The recent demonstrations in Tel Aviv seem to be a similar situation:
Funny, the only African people in Gulf countries seem to be servants.
The Jewish Press reports that the violence seems to have been instigated from outsiders who want to paint Israel as racist, and want to help it along when the police don't cooperate.
Police said Monday morning that anarchists incited protesters to violence in last night’s march in Tel Aviv against police brutality and racism undermined demonstrators’ objectives.So do Israeli police only use tear gas and stun grenades against blacks and Arabs?
Protesters were armed with rocks and metal objects that they hurled at police officers, 56 of whom were injured lightly. Police arrested 43 demonstrators and hurled stunned grenades in the middle of a crowd blocking a major artery at rush-hour in Tel Aviv.
Both a senior police official and “Elazar,” who made Aliyah to Ethiopia years before the massive airlift in Operation Shlomo, told Voice of Israel radio (Reshet Bet) that the protest turned violent partly because of anarchists.
Of course not. Police have used water cannons, rubber bullets and tear gas against haredi Jewish protesters in Israel.
So surely Israeli police are just violent in general, using tear gas at the drop of a hat?
Tell the British, who used tear gas only last week at a protest against gentrification of neighborhoods.
Tell it to Canadians, whose police recently used tear gas and rubber bullets against a student protest.
For some reason those didn't make world headlines. In fact, they didn't even make major headlines in their own countries.
But the desire to paint Israel as a racist society is irresistible to a large number of reporters.