Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Elder of Ziyon
Nabil Al-Jabri, who lives in Gaza, cannot find a job, and needs medicine for his son.
He is a Hamas loyalist. He sent his kids to Hamas camp and shows off their souvenir trading-card style photos on his Facebook page.
He's no sexist though - he allows his daughter to pose with weapons, too, as in this photo posted this week.
As well as a son too young for the camp:
One of al-Jabri's sons had a medical condition and needs medicine. Al-Jabri himself seems to have a kidney ailment. He does not have a job and cannot afford the medicine needed.
So he made a video to get Hamas' attention to get the medicine and possibly a job.
In the video, he didn't threaten to kill himself if he didn't get what he wanted. No - instead, he threatened to slaughter his 13 children. (He didn't mention the two wives he seems to have.)
On camera.
With a knife.
The commenters are all very sympathetic. I didn't see one who said, "How can any decent father threaten to murder his own kids, even if it is meant to publicize his medical plight.
It seems his love of Hamas has paid off, because on Tuesday, he posted that he spoke with Hamas officials who assured him that things will work out, although they made no promises yet and negotiations are continuing.
This is a story about both how Hamas has no problem spending millions on weapons and tunnels, very little to help the people of Gaza, and only the people of Gaza who are on Hamas' side can expect some help. It is also the story of the sickness that so many Palestinians have where threatening their own children is not worth condemning.

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