In the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris, France, it has becoming increasingly more clearer to me that Hollande’s administration has from the beginning been responsible for enabling terror in France under his leadership. I believe he has had the best intentions of liberte, egalite - but without securite, law and order, a country cannot protect its citizens against the worldwide terror leftwing leaders refuse to acknowledge.
When the Charlie Hebdo and Hyper Cacher attacks happened, Prime Minister Vals gave a scathing speech in the French Parliament against antisemitism.
Sure, it paid us the appropriate lip service at the appropriate time, but what good did it do in the long run? It brought a huge population of French Jews to Israel and thank G-d they’re here. The Jews of France fled into the arms of Nefesh B’nefesh/Jewish Agency and brought their brains, talent and businesses with them into the loving arms of Israel.
Some of these new olim that arrived shortly before I did are very close friends of mine through the Hebrew Ulpan we attend together. They will reiterate time and again, “France has given up on protecting us.” Hollande may have asked French Jews to heed his call to stay; to ignore Netenyahu’s plea to make aliyah to Israel, but those words fell on deaf ears in February 2015.
So, who’s next in the European Union? Who is taking bets on which country will next be targeted? Germany? England? Ireland? Sweden? Who in European leadership is willing to say enough after creating an environment for terrorists to inflict one bloodbath after another all in the name of open borders, political correctness, tolerance and a false sense of co-existence all in the greater good of socialist policies? And finally, the icing on the cake: Who in the European leadership is willing to admit terrorism in their own diminishing countries has nothing to do with the non creation of a two state final solution and destruction of Israel? Had they been paying attention to the increase of radicalism in their own countries, instead of attempting to ghetto-ize Israel into the creation of a 23rd Arab State, more people would be alive today.
Instead of taking measures to ensure security in France, Hollande and his Foreign Minister have made their cabinet’s sole mission to create a 23rd Arab state inside borders. Below is a compiled time table dating back to 2013 over France’s race to decrease Israel’s existence:
- November 2013 Holllande declared a demand for a two state solution and a complete halt to settlement activity during a speech at the Knesset.
- November 2014 Fabius called for an international Israel-Palestinian peace conference. Laughable. He presented a two year deadline to jump start peace talks.
- August 2014 The war Hamas has launched on Israel is raging and we were fighting for our existence. Laurent Fabius demanded a cease-fire, and a two state solution following his demands. His claim was that only a two state solution will bring peace and security for two peoples living side by side. Also included was a complete withdrawal of our military from Gaza.
- April 2015 France launched a bid to pass a resolution recognizing Palestinian statehood at the UN Security council.
- May 2015 France lowers the bar to an 18 month deadline for peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.
- June 2015 France wants a bigger role in peace efforts in Israel.
- October 2015 France invites 19 other countries including the Arab League on how to implement the final solution of Israel.
Enter the third intifada and the lead up to the latest wave of terror in Paris. Are you seeing the big picture? Two horrific attacks of brutal terror have taken place under Hollande’s hard left government that refuses to learn the lessons of the past. They welcomed in the brutal dictatorship of Nazism and today Islamo-Fascism is occupying its cities, towns and neighborhoods. Hollande implemented a curfew. The first one since 1944. Chilling.
A weary, defeated, dejected Hollande press conference gave a dire warning to those responsible. I believe he means it. The problem is his refusal to uphold this common sense approach at all times. Focus on your country, man. Hollande, create a two state solution in your neighborhood if you want that 23rd Arab state invented.
Until you recognize the power keg of radical Islamofascists and their lust for blood in the western way of life, more French citizens will die. With France’s demands of a two state solution, they are not living up to their standards of Western society. Yes, Israel and France share a western way of living with freedom and democracy. When Hollande realizes that a two state solution would virtually end our freedoms in Israel, only then will he truly understand that the terror that has rooted itself in France is blind to skin color, gender and sexual orientation. Maybe then he’ll begin the slow and painful process that the only thing socialism reigns is the road to utter destruction. For now, we pray for better days to come to France, to stay out of Jewish affairs and a more Reaganesque leader for the citizens of France.
Who will be next, please?
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