There is a refreshingly honest Twitter account devoted to promoting
the otherwise appallingly
campaign to #FreeAhedTamimi. Among the recently
tweets is one declaring: “Israel is dreading that Ahed is the next Leila
Khaled, they will try to break her in anyway or shape. But what they forgot is
to see the fierce and fearless & determine look through her blue eyes.
#FreeAhedTamimi #FreeGeorgesAbdallah.”
It isn’t all that important if this Twitter account is
really an “official” account sanctioned by the Tamimi family, because the images
attached to the tweet are clearly real – and truly worth a thousand words.
So let’s recall who Leila Khaled and Georges Abdallah are.
Leila Khaled, with whom Ahed posed for a photo, is a member
of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The PFLP is
for having “pioneered such terror tactics as airline hijackings” and
perpetrated “hundreds of terrorist attacks.” As Wikipedia puts it without a
trace of irony,
Khaled “is credited as the first woman to hijack an airplane.”
If Ahed Tamimi wants to be “the next Leila Khaled,” we can
only wonder and worry what pioneering acts of terror she will once be
“credited” with.
Now let’s turn to
Georges Abdallah,
for whom Ahed campaigned alongside her father Bassem Tamimi: Abdallah is “a
Lebanese militant” who “was arrested in 1984 and sentenced to life in prison in
1987 for the 1982 murder of Lieutenant Colonel Charles R. Ray, who was an
assistant US military attaché and murder of Israeli diplomat Yaakov
Bar-Simantov outside his home in Paris on 3 April 1982, as well as involvement
in the attempted assassination of former American consul in Strasbourg Robert
O. Homme.”
As explained in a
tweet, the photos showing Ahed and her father Bassem Tamimi campaigning
alongside a terrorist for another terrorist are “from the conference on the
role of women in the Palestinian popular struggle Sep 2017 and international
days of resistance to Free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah Oct 2017.”
So let this sink in: just some three months before much of
the mainstream media dutifully promoted fact-free propaganda about the
wonderful Tamimis and their noble “non-violent” struggle, daddy Bassem and his
famous daughter were all too happy to show that their idea of “non-violence”
includes murder and airplane hijackings.
What’s beyond satire is that the “conference” promoting
terrorism was hosted by two far-left Spanish members of the European
Parliament. According to a
in the
European Jewish Press, pioneering airplane hijacker Leila Khaled
used the prestigious platform at the European Parliament “to praise extremist
violence and demonize Jews. She
glorified terrorism and trivialized the Holocaust. ‘Don’t you see a similarity
between Nazi actions and Zionist actions in Gaza? … While the Nazis were tried
in Nuremberg, no one has ever tried the Zionists,’ she said.”
The outcry resulting from this travesty eventually prompted
the European parliament to endorse a proposal “to systematically deny access to
all persons, groups, or entities involved in terrorist acts.”
Better late than never, I guess – though it remains amazing
to see that terrorists like Leila Khaled and outspoken
supporters like the Tamimis can apparently travel freely to Europe.
Now let’s look at one other gem from the #FreeAhedTamimi
Twitter account: this
manages to summarize the Tamimis’ agenda in just one word when it describes a
photo of Hebrew graffiti praising Ahed as a “hero” as having been taken in “occupied
Tel Aviv.”

So next time the Tamimis tell credulous reporters that
they’re fighting “the occupation,” know that they’re surely mightily amused and
pleased that everyone prefers to ignore that as far as they are concerned, Tel
Aviv is just one more occupied Zionist settlement.
And if everything goes well for the Tamimis, Ahed – “the
next Leila Khaled” – will once be credited for her pioneering terror strategies
to liberate occupied Tel Aviv.
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