Susana Khalil describes herself as "Politologist and Researcher; Columnist and Activist; Founder of the Canaán Association."
By renouncing the armed struggle, part of an imaginary, Il Fidaí (Freedom fighter), was lost. The raison d'être of the Palestinian Liberation Cause was disfigured. It disfigured this sacred feeling, extinguished the burning fire of resistance, spoiled the sweetness of dignity, and erased poetry and memory. We have become objective, yet objectivity does not really exist, and we have become marketing, elegant submissives. We have lost our rebelliousness. Armed struggle is no guarantee of liberation, but neither is peaceful struggle. The two must operate as a weave, one and the other is one and the same. no one has the right to impose on the native Palestinian their way of struggle.
How can Israel dare oppose the
sacred feeling of Palestinians as they blow up Jewish children in pizza shops? How monstrous is Israel to try to stop the
sweetness of the dignity Palestinians experience when they shoot sniper bullets at the heads of infants? How unspeakably awful is Israel for trying to
erase the poetry of butchering rabbis with machetes?
I've seen the worst terrorist supporters justify murdering Jews, and even claim that it is their human right. I've seen the worst mass murderers turned into heroes by Palestinian society. But until now, I never saw even the most depraved, disgusting, perverted supporter of terror wax poetic about how wonderful it is to perform the act of spilling Jewish blood itself.
Yes, this person whose highest aspiration is to see Jews brutally murdered is a self-described
human rights activist.
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