The Joods Actueel news site reports that in a speech given by Flemish Minister-President Kris Peeters, he indicated that the Flemish government opened the Kazerne Dossin museum, a Holocaust museum in Mechelen, as a favor for Israel.Interesting mindset, isn't it? Instead of saying "we fund the PA and we fight against delegitimization of Israel" or "we fund the PA and we fight against ethnic cleansing of Jews from Judea and Samaria," he says "we fund the PA but we aren't antisemitic - look, we also fund a Holocaust museum!"
Peeters spoke at an UNRWA conference: "Trauma and Transformation: the Role of UNRWA for Palestine Refugees" last October.
In his speech Peeters said as follows: "Since the Flemish government pays specific attention to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, we decided to support various projects and programs, of both Palestinians and Israelis. That is why the Flemish government supported the opening of the Kazerne Dossin museum last year, and in the same way we provide 150,000 euros annually for the Palestinians." [Last month the Flemish government decided to increase funding to the Palestinians to 250,000 euros.]
Members of the Forum of Jewish Organizations who were present during Peeters' speech said they were 'surprised' about the comparison.
Needless to say, the Holocaust museum is not a project Belgium undertook for Israel's benefit. Belgium is not doing Israel a favor by teaching its own people about the genocide that took place in Belgium against Belgian citizens. Does Peeters think he's doing Israel a a favor? Does he think he's doing Belgian Jews a favor?
It is worthwhile to mention that a recent European audit of funds to the PA showed that billions of euros disappeared due to PA corruption.
In a way, Peeters' absurd comparison does highlight a simple fact that everyone knows but few are willing to say out loud. The "Palestinian-Israeli" situation is not about land or justice or democracy or freedom. It is a small part of the decades-old Arab war against the Jews. What Peeters is subconsciously saying is that Belgium wants peace so it funds Arabs and it also funds their enemies the Jews, to have some moral authority over them so they avoid war. Funding the Arabs alone wouldn't be fair, but money to Israel might end up going to the army or Jewish communities in ancient Judea or something that would cause riots.
Giving it to the Jews outside Israel is the safest practice to appear even-handed.