Wednesday, September 26, 2018

From Ian:

Linda Sarsour’s Blood Libel
When police officers in America shoot unarmed black people, Jewish hands lurk in the background — so says Linda Sarsour, perhaps the most visible Muslim political advocate in the United States. She was a co-chair of the national Women’s March, and is a campaign surrogate for politicians, including Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

A program sponsored by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) that takes American police officials to Israel for a week-long seminar is fueling police brutality, Sarsour said earlier this month at the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)’s annual convention.

The ADL, she said in response to a question, “has been a purveyor of Islamophobia against our community,” and complained that the group still enjoys a positive reputation.

ADL officials “positioned themselves as somehow being part of the progressive movement,” she said. “But what they do is, I’ll give you an example of something that they do — if you are part of a criminal justice reform movement, if you believe in the idea of ending police brutality and the misconduct of law enforcement officers across the country, then you do not support an organization that takes police officers from America, funds their trips, takes them to Israel so they can be trained by the Israeli police and military, and then they come back here and do what? Stop and frisk, killing unarmed black people across the country.”

“That [statement] is so horrific,” says Nisi Jacobs. Jacobs is a co-founder of the Women’s March for All, a group that broke away from the national Women’s March because of antisemitism concerns about Sarsour and national co-chair Tamika Mallory. Among its activities, Women’s March for All has circulated a petition calling on Sarsour and Mallory to be replaced.

“It’s [beyond] anti-Semitic,” Jacobs said. “She’s lying to a bunch of gullible, hurt people. She’s like a horrible guru that just lies because she has her own agenda.”
IsraellyCool: The Bolt Report on Ari Fuld Murder and Eurovision Boycott Attempts
The wonderful Andrew Bolt recently spoke to Australian Jewish politician Michael Danby about the murder of Ari Fuld z”l, as well as BDS-hole hypocrisy towards Israel.

As usual, it is worth watching, solely for the fact that it is like watching a current affairs show from an alternate universe, in which Israel is portrayed accurately, and the real bad guys portrayed as bad guys.

Corbyn says UK will immediately recognize Palestinian state if he’s elected
The leader of Britain’s Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, said Wednesday that he would immediately recognize a Palestinian state if elected to lead the country, while also acknowledging that his party has faced a tough summer grappling with the issue of anti-Semitism.

During his keynote speech at the annual Labour conference in Liverpool, Corbyn protested “the ongoing denial of justice and rights to the Palestinian people” and declared Labour was “united in condemning the shooting of hundreds of unarmed demonstrators in Gaza by Israeli forces and the passing of Israel’s discriminatory nation-state law,” referring to recent Knesset legislation defining Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.

“The continuing occupation, the expansion of illegal settlements and the imprisonment of Palestinian children are an outrage,” he said, referring to minors convicted by Israel of terror activities.

According to AP figures, more than 130 Gazans have been killed by Israeli fire since the start of weekly border clashes dubbed the “Great March of Return” at the end of March. Hamas, an Islamist terror group that seized control of Gaza in 2007 and seeks to destroy Israel, has acknowledged that dozens of the fatalities were its members.

Pat Condell: O Come All Ye Jew Haters
Anti-Semitism is rising in Europe because we're importing millions of Muslims, and Islam hates Jews. This video was censored by the YouTube of peace a few minutes after upload, because it might be offensive to the Jew haters.
YouTube's disclaimer: "Certain features have been disabled for this video In response to user reports, we have disabled some features, such as comments, sharing, and suggested videos, because this video contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive to some audiences."

Corbyn has no remorse for actions in Labour anti-Semitism scandal
Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain’s Labour party, insisted to the BBC on Sunday that he was not an anti-Semite, but refused to apologize for a series of incidents involving him and other party members that have drawn accusations of rampant anti-Semitism and anti-Israel sentiment.

In an interview with BBC host Andrew Marr ahead of the party’s annual conference in Liverpool, which opened Sunday, Corbyn defended his own conduct and his handling of some of the scandals that have rocked the opposition party in recent months.

When asked by Marr if he wanted to “express personal remorse” over the ongoing crisis, Corbyn responded: “I’ll simply say this, I am an anti-racist and I’ll die an anti-racist. Anti-Semitism is a scourge in any society. I have opposed it all my life and I will continue to oppose it all my life.”

He said that under his leadership, Labour had “set up much better processes for dealing with incidents,” and that the party was a “safe and welcoming place for all communities.”

Corbyn insisted to Marr that he was “absolutely” not anti-Semitic, while defending his remark about British Zionists not understanding irony, his attendance at a memorial for Palestinian terrorists, and Labour’s reluctance to fully adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance‘s (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism — a move which, when finally adopted earlier this month, he unsuccessfully attempted to undermine by seeking a caveat asserting that branding Israel a racist endeavor is not anti-Semitic.
IsraellyCool: WATCH: Jeremy Corbyn Floundering In Face of Questions About His Antisemitism
Smug bastard Jeremy Corbyn was recently interviewed by fellow smug bastard Andrew Marr of the BBC. Most of the interview dealt with Corbyn’s words and actions that seem to point to antisemitism.

To say that Corbyn’s performance during this interview was less than reassuring for the Jewish community is an understatement. Watch for yourselves:

His laughable and incredible excuses, attempts at evading the questions, as well as inability to apologize to the Jewish community convince me he is an antisemite, through and through. Note also how his reaction to Rabbi Lord Sack’s comments about his antisemitism is stronger than any reaction of his of blatantly antisemitic comments by his own party members.

Here’s hoping Corbyn never becomes leader of the UK, and is relegated to the dustbin of history.

Corbyn Denounces Former UK Chief Rabbi as Poll Shows Antisemitism Eroding His Support
UK Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn slammed Britain’s former chief rabbi on Sunday, calling his comments on Labour’s and his own antisemitism “beyond excessive” and “offensive.”

Lord Jonathan Sacks had criticized Corbyn for his claim that “Zionists” had “no sense of English irony” despite “having lived in this country for a very long time, probably all their lives.”

Sacks referred to Corbyn’s remarks as “the most offensive statement made by a senior British politician since Enoch Powell’s 1968 ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech. It was divisive, hateful, and like Powell’s speech it undermines the existence of an entire group of British citizens by depicting them as essentially alien.” Powell became notorious for his anti-immigrant stance and was widely derided as racist.

Sacks then explicitly called Corbyn “an antisemite.”

In an extensive interview with Andrew Marr on the BBC, Corbyn blasted Sacks, saying, “I do actually find that quite hurtful and quite offensive. … I will say to rabbi Sacks, with all due respect, that is beyond excessive.”

Marr asked Corbyn directly whether he was an antisemite, to which Corbyn declared, “No, absolutely not” and praised himself for his opposition to racism.

Corbyn noted that his party has now adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism and “that’s been included in our Labour party processes.” Labour originally left several clauses relating to Israel out of the definition, then, under severe pressure, adopted the full definition but with a caveat defending criticism of Israel.
At the Labour Friends of Israel event last night the Israeli ambassador Mark Regev was introduced by the newly slimline deputy leader of the Labour Party, Tom Watson. Watson stood in solidarity with LFI chair Joan Ryan saying she was being “hounded out by people that have only just joined the Labour party.” Regev said “From Attlee to Wilson to Foot, from Kinnock to Blair to Brown, Labour leader’s have supported Zionism’s cause because it is an anti-racism cause.” The video clip is of the ambassador taking a gentle pop at the current Labour leader. Neatly done…

Irate Corbyn refuses to say if he regrets working for Iran’s Press TV
In an interview broadcast Tuesday, UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn refused to disavow his appearances on Iran’s Press TV and claimed that he had not appeared on the Tehran regime’s propaganda channel since the government cracked down on demonstrators protesting election results, presumably referring to the 2009 protests.

According to the UK parliament’s register of members’ interests, Corbyn was still appearing on Press TV as recently as July 11, 2012, The Times reported, six months after a decision by British regulators to revoke the channel’s license and issue a fine for broadcasting an interview with imprisoned Newsweek and Channel 4 journalist Maziar Bahari that was filmed under duress.

The Canadian-Iranian journalist was arrested while broadcasting from Iran on the protests following the elections. Throughout his imprisonment he was tortured and interrogated on his statements against Holocaust denial, his film on Jews trying to escape the Holocaust, and his Jewish connections.

Press TV is an English-language news network connected to the state-owned Iranian broadcasting company.

Asked four times by Channel 4 News if he regrets appearing on the channel, Corbyn, visibly angered, refused to directly answer the question and instead said that he had used the outlet as a forum to discuss human rights and justice.
Corbyn told a straight-up lie to Jon Snow yesterday on Channel 4 News, claiming that he had not appeared on Iranian state-controlled broadcaster Press TV after their coverage of the protests following Iran’s disputed election in 2009.

This is demonstrably untrue, Corbyn appeared on Press TV for years after the Iranian election in 2009, as he himself declared in the House of Commons Register of Members’ Financial Interests. Readers can watch video footage for themselves above…

The House of Commons register four payments in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 with Corbyn receiving up to £5,000 of Iranian cash each time. Corbyn’s 2012 appearance came after Press TV was banned in the UK for its role in the torture of a journalist. As Corbyn himself said: “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” Corbyn didn’t even remain neutral, he literally chose the side of the oppressor…
Bomb threat clears out Jewish-sponsored screening at Labour confab
A bomb hoax Tuesday evening caused the cancellation of an event hosted by the Jewish Voice for Labour group as it was being held on the sidelines of the UK Labour party conference.

Some 200 people were evacuated from The Blackburne House building in Liverpool following a phone call from a man who said two devices would cause many casualties, the Liverpool Echo reported.

Other events in the building, including a Pilates class, a writers group, and a meeting of trainee teachers were also abandoned as people left the premises.

The JVL event was a screening of the “The Political Lynching of Jackie Walker” which deals with the tribulations of a Labour activist who has been accused of anti-Semitism.

JVL event organizer Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi told the Echo that 15 minutes after the film started a receptionist at the cultural center answered the phone and a man asked “‘Is there a Jewish event going on?”
Jeremy Corbyn posed for picture with far-left activist who said Holocaust denial is free speech
JEREMY Corbyn posed for a picture with a far-left activist who claimed Holocaust denial is free speech, it has emerged.

Controversial campaigner Miko Peled stopped the Labour boss outside the party’s annual conference this week and got a photo taken.

He said Mr Corbyn had been “accessible, gracious and generous” during their encounter.

But the Labour boss insists he didn’t mean to pose for the picture and does not endorse Mr Peled’s views.

The activist caused fury last year when he listed Holocaust denial as an issue that should be allowed to be discussed under free-speech principles.

At the previous Labour conference, he said: “This is about free speech, the freedom to criticise and to discuss every issue, whether it's the Holocaust - yes or no, Palestine, the liberation, the whole spectrum. There should be no limits on the discussion.”
Deputy head of UK Labour feels ‘ashamed’ over anti-Semitism storm
The deputy leader of the UK’s Labour party said he felt “ashamed” of the anti-Semitism storm that engulfed the party over the summer and said that it was up to him and party leader Jeremy Corbyn to unite Labour’s members, in an interview published Saturday.

Tom Watson, who is second only to Corbyn, spoke to Britain’s The Guardian newspaper ahead of the Labour Party’s annual conference, which opened Sunday in Liverpool. He said that there was still a lot of work to do to “rebuild trust with the Jewish community.”

“I worry about it. There are too many groups of people in our party who feel unwelcome, unwanted or driven out,” he said. “We’ve obviously had the sense that our Jewish members feel that they’re not welcome in the party.”

He said that though the party had changed significantly since Corbyn took over as leader, the only way Labour could be successful was if it was open-minded and tolerated a wide range of opinions and traditions.

“We are only successful when we’re a broad church,” he said. “You look at our traditions from the Marxist tradition to ethical socialism to Christian socialism to classic social democracy. We’re only successful when those traditions are aligned and find an accommodation with each other.”
UK Labour passes motion calling to ban arms sales to Israel
Britain’s main opposition Labour Party on Tuesday passed a motion strongly criticizing Israel and pledging to halt all UK weapon sales to the Jewish state if it rises to power

At the same conference, a senior lawmaker warned Labour must root out anti-Semitism amid persistent scandals dogging the party.

Delegates at the party’s conference in Liverpool voted to criticize Israel’s use of force against violent protests and riots on the Gaza border, urge more UK funding for the UN agency for Palestinians, and back a freeze on British arms sales to Israel.

The vote came after a heated debate that saw Palestinian flags waved in the convention hall and participants chanting, “Free Palestine.”

Labour’s arms-boycott motion ‘deeply disturbing,’ say community groups
The British Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Labour Friends of Israel organization both criticized a motion calling for an arms sales boycott against Israel that was passed by the Labour Party’s annual conference on Tuesday.

After battling serial antisemitism allegations throughout the summer, the conference approved a motion that condemned Israel for Palestinian casualties at the Gaza border since April – many of which resulted from efforts to infiltrate Israel – and called for an international investigation and a halt of UK arms sales to the Jewish state.

Marie van der Zyl, president of the Board of Deputies community organization, strongly defended UK arms sales to Israel, pointing to the security threats Israel faces and UK-Israel security cooperation, which if halted could be detrimental to the security of British citizens.

“Israel is situated in a region of unique turmoil and threat, faced with implacable enemies determined to kill civilians and ultimately destroy Israel in its entirety. This includes terrorist organizations who in the past few years have murdered hundreds of Jewish and Arab civilians,” Van der Zyl said.

“It is absolutely right to provide arms for the country’s defence,” she continued, adding that an arms embargo could threaten British jobs and security.

“Decreasing military cooperation, including arms sales, could endanger British civilians and assets in both the Middle East and in the UK,” she added, saying that the Board of Deputies was “disappointed but not surprised” with the motion, which she described as “irresponsible” and “misguided.”

Jewish Labour MP Given Police Escort at Her Own Party’s Conference After Months of Anti-Semitic Abuse
A Jewish Labour MP was forced to rely on police protection at the party’s annual conference that kicked off yesterday, as a colleague said anti-Semitic Labour members should be send to Auschwitz to learn the consequences of hatred towards Jews, The Times reported Monday.

Luciana Berger, the MP for Liverpool, was escorted by two police officers as she returned to the conference hall, after attending an anti-Semitism rally in her constituency organized by the Jewish Labour Movement.

After months of trolling and threats by anti-Semitic supporters of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, the MP said: “We are under attack. There are Jews in this country who do not feel safe.”

Speaking on the fringes of the Labour conference in Liverpool, Rosie Duffield, the MP for Canterbury, said Labour should send anti-Semitic party members to Auschwitz to understand how poisonous their views are.

“I defy anyone who repeats any of the anti-Semitism tropes you see in the social media arena at the moment to go there and to still say and feel the same things,” she said. “And I think they should be sent there actually by the Labour party to see what people went through if they carry on repeating those things.”
Poll: 40 Percent of British Jews Might Leave, 90 Percent of Them Citing Antisemitism
Due to rising antisemitism in the United Kingdom, 40 percent of British Jews have considered leaving the country, up from 31 percent in 2017. With 90 percent of British Jews citing issues associated with the Labour Party, many of them acknowledged considering or taking concrete measures to emigrate.

According to the annual Antisemitism Barometer study by the Campaign Against Antisemitism, a nonprofit organization that fights antisemitism, 82 percent of the 2,103 respondents said politicians were “doing too little to fight antisemitism,” and 84 percent blamed the uptick in antisemitism on “recent political events.”

Just 22 percent of British Jews say they currently feel welcome in Great Britain, and 49 percent believe that Jews have a longterm future in the United Kingdom, a decrease from 59 percent in 2017 and 62 percent in 2016 — which is when the Labour Party’s antisemitism crisis surfaced.

“Most British Jews who would ordinarily wear Jewish clothing and symbols said that they now conceal them when out in public,” the Campaign Against Antisemitism said in a statement. “British Jews also revealed that now they felt more threatened by the far-left than by the far-right.”

“It is clear that the current political climate has created an environment in which many have British Jews have considered leaving and some have even begun to take concrete steps to leave. Britain is our home, and for decades, it has been one of the best places in the world to be Jewish, but that is no longer assured,” said Campaign Against Antisemitism chairman Gideon Falter. “Now British Jews live in fear of the institutionally antisemitic Labour Party and its antisemitic leader [Jeremy Corbyn] coming to power. Once a community starts to take flight, it becomes almost impossible to remedy the situation.”

UK Labour Marxists hand out papers at party conference comparing Israel to Nazis
A Marxist faction of Britain’s Labour Party handed out pamphlets at the party’s conference in Liverpool on Sunday with an article comparing Israel to Nazi Germany, the Jewish Chronicle reported.

The article was titled “Why Israel is a racist state” and written by Moshe Machover, an Israeli-born Labour activist and staunch anti-Zionist.

In the piece, Machover charged that it is a “well established fact” that Israel is “structurally racist, an apartheid state,” according to the Chronicle.

It used quotes from Israeli academics to justify comparisons between Zionism and Nazism, including by Hebrew University Professor Daniel Blatman earlier this year said the government’s policies were reminiscent of those in 1930s Germany.

In a similar pamphlet last year Machover used a quote from Reinhard Heydrich, an architect of the Holocaust, implying the Nazis initially supported Zionist ambitions. Machover was temporarily suspended from the party over that move.

Jeremy Corbyn is sued by 'Zionist' he accused of 'not getting' English irony
Jeremy Corbyn is being sued by the British Jewish blogger he accused of not understanding 'English irony', MailOnline can reveal.

Richard Millett, 50, instructed solicitors after Mr Corbyn made further comments about him on Sunday that he views as defamatory.

During an interview with Andrew Marr on BBC One, the Labour leader painted a picture of Mr Millett as 'incredibly disruptive', claiming that the police wanted to throw him out of Parliament until Mr Corbyn said he could stay.

Mr Millett, whose father fought for Britain in WWII, says that the allegations are entirely untrue and have caused lasting damage to his reputation. He is suing Corbyn for £100,000.

He said: 'Jeremy Corbyn has constantly been trying to paint me as some aggressive traitor who has brushes with police.

'Listening to his interview, you'd have thought that the police were on the verge of hauling me out of parliamentary events and it was only saintly Corbyn who stopped that happening.

'It's totally untrue. It's preposterous. I think he just said it on the hoof, under questioning on the BBC on Sunday. He can't actually back it up.'

Mr Millett, an Israel supporter, often attends events he suspects of spreading anti-Semitism and writes about them on his blog afterwards.

As a result, he says, he has been smeared and insulted but he has never been aggressive or disruptive himself.
CAIR Chief Meets with Turkish and Iranian Presidents
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani invited Nihad Awad, the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) executive director, to meet with them in New York during this week’s UN General Assembly meeting.

“It’s not about photo ops for me,” Awad wrote on Twitter. “It’s about real issues and people’s lives. Please engage and tell me what issues and questions I should raise.”

It marks the third straight year that Awad will meet Erdogan on the sidelines of the UN session, after joining US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) leaders last year and two dozen other Islamist leaders in 2016.

“[It] makes you wonder what Awad gets in return from Erdogan’s government,” said exiled Turkish journalist Abdullah Bozkurt, who noted Erdogan has jailed 60,000 political opponents.

Despite Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian actions, Awad and his organization have held Erdogan’s Turkey out as a beacon of democracy.

While Awad has been warm towards Turkey and Erdogan, his relations with Iran have been different. He attended a 2009 meeting with then-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but skipped similar meetings with Hassan Rouhani in protest of Iran’s support for Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. The CAIR leader apparently lambasted Rouhani during a 2016 meeting, blaming Iran for Syrian bloodshed and denouncing Iran for promoting sectarianism.
BBC News website reports on terror attack one week later
As documented here previously, the BBC News website did not report the murder of an Israeli father of four by a Palestinian terrorist on September 16th.

BBC News website ignores fatal terror attack in Gush Etzion

One week later, on the afternoon of September 23rd, an article headlined “Ari Fuld killing: $1m raised for family by crowdfunders” was published on the BBC News website’s Middle East page. Despite the fact that the story has nothing whatsoever to do with events taking place along Israel’s border with the Gaza Strip, the report was tagged “Gaza border clashes”.

As has been seen on numerous occasions in the past, the BBC ignored the history of the location of the attack on Ari Fuld, instead advancing its standard simplistic narrative of ‘settlements’ in ‘occupied’ territory.

“A crowdfunding campaign has raised more than $1m (£760,000; 850,000 euros) for the family of an American Israeli killed by a Palestinian a week ago.

It was set up after Ari Fuld was stabbed to death at a shopping centre in the Jewish settlement bloc of Etzion in the occupied West Bank.”

In line with the BBC’s chosen editorial policy concerning the language used when reporting on terror attacks against Israelis, the article refrained from describing Ari Fuld’s murder as an act of terror in the corporation’s own words.
Sky News in Arabic continues to accuse Jewish “settlers” of “storming the mosque”
Whilst covering events in Jerusalem over the past year, including tensions at the city’s holy sites in the summer of 2017, Sky News Arabia has repeatedly leveled unsubstantiated and erroneous allegations against Jewish visitors and Israeli security forces when reporting on incidents at The Temple Mount – Judaism’s holiest site. Namely, all Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount are blanketly referred to as “settlers”, and are accused of “storming”, “infiltrating” and “violating” the al-Aqsa Mosque, with the support of the Israeli police (“the police of the Occupation”). However, Jews (and all non-Muslims) are forbidden from entering the mosque, and all visits (to the Temple Mount) are peaceful.

UK Media Watch already dedicated a post to such a Sky News Arabia report in August 2017. But, as you’ll see, it was only the first in a series of reports by the network – a joint venture between the UK-based Sky News and Abu Dhabi-based Media Investment Corporation – a bearing almost identical headlines and terminology.

Here are English translations of the Arabic headlines accompanying five articles by Sky News Arabia over the last 14 months.

August 1st, 2017: “Biggest infiltration to Al-Aqsa mosque in 50 years”
September 20th, 2017: “Extremist settlers storm Al-Aqsa plaza”
April 1st, 2018: “Dozens of settlers storm Al-Aqsa plaza”
May 23rd, 2018: “Hundreds of settlers storm Al-Aqsa plaza”
July 22nd, 2018: “Under heavy guard: hundreds of settlers storm Al-Aqsa”
Killing Free Speech
The OIC's media strategy encourages "accurate and factual portrayal of Islam. Emphasis should be directed at avoidance of any link or association of Islam with terrorism or the use of Islamophobic rhetoric... such as labeling criminal terrorists as 'Islamic' fascists, 'Islamic' extremists."

That part of the strategy has already had much success across the Western world, where authorities and media do not want to label Muslim terrorists as Islamic, but routinely describe them as "mentally ill."

The OICs highly ambitious plans to do away with freedom of speech go severely underreported in the West. Mainstream journalists do not appear to find it dangerous that their freedom of speech should be supervised by the OIC, while Western governments, far from offering any resistance, appear, perhaps for votes, to be cozily going along with everything.
Argentine leader asks UN to remember attacks on Jewish sites
Argentina’s president spoke against global terrorism and remembered the victims of the 1992 and 1994 attacks in Buenos Aires in his address to the United Nations General Assembly.

Mauricio Macri also called on Iran to cooperate in the investigation of the 1994 AMIA Jewish center bombing, which killed 85 and injured hundreds.

“We suffered two serious attacks in 1992 and 1994, which claimed the lives of 107 people and hundreds wounded,” Macri said Tuesday in his address to the international body. “Our country will not cease in its objective: to get all the people involved in the attacks to appear before Argentine courts, to be interrogated and eventually convicted.

“Next year will be 25 years after the AMIA bombing. I would like to again ask the Islamic Republic of Iran to cooperate with the Argentine judicial authorities to advance in the investigation of the most brutal terrorist attack in our territory.”

Macri also lamented that Russian officials declined Argentina’s request in July that they arrest a high-level adviser to Iran’s supreme leader in connection with the attack. Ali Akbar Velayati, who was Iran’s foreign minister at the time of the attack and visited Moscow earlier this year, has been implicated in ordering the bombing. There has been an international arrest warrant against Velayati and seven other Iranian officials since 2006.

“We ask the friendly countries of Argentina to accompany us, avoiding receiving under diplomatic immunity any of the accused for whom which have international arrest requests and red notes from Interpol,” Macri said.
Lithuanian Jews mark 75 years to the destruction of the Vilnius Ghetto
Pope Francis, head of the World Jewish Congress Ronald S. Lauder, head of the Lithuanian Jewish community Faina Kukliansky and dignitaries attended the ceremony marking 75 years to the destruction of the Vilnius Ghetto on Sunday.

Tens of thousands of Jews were killed or deported, ending one of the most vibrant Jewish communities in Europe.

"From the ashes of the Holocaust, the broken community is slowly rebuilding itself," said Lauder who added, "“It was not by chance that the World Jewish Congress chose to build our international Yiddish center in Vilnius."

Lauder did not turn a blind eye to the complex historical realities of the Second World War, in which many Lithuanians aided the Germans hoping to win an ally against the USSR, and how, as he said, "streets are still being named after Lithuanians complicit in the murder of Jews."

When Pope Francis arrived in Kaunas on Sunday morning he spoke to a crowd of roughly 100,000 people and said that society should be vigilant for "any whiff" of resurgent anti-Semitism and called for new generations to be taught the horrors of the Holocaust.

In the homily of the Mass, Francis referred to those who collaborated with the Nazis in World War Two or with Communist authorities in the period between 1944 and 1991 when Lithuania was part of the Soviet Union.

"Earlier generations still bear the scars of the period of the occupation, anguish at those who were deported, uncertainty about those who never returned, shame for those who were informers and traitors," he said.
MyHeritage to sponsor Eurovision 2019
MyHeritage, the popular Israel-based genealogy site, was announced on Wednesday as the official sponsor for the 2019 Eurovision in Tel Aviv.

As part of its partnership with the upcoming competition, MyHeritage will work to reveal DNA connections between winners, participants and fans of the show.

“We are excited to have MyHeritage on board as presenting partner for the Eurovision Song Contest 2019,” said Jon Ola Sand, executive supervisor of the Eurovision Song Contest in a statement on Wednesday. “This new partnership is the perfect fit; underpinning our core values of diversity and inclusion, whilst bringing together different countries and nationalities in the spirit of discovery and creativity.”

MyHeritage, which was founded in Israel in 2003, has become one of the most popular family tree websites in the world. In 2016, the company added DNA testing to its online offerings to users around the globe, and today it claims 100 million registered users worldwide.

“We are delighted to partner with the Eurovision Song Contest,” said Aviram Levi of MyHeritage. “As one of the world’s greatest gatherings that celebrates cultural diversity and creativity, we share the Eurovision Song Contest’s values. Helping people strengthen their bond to their families by establishing a connection to their family history and cultures of origin makes them realize that, while we are all unique, we are also more similar and connected than we think.”
Israel ranked sixth in healthcare efficiency
When it comes to providing patients with efficient treatment, Israel ranks among the world's best, in sixth place.

Israel was also ranked highest in health care efficiency in the Middle East, second in the region was the United Arab Emirates, which ranked 10th overall, according to Bloomberg's annual health care-efficiency index released this month.

Topping the index was Hong Kong in first place and Singapore in second.

The index ranked a total of 56 countries that had an average lifespan over 70 years, a GDP per-capita exceeding $5,000 and a minimum population of 5 million people.

Israel's overall life expectancy also ranks among the highest on the list at 82 years.

The United States was not only ranked second lowest on the list for healthcare efficiency, scoring slightly higher than Bulgaria in 56th place, but also scored the second highest in overall absolute cost at $9,536, second only to Switzerland ranking 12th with an absolute cost of $9,818.
Israeli Research Could Advance Personalized Therapy for Aggressive Skin Cancer
A highly personalized approach could help the body’s immune cells better recognize melanoma – the most dangerous type of skin cancer – and kill it, according to an Israeli study published in Cancer Discovery.

Today’s immunotherapies involve administering antibodies to unlock the natural immune T cells that recognize and kill cancer cells; or growing and reactivating these T cells outside the body and returning them in a “weaponized” form.

“But none of this will kill the cancer if the immune cells do not recognize the ‘signposts’ that mark cancer cells as foreign,” says molecular cell biologist Prof. Yardena Samuels of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot.

Groups around the world are searching for such signposts (called neo-antigen profiles) on the cancer cells’ outer membranes. Identifying and narrowing down neo-antigen profiles in cancers like melanoma, however, is difficult using current algorithmic methods.

Samuels, together with her PhD student Shelly Kalaora and in collaboration with Prof Arie Admon of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, used a new method Admon developed to find the signposts.
What Has Israel Done for MS?
Did you know? Israel is a world leader in fighting multiple sclerosis and searching for a cure. Emily Schrader, an MS patient herself in Israel, explains how:

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