I’ve been an unapologetic, indefatigable peacenik for more than 30 years, advocating, agitating, writing, and lobbying for the United States to use its power and influence to help resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Yet I do not want Donald Trump to come home with a deal.
I haven’t given up on the peace process. I’ve given up on this president -because I want the two-state solution to succeed.
Some center-left American Jewish leaders are giving Trump the benefit of the doubt – no doubt a wishful fantasy fueled by years of frustrated longing for peace. For me, it all boils down to trust.
No deal brokered by Trump can be trusted because the man himself can’t be trusted and neither can his word.I'm as much of a peace skeptic as anyone, but this little rant reveals (yet again) the intellectual bankruptcy of the Left.
In the slight chance that Trump brokers a deal, the parties who sign the deal are the ones who are obligated to uphold it - not the facilitator. Trump's "word" has nothing to do with upholding a peace agreement - that it strictly between the parties.
When the Camp David Accords were signed, Jimmy Carter added his signature - as a witness, not as a party to the deal.
What Pogrebin is saying is that the idea of a Trump-brokered peace is so repugnant, that she would rather have no peace at all.
Which means that she hates Trump more than she wants peace.
Some "peacenik"!