Sunday, March 16, 2014

  • Sunday, March 16, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Bob Knot in the comments has a tour de force of investigative journalism that destroys the recent libel claiming that Israeli troops fired on the feet of "Palestinian football players" and exposes the people using that incident to disqualify Israel from FIFA as liars. Here I reproduce the comment as a single post.

I found the news about the two young “Palestinian” footballers that were shot by Israeli border police and the growing demands to ban Israel from International competitions upsetting. I know that Zionists “control the world” and all that; there is nothing really to fear, but still, I had to dig up information on the incident. 
It would seem that the anti-Zionist Jew-hating camp never miss an opportunity to demonize and smear Israel .
Dusty of Pro-Israel Bay Bloggers wrote about this new libel here and so did Edgar of Confronting anti-Semitism and Israel hatred on his blog here . Unfortunately, it is not enough.
There are now many calls for the expulsion of Israel from FIFA.
A quick note first and then on with the findings; there was one detail that both Dusty and Edgar were incorrect about in otherwise excellent articles: the two “Palestinian” boys were first treated for their injuries in Hadassah Hospital and were released after four days. Their families checked them then in into a medical facility in Ramallah to be later transferred to King Hussein Medical Center in Amman.
Conflicting reports
The Arabic media first reported on this shooting incident two days after it took place and only after a lawyer for the “Palestinian Ministry of Detainees” got involved. Now, as is often the case in the “Palestinian” world of distortions and lies, there are several conflicting reports on this incident , all disregarding the Israeli Border Police statement .
Notice how Ma’an published two different versions:
“Adam Abd al-Rouf Jamous, 17, and Jawhar Nasser al-Din Halbieh, 19, were mauled by police dogs after Israeli forces opened fire on them without warning near al-Zayyem checkpoint near Abu Dis east of Jerusalem on January 30, Barghouth said.
The pair were visiting a friend's home nearby when Border Police suddenly opened fire in their direction before siccing the dogs on them.” (Ma’an News Agency, Saturday 01/02/2014 (updated) 03/02/2014 10:19, emphasis added)
And then…
“Jawhar Nasser Jawhar, 19, and Adam Abd al-Raouf Halabiya, 17, were shot by Israeli soldiers as they were walking home from a training session in the Faisal al-Husseini Stadium in al-Ram in the central West Bank on Jan. 31.” (Ma’an News Agency, Published Friday 14/02/2014 (updated) 16/02/2014 11:54, emphasis added)

Did the incident take place on the 30th or on the 31st of January?
Were the two visiting a friend’s home as initially reported or were they returning home from training?
Does the Abu Dis Youth Club train in Al-Ram?
Was there actually a training session in the Faisal Al-Husseini International Stadium on the 3oth?
Did the two attend one? How about the 31st or were they in the hospital already?
What about the cigarettes story, why was it changed?
Why did Ma’an publish a different version ten days after the first one?

Just look at this map , it is practically unlikely that they traveled from Al-Ram to Abu Dis at night.
The many open questions and holes in the news reports should cast serious doubts about the validity of the “Palestinian” version. Any serious journalist would have looked into the circumstances that led to the boys’ injuries, verify the information, and only then publish the story. That is apparently not the way people that are out to demonize Israel work. Let’s face it; facts are irrelevant, a little research and integrity are not required when the ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel.
Love of the game

The Nation, Mondoweiss, and others based their libel and calls for FIFA to kick out Israel on the latest Ma’an article because racism and violence have no place in football. Thumbs up for that, Israelis believe the same; let’s find out more about these two young, innocent, “footballers”, their club, and what does their “training” entail?

(more after the break)

Joher is very proud of his training kit, 
he happily shared a photo of the 2013 edition 
with the fans.

Posing for the fans with the away kit is part of the job :

The DFLP team members like to hang out with their own kind :

Actually, team bonding is a favorite activity. Here is Joher during a DFLP march:

Joher is a motivator, here is what he had to say at a December 1, 2013 team talk: “The revolution continues, and the uprising coming to bring freedomand liberty and life” (Translated by Bing)

Adam Johar 
is a member of the same squad. The national resistance brigades, the armed wing of the Democratic Front in Abu Dis Red Fort posted a message of encouragement to both comrades .
What are the odds that the two were shot at while participating in a riot that included throwing firebombs at the Israeli border police?
Wait. Before you place your bets, I will share another piece of information about Joher’s footballing career; it looks as if he participated in night clashes with the borderpolice before ...

Remember the border police statement?
“During operational activity, a group of individuals
was seen just seconds before throwing bombs at security forces
. When they saw the Border Policemen, the group attempted to run away and tried again to throw bombs at the policemen. The policemeninitiated the protocol for opening fire in order to neutralize the threat. The suspects were apprehended, and a bomb was found on them, which has been deactivated.”
(emphasis added)
What say you, little terrorists or innocent footballers?
Ten bullets were put into Jawhar’s feet. Adam took one bullet in each foot.
(Dave Zirin on March 3, 2014)
They shot them repeatedly in the feet
(Annie Robbins on March 5, 2014)

Complete lies. There are many photos and videos online documenting their injuries in detail but not a single one of those show a foot injury; study their feet to your heart’s content:

Beat them and broke their knees
(Annie Robbins on March 5, 2014)
February 16, 2014 (that is nearly 3 weeks before the Mondo libel was published):
“Thankfully the results of MRI fully, no fractures in the knee and wait for tomorrow's doctors to take out the bullet” (Bing Translated)

 doctors said it may take six months to evaluate if Jawhar or Halabiya will ever be able to walk again
(Copy and Paste Editor at Large Annie Robbins on March 5, 2014)
Oh, STFU already. Research your topic a little instead of relying on an anti-Semitic propaganda Websites like Ma’an, Qods, and etc. Oh, silly me, how could I forget that Mondo Annie is part of that propaganda. Here are a couple of photos that were posted to Facebook about two weeks before The Nation’s Zirin and Mondoweiss’ Annie published their articles:

February 21, 2014 near El-Rabahiye, Jordan

February 24, 2014

February 25, 2014

”Palestinian” propaganda
The two boys have become tools in the “Palestinian” propaganda machine; from the moment of their release from Hadassah Hospital:
- visits by many high ranking “Palestinian” officials
- conducted numerous interviews with the media
- posted many articles, photos and videos to Social Media sites

February 5, 2014: The Minister of Prisoners' Affairs, Issa Qaraqe and the Minister of Health, Dr. Jawad Awad (
February 9, 2014: Maj. Gen. Jibril Rajoub, head of the Palestinian Federation of Football (
February 11, 2014: A delegation from the Ministry of Education (
February 13, 2014: Prince Ali bin Al Hussein and Major General Jibril Rajoub ( and 
There were other high profile visits during their stay in Amman;
it is all documented in this Facebook group @
Peace partner Jibril Rajoub (the Palestinian Football Association) said he will seek the expulsion of Israel from FIFA at the next FIFA Congress in June.
Previous gems from Jibril Rajoub include statements like "I swear that if we had a nuke, we'd have used it this very morning," (http://www.israelnationalnews....,
that “the resistance will continue” (http://www.israelnationalnews....,
and that kidnappings are “the only language that Israel understands,” (

Other Israel haters have tried to use this case as evidence of Israel's evil, particularly Max Blumenthal in his recent debate with Richard Landes. As the photos above prove, they are all lying. 

UPDATE: Adam Johar's timeline on Facebook includes a photo of another of his heroes: (h/t Avi)

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