For some reason, the West doesn't need to see pictures of dead people to get upset. We didn't need to see pictures of the bodies on the ground outside Ground Zero - the pictures of the planes smashing in the buildings were enough.
Why is this?
Let's ask a couple of other questions. If it is a cultural thing that Arabs are just used to seeing pictures of dead people, how come there are so few pictures of Arabs who have been killed by other Arabs?
And, finally - why do Arab terrorists like to take videos of decapitations?
The answer is that these photos aren't meant to inform - they is the Arab equivalent to pornography. Both the pictures of dead kids and the videos of chopping heads off are meant to incite hatred - against Jews, against America, whatever. Combine that with a culture that celebrates death, that proudly pretends to desire death (just not for the leaders, only the hapless martyrs), and you have photos whose entire purpose is to create lust - lust for revenge, lust for murder.
There's also a faux macho component to these photos - just like insecure men flock to hardcore porn to make themselves feel superior to women, so do Jew-haters and Arabs surreptitiously enjoy the hardcore sight of dead kids to make themselves feel a little less self-hate for their own, purposeful and deliberate terror attacks aimed at civilians.
The pictures are never shown in the context of "oh this is so sad." They are without exception shown as a means to create strong emotion without having to think about context or motive or anything else that could end up showing the truth: that by any objective measure, the Arabs are far more depraved than the people they are trying to demonize. (This guy is so thrilled to have some dead-kid pictures that he repeats each picture 5 times on his website!)
Not once will you see Israelis celebrate the deaths of Lebanese or Palestinian Arab kids. Once again, the only people who gain anything by the death of Arab kids are Arabs themselves. And too many of them are more than happy to show off their latest bonanza of pornographic pictures (whether they are real or not) on the Internet.