I have not once heard that Palestinians throw rocks at other Palestinians trying to cross into Israel.
This is not the kind of oppression against Palestinians that B'Tselem's cameras are meant to capture.
I follow this kind of thing very closely, and even I never heard about the Qalandia rock throwers hitting the Arabs at the checkpoint before. There have been plenty of clashes with Israeli troops there but no one ever mentions that Palestinians are also the target - presumably because they are working in Israel.
I do not use the word "conspiracy" lightly, but there is a huge, de facto conspiracy to hide what Horowitz documented:
- Palestinians attacking other Palestinians for trying to just get to their jobs
- Israeli soldiers protecting Palestinians from other Palestinians
- Israeli soldiers helping out Palestinian kids who need assistance
- Palestinians freely admitting that their delays at checkpoints are far shorter than those at practically any border crossing in the world
The lack of these stories is even more outrageous when you consider that there are more reporters per square kilometer in that area than anywhere else in the world, with the possible exception of Washington DC. Many of them have witnessed this.
None of them have reported it.