Sometimes they find common ground. And that common ground is in supporting terror against Israel.
Hamas' website today honors the anniversary of the death of its chief bombmaker Yahya Ayyash, "The Engineer," who innovated the creation of bomb belts that were responsible for murdering hundreds. It describes lovingly how suicide bombs caused Israelis to live in fear in the years of the second intifada.
Hamas' Al Qassam website has a photo essay on Ayyash, including photos of Israelis blown up by his bombs.
Even though Ayyash was part of Hamas (he also provided the explosives for Islamic Jihad), Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah group is honoring him today as well, and linking him with Yasir Arafat, saying, "Today is the anniversary of (the death of) the martyr engineer Yahya Ayyash. Revolutionaries never die. The pact of Fatah will remain the pact of the martyrs. We are marching on the path of Yasser Arafat on the way to national unity." It also shows these newspapers that visually link Ayyash with Arafat.