Hamas leader Zahhar, in an amazing display of logic, said that those who shot the rocket yesterday (which landed in the center of Sderot) are "collaborators" with Israel. With friends like those....
Some Jewish Hebron residents were accused of saying derogatory things about Islam. When Arabs complained to the Israeli police, they were shocked to find out that the depraved Israelis don't have a law making insulting the Prophet illegal.
Windows were shattered at Al Quds University in Gaza because Hamas was practicing weapons and explosives training nearby, causing students to evacuate.
There was a huge explosion in Gaza City Sunday evening that has still not yet been explained.
No word yet on further casualties or finding the missing people from the two tunnel collapses over the past couple of days. Last I heard some five men were still missing.
Chief Palestinian Arab Liar Saeb Erekat denies a Haaretz report of a detailed "peace" plan that Olmert was reported to offer that includes 93% of the West Bank plus additional land in the Negev adjacent to Gaza. Erekat said, all of West Bank or nothing. Another PalArab spokesman said the same thing, that not one Jew can remain in the West Bank (and all the "refugees" must return to destroy Israel) for there to be "peace."
Hamas asked Gazans to call the police if any masked men pretending to be security forces try to confiscate their property or harass them. It is unclear how the citizens would know if the masked men harassing them are from Hamas or are imposters. (h/t Israellycool)