Friday, February 18, 2022
Friday, February 18, 2022
Elder of Ziyon
Amnesty International spent a great deal of effort and money putting together their anti-Israel report this year, including videos, workshops, lessons and the 280-page report itself.
For two weeks, the main Amnesty International site put links to the report "above the fold" in the most prominent area of its site. Then this week it started to show other topics, pushing the slurs against Israel to the #2 position.
Similarly, other Amnesty sites have different priorities.
Canada:UK:There are only two local Amnesty sites that still consider the anti-Israel report their top story, which is a pretty good indication of obsessive anti-Zionism and therefore antisemitism.
One is Ireland:
And the other is.....Amnesty USA:
Based on how much the AmnestyUSA site tweeted when the report came out - I counted about 80 tweets in one day - this is beyond obsession. This is crazed hate for Israel.
And the only reason anyone has crazed hate for Israel is when they are trying to suppress their true crazed hate for Jews.