Prime Minister Najib Miqati confirmed on Monday that the Lebanese army had busted a cell within its ranks planning attacks on military barracks.
In remarks to reporters at the Grand Serail, Miqati said: “The Lebanese army uncovered a terrorist cell that was planning an attack on its barracks and is carrying out the necessary investigation.”
He said the cell is active in northern Lebanon with branches in the Palestinian camps and mainly in Ain al-Hilweh. “But it has nothing to do with the situation in Syria.”
His confirmation came after al-Akhbar daily reported that the army arrested two Salafist soldiers linked to the Abdullah Azzam Brigades allied with the al-Qaida terrorist network.
The men are reportedly part of a larger network consisting of four Lebanese and one Palestinian identified as Abu Mohammed Toufiq Taha who is the Brigades’ ringleader in Ain el-Hilweh and wanted on several charges.
While Taha is on the run, the other six were arrested by the army intelligence, al-Akhbar said.
How much vetting does the Lebanese army do, anyway? "Do you hate Israel? OK, you're in!"