For three days, the convoy has been halted at the Tunisia/Libya border because the activists do not have visas to travel through Libya.
From Anadolou Agency:
"Mavi Marmara convoy" carrying medical aid to the Palestinians suffering from Israel's latest attack on Gaza, was blocked at Libyan border gate, Ras Jdir, on Wednesday for activists' lack of visa.
"Mavi Marmara convoy" comprising 11 vehicles, loaded with medical aid for Gaza, faced a visa barrier at Tunisia-Libya border gate, after passing through France, Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
Libyan customs officers told the British, US and Irish citizens in the convoy to return to Tunisia as they couldn't enter the country without visa.
Ihsan Semruh, one of the organizers of the aid convoy, spoke to the accompanying Anadolu Agency correspondent.
"We were totally disappointed with the attitude of Libyan officials. We expected a lot from Libya. We thought Libya would be the easiest stop en route. Aftermath of the revolution, it is really puzzling to witness such a day," said Semruh.
"Coming a long way through Britain, France, Spain, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia with lots of difficulties, hunger and tiredness, we expect Libyan officials to allow the convoy to pass, loaded with medical equipment collected with several months' efforts, and we hope the aid would reach our Palestinian brothers and sisters safe and sound. This convoy carries a message for lifting of the embargo imposed on Gaza," Semruh also added.
The "Mavi Marmara aid convoy", named after the "Mavi Marmara ship", had departed from Britain on February 25 to breach the Israeli embargo on Gaza.
Accompanied by 25 activists in total, the aid convoy consists of 11 vehicles carrying medical aid, toys and computer materials.I found the webpage of the organizers from this photo:
We are ordinary every day people that want to do something for the besieged people of Gaza. The team leaders and convoy organisers have participated in many aid convoys so we have plenty of experience in the planning and successful operation of this type of mission.Um, apparently not.
The virus webpage is sponsored by the Wightman Road Mosque.