Spengler: Israel's ascendancy in the Middle East
Not that it needs proving, but Folderol proves that Hamas is not interested in a two-state-solution, definitively.
Oldie but goodie: Video of Netanyahu in 1978 (calling himself Ben Nitay)
Sultan Knish: Three Cheers for Terroristine!
Some analysis of the PLO's options at the UN in September from AP
Toameh: Egypt is run by a military dictatorship
Yaacov Lozowick: The curious case of Beit Safafa
NGOs - including Amnesty and HRW - trying to delegitimize Israel's justice system.
Terrorist Raed Saleh spoke - at Tel Aviv University.
Bank of Israel head worked behind the scenes to get the US to pressure Israel to save Gaza banks.
Free countries again a minority in the UNHRC.
(h/t Diana, guy, O., Ian, Silke, Joel, Mike)