sam hamod on danish cartoons
danish cartoon mohamad turbine
flemming rose cartoons
flemming rose jewish
actual danish cartoon of prophet
is flemming rose jewish
flemming rose neocon
flemming rose
publication of the cartoon truly insults the dignity of muslims
view danish islamic cartoons
flemming rose caricature
arab cartoons jews
So, as a public service, here is a reproduction of the cartoons that I found (just linking to Support Denmark):
A stereotypical Jewish caricature is shown pointing to an acquiescent President Bush saying "He understands Hebrew, not Arabic."
Uncle Sam is shown cleaning up after the bloody tracks of Israel,
shown as a stereotypical Jewish caricature.
Jewish caricature is writing the "The USA's modern history."
A Jewish caricature writes President Bush's speech. The caption reads "America's attitude towards Gaza's massacre."
A Jewish devil - possibly Ariel Sharon - walks over the skulls of its victims.
The Jew on the right says: "Say: 'I hate the Arabs'!", and the American on the left repeats: "I hate the Arabs, I hate the Arabs".