He also has nice photos of Islamic Jihad child abuse.
There was an assassination attempt against a leading anti-Hezbollah Lebanese politician.
I didn't cover the Günter Grass kerfuffle, but you can read about it here. An op-ed here.
Khaled Abu Toameh on the crime of "extending tongues" in Jordan and under the PA.
"Hezbollah has 300 operatives in NYC"
Egypt's top archaeologist who called himself "Indiana Jones" faces charges. He's a real anti-semite.
Taking photos in Jordan, even for a tourist guidebook, is not a smart idea - if you have an Israeli passport.
Everyone has seen Cecil B. DeMille's 1956 classic movie The Ten Commandments. But how many have seen his 1923 silent movie version? Here's the splitting of the sea, very impressive for 1923!
You can see the entire film here. Too bad it glosses over nine of the ten plagues.
Here's the first New York Times (headlined) article about Passover, from 1869:
(h/t Yoel, Samson, Yid With Lid)