The Palestinian Authority is facing a financial crisis because funds pledged by donor nations are not arriving on time, Prime Minister of the West Bank government Salam Fayyad said Tuesday.This may be a mistranslation; last year it was reported that Arab League had pledged $55 million a month and paid only a small percentage of that amount. I don't know if the Arabs have increased their payments this year, and I am not aware of any significant pledge increases.
Speaking at a press conference with Japan's representative to the Palestinian Authority, Fayyad said the slow delivery of promised aid was putting pressure on the government.
"In 2011, we have been receiving $52.5 million dollars a month from the Arab countries, which is much less than the amount they committed to deliver," he said.
Arab nations have also reneged on their generous one-time pledges to the PA as well as pledges to UNRWA.