Palestinians: We Hate You, So Please Pay Us More by Khaled Abu Toameh
The answer is simple. Palestinians badly need U.S. money. They know the U.S. will never endorse all of their demands or cut off its ties with Israel. Yet they will continue to ask for U.S. money, largely because their Arab brothers have turned their backs on them and are refusing to help.Douglas Murray: Somehow, I’m agreeing with Mehdi Hasan
The U.S., of course, will continue to shower hundreds of millions of dollars on the Palestinian Authority. In return, Palestinians will continue to harbor hatred for the U.S.
I won’t often say this, but there is a must-read article at the Huffington Post today. Titled ‘The Sorry Truth Is That the Virus of Anti-Semitism Has Infected the British Muslim Community’ it is a reflection on the recent anti-Semitic outburst by Lord Ahmed of Rotherham. It an admirably honest piece of writing the author says:BBC Watch: Donnison’s ‘woman in the Ramallah street’: professional anti-Israel campaigner
‘It pains me to have to admit this but anti-Semitism isn’t just tolerated in some sections of the British Muslim community; it’s routine and commonplace
The Friends School in Ramallah is of course associated with the Ramallah Quakers: significant players in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign and other operations designed to delegitimize Israel, and with close connections to Sabeel and PACBI among others. Predictably, Jon Donnison does not trouble his viewers with that information, just as he does not bother to correct or edit the hyperbolic claims made by his interviewee.BBC glosses over terrorism yet again in Donnison ‘human interest’ puff piece
In other words, what Donnison euphemistically calls “involvement” in “bomb attacks” is actually the organization and overseeing of suicide bombings in which Israeli civilians were brutally murdered during the turbulent seven-year period between the signing of the Oslo Accords and the commencement of the Second Intifada, when rejectionist terror organisations including Hamas tried to derail the peace process.In Ramallah, an anti-Obama demonstration turns anti-Abbas
‘The American president came here to divide Palestinians,’ a Hamas demonstrator tells The Times of Israel
Europeans and Palestinians stood around, chatting. Near them, the students chanted “O Abbas, what is wrong with you? What has Obama done to you?”Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood says it rejects violence
Hamas was modestly represented at the demonstration, too, with four students wearing green scarves around their shoulders.
Group says it is willing to hand over members to authorities for questioning over a recent assault on activists and reportersEuropean Jihadists: The Latest Export
In the incident last weekend, Brotherhood members beat protesters spray-painting graffiti outside the group’s headquarters.
Hussein refused to apologize for the assault, saying the Brotherhood will only do that if the courts find its members guilty of assault. He said the building’s guards were provoked by the protesters.
After his release from captivity, Cantlie expressed astonishment at the number of "disenchanted young Britons" fighting in Syria. In an account of his experience published in The Sunday Times on August 5, 2012 (site operates behind a pay wall), Cantlie wrote: "I ended up running for my life, barefoot and handcuffed, while British jihadists -- young men with south London accents -- shot to kill. They were aiming their Kalashnikovs at a British journalist, Londoner against Londoner in a rocky landscape that looked like the Scottish Highlands. Bullets kicking up dirt as I ran. A bullet through my arm, another grazing my ear. And not a Syrian in sight. This wasn't what I had expected."Major terror attack on scale of 7/7 foiled every year in UK, police reveal
Police and MI5 are foiling a plot as big as the July 7 attacks every year, the country's second most senior terror officer has revealed.
He said the threat is constantly changing with al-Qaeda inspired Islamic extremists now plotting in smaller, harder to detect groups.French Jewish Students Step Up Legal Action Against Twitter
The danger is coming from an increasing number of hot spots around the world and there is also a growing threat from republican groups in Northern Ireland, who would attack mainland Britain if they could.
A Jewish student group announced it will be taking further legal action against Twitter over failing to comply with court order.
"Twitter is playing the indifference card in not respecting the decision of January 24," when a Paris civil court gave the company two weeks to relinquish the requested information, said Jonathan Hayoun, president of France's Union of Jewish Students (UEJF), according to the AFP news agency.Racist Hungarian Journalist Returns State Prize
A Hungarian television presenter, known for his anti-Semitic remarks, has handed back a prestigious state award after public outcry.The Day the Secret Service Almost Shot Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The intelligence brief on the apparent accident was three sentences long, and it scared the hell out of White House officials.
The agent was adjusting the side-mounted shotgun on one of the motorcade’s armored follow-up Suburbans when it discharged. “Everyone just stopped. The Iranians looked at us and we looked at the Iranians. The agent began to apologize. Ahmadinejad just turned his head and got into his car.” And that was it.
Also, Turkey's Erdoğan and the Zenith of Hypocrisy at American Thinker, somewhat relevant to today's news:
Indeed, Israel - and America, for that matter - would do history a great justice if they reminded Turkey in the strongest language possible, of the Turks' bloody crimes against their own minorities, instead of sitting back and allowing Turkey to pontificate about Israel's nonexistent "crimes against humanity." Continued silence will only strengthen bullies and thugs like Erdoğan, lend credence to his outlandish slander, and allow Turkey to continue to rewrite history in its own image.