Sort of like a bizarro-world version of JNF's tree planting.
It is so touching to see children next to masked, armed terrorists and their trees.
Every tree is associated with a dead terrorist:
Here is part of Islamic Jihad's video of the ceremony:

Buy EoZ's books!
Just remember, folks, NOBODY, not their own loved ones, their kids, or their not-yet-born babies, is safe around Democrats, who are genetically predisposed...
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: 03/24 Links Pt2: Hamas’s American Mouthpieces; The appeasement of Iran; Former hostage tells of being sexually assaulted in Gaza; Argentina to declassify Nazi-era docu... · 15 minutes ago
Prediction: In 5-10 years, the SEC/ACC will become the PREMIER College Football conferences in the US, because NOBODY worth a schitt is gonna want to go to...
03/24 Links Pt1: Hamas's Oct. 7 Attack Was the Greatest Palestinian Strategic Blunder since the Rejection of the UN Partition Plan; UN agencies won’t confirm ‘famine’ occurred ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Is... · 20 minutes ago
this Arkansas Football cheer will Clear Muslims out of a room!
03/24 Links Pt1: Hamas's Oct. 7 Attack Was the Greatest Palestinian Strategic Blunder since the Rejection of the UN Partition Plan; UN agencies won’t confirm ‘famine’ occurred ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Is... · 25 minutes ago
Famine? I see stocked Gaza stores and the people look like walking posters for Diabetes. Ozempic is what these Palestinians need.
03/24 Links Pt1: Hamas's Oct. 7 Attack Was the Greatest Palestinian Strategic Blunder since the Rejection of the UN Partition Plan; UN agencies won’t confirm ‘famine’ occurred ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Is... · 29 minutes ago
Unsaved and Unsubmitted
Unified Field Theory of Antisemitism: Supersessionism in Islam and the Arab world ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News · 54 minutes ago
One of this week's candidates for the DNC "Good Jew" Kapo of the Week! Jimmy Raskin steps forward with a 🐂🐂💩💩 Conspiracy Theory straight from...
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: 03/24 Links Pt2: Hamas’s American Mouthpieces; The appeasement of Iran; Former hostage tells of being sexually assaulted in Gaza; Argentina to declassify Nazi-era docu... · 1 hour ago
Just checking if you were paying attention.
I'm amazed the new PC Beasies let that one by
03/24 Links Pt1: Hamas's Oct. 7 Attack Was the Greatest Palestinian Strategic Blunder since the Rejection of the UN Partition Plan; UN agencies won’t confirm ‘famine’ occurred ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Is... · 2 hours ago
"He Weidong"
Double checked he was real.
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: 03/24 Links Pt2: Hamas’s American Mouthpieces; The appeasement of Iran; Former hostage tells of being sexually assaulted in Gaza; Argentina to declassify Nazi-era docu... · 2 hours ago
DUDE....🤩 👀👀 at 1:01....
03/24 Links Pt1: Hamas's Oct. 7 Attack Was the Greatest Palestinian Strategic Blunder since the Rejection of the UN Partition Plan; UN agencies won’t confirm ‘famine’ occurred ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Is... · 2 hours ago
I can recite it from memory if you want. Arthur: Give me a kiss and I’ll give you a penny. Edmund: (comes from round the corner) A penny?! Arthur: Well,...
03/24 Links Pt1: Northern Ireland Is Not Gaza; Hamas Terrorists releases footage of hostages Elkana Bohbot and Yosef-Haim Ohana ~ Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News · 2 hours ago
If you want real peace, don't insist on a divided Jerusalem, @USAmbIsrael
The Apartheid charge, the Abraham Accords and the "right side of history"
With Palestinians, there is no need to exaggerate: they really support murdering random Jews
Great news for Yom HaShoah! There are no antisemites!