But it's worse when I see others managing to find them!
Judeopundit, who comments here often, finds a wacky left-wing article that claims that Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar has saved countless Israeli lives.
He also found a wonderful English Q&A at the Hamas website with its spokesman.
And for a hat trick he discovers exactly why Al-Jazeera maintains contacts with Israel. Hint: It isn't for "even-handedness."
Israel Matzav notices a British watchdog group who finds that - believe it or not - British taxpayer money is being used to fund Palestinian Arab incitement against Israel. What a shock!
Backspin digs up a real, honest to goodness news story about Israel that describes....Israel.
Israellycool continues his liveblogging of what's going on in Israel and Gaza (with a smattering of Nasrallah for extra-special disgusting flavor.)
Daled Amos reports on a story I should have blogged last week on Yasir Arafat's famous blood donation for victims of 9/11 being a hoax - the great champion of terror evidently hated needles.
What can I add to such great stuff? Not much. We have the moderate leader of the Fatah-flavor PA condemning Israel for killing a terrorist that belongs to a Fatah group that the PA denies existing anymore while planning a non-existent terror attack.
An interesting article on Yiddish curses.
And the anti-Hamas Palestine Press Agency reports that Hamas has decided to stop shooting rockets at Sderot for now. I cannot find any other sources for this, although rocket fire has cooled down over the weekend to "only" five yesterday and two so far today. As has been the Palestinian Arab habit for decades, they are trying to find just the right amount of damage they can do without risking massive retaliation.
That's about it. I'll keep updating my Qassam calendar and I'll check back later to see if I can find any other interesting stories...