As you could guess, the flotilla is filled with Asajews, and the self-penned biographies of the "Audacity of Hope" passengers are great examples.
Here's one:
Henry Norr, 65, is a retired journalist and human rights advocate. As a child going to Hebrew school at a Conservative Jewish temple in northern Massachusetts, Henry collected nickels and dimes for the Jewish National Fund – money he now realizes was used largely to cover up the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.
This one is even better:
Richard Levy had his bar mitzvah in 1955 at the Genesis Hebrew Center in Yonkers, New York. Richard is the former president of the North East District of the B’nai Brith Youth Organization. A graduate of Cornell U. and the NYU School of Law, he has practiced labor and civil rights law for more than 40 years. Richard was one of the attorneys challenging the destruction–by the Weisenthal Center and the Israeli government–of the ancient landmark Mamilla (Muslim) Cemetery in West Jerusalem.Who starts their biography with the date of their bar mitzvah?
Even better, in this video, Levy - a lawyer - admits that the flotilla is acting illegally!
1:22 "Although as a lawyer I'd prefer perhaps to do this by legal means, there really is no avenue, so I've chosen a more activist approach and I will be on the boat."