Friday, March 07, 2014

Lisa Duggan, president elect of the American Studies Association who put together an anti-Israel conference last week that made her drool,  seems a bit upset:

On February 23, the right wing Zionist blog Elder of Ziyon leveled accusations tantamount to an “exposé“ of our NYU American Studies conference scheduled for March 1: “ASA’s President Elect Hosting Secret Anti-Israel Conference. ”

This post’s allegations, that the event would feature “obscene “ Israel bashers living in an “echo chamber of their own hate,” quickly rocketed around Twitter, generating more posts and an avalanche of hate mail. Extending the expressions of outrage over the American Studies Association’s support for the academic boycott of Israel (well-known throughout the Zionist blogosphere), this post focused its “exposé” on the supposed “secret” conspiracy unveiled in the post. Letters sent to NYU President John Sexton denounced the limited range of views represented, pronounced the supposed secrecy shameful, and demanded that NYU cancel the conference and fire me (the named ASA president elect).
While I am hardly responsible for hate mail generated by exposing a conference that Duggan explicitly wanted to keep quiet, isn't mail demanding that she be fired considered free speech? After all, Duggan just this week signed a petition that pretends to support free speech. She wouldn't want to be considered a hypocrite, would she?

I posted the conference flyer to the CUNY Revolutionizing American Studies faculty seminar page on Facebook, asking the professors and student members to share it only with colleagues and students.

Her exact words were "PLEASE DO NOT post or circulate the flyer. We are trying to avoid press, protestors and public attention. Feel free to share it with friends, colleagues and grad students though." The Facebook page is open to the public, and the description of the group is to expose the program outside CUNY:
This group is one of the public faces of a conversation taking place within CUNY in the field of American studies, and to a vast array of intellectual, political, social, and cultural issues.

This initiative intends to animate a critical engagement with American Studies at and beyond the CUNY Graduate Center.
So Duggan posted the flyer on a public group but then says that it was not intended for the public. But those in the group could invite "friends." It is quite obvious what her motivations were, even as she furiously tries to spin it.

Admittedly, it is very funny watching her fume.

The Elder of Ziyon, well known for inflammatory posts, interpreted this ordinary limited registration academic conference held in a small space as a sinister conspiracy, and our Event Brite registration page overflowed with requests from Zionist bloggers and pranksters like I.A. Tollah.
See - I'm well-known! And inflammatory!

But don't worry, my efforts were all for naught:

There was no migration to the mainstream and tabloid press, there was no massing of protesters at the event site. The conference proceeded smoothly. We proclaimed it a success.
Except that Duggan has already tried multiple times to spin this conference into making it less exclusionary than it was. She failed miserably in her attempt to compare it to private Zionist groups choosing Zionist speakers. The controversy was written up in JTA (republished worldwide, in places like JNS and Haaretz and Times of Israel) and in Tablet.

And, today, the New York Post wrote an op-ed about this very conference:

NYU’s faculty handbook requires instructors to “show respect for the opinions of others.” Too bad a closed-door university event last weekend did nothing of the kind. Which may explain why organizers took pains to keep it quiet.

The annual event, sponsored by four NYU departments, looks like a thinly disguised session aimed at mobilizing support for the anti-Israel boycott movement.

President John Sexton has previously written to the national American Studies Association to express NYU’s “disappointment, disagreement and opposition to” its embrace of the boycott. But he says that to have required sponsors of the NYU event to represent all sides would be tantamount to censorship. That’s more or less the position taken by Lisa Duggan, an NYU professor who is also the ASA’s president-elect. Prof. Duggan supports the boycott of Israel and moderated a panel at the event.

In an e-mail to The Post, Duggan says: “The conference was not secret. It was just a limited registration academic conference in a small space.” And yet before the conference, she posted a warning on Facebook asking people not to circulate the flyer advertising the event to avoid public attention. That post was later removed.

We are a newspaper, so the last thing we want is to censor people or tell them they have to run their conferences in a certain way. What would be nice is to hear some voices from the other side — say, by a concerned trustee or donor.

In the meantime, NYU gets to have it both ways, officially condemning the boycott while professors and departments use NYU facilities to advance it.
Sorry, Lisa. Tens of thousands more people now know about your pathetic attempts to keep your little Israel-bashing conference a secret.

It's almost as if you are embarrassed by what you stand for.

(h/t David L)

Ma'an reports on a brand new Palestinian Arab lie:
Fatah central committee member Mohammad Ishtayyeh said on Thursday that the Palestinian Authority had attempted to negotiate the return of Palestinian refugees from Syria, but Israel had refused.

Ishtayyeh said in a meeting with diplomats organized by the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Ramallah that the PA had tried with all its might to "end the suffering" of Palestinians in Syria through international mediation.

Israeli officials, however, had refused to allow them to come to the Palestinian territories.
What really happened, from AP, January 10, 2013:

The Palestinian president said he has rejected a conditional Israeli offer to let Palestinian refugees in war-torn Syria resettle in the West Bank and Gaza, charging it would compromise their claims to return to lost homes in Israel.

Abbas said he asked U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon last month to seek Israeli permission to bring Palestinians caught in Syria's civil war to the Palestinian territories. The request came after fighting between Syrian troops and rebel fighters in Yarmouk, the largest Palestinian refugee camp in Syria. About half of the camp's 150,000 residents have fled, according to a U.N. aid agency.

Abbas told a group of Egyptian journalists in Cairo late Wednesday that Ban contacted Israel on his behalf.

Abbas said Ban was told Israel "agreed to the return of those refugees to Gaza and the West Bank, but on condition that each refugee ... sign a statement that he doesn't have the right of return (to Israel)."

"So we rejected that and said it's better they die in Syria than give up their right of return," Abbas told the group. Some of his comments were published Thursday by the Palestinian news website Sama.
Hundreds of Syrian Palestinians have died since then. And it is all because Abbas didn't even give them the choice to live. His "principles" are more important than their lives.

Even as Palestinian Arabs continue to die in Syria, no one is pressuring Abbas to reverse his death sentence. The UN is silent. NGO's are silent. World leaders continue to treat Abbas with respect. Newspaper editorials gush how "moderate" he is.

And Syrian Palestinians continue to die, every day, directly because of a decision Abbas made more than a year ago.

Every single "pro-Palestinian" activist should be asked in every venue they speak if they agree with Abbas. Amnesty International and Oxfam and Human Rights Watch should be asked whether they agree that Syrian Arabs are better off dead than given the even the choice to live.

The Heinrich Boll Foundation, which heard this new Palestinian Arab slander against Israel, should be told the truth.

Shouldn't everyone?

  • Friday, March 07, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
International Women's Day, taking place every year on March 8, is a celebration of women and the gains they have made in the past hundred years. In some countries it is celebrated as a sort of Valentines Day, in others the struggle for women's equality is highlighted.

But in the Palestinian Arab territories, the entire purpose of IWD is not to celebrate and not to look for improvements in society to help women. No, the entire purpose is to bash Israel.

The earliest mention I could find of International Women's Day in the territories is from 2005, from the Palestinian Center for Human Rights. That year, and every year after, about 95% of their press is about Israel, with only a passing mention of problems women have in the patriarchal Palestinian Arab society. Honor killings are hardly mentioned, although the 2013 statement is only about 80% about Israel and it does briefly mention Hamas restrictions on women and honor killings.

PCHR also tries to use rhetorical tricks to blame Israel. Obviously, Israel jails and kills far more men than women, since it is mostly men who are attacking Israeli targets. This proves that Israel does not discriminate against women, But PCHR says that because Israel kills men, then women become widows, since Israel jails men, women lose their husband's income. No matter what, this "human rights" NGO will try to twist a day that is meant to help women gain rights into an excuse to attack Israel.

CodePink wanted to go to Gaza this year, as it has in the past, but Egypt blocked them. Looking through their website from previous visits, I can see nothing about problems with women under Hamas, nothing about honor killings in Gaza, nothing about blatant discrimination against women.

We have seen this type of thinking before. The Goldstone Report bent over backwards to find international treaties that Israel violated in the Gaza war, specifying the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women no less than eight times yet only applying it to Israel, not to Hamas that actually controls the lives of, and specifically discriminates against, Gaza's women.

All of this attention by pseudo-feminists to use feminism as a weapon against Israel has a side effect - it ensures that the Arab women in the territories do not gain equal rights, because no one is advocating for them! All the money and time and effort that should be used to help women are instead used to attack Israel - at the expense of the very women they are pretending to help!

One would think that women who truly work for equal rights would be at least slightly irritated at having their goals subverted by blowhards and hypocrites.

Thursday, March 06, 2014

  • Thursday, March 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
A month ago, I wrote about a Jordanian sheikh who believes that Allah gave the land of Israel to the Jews. It was one  of my most popular posts ever.

Now, Mida magazine translated the entire interview that the sheikh gave that caused this uproar. Here are some excerpts:

Honorable Sheikh, could you tell us a little about your past and yourself? How do you see your place in the Kingdom of Jordan?

I was born and raised in the city of Amman in 1952. After I finished high school I continued on to Islamic Sharia studies at the College for Islamic studies in Amman. During my studies I worked in the Jordanian post office in a number of positions, until I resigned from my official position there in 1997. Since then I have dedicated myself to the book of God may He be praised (the Koran), and I expanded my knowledge of the Islamic religion and the life of the Islamic Ummah.

God may he be praised and blessed rewarded me with knowledge of His holy book and chose me to renew the knowledge of God and religion among the Islamic Ummah, and interpret that which needs interpreting in its verses, which most Islamic scholars misinterpret. Among these are the verses which deal with the People of the Book (Jews and Christians) and their rights in particular. There are a hundred holy verses in the Koran which contemporary scholars did not properly interpret. These are verses where there is no connection between their plain meaning and the meaning given by the latter. These verses prove and express God’s will and his intentions: the will and desire for peace and harmony and His instructions for people to ensure them.
In response to our request to conduct an interview with you on our website, you quoted a verse form the Koran and called the Jewish People “cousins”. What did you mean?

The Jews are our cousins and therefore we must pray for them and visit them, live alongside them, grant them respect and cooperate with them at the highest levels of esteem and appreciation. This, because we are not more God-fearing, smarter, or better than the Prophet Muhammad may he rest in peace, who lived alongside them and behaved honorably, mercifully and amicably with them. Let us state that it was permitted for Muslims to marry them.

Did your openness towards the People of Israel lead you to recognize their sovereignty of their historic land?

Indeed, I recognize their sovereignty over their land. I believe in the Holy Koran, and this fact is stated many times in the book. For instance “O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you,” [Koran 5:21], “We made the Children of Israel inheritors of such things.” [Koran 26:59] and additional verses in the Holy Book.

And there are additional reasons: this people (Israel) is peaceful and peace-loving, is not hostile or aggressive; [they are] a people that defends itself only when necessary, while trying to minimally harm its enemies. In addition, I recognize the fact that God may He be praised gave preference to these people over humans and demons until the end of days. God does not give preference for nothing but grants all that which they deserve. God may He be praised never turned to any [other] people by name and grant them this honor, aside from the People of Israel, who are named for their ancestor Israel (Jacob), may he rest in peace, as it says in the Koran “O Children of Israel”. In contrast, in approaching others it is said “O Believers” or “O people”, which is a more general greeting.


In your opinion, how can we finally put an end to anti-Semitism among Arab and Muslim nations, who feel loathing and hostility to the Jews and refuse to recognize them and live alongside them?

In my opinion the way to end anti-Semitism is to concentrate efforts and call for peace, spreading knowledge and forthrightly educate people of the values of justice and truth in accordance with what appears in the books of God – the Torah, Tehillim, the Ingil [the Gospel] and the Koran, which admired the Israelites, clarified their rights, gave preference to them and bequeathed to them the Holy Land and their direction of prayer – to Jerusalem. The books testify that this is a peace-loving and peace-calling nation, and it is the first people for whom the Creator designated a role in order to serve as its messenger on this earth until the Day of Resurrection.

In the Koran, it is written “Those who have faith and do righteous deeds, they are the best of creatures.” [Koran 98:7]. The intent in the word best is “the best among people”, but regarding the Umma of the Koran – that is the Arabs and those who preach Islam – they have no recourse but to return to the straight and true voice as appears in the Koran that many of its scholars interpreted in a mistaken and deviant manner. They distorted the true will of God may He be praised, as it is expressed in the verses, in a false and fallacious manner to say that murder of Jews is part of the commandment of Jihad for Allah and that this land is not the Land of [the People of] Israel.

They continue to hold this villainous interpretation towards others, and there will be no true peace but with the return of the Ummah of the Koran to the book of the Koran, as God bequeathed to his adherents. My religious education allowed me to strengthen what I say, and I have merited much honor in succeeding in interpreting verses which scholars did not properly interpret. These are verses which spell out the obligations and rights of people and that which is required so that peoples not be hostile to one another.

Why do Jordanian media outlets tend to describe Israelis in a racist and negative manner which does not reflect reality?

...Anyone who calls them by names which Allah did not use is a sinner and a falsifier of the verses of the Koran. It was already said “Those who pervert the Truth in Our Signs are not hidden from Us.” [Koran 41:40], and Ibn Abbas said in his commentary to this verse “the reference is to those who distort and replace and change the verses of God and stray from the truth”. ...

Therefore, anyone who calls Israelis by names which Allah did not use is a villain for the following reasons:

1. He violated religious law, denied the verses of the Koran.

2. He disobeyed Allah’s command, who commanded not to curse or call negative names.

3. If he does not repent and stop his crimes he is a criminal and a wicked man in every sense of the religion of Islam.

4. He acts against the efforts of His Majesty the King of Jordan and his initiative for harmony between religions and his call for peace.

5. He takes an active part in hindering the peace process and increasing hostility before other people.

Media outlets in Jordan, and in the Arab world in general, need to act in a God-fearing manner and call Israelis with names Allah used, and the name he gave to their land. They must stop acting like the five criminals we mentioned above, who bring the wrath of God upon themselves and their people.

As a man of religion, do you believe that those who call themselves “Palestinians” have a right to establish a state on the Jews’ historic land?

Allah may He be praised wrote in the Torah that this is the land of the sons of Israel, he bequeathed the Holy Land to the sons of Israel and called the land by this name (the Land of Israel) and so it is stated by the Holy Koran: “O my people! Enter the holy land which Allah hath assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.” [Koran 5:21]. This holy verse is a “Kushan” (deed) which confirms that this land is granted to the Jews. It is also said “We made the Children of Israel inheritors of such things.” [Koran 26:59], and in the following verse “And We said thereafter to the Children of Israel, "Dwell securely in the land (of promise)"” [Koran 17:104] and there are many additional holy verses which prove and confirm this.

So in an answer to your question, how can they (the Palestinians) have the right to establish a State on the Jewish Land of Israel, which Allah granted and bequeathed to the Jews? More than that, even if all the inhabitants of the land forgot their right, or went crazy and collaborated with those who call themselves “Palestinians” to establish a state for the latter, they won’t succeed, and Allah will not allow this until the Day of Judgment, this because Allah Himself willed and specifically wrote in His book that this land will be the land of the People of Israel under Israeli sovereignty so that no-one would later dispute it.

Read the whole thing.
From Ian:

Israel and the Rest of the World
Whatever its detractors may say, Israel declares loudly that it is a country where the best Western values are honored, where democracy, the rule of law, the creation of new laws through an elected parliament, the fair treatment of all minorities, rights for women, for gays, for all citizens, Jews and non-Jews alike, are demanded. But say it is also a Jewish country based on Jewish ethics, and someone of limited intellect will come along clutching a copy of the Torah, the Talmud, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, or anything else they can lay their hands on, and declaiming that they can prove Judaism is a bloodthirsty religion that has always worked to defeat and mistreat non-Jews. In the past years, I have only known a violent and angry Islam; yet the world is silent. The world excuses Islamic murder, but focuses on flaws, often imaginary, on the part of Israel.
The very establishment of a Jewish state stood for more than even its founders guessed. It was open defiance of the universal impulse to persecute and kill Jews.
Israel: A failed state (satire)
I grew up in South Africa and left for Israel in the 1970`s. So I consider myself somewhat knowledgeable on South African apartheid. In view of the criticisms of Israel as an apartheid state, I felt it my duty that my understanding and knowledge of apartheid should be put to good cause by exposing the evil manifestations of apartheid in Israel.
I started in my neighbourhood. I went to the municipal park. In South Africa, only whites would have been allowed to enter. I could not believe my eyes. Arabs and Jews were mixing peacefully, Arab and Jewish children socialising and shouting at each other in their home languages. This cannot be, where is the separation? So I went to the shops and restaurants of the adjoining mall. What a major let down! Arabs and Jews shopping together as customers, Arabs and Jews employed together in the shops as assistants and cashiers, Arabs and Jews sitting in restaurants, an Arab dentist with his sign for all the world to see and the only missing ingredients were the “blankes alleen – whites only” signs. Clearly, in matters of commerce and common use of public and transport facilities, open to all, Israel is a failure in implementing apartheid: there is clearly no South African style apartheid to be found in public areas.
Expert bashes UN’s ‘politicized’ West Bank numbers
Claim that 300,000 Palestinians live in areas under full Israeli control is not quite true, says ex-official who drew the map
The OCHA report did not hide the fact that many of the Palestinian communities surveyed are located mostly within Areas A and B. One table in the report indicates that just 241 “residential areas” lie completely within Area C, while 291 residential areas lie partially within Areas A and B. Nearly 176,000 Palestinians cited in the report live in communities which lie mostly outside Area C, while only 67,000 Palestinians live in residential areas that lie entirely within Area C, according to the report.
OCHA carried out a “vulnerability study” on communities located entirely within Area C back in 2008, together with UNRWA. It was not immediately clear why the criteria were changed for the new study. No comment was available by the organization at time of publication.

  • Thursday, March 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Hezbollah's Al Manar:

An Egyptian court has slated March 26 for the first hearing of a lawsuit demanding that Egypt sever ties with neighboring Zionist entity and designate it a "terrorist state," according to the lawyer who raised the lawsuit, World Bulletin website reported.

Lawyer Hamed Seddiq told media outlets on Thursday that he had filed a lawsuit requesting that Egyptian authorities ban all "Israeli activity" in Egypt and declare the entity a "terrorist country."

The ban, said Seddiq, would include shutting down Tel Aviv's diplomatic offices in Egypt, including its Cairo embassy.

On Tuesday, the same Cairo court that will preside over the case released a verdict outlawing the activities of Palestinian resistance faction Hamas in Egypt and ordering all of the group's Egypt offices closed.

"The real terrorists are the Israelis, who have killed Palestinians and Arabs for refusing to recognize them," Seddiq said, adding that "listing Israel as a terrorist state is a national duty to protect [Egypt's] territorial unity."
What Al Manar doesn't mention is that this lawyer, Hamed Seddiq, is the Muslim Brotherhood's lawyer!

From what I can tell, Egyptian courts have thrown out every case he had brought since the coup. But anti-Israel sentiment is very high in Egypt, so this might be worth watching - if Seddiq isn't thrown in jail beforehand....
  • Thursday, March 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Today reports that a new football stadium is being built in Gaza.

Scheduled to open in May in front of political and sports leaders, the stadium will have lights, an iron fence and a new carpet of natural grass.

The purpose of the stadium is to "alleviate the suffering" of the existing Gaza soccer teams who don't have enough stadiums to play in.

Just like a concentration camp!

Soccer fields have traditionally been favorite venues for terrorists to launch rockets at Israel.

From Ian:

Israel hopes missile-ship intercept will expose Iran
From the statements of officials, like Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said a secondary goal of the interception had been to expose Iran’s true face, it seems the operation was about more than stopping missiles, it was about painting Iran and Hamas in as harsh a light as possible, not unlike was done to Yasser Arafat in 2002, after the Karine-A arms shipment was uncovered.
Maj. Gen. (res) Amos Yadlin, the former head of military intelligence, called the intelligence work, the operational capacity and the decision-making that went into the raid “fantastic,” noting on Army Radio Wednesday that thousands of ships sail across the Red Sea daily and that it would be “embarrassing” had Israeli troops intercepted an innocent vessel in international waters.
IDF intercepts deadly Iranian arms shipment in Red Sea
There’s more. There’s a sense in which various national policies colluded to suffer these arms to be shipped from Iran, and quite possibly – absent the alertness of Israeli intelligence and the IDF – to get to Gaza.
First of all, Syria manufactures these weapons as a modified version based on China’s WS-1 MLRS. China began exporting missile and rocket technology to Syria in the late 1980s, shortly before Syria first began manufacturing the M-302. China is now Syria’s largest trading partner, although Syria’s largest arms suppliers are Russia, Iran, and Belarus, which together provide 89% of Syria’s foreign-sourced weaponry.
The official flow of arms traffic may be a bit misleading today, as some Chinese arms, like the C802 anti-ship cruise missile, make their way into Syria via Iran. The M-302 has been manufactured in Syria long enough, however, that the “proliferation” occurred some time ago, and directly. (The U.S. in fact imposed sanctions on computer and other IT sales to China because of Beijing’s arms sales to Syria in the 1980s and 1990s. The sanctions were later relaxed under Bill Clinton.)
The Iran connection highlights another global facet of the arms-to-terrorists problem. Iraq and Sudan are serving as conduits for Iran’s arms exports (and now for an attempted Syrian-Iranian export to Hamas). Egypt’s uncertain control of the Sinai Peninsula is another key piece of the arms route. It’s worth reiterating that Iran is prohibited by UN Security Council Resolution 1737 (2006) from exporting arms.
Behind the Scenes: IDF Mission to Stop Iranian Terror

  • Thursday, March 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Any relationship between New York Times editorials about Israel and reality is purely coincidental.

In remarkably blunt comments, Mr. Obama said that he had not heard a persuasive case for how Israel survives both as a democracy and a Jewish state absent a negotiated two-state solution, since in Israel and the West Bank “there are going to be more Palestinians, not fewer Palestinians, as time goes on.”
Funny - I was not aware that Israel was negotiating against the creation of a Palestinian Arab state. Every single detail about Israeli negotiations since 2000 showed that they agree with having such a state, but disagree over borders, "refugees," Jerusalem and so forth. Any Palestinian Arab state, no matter what the borders, would end the "demographic problem." So why are people who supposedly care about peace keep pretending that Israel is against a two-state solution and using this nonsensical argument?

He also warned that given Israel’s aggressive settlement construction — 2,534 housing units were begun in 2013 compared with 1,133 the previous year — Palestinians may soon decide that a contiguous state is impossible and America’s ability to help manage the consequences will be limited.
Can anyone at the NYT give us an estimate of much land was taken from Palestinian Arabs for these 2,534 housing units? My estimate is that it is approximately zero square meters, give or take zero. Virtually all of the housing built since 1990 has been within existing settlement blocs. The fact that the NYT doesn't know these basic facts shows just how ignorant it is.

But here comes the doozy:

Negotiators have largely kept silent on details of the talks. But there are fears that the principles might tilt toward Israel, which would mean the final negotiations simply won’t get off the ground.

In the universe inhabited by the New York Times, Palestinian Arab intransigence is not only expected - it is blamed on Israel! PalArab red lines are sacrosanct; Israel's are meant to be destroyed by US negotiators. Any negotiation that does not result in Israel's total capitulation to Palestinian Arab demands is unfairly tilted towards Israel.

This is the answer to the first question. The NYT isn't interested in a two-state solution. No, the Times wants Israel to surrender every single negotiating point, because Israel is assumed a priori to be in the wrong while Palestinian Arab demands that have nothing to do with them having their own independent state are righteous.

Not only that, but any appearance by the US that it might accept some of Israel's own demands as being reasonable - that it might pressure both sides to compromise - means, in the Times' bizarro world, that Palestinian intransigence is Israel's fault for having the gall to make demands to safeguard the security of the Jewish state.

It would be funny if the NYT was not still considered a mandatory religious text to be read every day for every self-respecting liberal, no matter how divorced from reality it is.

(h/t Yaacov Lozowick)

  • Thursday, March 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports:
Egyptian security services have started to collect information about thousands of Hamas members who were granted Egyptian citizenship during the rule of ousted president Mohamed Mursi, according to Egyptian media.

Egypt's Day Seven news website reported that Egyptian authorities plan revoke the citizenship of 13,757 Hamas members for being "affiliated to an offshoot of the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood."

Egyptian authorities are investigating whether Hamas members have been involved in what they describe as "terrorist attacks," adding that the prime minister has the right to revoke the citizenship of Hamas members without a court ruling if it is deemed that they endanger public security.

The Egyptian news site blamed Mursi for facilitating the entry of Hamas supporters into Egypt and granting them citizenship.
In 2011, Egypt started enforcing a law that children of Egyptian mothers may become citizens. Tens of thousands of Gazans eagerly applied, exposing the lies of UNRWA-and others that Palestinian Arabs do not desire to become citizens of any Arab state but would prefer to wait forever to "return."

How many Gazans became Egyptian citizens? About 13,000.

It seems highly unlikely that every single one of those is affiliated with Hamas. This means that Egypt is not planning merely to revoke citizenship of Hamas- (and Muslim Brotherhood-) members, but that of every Palestinian Arab who gained Egyptian citizenship!

While idiots loudly proclaim that if Israel is recognized by the PLO as a Jewish state then Israel would revoke the rights of Palestinian Arab citizens to live there, Egypt is considering doing exactly that today!

This proves once again that Palestinian Arabs - even those in the territories - are treated better under Israeli rule than they are under Arab rule.

This news follows Jordan also revoking citizenship of many of its Palestinian Arab citizens a couple of years ago.

One of the most under-reported stories in the Middle East is how much Arabs hate their Palestinian "brethren." Jordanian nationalists openly admit that they plan to expel all Palestinians if a Palestinian state is created. Lebanon places crushing restrictions on its Palestinian population. There are plenty of other examples. 

But it is not in the interests of Palestinian Arabs to make a big deal out of this because they are dependent on these same Arabs for monetary and political support, and they cling to the fiction that Palestinians don't want citizenship in Arab countries.  The West, wedded to the idea of "moderate Arabs, will not make this into an issue. "Pro-Palestinian activists" don't want to publicize this because it makes Israel look good by comparison, which is unacceptable.  And of course no NGOs will bother to advocate for Palestinians abused by their fellow Arabs because there is no one willing to fund an unpopular cause like that. The money is available for demonizing Israel, not uncovering inconvenient truths about Arabs.

It will be most interesting to see the reaction of the PLO to this story - since they are against Palestinian Arabs becoming citizens in Arab countries to begin with, in order to redirect their suffering and hate towards Israel. I doubt that they will publicly criticize Egypt over abusing their people.

Which  tells you a lot about how much the "Palestinian cause" is meant to help actual Palestinian Arabs.
BDS supporters like Judith Butler have signed a petition "condemning censorship."


This open letter from Butler and Rashid Khalidi - which Haaretz published in full even though it is an online petition with a mere 150 signatures - contains the most hypocritical passages one is ever likely to see:

Whether one is for or against Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) as a means to change the current situation in Palestine-Israel, it is important to recognize that boycotts are internationally affirmed and constitutionally protected forms of political expression. As non-violent instruments to effect political change, boycotts cannot be outlawed without trampling on a constitutionally protected right to political speech. Those who support boycotts ought not to become subject to retaliation, surveillance, or censorship when they choose to express their political viewpoint, no matter how offensive that may be to those who disagree.

We are now witnessing accelerating efforts to curtail speech, to exercise censorship, and to carry out retaliatory action against individuals on the basis of their political views or associations, notably support for BDS. We ask cultural and educational institutions to have the courage and the principle to stand for, and safeguard, the very principles of free expression and the free exchange of ideas that make those institutions possible. This means refusing to accede to bullying, intimidation, and threats aimed at silencing speakers because of their actual or perceived political views. It also means refusing to impose a political litmus test on speakers and artists when they are invited to speak or show their work. We ask that educational and cultural institutions recommit themselves to upholding principles of open debate, and to remain venues for staging expressions of an array of views, including controversial ones. Only by refusing to become vehicles for censorship and slander, and rejecting blacklisting, intimidation, and discrimination against certain viewpoints, can these institutions live up to their purpose as centers of learning and culture.

People who openly advocate curtailing the free speech of Israeli academics - no matter how dovish; people deny the right of Israelis to speak or perform in any venue worldwide; people who threaten artists who want to freely perform in Israel;  people who intimidate and attack audiences who want to go to Israeli cultural events; people whose very existence depends on censoring Israelis are claiming to be victims of "censorship." People who support shouting down pro-Israel speakers on campus, who interrupt performances by artists who happen to have been born in Israel, who insult and intimidate people who attempt to attend lectures and concerts - are whining about supposed limits to their free speech!

These "academics" don't even know what free speech means. Private institutions choosing not to allow specific people to speak is not an attack on free speech as long as they can find other venues.

Oh, and one of the signatories is Lisa Duggan, the ASA president-elect who creates academic conferences where pro-Israel voices are denied the ability to speak or even attend.

Hypocrisy doesn't even begin to describe this.

(h/t JW)

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

  • Wednesday, March 05, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
A YU/Stern College event next week:

Jeremy Ben Ami, of course, believes that Israeli democracy is worthless when he doesn't agree with who they elected. Therefore, he created an organization whose main purpose is to pressure the US into forcing Israel to do what he believes is right, not what the people whose lives are on the line believe.

Let's take a trip down memory lane with J-Street.

In March 2011, one of J-Street's co-founders mused that perhaps Israel wasn't such a good idea after all if the Arabs keep rejecting it.

That same month Ben Ami whined that Netanyahu refused to meet him. Well, he refused to meet me last time I was in Israel (I was hoping for an interview), but I'm not crying about it.

J-Street, which calls itself "pro-Israel," does nothing to counter campus "Israel Apartheid Week." Instead, they make wishy washy statements like they “share the concerns ... about the continuation of the occupation,” it does not believe that “characterizing Israel as an apartheid state is either accurate or productive towards a solution.” They have no stated opposition to the demonization of the state they pretend they support.

In 2012, after Israel killed 16 Gaza terrorists, J-Street issued a statement of concern which called them "civilians." Why check facts when you can slam Israel?

Also in 2012,a J-Street representative admitted on video that they attract more non-Jews than Jews, but they want to change the Jewish community's opinion of Israel. In public, they claim to represent the Jewish community.

J-Street says it doesn't support BDS, but it happily invites BDS supporters to speak at its annual conferences.

Last year a J-Street sponsored tour of the territories stopped to pay homage to at Yasir Arafat's gravesite.

Yeshiva University's Zionist clubs should not be giving Ben-Ami any credibility, even when his poison is "balanced" by Ayalon and HaKohen.

There are plenty of liberal, Zionist Jews who fervently want a two-state solution, who would be quite appropriate for a panel discussion like this.

Ben Ami is not one of them.


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