I even found an English version:
Struggle emanates from the right of the Palestinian people to resist the occupation, to struggle against settlement, expulsion, displacement and racial discrimination; a right guaranteed by international law. Our revolutionary struggle was launched by armed struggle against the military usurpation of our land , but it was never confined to it . Its tools and methods were diverse and included peaceful resistance as was practiced by the first Intifada ; demonstrations, sit-ins, civil disobedience, confronting settler gangs, political, media, legal, and diplomatic struggle including negotiations with the occupation authority. Consequently, the Palestinian people’s right to practice armed resistance against the military occupation of their land remains a constant right confirmed by international law and international legality. However, the selection of struggle methods, in time and space depends on the capabilities of our people and our Movement. (Disingenuously, it claims that "Fatah always rejected targeting civilians anywhere" which is so laughably ridiculous that one can only say that they regard no Israeli Jews as being civilians.)
Even more interesting is that while the platform insists that killing Jews in Israel is a legal right, they mention in their strategy that they want to have closer ties with Israel's "peace camp." Amazingly, no one in the "peace camp" has anything bad to say about their being manipulated by a party that justifies murdering them.
Just in case you don't believe the actual text written and disseminated by Fatah, here's new video from MEMRI reiterating their position:
During a recent visit to Iran, Fatah central committee member Jibril Rajoub said: "The resistance is still a strategic option, and armed resistance is on the table." He said that he wanted all components of Palestinian society "to maintain the state of conflict between Palestine and the occupation." The interview was broadcast by the Iranian Al-Alam TV network on February 3, 2014.So bus bombings in most of Jerusalem are OK. And, sometime in the future, they might be OK for Tel Aviv as well, but just not quite now.
Following is an excerpt:
Jibril Rajoub: Either a Palestinian state will be established – and this is a condition for stability, peace, and security for everyone – or else the Israelis will not enjoy security, while continuing settlement activity.
TV host: Will you take up arms again?
Jibril Rajoub: We have never given up our arms. We have never left the battlefield, and we have never raised a white flag. No one can lecture Fatah or its leadership in this regard.
The resistance is still a strategic option, and armed resistance is on the table. We consider resistance to be a means to an end, not the goal itself. If negotiations fail, we will reexamine things, with our Arab and Islamic allies.
As I've told you, we want to maintain the state of conflict between Palestine and the occupation. This applies to all components of the Palestinian people, because we want all the Palestinians to participate in the resistance. We want the Palestinians within the 1948 borders to demand equality, the Palestinians within the 1967 borders to demand independence and liberty, and the Palestinians in the diaspora to demand the Right of Return. We want our Arab supporters in the region to be able to embrace this resistance, and we want the world to accept our methods.
I believe that by international law, we have the right to conduct any form of resistance, in the occupied lands and against the occupation, in order to put an end to the occupation.
I'm telling you that there will not be any bus bombings, and there must not be bus bombings in Tel Aviv. But we have 400,000 settlers. What are these people doing among us? According to international law, these [settlements] are illegal. These people will not enjoy security, peace, or stability, as long as occupation and Judaization continue.
Fatah remains Fatah, and in keeping with its goals and values, it still considers resistance to be an option.
Now, who is the leader of Fatah again? Oh, yeah - Mahmoud Abbas. This is his organization, and he has never contradicted these words.