Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Elder of Ziyon
Linkdump, Natural gas, Syria, Temple Mount
The Al Aqsa Heritage Foundation has another series of photos of Jews, and especially IDF soldiers, "storming" the Temple Mount.
Most of it is pretty typical stuff:
One photo, apparently taken inside one of the buildings, is clearly a different set of tourists but meant to make people think that the soldiers barged in:
The Muslims are accusing the Jews of performing "Talmudic rituals" as usual.
But there is a new twist here. They claim to have photos of a man from the group urinating on an outer wall of the compound:
I did not see this man in any of the other photos that would show that he was part of this group. (One man in the group dressed similarly but wore a kippah and glasses and carried a cane, so this wasn't him.)
Obviously, if someone did urinate there (and I cannot find a stain on the wall showing he did,) it would be an outrageous act of sacrilege both for Muslims and for Jews. Needless to say, no religious Jew would ever consider doing such a thing. Even pretending to do so is astonishingly bad taste and poor judgment.
Or, it could be a set-up, in order to enrage Muslims against Jews, something the Al Aqsa Foundation tries to do literally every day.

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