Spokesperson Dr. Musab Abu Arkoub called on the Islamic Umma to "assume its responsibilities and move their armies immediately to uproot the Jewish entity and liberate the blessed land."
The statement itself isn't surprising (although it is interesting that Hizb ut-Tahrir accepts that Israel is the "Jewish" entity, not the "Zionist" entity, so it doesn't hide its Jew-hatred.)
But the fact is that practically every single Arab agrees with every word. The only reason they don't attack Israel is because they would lose. It isn't moderation or a desire for peace that causes stability in the Middle East - it is Israel's strength.
That is one of the basic facts that most of the world chooses to ignore.
But if you don't believe me....then please send me a single Facebook post or a single tweet in Arabic that denounces Hizb ut-Tahrir's statement.
Just one out of the hundreds of millions of Arabs online.