for-one special at a family restaurant in Modi'in. Neutralizing evil of that magnitude deserves recognition, and maybe we can parlay this into more permanent work for the government. I could use a steady job. Maybe overseeing cybersecurity for a government ministry or two. But if the money's right I might consider selling secrets to the Mossad."

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