"Khaled," a young man of 26, is sitting now in prison, on charges of treason and collaboration with hostile parties, and may be sentenced to death...The article goes on to say that many pornography sites are run by Zionists for this purpose, and how evil they are, and how they can take over the webcams on the computers.
I lived in a regular family environment. Like many people here, one of my friends taught me how to use the Internet and research methods - I wish he never taught me that ... I used the Internet to search for vice and pornography sites ... And sit for long hours in front of the computer... I kept a lot of porn sites and shared them among my friends and acquaintances; I was nicknamed the "King of pornographic sites." Many of my friends would trying to get video clips ... And I would give them free of charge...
Soon I began to feel bored and wanted to find a new way to satisfy my desires, so I started to learn how to chat, not any chat but the pornography chat ... I bought a camera and mike in order to enter these sites and I was not sensitive to anything, and begun to recognize the girls and talk to them directly to video and audio ... One of the girls was called "JUNIEN" and chose to be my friend ...I began to sit with her for more than four hours a day in front of the camera .. "JUNIEN" said she lives in "Haifa" and was 22-years-old , and she likes pornography ... our relationship had continued for more than 4 days, and she asked me to take off my clothes and I imagine her in front of the camera doing so as well ... I did not hesitate much before the request and did what she asked me ... ...She asked for my mobile phone number ... I gave it her and she actually started calling me and talking in a way quite pornographic ... A few days later called me and told me that the director in the company which manages the pornography site will call me to coordinate a meeting with me ... so I was pleased and waited contact and he actually called me ...
He was disrespectful to me, laughing and telling me about some of the footage that I made in front of the camera and I'm naked, and told me that he will post it and it will bring many visitors and viewers ... I refused so strongly ... And here began the bargaining. He said to me, and I quote: "You are an Arab looking for pornography, and I need intelligence information on terrorists" ... I was struck by this sentence did not know what to do and closed the phone directly ... He contacted me again and said to me, "Khaled, We know a lot about you" .... He began to recall information about me and my family and my friends and my place of residence and some details of my life ... much to my surprise. He continued, "We do not want serious information from you ... You live in a border area and know that the terrorists come to shoot the rocket fire on us and this causes the killing of innocent people ... We want only when you see anyone approaching the area that you call me directly and we will take care of them ". .
I told him immediately, "You want me to become a spy" ... He was laughing and said "no .. you help us all and protect your family and friends of these terrorists," I answered him: "Find someone else, I will not be a spy", there was more laughing and he said "I will take you over" JUNIEN, "and I will post your video in half an hour" .. . Then I surrendered to him and told him will contact you ... then I could not find "JUNIEN," and I discovered that I became an agent and I can not go back ...
I started to contact an officer of intelligence with the nickname "Abu Musa," and told him about a movement of resistance fighters in the region, and I noticed "drone" reconnaissance planes at the same time ... I continued like this for more than 3 years and he was communicating with me always has sent me some money and an Orange chip... In a few days I called "Abu Musa," to tell him about people about to launch a rocket .. And moments later I heard a big explosion and knew then that it was from them targeting the insurgents and the death of a number of them and wounding others .. After this incident I have been arrested and now I reap what planted....
Some of this rings true, although a couple of details seem unlikely (like immediately hearing a drone.)
There is clearly a subtext here of Hamas trying to make Gaza a more moral Islamic society and using the fear of becoming a spy as a way to dissuade people from watching salacious videos.