The SAJBD has repeatedly expressed concern that the BDS, by importing the Middle East conflict into South Africa, is creating a climate that encourages anti-Semitism while shutting down any possible and rational debate on Israeli – Palestinian issues.
The BDS demonstration held on Sunday, 8 March 2015, shows exactly how the dynamics of intimidation are at play.
In the video link below, the anger, potential for violence and antisemitism is clear. Speakers on the podium refer to the fact that they would shut down the conference. Supporters of Israel trying to attend the SA – Israel exhibition had to be escorted through the crowd by police to ensure their safety. They were jeered, boo’ed and called sell-outs. The protestors taunted private security, chanting “Takfir”, “Msunu wenja”, “Msunu Kanyoko”, “Go back to you Land”, and sang songs with words and titles such as Makuliwe (Let there be a fight), and it became increasingly clear that some BDS members and Cosas were out of control.
Here is part of a rally enthusiastically welcoming Palestinian terrorist Leila Khaled to South Africa in February:
Last week, human rights activist Bassam Eid was not able to continue his lecture in the University of Johannesburg because "students barged into the venue and interrupted the speaker, calling him 'a liar and a sell-out.'
Here is the message that he had hoped to give:
The good news is that many South Africans are against the thuggery and antisemitism of the BDS movement, as this woman describes:
(h/t/ @SpotlightingSA)