The first comment is even nicer:
It amazes me how Jews and Muslims live peacefully together in Brooklyn, Detroit, and other regions outside of the Middle East. I think even in Israel and Palestine there must be good stories...Sometimes, a spark of truth turns into a flame.
the problem is we, Arabs living in Saudi Egypt or other countries only hear about the bad things going on in Israel/ Palestine.... I think the same applies for Jews living in Europe, Australia, and US... they only hear bad things...
I was personally moved when I read about the Oud concert in Jerusalem... naming a street after Om Kolthoom.... an Israeli child singing om kolthoom in Israeli idol show...
The media doesn't cover that... all we know about Israelis is that "they are European colonialists""" but at least half of Israeli Jews come from the Middle East....
I don't know what went wrong but I think the Arabs had difficult times coping with the way Israel was formed.... other than that, I think Hebrew is the closest language to Arabic.. and Judaism is the closest to true Islamic values (islam need to be reformed just like what was done to Judaism)...
Peace upon you all, and hopefully one day will live in peace....
yazeed , Saudi (12.25.11)