An Interview with Asaf Romirowsky on the Palestinian Predicament
"It’s become clear we’re never going to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict until we first resolve the fake refugee fiasco. I turned to noted ME scholar and director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East Asaf Romirowsky to gain his thoughts on why being a Palestinian is such a badge of honor."
The UN never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity
"In the original vote, 33 UN states supported the partition of Palestine into independent Arab and Jewish states, while 13 states voted against and 10 abstained. Note that almost every country that did not support the creation of a Jewish state next to a Palestinian state today supports the creation of a Palestinian state next to an existing Jewish one."
UN Watch: Hypocrisy at the UN: dictatorships reject “country-specific” resolutions, then adopt 21 country-specific resolutions on Israel
In an astonishing display of hypocrisy even by U.N. standards, numerous country delegates gave impassioned speeches last week objecting to the adoption of resolutions criticizing the murderous regimes of Iran, North Korea and Syria, saying they rejected the practice of singling out specific countries; and then proceeded, only moments later, to vote for a resolution — which most of them also co-sponsored — singling out democratic Israel.
Europe Once Again Shows that Palestinian Violence Pays
"So here’s what we’ve learned from the past week’s events: Palestinians should keep shooting rockets at Israel, because Europe will reward them for it by punishing Israel. And Israel should never again make any agreement with the Palestinians, because the Palestinians won’t be bound by it at all, whereas Israel will be bound not only by what the deal actually says, but by what the Palestinians and their Europeans allies think it should have said."
Douglas Murray: Did Israeli settlements in the West Bank kill the two-state solution?
"Contrary to the wisdom of the Foreign Office et al, the blockage to peace is not Israeli settlement-building, unhelpful though that undoubtedly is. The bar to peace remains, as it always has been – as it was at Oslo, Camp David and over all the decades before and since – an unwillingness on the part of the Palestinians to accept the existence of the Jewish state and an almost completely ignored Palestinian insistence that the final-status Palestinian state should be completely and wholly free of Jews.
Sanctions Fight Is an Example of Why Bibi Doesn’t Trust Barack
The reason Obama and Netanyahu are often at odds over Iran’s nuclear program is that Netanyahu sees the gap separating Obama’s words and his actions, and he doesn’t like it.
IDF Blog: Israel Defense Forces: November 2012
November was a historic month, marked by Operation Pillar of Defense, terror attacks against the Israeli home front, and other events. Here’s what the IDF faced this past month.
Israeli Security Foils Road Terror Attacks
Israeli security forces continue to foil Arab road terror attempts, including an attempted axe-murderer and a briefcase bomb under a bridge.
Hamas tells Fatah: Let’s fight Israel together By Khaled Abu Toameh
Mahmoud Zahar calls on Fatah to "stop wasting time and effort" on peace process; Palestinian reconciliation efforts stepped up.
"As a goodwill gesture, the Hamas government has allowed 17 Fatah activists who fled the Gaza Strip to Egypt five years ago to return to their homes.
The activists fled during the fighting that erupted between Fatah and Hamas and resulted in the Islamist movement’s takeover of the Gaza Strip."
MEMRI: Mahmoud Al-Zahhar against Mahmoud Abbas: Anyone Who Wants to Liberate Palestine Should Pick Up a Gun
PMW: "Hey [Netanyahu], you dog, you invader" - Fatah official Jibril Rajoub on PA TV
Honest Reporting CA: Top 10 Canadian Media Fails of Israel-Hamas War
"In war, the saying goes, the first victim is the truth. The “Eight Day War” between Hamas and Israel saw many falsehoods perpetuated in and by Canada’s media. Here are the top 10 media fails from English Canada."
Guardian interrupts ‘live blog’ on Mid-East uprisings with news that Jews might build homes
"And, below the shocking reports from Jerusalem, in other, far less important news: Lebanon and Syria risk igniting a dangerous military confrontation, and Islamists in Egypt organized a mass rally meant to intimidate the highest court in the country. "
In foiled Jordanian terror plot, officials see hand of resurgent al-Qaeda in Iraq
"The plan was to unleash mayhem across an entire city and “bring Amman to its knees,” in the words of one security official. It would start with suicide bombings at two shopping malls, then build momentum as teams of terrorists blew up cars and raked cafes with machine-gun fire."
Police Arrest Two Accomplices in Toulouse Terrorist Attacks
French police arrested two alleged accomplices of gunman Mohamed Merah, who killed rabbi and three Jewish schoolchildren in Toulouse.
Turkish TV Fines 'The Simpsons' for Mocking G-d
Turkish board of television is fining private broadcaster for airing episode of "The Simpsons" showing G-d to be under influence of Devil
Israel Daily Picture: 150 Years Ago in Jerusalem -- Read What the Tourists & Explorers Wrote
William Seward (Lincoln's Secretary of State): The population of Palestine is estimated at only 200,000.... Jerusalem is divided now according to its different classes of population. The Mohammedans are four thousand, and occupy the northeast quarter, including the whole area of the Mosque of Omar. The Jews are eight thousand; and have the southeast quarter....The Armenians number eighteen hundred, and have the southwest quarter and the other Christians, amounting to twenty-two hundred, have the northwest quarter.
Nearly 70 years on, Holocaust survivor reunites with ‘Righteous’ rescuer
At 85, Polish woman takes her first flight to meet the Jewish ‘cousin’ her parents hid from the Nazis
"Dudziak lived in Lublin during World War II and asked her family to look after Beiman when Beiman’s parents went missing — presumably sent to the nearby Majdanek concentration camp. Although extremely poor, the family hid Beiman in its home and pretended she was a niece until the city was liberated in 1944."
Also, former German FM Joschka Fischer: The New Middle East’s New Problems (h/t Missing Peace)