However, in Arabic, Fatah members and the pro-Fatah media often attack Hamas for being too accommodating with Israel!
We've documented this many times, with both Fatah leaders and others complaining about Hamas' supposed moderation.
Today we see another example, in the pages of the adamantly anti-Hamas and pro-Fatah news site Palestine Press Agency.
He blames Carter, as architect of Camp David, of supporting a Jewish state in Palestine, something that is obviously unacceptable to any self-respecting Arab. He calls Carter "the head of the snake that has poisoned the region" and his desire to see Israel exist makes him as bad as Herzl.
For Hamas leader Meshal to embrace Carter is akin to him hugging Menachem Begin or Theodor Herzl, according to this op-ed.
How moderate Fatah is!
(h/t JSS for the more complete Carter picture, and a nod to Meshal's right hand)