An official Moroccan delegation arrived in Israel two days ago for the first time ever since the diplomat relations were first cut in 2000, Ynetnews reported.According to the stories as told in Arabic media, they are taking part in the annual post-Passover Mimouna festival, and the trip was authorized by the King of Morocco.
The delegation arrived in Israel last Thursday, as being invited by Sam Bin Shatreat, the head of the Jewish Federation of Morocco to participate in the Passover.
The 4-member delegation, including the legal advisor of the Moroccan King, will meet today Danny Ayalon, the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs , upon their request, Ynetnews briefed.
It is notable that for all the vitriol that Israel's Foreign Ministry receives from the "progressive" crowd, especially under Avigodor Lieberman, it seems to be doing a better job in forging friendships than any of the more centrist Israeli governments have done.