Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Last week I noted that Palestinian militants seem to have a mass histrionic personality disorder, where they revel in getting attention and feeling relevant at any expense.

Palestinian media exaggerates the effects of relatively minor incidents to feel more important and relevant. And we see it again today.

The Jerusalem Post reports:

An Israeli man in his 20s was moderately injured in a shooting attack near Wadi al-Haramiya, between Shilo and Ofra, in the West Bank, on Tuesday morning as Israel marked Remembrance Day.

The man is conscious and was injured on his hand. He was part of a group of runners running in memory of fallen soldiers and was shot by a terrorist firing from a passing car.
Hamas reports this drive-by shooting as a major operation and the injury and Israeli response as a major military victory:

Operation "Eyes of the Thieves" is a natural outgrowth of anger over the crime of the Bab al-Rahma chapel
Hamas spokesman for the city of Jerusalem, Muhammad Hamadeh, blessed the shooting operation this morning towards a gathering of settlers near the "Oyoun al-Haramiya" junction, north of Ramallah.

 Hamada said that it was a heroic operation at an exceptional time, carried out while the settlers were celebrating their dead, who were killed during the resistance operations. 

He stressed that the heroic operation is a natural result of the Palestinian state of anger towards the crimes of the occupation, the latest of which was the crime of storming the Bab al-Rahma chapel, desecrating it and confiscating its contents, as part of a malicious plan targeting the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. 

And he stressed that "Operation "Eyes of the Thieves" will not be the last, and the occupation soldiers and settlers will remain a legitimate target for the bullets of our resistance fighters and their heroic operations, and the occupation will see from our people great harm as long as they remain in our land." 

 On Tuesday morning, a settler was wounded in a heroic shooting near the Oyoun al-Haramiyya junction, north of Ramallah, in the West Bank. Resistance fighters fired from  a speeding vehicle in the Oyoun al-Haramiyeh area, moderately wounding a 28-year-old settler. 

The occupation forces mobilized around the location of the shooting, set up a number of roadblocks, and closed the Atara checkpoint, north of Ramallah, and the Jalazoun gate, which connects with the city of Al-Bireh.

This is more coverage than Israeli media is giving it.

I've been going through the Palestine Post archives of 75 years ago, and there were Jews being killed pretty much every day at the end of 1947 and the beginning of 1948. Not to minimize the terror threat nowadays, but Israelis are much safer nowadays than they were before Israel was reborn. 

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