Their front page has a photo of a pro-Hamas poster.
Their English section has a rotating banner that includes this quote from Nasser: "What was taken by force will be liberated by force."
They support Nasserite Arab nationalism, along with members of the Arab National Congress Hezbollah, Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Above all, they hate Israel and advocate for it to be destroyed.
In their Dutch section, you can see this cartoon implying that Jews exaggerated the number killed in the Holocaust:

On Tuesday the public prosecutor’s office ruled that AEL was liable to prosecution for publishing the cartoon, but no charges would be brought if the campaign group permanently removed the image from its website. Initially AEL appeared to have complied with this demand.There was a debate about the cartoons on Dutch TV, where a representative of the Arab European League and a Dutch Zionist leader argued about it.However, at the same time the public prosecutor’s office also ruled that there was nothing illegal about the publication of the controversial Danish cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad on the website of anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders in 2006. Likewise, it decided that the TV programme Nova, which also showed the cartoons, had not broken the law.
The public prosecutor’s office concluded that the Danish drawings were not offensive to Muslims as a group and were not an incitement to discrimination or violence against them. However, it said the cartoon on the AEL website was indeed offensive to Jews as a group.
In response to this ruling, AEL decided to republish the cartoon.
At the end of the debate, the AEL representative refused to shake the hand of the Zionist, shocking the hosts. On his website he justified his insult, saying that he would refuse to shake hands with Arabs who support the existence of Israel as well.
This is the mainstream of Arab opinion in Europe.
(h/t Suzanne)