Wednesday, May 07, 2008

In prayers every morning Jews say a phrase praising G-d, describing Him as המחדש בכל יום תמיד מעשה בראשית - He who continually renews the act of Creation. In other words, the Jewish concept of G-d has him in an active role keeping the universe running, and as such it is appropriate to praise Him.

It is a little hard to conceptualize this idea, that the very laws of physics, of the world turning and revolving around the sun is not automatic, but only occurs due to the constant will of G-d. But perhaps it is easier to understand this phrase if we apply it to the modern state of Israel.

Every single day that the Jewish state continues to exist cannot be explained adequately with historical or social or military reasons. Which means that we are witnessing a miracle every day.

The most recent years have been very hard for Zionists, as well as for religious Zionists. Some have been having a crisis of faith in Zionism, given the actions of the current government. Yet when we step back and look at the big picture, Israel remains something to be very proud of.

Yes, I am a Zionist and I am proud of it.

I know that Israel has the absolute right to exist in peace and security, just like - and possibly more than - any other country.

I am proud of how the IDF is conducting itself during the current war on Palestinian terror. There is no other country on the planet, save the US, that would try to minimize civilian casualties in such a situation where innocent Israelis are being threatened, shot at, mortared, rocketed, and murdered in cold blood. We may argue whether the IDF's moral standards end up being counterproductive, but what other army could one even have this discussion about?

I am proud of how the IDF is performing doing the most difficult type of battle, urban warfare, while maintaining amazing professionalism under fire and minimizing its own casualties. I defy anyone to find any other nation who has performed as well -- and as ethically -- under similar circumstances as Israel has done during the current conflict.

I am proud that Israel remains a true democracy, with a free press and vigorous opposition parties, while in a constant war situation. Any other nation, again besides the US, would have imposed martial law to maintain peace.

I am proud of how the IDF responded to the terror attacks of the early days fo the intifada, managing to bring deadly suicide attacks down from 60 in 2002 down to a single attack in 2007. The enemy has not stopped trying, and if Israel hadn't acted decisively things would look like Iraq today. For every "successful" attack (if you can use such a term) there have been many failed attempts, and these are truly miraculous.

I am also proud of how ordinary Israelis responded to the dark days of 2002-2004. People who lost loved one created charities in their honor; responding to horror with amazing strength and selflessness.

I am proud that Israel will investigate any mistakes that happen on the battlefield and keep trying to improve its methods to maximize damage to the terrorists while minimizing damage to the Palestinian people. And over the years of the "intifada" we can see that the number of civilians killed accidentally by Israel has gone down dramatically. I challenge anyone to find an example of a country that was as restrained under these circumstances as Israel has been.

I am proud that Israel takes steps to stop vigilante actions from its own citizens living in impossible conditions.

And, of course, I am proud of Israel's many accomplishments in building up a desert wasteland into a thriving and vibrant modern country, with its many scientific achievements, world class universities and culture. A tiny nation, under constant siege, with almost no natural resources besides breathtaking beauty, has used its brains - and strength - to build a modern success story. In a short period of time Israel made itself into a strong yet open nation that its neighbors can only dream of becoming.

I am proud that the vast majority of Americans support Israel as I do, and that the rabid terror-lovers we see on the Internet are the aberration.

There is a right and a wrong in this conflict, and I am proud that Israel is in the right.

Right after the Jewish prayer phrase I quoted above is this one: מה רבו מעשיך ה , "How great are Your works, O G-d." It is easy to find faults but in the big picture, the accomplishments are remarkable and need to be highlighted.

The word "Zionist" is not an epithet - it is a compliment.
  • Wednesday, May 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here is how Reuters looks at Israeli history, which explains a lot about its coverage:
Israel celebrates its 60th anniversary on Thursday, according to the Jewish calendar.

Following is a chronology of its turbulent history:

May 14, 1948 - David Ben-Gurion proclaims the State of Israel hours before the British Mandate is due to end. On May 15, forces from five Arab countries attack Israel.

Nothing about Jewish attachment to the land for thousands of years, nothing about Zionist history, nothing about the miraculous building of the land before 1948, nothing about Arab attacks before 1948, nothing about the UN Partition vote, nothing about Arab rejectionism. Nope - Jews just decided to declare a nation in a vacuum.
1949 - Armistices with Arab states but no formal peace.
Because of....?
October 29, 1956 - Israel invades Gaza Strip and Sinai in conjunction with Suez Canal campaign launched by Britain and France against Egypt. Israeli forces withdraw in March 1957.
No fedayeen attacks, no immigration of hundreds of thousand of Jews from Arab countries.

June 5, 1967 - Israel launches pre-emptive strikes against Egypt and Syria after what it sees as aggressive moves by Egypt. Six Day War leaves it occupying West Bank, including Arab East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip, Sinai and Golan Heights.

"What it sees as aggressive moves"? Nothing about Egypt's casus belli, nothing about Egypt expelling the UN forces from Sinai, nothing about non-stop incitement in Arab media for months leading up to the war, nothing about how Jordan attacked Israel - just somehow Israel, the aggressor, ended up "occupying" the West Bank magically.
September 5, 1972 - Palestinians kill 11 Israeli athletes at Munich Olympics. Israel later kills guerrilla leaders it blames.
So both sides are equally guilty.
October 6, 1973 - Egypt and Syria attack along Suez Canal and Golan Heights. After initial reverses in Yom Kippur War, Israel pushes both armies back within three weeks.
And losing thousands of young men.
February 1974 - Gush Emunim, religious Zionist group backing Jewish settlement expansion in occupied territories, founded.
Do you think that any other organizations were founded in the intervening years? Any universities, world-class hospitals...anything?

Skipping a little, we get to the worst of all:

September 28, 2000 - Palestinian uprising begins after Likud leader Ariel Sharon visits Muslim holy site in Jerusalem.
A Muslim holy site? Is it perhaps possible that it was the holiest site on the planet for Jews way before Mohammed walked the earth?

No, according to Reuters' worldview, Sharon specifically went to a Muslim holy site to rile up the hated Arabs, in a place that Jews should have no rights whatsoever. Not even a "disputed" site, in Reuters' worldview.

Reuters equally ignores any Israeli accomplishments in medicine, energy, defensive systems, computers, the Internet,, in Reuters' worldview, Israel's history is one of war.

And this history is supposed to be somewhat sympathetic to Israel!
  • Wednesday, May 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
A couple of years ago I bought a baseball cap in a drugstore while on an outing with Junior Elder; I just picked something at random that looked fairly vanilla. I never wore it since.

Being that today is a warm, sunny day in the Ziyonist headquarters, I needed a cap to wear on my commute so I grabbed this same one.

At work, one of my co-workers noticed it and told me, "Makaveli - I think that this has something to do with Tupac Shakur."

Sho 'nuff, a quick Google showed that I spent the morning goin' gangsta.

Makaveli Branded is a clothing line created by the late Mr. Shakur's mother in his memory.

Holla at ya later, homeys, as I try to find more appropriate headgear for my evening commute.
  • Wednesday, May 07, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
In a WSJ blog posting, Iraqi Sarmad Ali talks about his experiences attending a Passover seder this year in Michigan. It is an interesting piece, talking about how Jews and Muslims used to live together in Baghdad and how Baathist rule changed all that.

Some Arabs commenting to the post, however, are incensed that an Arab can write something sympathetic to Jews:
This reads like a poorly disguised anti-muslim, halocaust sympathising tear jerker. Boohooo!
that the Muslims are told by Allah that their faith must be the dominant religion in any country where Muslims live - Allah has said so (it is in the Koran). The unbelievers in dar al-harb must come to understand this, or suffer the punishment that Allah will give them through his servants in Islam. There is no “middle ground” or compromise with the word of Allah - it is absolute. It is forbidden by Allah to commit violence or mayhem on people for the sake of it, but Muslims feel compelled to do this where Allah’s word commands it - because Allah commands that that the unbelievers are not to be spared except if they come into the Islamic faith and obey the will of Allah in truth, whereupon Allah will save them. This way, there shall be peace. The unbelievers live in decadence and corruption, with belief in blasphemies such as the Christian Holy Trinity, or in no god at all but man-made concepts such as “human conscience”, “freedom”, or “human rights”. These are nothing to do with Allah and must all be swept away by Islam and governance under the Shariah law. Great is the wisdom of Allah.
..... the article here is written by an Islamic hypocrite who associates with unbelievers. He has strayed far from the word of Allah.

Allah tells us what to do with unbelievers and hypocrites in the Al-Nisa’ (verse 4:85): “They would have you disbelieve as they themselves have done, so that you may be all alike. Do not befriend them until they have fled their homes for the cause of Allah. If they desert you, put them to death wherever you find them.”

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

  • Tuesday, May 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Another one-sided story from Reuters, filled with half-truths:
While Israel celebrates its 60th birthday, Palestinian refugees mourn the 1948 Nakba (catastrophe) when they lost their homeland.
Perhaps the word "refused" would be more accurate than "lost"?
Often ignored in Middle East peace talks, they cling to a "right of return".
Ignored? They have been held up as the major issue by Arab leaders for sixty years!
Alia Shabati was 12 when she fled Jewish attacks on her village of Kabri, captured a few days after Israel's creation....

The fate of Kabri was part of what Palestinians -- and some Israeli scholars -- say was systematic ethnic cleansing ordered by Zionist leaders to clear the way for the Jewish state.

Israel rejects this, saying the refugee problem resulted from a war launched by Palestinians opposed to the U.N. partition plan adopted on November 29, 1947, and by Arab states which invaded as soon as the British Mandate expired on May 15, 1948.
Notice that Reuters cannot say that any historians agree with the Israeli version of history. No, all historians in the Reuters universe agree with the "ethnic cleansing" slander - even "some Israeli scholars," and the only people who cling to a narrative where Israel is not completely evil is the Israeli government itself.

The bias is stunning, if not unexpected.
Israel firmly opposes letting any refugees return to their original homes, on the grounds that this would effectively destroy the Jewish state by threatening its Jewish majority.
And possibly because the Arabs who left are the ones who want to see a genocide of Jews in the Middle East.
In recent years, camp conditions have worsened everywhere as UNRWA, the cash-strapped agency that helps Palestinian refugees, becomes less able to provide adequate health and education.

"Palestinian refugees now, more than at any time in the last 60 years, face a serious decline in services," said Sayigh.
Any chance that Reuters will mention that the word "refugee" has a completely different meaning that is unique to Palestinian Arabs, that UNRWA created?

Another day, another piece of garbage masking as "journalism" from Reuters.
  • Tuesday, May 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Anti-semitic websites are quoting an Al Ahram article by Saleh Al-Naami that says:
"All of the Palestinians must be killed; men, women, infants, and even their beasts." This was the religious opinion issued one week ago by Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, director of the Tsomet Institute, a long-established religious institute attended by students and soldiers in the Israeli settlements of the West Bank.
Al-Ahram's source for this is a Ha'aretz article written in the wake of the Mercaz HaRav massacre. The author's conclusion was that Israeli rabbis are calling for the genocide of Palestinian Arabs, which is what the headline of the Al-Ahram article said explicitly.

The problem is, the quote is wholly fictional.

Ha'aretz says nothing of the sort, and neither did Rabbi Rosen.

What Rabbi Rosen did say, quoted in its entirety in Ha'aretz, was:
Then there was the resounding article published by the head of the Tzomet Institute, Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, who clarified, "Amalek as a concept and as the object of our battle and our hostility exists in each and every generation," and that "this does not refer to the ethnic Amalek, but to all those in whom there burns a deep and abiding hatred of Israel on a national or religious basis." The Holy One, Blessed Be He Himself, noted the rabbi, "with his own hands" confirmed the eternity of Amalek's hatred and the commandment to wage war against Amalek: "'Because the Lord has sworn by His throne.'" The hand of the Holy One, Blessed Be He, was raised in an oath on his throne that he will battle and be hostile to Amalek all over the world. We cannot, according to the rabbi, "flee from this Divine commandment even if we hide under the wings of 'the family of nations' and even if the commandment is difficult for us to bear and we have been discouraged."

Rabbi Rosen said: "Those who slaughter students poring over their Torah, those who rain Qassams down indiscriminately on men, women, old and young, babes and sucklings - those who hail the destruction of Israel and dance on the blood, are Amalek in our generation," and therefore "only with hostility, and by conquering our humane emotions that are contrary to that, will we be victorious."
Al-Ahram took that quote, combined it with a quote from Samuel I 15:3 that has God telling Saul, "Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey" and conflated the two to create a complete lie, together with quote marks.

Obviously Rabbi Rosen was not referring to every Palestinian Arab, but only to terrorists and those who cheer them on. Rabbi Rosen was not issuing a halachic opinion either about whether today's Amalekites have the same legal status as those of Biblical times. Moreover, Samuel I is not a source for Jewish law.

Either way, Rabbi Rosen was not calling for genocide in any way, shape or form. He was saying simply that the kid-glove treatment that Israel is showing towards those who are sworn to destroy her is not effective nor wise - a completely accurate statement.

Not that this stops anti-semites from seizing Al-Ahram's fictional quote and publicizing it. Google now finds 3,850 websites that quote this "ruling" - all in only the past few weeks.

Given that Mr. Al-Naami specifically made up a libelous quote and attributed it to a rabbi, which is pure hateful incitement based on a lie, it appears clear that he does indeed fit within the parameters of Amalek, even if most Palestinian Arabs do not.
  • Tuesday, May 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Arab Times (Kuwait):
Quran memorizers to be freed: The Ministry Interior will reward 60 prisoners by releasing them from jail for learning the Holy Quran by heart, reports Al-Watan daily quoting a ministry source.
It is miraculous how memorizing a book instantly makes you moral.

And it is not only Kuwait:
Sitting at the head of a class, correcting a student’s recitation of the Holy Qur’an, Ata, 29, seems like any other Qur’an teacher.

However, what differentiates this tutor from others is the fact that Ata — who memorized the Qur’an in prison — is currently serving a life sentence for murder at Dubai Prison in Al-Aweer.

His students, all convicts, are participants of a unique Dubai government initiative — launched in 2002 by the late ruler of Dubai Sheikh Maktoum ibn Rashid Al-Maktoum — to release prisoners who memorize Islam’s holy book early.

Sheikh Maktoum was inspired by the belief that the Qur’an offers spiritual guidance and provides its readers with the ethos to lead upright lives.

“If an inmate honors the Holy Qur’an, then God will help him or her change themselves into becoming a better person,” said Ibrahim Bu Melha, chairman of the Dubai International Holy Qur’an Award, which is running the program.

Prisoners who memorize the entire Qur’an are released 20 years early, those who memorize 20 chapters get 15 years off, those who memorize 15 chapters get 10 years off, those who memorize 10 chapters get five years off, those who memorize five chapters get a year off, and those who memorize three chapters get six months off.

However, as a convicted murderer, Ata is unable to have his jail term lessened. The program is not open to murderers and people guilty of serious crimes. “I’ve been in prison for 12 years and every day I regret what I did,” he said.
Hamas also subscribes to this rehabilitation program:
Inmates in the Gaza Strip's main prison can now reduce their sentences by one year if they memorize five chapters from the Quran, Islam's holy book.

The prison, controlled by the radical Islamic Hamas movement since its violent takeover of the Gaza Strip in June, holds 350 prisoners, 30 of whom are on death row.

The new scripture program seeks to encourage prisoners "to behave according to the Quran's law," said the prison governor, Col. Abu al-Abed Hamid, in a statement.
So is memorizing the Quran so painful that it makes up for years of prison?
  • Tuesday, May 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AFP:
Saddam Hussein, the ousted Iraqi dictator hanged in 2006 for crimes against humanity, feared he would pick up sexual diseases while he was in US custody, according to extracts from prison writings published in an Arab newspaper.

Saddam said he asked his prison guards not to put their washing on the same clothes line as his, fearing he could contract "young people's diseases," the London-based Al-Hayat newspaper reported, citing his journal....

In his writings, Saddam also warned of the threat posed by neighbouring Shiite Iran to Iraq and the Arab world, saying it was more dangerous than Israel.

"The spread of the Persians... is more dangerous for Iraq than the Zionist entity, now and in the future," he said. "The Persians are similarly dangerous to the Arab nation, especially the Arab countries of the Gulf."

  • Tuesday, May 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
We will be hearing a lot in the next couple of weeks about the "Nakba" and how hundreds of thousands of Arabs became refugees.

Probably the largest flight of Arabs occurred in Jaffa in April and May of 1948, and many websites have weepy articles about how the Jews drove the Arabs out of Jaffa, reducing its Arab population from 75,000 to less than 5,000.

What will not be mentioned is the fact that the first refugees from Jaffa were Jews.

In August, 1947, the Arabs started shooting at Jews in Jaffa. Since Jaffa was a predominantly Arab town, the lives of the Jews there were particularly precarious. Arab snipers shot from the minaret of a mosque in the Manshieh Quarter and forced 18 Jewish families to leave the city.

For three months, the families (except for the children) had to sleep outside, until accomodations were found for them in Tel Aviv.

The homes that belonged to the Jews were meanwhile occupied by Arabs.
Things quieted down in anticipation of the UN decision on partition, as the Palestinian Arabs used political means to make sure that the Jewish state would never come to fruition. But as soon as the UN voted to partition Palestine into Jewish and Arab nations, the Arabs attacked immediately, and once again the Jews of Jaffa bore the brunt.

This time, about 5000 Jews (mostly Yemenites) lost their homes, and the Jewish authorities scrambled to find accommodations for them.

Meanwhile, the Jaffa Arabs who left in November and December of 1947 were hardly "refugees." They were upper-class Arabs who could afford to move to Amman and Damascus and Beirut, in anticipation of a repeat of the 1936-9 riots when they moved as well. Like in 1936, they expected to move back to their houses after things died down. By no stretch of the imagination can these people be regarded as "refugees" even though they are counted as such today.

Their move away from Jaffa affected the rest of the residents, though, as they closed their businesses and unemployment skyrocketed in the coming months. This was one of the major factors behind the mass flight from Jaffa in April and May, 1948.

But the first ones to be forced to leave their homes were not Palestinian Arabs, but Palestinian Jews.
  • Tuesday, May 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Reuters (h/t Suzanne:)
Egyptian police shot dead a Nigerian migrant and wounded four Sudanese who tried to slip across the desert border into Israel on Tuesday, security sources said.

The death of the 25-year-old Nigerian man, who was shot in the neck, brings the number of migrants killed in escalating violence at the border this year to 12. Scores of others, mostly from Africa, have been detained.

London-based rights group Amnesty International says thousands of migrants try to cross into the Jewish state from Egypt's Sinai peninsula each year, with numbers rising since 2007.

New arrivals surged last year after Israel granted temporary work permits to around 2,000 Eritreans.

The migrants, including many from Sudan, are seeking work or asylum away from conflict at home and harsh living conditions in Egypt, where activists say African migrants face economic marginalisation and racism.

Amnesty has called for an investigation into the border killings and says Israel has pressed Egypt to reduce the flow of people crossing illegally.
Not a negative word from Amnesty about Egypt actually shooting Africans dead; after all, Amnesty and its liberal friends know that this is how Arabs act and therefore it is pointless to criticize them.

No, only Israel is to blame.
  • Tuesday, May 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Firas Press reports that an Algerian town has started naming daughters "Gaza" in solidarity with Palestinian Arabs who live there.

Given the sewage problems there, let's hope that the babies don't suffer from severe diarrhea.
  • Tuesday, May 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week we reported on an Islamic Jihad rocket-maker who was also a UNRWA employee.

Now, Reuters has an "exclusive":
By day, Awad al-Qiq was a respected science teacher and headmaster at a United Nations school in the Gaza Strip. By night, Palestinian militants say, he built rockets for Islamic Jihad.

The Israeli air strike that killed the 33-year-old last week also laid bare his apparent double life and embarrassed a U.N. agency which has long had to rebuff Israeli accusations that it has aided and abetted guerrillas fighting the Jewish state.

In interviews with Reuters, students and colleagues, as well as U.N. officials, denied any knowledge of Qiq's work with explosives. And his family denied he had any militant links at all, despite a profusion of Islamic Jihad posters at his home.

But militant leaders allied to the enclave's ruling Hamas group hailed him as a martyr who led Islamic Jihad's "engineering unit" -- its bomb makers. They fired a salvo of improvised rockets into Israel in response to his death.

Qiq's body was wrapped in an Islamic Jihad flag at his funeral, pictorial posters in his honour still bedeck his family home this week, and a handwritten notice posted on the metal gate at the entrance to the school declared that Qiq, "the chief leader of the engineering unit", would now find "paradise".

That poster was removed soon after Reuters visited the Rafah Prep Boys School, run by the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees. Staff there said on Monday that UNRWA officials had told them not to discuss Qiq's activities.

No one from the United Nations attended the funeral or has paid their respects to the family, relatives said, adding that Qiq's widow and five children had heard nothing about a pension.

Spokesman Christopher Gunness said UNRWA, which spelled its teacher's surname al-Geeg, was looking into the matter.
It is amazing that the UNRWA cannot confirm whether a person was an employee five days after the fact. (My email to them asking for confirmation has not been answered.)
The Israeli army said its April 30 attack at Rafah, close to the Egyptian border, hit a workshop used for making rockets and other improvised weaponry. An Israeli intelligence source told Reuters that Qiq was involved in developing rockets and mortars.

Yet Qiq, a physics graduate with eight years' experience of teaching at UNRWA schools, was also described by colleagues as a rising star in education. Relatives said he was promoted to run the school last year, with the title of deputy headmaster.

Israel has long alleged that militants use UNRWA vehicles and facilities. The United Nations has denied those charges, although some UNRWA employees have had prominent political roles in groups like Hamas -- such as teacher Saeed Seyam, who was interior minister in the Hamas-led government elected in 2006.

While many in Gaza are open about political allegiances, the threat of the kind of Israeli action that cost him his life on April 30 meant Qiq's double role was kept very secret indeed.

Surrounded by Islamic Jihad mourning posters at the family home, his sister Naima insisted: "He's only a teacher and head of the school. School was his life. He had no time to work with Islamic Jihad." Other family members nodded in agreement.

At the school, a 17-year-old who gave his name as Shadi read a poster for his former teacher and said simply: "Nobody knew."

At the bombed-out workshop 3 km (2 miles) from the school, damaged cars can be seen through now-locked gates. A 35-year-old man who gave his name as Abu Mohammed said he had found Qiq dying inside after helicopters fired a missile at the building.

"He was still alive, but he died shortly after," he said.

Relatives recalled with pride that Qiq had met John Ging, UNRWA's Gaza operations director. But while fellow teachers had come to pay their respects, they saw no U.N. representative.

Qiq's sister said his wife and five children were worried by the lack of news on any pension payment: "Awad did a lot for UNRWA," she said. "The family hoped UNRWA would support them."
At least Reuters printed enough to prove pretty conclusively that the relatives were lying about not knowing that he was an Islamic Jihad member. How many 33-year old teachers would decorate their houses with heroic Islamic Jihad posters? They know what to say to the press, and they are ever-mindful of the UNRWA pension.

Monday, May 05, 2008

  • Monday, May 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
One of my favorite Arabic news sources, Palestine Press Agency, has been hacked by someone named "Master Mind."

It appears that the hacker is an Arab himself (the source code for the page indicates that the hacker is an MS-Word Arabic user.) Since PalPress is very anti-Hamas, it is possible that a Hamas hacker got to it. But there is no political message there, just a tag by the hacker.

A couple of weeks ago the Bank of Israel website was hacked by apparent Algerian hackers, but they seemed to be more skilled than this guy. No self-respecting hacker would put up a defaced page created with Word!
  • Monday, May 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I've already had a number of posts on the book "Who Speaks for Islam?" as I (and others) have shows the duplicity of the authors as they try to downplay the number of radical Muslims in the world.

The authors defined the 7% of Muslims who considered the 9/11 attacks "completely justified" to be "politically radicalized" and they used the term "moderate" for the other 93%.

In a new article by Robert Satloff, he blows a few more holes into the book - but he also gets a hold of the all-important data: how many Muslims mostly or partially justified 9/11?

The answers are not quite as comforting as the authors implied. In addition to the 6.5% who felt that 9/11 was "mostly" justified, we find out:
The cover-up is even worse. The full data from the 9/11 question show that, in addition to the 13.5 percent, there is another 23.1 percent of respondents -- 300 million Muslims -- who told pollsters the attacks were in some way justified. Esposito and Mogahed don't utter a word about the vast sea of intolerance in which the radicals operate.

And then there is the more fundamental fraud of using the 9/11 question as the measure of "who is a radical." Amazing as it sounds, according to Esposito and Mogahed, the proper term for a Muslim who hates America, wants to impose Sharia law, supports suicide bombing, and opposes equal rights for women but does not "completely" justify 9/11 is . . . "moderate."

So over one out of every three Muslims worldwide, 36.6%, can find some justification for 9/11; and about 80% of those were defined as "moderate" in this book.

Which means that there are nearly a half-billion Muslims worldwide who would be considered supporters of terror by any reasonable definition, not "only" the 91 million that the authors claim.

This is consistent with other polls over the same time period, notably the Pew Global Attitudes Project which has found declining but still significant support for suicide bombings among Muslims in various countries - 70% in Palestinian Arab territories, 31% in Lebanon, "only" 8% in Egypt.

The entire thrust of the book - that Muslims are just like everyone else - is shown to not only be inaccurate but to be a deliberate lie on the part of the authors.
  • Monday, May 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AP:
Palestinian officials said Monday two Gaza men were killed when a cross-border smuggling tunnel collapsed on them.

The Gaza Health Ministry says five other people were wounded in Monday's collapse. One body was found soon after the collapse and the other several hours later. Security officials said the tunnel was under construction at the time.

Our count of Palestinian Arabs violently killed by their own actions this year rises to 68.
  • Monday, May 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is one of the more ridiculous pieces of propaganda I've seen yet, as Palestinian Arabs claim that they must burn 1.5 million chicks alive because they have no electricity for incubators.

It makes one wonder how people managed to raise and feed chickens before there was electricity. It also raises the question of why a supposedly starving people cannot eat 1.5 million chicks.

PETA has yet to weigh in on the situation.

Meanwhile, those peace-loving Gazans shot 11 mortars towards the Nahal Oz crossing today alone, where they get their fuel from.
  • Monday, May 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
All morning I have not been able to get to Imageshack, which had been my preferred image hosting site for at least three years. Many of my pictures are not appearing on the site, which is frustrating. I changed hosts for my latest previous re-posting of "Plastics" so I could show the images, but if things don't fix themselves I might be spending a lot of time fixing old posts.
  • Monday, May 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
As Yom Ha'atzmaut is this week I will be reposting some of my earlier articles that highlight how amazing the State of Israel is.

This post was originally written in September, 2005, and has been slightly expanded. It is an old favorite of Soccer Dad's (and I imagine that EBoZ will like it too.)

Israel in 1946 was in that strange state between World War II and statehood. It was still unclear if the world would allow the Jews to establish their own sovereign nation. Jews and Arabs still lived under occupation, and the British had control over both groups in practical day-to-day matters.

But the Jews were always looking towards building their own country, their own infrastructure, their own future - no matter what the politicians or generals or bureaucrats did.

Here is one small example that is not so small.

The Jews realized that they live in a tiny area with practically no natural resources. Anything they would create would have to be made from only the crudest of ingredients together with brainpower. And in the 1940s, twenty years before Mr. Mcguire was to give his famous advice to Benjamin Braddock in "The Graduate", one of the brightest areas of research and manufacturing growth was in...plastics.

The amount of planning necessary to build an entire industry from scratch is immense. To even think of doing it during a time of terror and war could almost be thought of as foolhardy. Yet the Weizmann Institute continued on in its plastics research throughout the decade, gaining important partners and allies:

As partition and war loomed, threatening the Jewish state before it could even have a chance, the Jews of Palestine continued to do what they had to do: to prepare for the day after. From a research and development initiative, these Zionists started to think bigger, moving from research into creating an entire new industry:

The foresight that a few Palestinian Jews had in 1946, that they kept planning and laying the groundwork for during the War of Independence, allowed them to move from R&D to actual products while the embers of conflict were still glowing:

Two groups of people, both with ostensibly the same aims of their own independent country - yet how they went about actually building it could not be more different. One group chooses terror and hate, while the other just quietly builds what has to be built - no excuses, no whining, just results.
  • Monday, May 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Midstream Magazine has an article this month by David Guttman, who fought with the Palmach in 1948. While the article is not online, it is an expanded version of one he had written for FrontPage a few years ago.

The Midstream article expands on the severe paucity of guns and ammunition in the first phase of the war. But three main points from both articles are critical:
Some facts I can swear to:

A. The Palestinians initiated the war that led to their Naqba. Troops from Tel-Aviv eventually conquered Jaffa, but it was Arab fighters in Jaffa who, from the towers of their mosques, first fired into Tel-Aviv, and turned the intercity border areas into a battleground.

B. The first refugees were not Arabs but Yemenite Jews, from the Tel Aviv-Jaffa No-Man's Land that Arab aggression had created. Unlike the Palestinians, theirs was only a temporary refugee status. Instead of packing them away and forgetting them in squalid refugee camps, their Ashkenazi compatriots took them into their own neighborhoods. For the most part the Yemenites camped out in Tel Aviv apartment lobbies, and used the cooking and sanitary facilities of the permanent residents. When Jaffa fell to Irgun soldiers, they went back home.

C. The Palestinians fled for many reasons and from many threats, both real and imaginary, and that thousands upon thousands fled when nobody pushed them. As an example, when my unit occupied the abandoned British police station at Sidn'a Ali in the Sharon Plain, British troops were still stationed in the vicinity, and we had to train and patrol with our few guns (antiquated or homemade) concealed. Nevertheless, the Arabs of Sidn'a Ali were long gone, way before we could have pushed them out, and while the Brits were still in place to protect them from us. Needless to say, in the absence of any Palestinian targets (save for some abandoned camels) we committed no rapes.

I don't know why the Sidn'a Ali people fled, but they did leave a caretaker in place, as a sign that they intended to return once those pesky Jews had been ethnically cleansed. They did not flee because they feared Jewish thugs, but because of a rational and reasonable calculus: the Jews will be exterminated; we will get out of the way while that messy and dangerous business goes forward, and we will return afterwards to reclaim our homes, and to inherit those nice Jewish properties as well.

They guessed wrong; and the Palestinians are still tortured by the residual shame of their flight. Their shame is so great because in their eyes running from Jews was like running from women; and because there were so many Sidn'a Alis. To relieve their shame they stridently and continually demand that their unsavory history be rewritten and reversed.
This is the real "Nakba." While some Arabs were indeed driven from their homes, and some indeed left at the behest of their leaders, the vast majority voluntarily left out of fear of fighting combined with the expectation that they would return as victors; with the idea that if things don't work out they could always integrate into the neighboring Arab countries and start anew.

But their neighbors had other ideas.
  • Monday, May 05, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Firas Press (Arabic) reports:
A media spokesman for the Fatah movement issued a list of nearly sixty people carrying the name of the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) who they said that Hamas killed in Gaza between the elections in December/January 2006 until their coup on June 13, 2007.
The article goes on to list all of them.

Apparently, profaning the name of Mohammed is much worse for Islamists than actually killing people with that name.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

  • Sunday, May 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Once again, the UNRWA in Gaza will have to curtail some of its operations due to a fuel shortage.

Whose fault is it?

AFP writes:
The UN relief agency for Palestinian refugees is to suspend its food aid distribution in Gaza on Monday because of a lack of fuel caused by the Israeli blockade, a spokesman said on Sunday.
Sounds like Israel's fault, right?

Reuters adds a little more info:
The United Nations is set to halt delivery of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip on Monday because its vehicles have run out of fuel, a U.N. official said.

Gaza has been facing a fuel shortage because of Israeli restrictions on supplies and a strike by Palestinian fuel distributors.

Slightly better , but go down a few more paragraphs to the end of the article and all of a sudden you learn a couple of tiny, salient facts:
An Israeli official said some diesel fuel intended for Gaza's power station had passed through on Sunday, but the transfer was halted when militants attacked the Nahal Oz fuel depot on the Israeli side of the Gaza border with mortar bombs.

The official added that as well as diesel for electricity and cooking gas, Israel was prepared to transfer petrol and diesel for vehicles but he said Gazans were not able to take delivery.

The Gaza fuel association said it went on strike to protest over Israel's supply limits which were cut back sharply after Palestinian militants attacked the Nahal Oz depot last month killing two Israeli civilians.
One would think that Gazans, supposedly so desperate for fuel, shooting mortars at their fuel suppliers would be somewhat more newsworthy than a throwaway paragraph at the end of a story implying Israel is withholding fuel to cause a humanitarian crisis. In fact, Israel tried to send the needed amounts over and were stopped by terrorists. Shouldn't that be made clear in the lede?

But then again, AFP and Reuters might have a little bit of an agenda.
  • Sunday, May 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom, a professor of astronomy at University College, London, has been fired for his rather interesting views.

For example, he wrote about visitors to Auschwitz:
Let us hope the schoolchildren visitors are properly taught about the elegant swimming-pool at Auschwitz, built by the inmates, who would sunbathe there on Saturday and Sunday afternoons while watching the water-polo matches; and shown the paintings from its art class, which still exist; and told about the camp library which had some forty-five thousand volumes for inmates to choose from, plus a range of periodicals; and the six camp orchestras at Auschwitz/Birkenau, its the theatrical performances, including a children’s opera, the weekly camp cinema, and even the special brothel established there. Let’s hope they are shown postcards written from Auschwitz, some of which still exist, where the postman would collect the mail twice-weekly.
Not surprisingly, he is also a 9/11 (and 7/7) "truther" claiming that both attacks were done at the behest of Zionists.

No doubt he will bitterly complain about his loss of "freedom of speech," although no one is stopping him from continuing to publish at "revisionist" sites like CODOH.
  • Sunday, May 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Spotted at a "Comment is Free" article at the Guardian, which should probably be renamed Comments are Worthless...
Last week in Gaza, Israel not only continued depriving the people of fuel and cooking gas, it held back supplies to UN agencies such as Unrwa - the agency devoted to the health, education, food supplies and more of Gaza's poor and deprived population. In hindering the operations of the UN, Israel was hindering the Quartet, of which the UN is a part.
Of course, it was Hamas that stopped fuel from going to UNRWA, not Israel - a fact that even UNRWA admits, and excuses.
  • Sunday, May 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From IRNA:
Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki here on Saturday warned European countries not to cross Iran's red lines.

Mottaki made the remark in response to the new proposal made by Group 5+1 in London.

The European countries are well aware of Iran's red lines, he underlined.

During his joint press conference with his Yemeni counterpart Abu Bakr al-Qurbi, Mottaki referred to his recent meeting with British Foreign Secretary David Miliband in Kuwait and said he was informed that on May 2nd the Group 5+1 would gather in London to write a letter for Tehran.

"I told him that you are quite familiar with Iran's red lines, therefore, you should avoid crossing those lines," Mottaki said.

It's only been three weeks since reports surfaced of a new Iranian missile launch site that had the range to reach most of Europe.

  • Sunday, May 04, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Jewish Press (excerpts):
The authoritative source on the origin of “nakba” is none other than George Antonius, supposedly the first “official historian of Palestinian nationalism.” Like so many “Palestinians,” he actually wasn’t – Palestinian, that is. He was a Christian Lebanese-Egyptian who lived for a while in Jerusalem, where he composed his official advocacy/history of Arab nationalism. The Arab Awakening, a highly biased book, was published in 1938 and for years afterward was the official text used at British universities.

The term was not invented in 1948 but rather in 1920. And it was coined not because of Palestinians suddenly getting nationalistic but because Arabs living in Palestine regarded themselves as Syrian and were enraged at being cut off from their Syrian homeland.

Before World War I, the entire Levant – including what is now Israel, the “occupied territories,” Jordan, Lebanon and Syria – was comprised of Ottoman Turkish colonies. When Allied forces drove the Turks out of the Levant, the two main powers, Britain and France, divided the spoils between them. Britain got Palestine, including what is now Jordan, while France got Lebanon and Syria.

The problem was that the Palestinian Arabs saw themselves as Syrians and were seen as such by other Syrians. The Palestinian Arabs were enraged that an artificial barrier was being erected within their Syrian homeland by the infidel colonial powers – one that would divide northern Syrian Arabs from southern Syrian Arabs, the latter being those who were later misnamed “Palestinians.”

The bulk of the Palestinian Arabs had in fact migrated to Palestine from Syria and Lebanon during the previous two generations, largely to benefit from the improving conditions and job opportunities afforded by Zionist immigration and capital flowing into the area. In 1920, both sets of Syrian Arabs, those in Syria and those in Palestine, rioted violently and murderously.

On page 312 of The Arab Awakening, Antonius writes, “The year 1920 has an evil name in Arab annals: it is referred to as the Year of the Catastrophe (Am al-Nakba). It saw the first armed risings that occurred in protest against the post-War settlement imposed by the Allies on the Arab countries. In that year, serious outbreaks took place in Syria, Palestine, and Iraq.”

The original “nakba” had nothing to do with Jews, and nothing to do with demands by Palestinian Arabs for self-determination, independence and statehood. To the contrary, it had everything to do with the fact that the Palestinian Arabs saw themselves as Syrians. They rioted at this nakba – at this catastrophe– because they found deeply offensive the very idea that they should be independent from Syria and Syrians.

In the 1920’s, the very suggestion that Palestinian Arabs constituted a separate ethnic nationality was enough to send those same Arabs out into the streets to murder and plunder violently in outrage. If they themselves insisted they were simply Syrians who had migrated to the Land of Israel, by what logic are the Palestinian Arabs deemed entitled to their own state today?

Friday, May 02, 2008

  • Friday, May 02, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the LA Times Middle East blog:
Israelis have a knack for doing things backwards, sideways and upside-down — anything but straight. The country's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, was famous for standing on his head. And now, even the Israeli flag is upside-down.

Israel's Bank Hapoalim printed the flags, which were given out free with the weekend papers, as a well-meant gesture of corporate patriotism before Independence Day next week. Thing is, they're printed wrong. The Star of David is misaligned in reference to the stripes, and essentially it rests on its side rather than its tip. Oops. "This is what happens, apparently, when we leave our Zionist creation up to the Chinese," said Israel Radio's Amikam Rothman this morning.

The design of the flag was first displayed in 1885 and first used in 1897, until being adopted by the state in 1948.

This is the flag I got with today's Maariv newspaper.


  • Friday, May 02, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JPost:
A blast in northern Gaza that killed a Palestinian mother and her four children on Monday was not caused by the Israeli Air Force, a probe into the explosion conducted by the IDF Southern Command concluded on Friday.

Col. Shai Alkilai from the Southern Command conducted the probe over the last few days under orders from OC Maj. Gen. Yoav Galant and IAF Commander Maj. Gen. Elazar Shkedi.

The blast under investigation occurred Monday morning in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanun, when according to Palestinians, an IDF tank shell hit the home of the Abu Meatak family, as the mother Miyasar was preparing breakfast for her children. She was killed together with the four children.

According to the findings of the probe four terrorists were spotted carrying weaponry and explosives on their backs. The IAF fire was on target and only hit the armed terrorists. As a result there occurred secondary explosions which destroyed the home and killed the mother and her children.

The IDF probe ruled out the possibility that the family was hit by IDF fire. The IDF probe also revealed that the secondary explosion was far greater than the type of explosion caused by the initial IDF bombing and the munitions it had used.
This is largely consistent with the findings of B'Tselem and Al-Jazeera and completely at odds with the initial "eyewitness" accounts that were published immediately worldwide in thousands of media outlets as fact.

And even though the Palestinian Arabs have a consistent track record of lying in the aftermath of events like these, the world media will still trust them more than the Israelis.

See my earlier coverage here, here, here, and here.

UPDATE 1: Video

UPDATE 2: YNet adds more details:
At around 8 am, a cell of four terrorists was spotted firing at Givati troops operating in the Beit Hanoun area. IDF officials in the command room followed the cell, confirmed that they were terrorists carrying explosives, and for attempted to determine the place where they would be attacked by an IAF aircraft.

The cell members were spotted moving 400 meters away from the forces. At 8:13 am, an aircraft fired at two of the cell members, hitting them. One of the terrorists was killed and his friend was wounded. The army continued to follow the injured terrorist, and about a munite later the aircraft fired another missile at him, identifying an accurate hit.

Footage released by the IDF on Friday shows that civilians standing several meters away from the terrorist were not hurt. As the missile used to target him was accurate. The location selected by the IDF for targeting the second terrorist is close to a grape orchard, where not every civilian can be seen, and about three meters away from the gate of the Palestinian family's home.

Seven minutes after the second missile was fired, reports were received about civilians being hit, and several hours later it turned out that the family members were killed. The family was hit after the second missile was fired, and according to estimates, weapons carried by the terrorist led to greater damage. The house's gate apparently flew at the family members, who were at the time outside the house, inside the grape orchard.

A number of sub-blasts took place following the first explosion, as a result of the weapons carried by the terrorists, which were not directly caused by the missile explosion. As part of the inquiry, the IDF examined previous incident in which similar missiles were fired.

The part about the family being outside is new; B'Tselem didn't say that although one of the photos of the scene seemed to indicate that at least one kid was outside. At any rate, the "preparing breakfast" part of the story is in doubt.
  • Friday, May 02, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From BBC:
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stressed that pledges made at the Paris conference were for the Palestinian people, not the US.

"Clearly when you make a pledge you ought to fulfil it," she said after the talks.

US officials say that of $717m promised by Arab League members, only $153m of Arab pledges have been delivered, all from three countries: Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Algeria.

Ms Rice was careful not to pinpoint individual Arab states for criticism.
It should be noted that Arab pledges only accounted for less than 10% of the total pledges made at the donor conference, despite huge windfall oil profits and non-stop rhetoric about how important the Palestinian issue is to them.

Press reports of the conference show that Kuwait pledged $300 million at the time and has evidently not delivered a penny. Saudi Arabia pledged $500 million and the UAE $300 million, all over three years. I could find no reports of any pledges from Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen or other Arab countries.

Which goes to show that Arab nations care less about their Palestinian brethren than the infidel West does.
Palestine Press Agency reports that people who are arrested by Hamas in Gaza find out during interrogation that Hamas has all of their phone records and is monitoring them.

A 45-year old Palestinian Arab was murdered by some of those mysterious "unknown gunmen" in Rafah. He was shot with four bullets at point blank range.

12 were injured in Gaza, including women and children, by Hamas policemen who beat them while waiting in line to get cooking gas.

Hamas prevented Fatah and other groups from holding May Day celebrations in Rafah.

Our 2008 PalArab self-death count is at 65.

A man transliterated as Mohiuddin Cup who was an officer in the "Presidential Guards" was murdered in Gaza City. 66.
  • Friday, May 02, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
There are hundreds of articles that talk about the supposed suffering of Palestinian Arabs in Hebron, as the Jews who live there are characterized as radical, zealous extremists who impose their capricious will on the frightened populace. An entire UN team and a separate Christian group painstakingly report every real and imagined crime done by Jews in Hebron.

But this morning, Ma'an reports:
Palestinian police handed over an Israeli citizen to the Israeli authorities on Friday morning, who claimed he had entered Hebron by mistake.

The Israeli authorities said that any Israeli who enters area "A" is going against the orders of the Israeli military commander.
Casual observers have no idea that "Area A" (or H1) the Judenrein part of Hebron, exists.

Fewer still know that this area comprises 80% of Hebron.

This area includes parts that were unquestioningly Jewish owned before the 1929 massacre that killed 67 Jews in Hebron, driving them out of the city that they had lived in for thousands of years continuously. And Jews are still not allowed to return to those areas, as the world considers the concept of "return" to exclusively belong to Palestinian Arabs, not Palestinian Jews.

Since 1967, the Arab population of Hebron has ballooned from 38,000 to over 130,000, hardly evidence of Israeli oppression.

Only by sheer luck did the Jew who wandered into the Judenrein part of Hebron this morning survive without getting murdered.

Since Baruch Goldstein killed 29 Arabs in Hebron in 1994, at least 50 Jews have been murdered in that area in terror attacks, including a massacre of 12 Jews coming from synagogue in 2002, but no international or Christian teams care about protecting them.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

  • Thursday, May 01, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
The press has been buzzing about a supposed agreement between twelve Palestinian Arab terror groups in Cairo for a "calm" or temporary truce with Israel:
Palestinian militant factions agreed on Wednesday to a proposal for a truce with Israel that Egyptian mediators will now try to sell to the Jewish state, a senior Egyptian official said.

The 12 groups meeting in Cairo agreed to the plan, already backed by Hamas and Fatah, for a "comprehensive, simultaneous and reciprocal period of calm to be applied progressively, first in Gaza and then in the West Bank," Egypt's MENA news agency said, without naming the official.

A deal for a six-month period of calm had already been accepted by the Islamist movement Hamas, while Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas, from rival Fatah, on Sunday gave the negotiations unconditional support.

...The agreement of Islamic Jihad, which fires most rockets from Gaza into Israel, is seen as crucial for the deal. However, a spokesman for the group said they would respect a truce but not sign it if it applied only in Gaza.

Other factions at the Cairo talks include the leftist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) as well as the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) and the Popular Struggle Front (PSF).
No one in the media seems to have noticed the absence of the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades of Fatah from these reports. The PA sent a representative but he was not an Al Aqsa member, and Al-Aqsa is quite at odds with the official PA/Abbas position on the use of terror.

A good number of terror and rocket attacks out of Gaza are claimed by Al Aqsa. A barrage on Wednesday was claimed by them, and some on Tuesday were claimed by another Fatah-linked group not mentioned in the articles about the agreement, the Abu Ammar Brigades.

The "agreement" is worthless, but the apparent absence of major players - from the most prominent Palestinian Arab faction - shows that it is a joke as well.
  • Thursday, May 01, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Historian Efraim Karsh destroys the myth of Zionist dispossession of Arabs in 1948. From Commentary (excerpts):
mainstream Zionism not only took for granted the full equality of the Arab minority in the future Jewish state but went out of its way to foster Arab-Jewish coexistence. In January 1919, Chaim Weizmann, then the upcoming leader of the Zionist movement, reached a peace-and-cooperation agreement with the Hashemite emir Faisal ibn Hussein, the effective leader of the nascent pan-Arab movement. From then until the proclamation of the state of Israel on May 14, 1948, Zionist spokesmen held hundreds of meetings with Arab leaders at all levels. These included Abdullah ibn Hussein, Faisal’s elder brother and founder of the emirate of Transjordan (later the kingdom of Jordan), incumbent and former prime ministers in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Iraq, senior advisers of King Abdul Aziz ibn Saud (founder of Saudi Arabia), and Palestinian Arab elites of all hues.

As late as September 15, 1947, two months before the passing of the UN partition resolution, two senior Zionist envoys were still seeking to convince Abdel Rahman Azzam, the Arab League’s secretary-general, that the Palestine conflict “was uselessly absorbing the best energies of the Arab League,” and that both Arabs and Jews would greatly benefit “from active policies of cooperation and development.” Behind this proposition lay an age-old Zionist hope: that the material progress resulting from Jewish settlement of Palestine would ease the path for the local Arab populace to become permanently reconciled, if not positively well disposed, to the project of Jewish national self-determination. As David Ben-Gurion, soon to become Israel’s first prime minister, argued in December 1947:

If the Arab citizen will feel at home in our state, . . . if the state will help him in a truthful and dedicated way to reach the economic, social, and cultural level of the Jewish community, then Arab distrust will accordingly subside and a bridge will be built to a Semitic, Jewish-Arab alliance.


No less remarkable were the advances in social welfare. Perhaps most significantly, mortality rates in the Muslim population dropped sharply and life expectancy rose from 37.5 years in 1926-27 to 50 in 1942-44 (compared with 33 in Egypt). The rate of natural increase leapt upward by a third.

That nothing remotely akin to this was taking place in the neighboring British-ruled Arab countries, not to mention India, can be explained only by the decisive Jewish contribution to Mandate Palestine’s socioeconomic well-being. ...

Against this backdrop, it is hardly to be wondered at that most Palestinians wanted nothing to do with the violent attempt ten years later by the mufti-led Arab Higher Committee (AHC), the effective “government” of the Palestinian Arabs, to subvert the 1947 UN partition resolution. With the memories of 1936-39 still fresh in their minds, many opted to stay out of the fight. In no time, numerous Arab villages (and some urban areas) were negotiating peace agreements with their Jewish neighbors; other localities throughout the country acted similarly without the benefit of a formal agreement.

Nor did ordinary Palestinians shrink from quietly defying their supreme leadership. In his numerous tours around the region, Abdel Qader Husseini, district commander of Jerusalem and the mufti’s close relative, found the populace indifferent, if not hostile, to his repeated call to arms. In Hebron, he failed to recruit a single volunteer for the salaried force he sought to form in that city; his efforts in the cities of Nablus, Tulkarm, and Qalqiliya were hardly more successful. Arab villagers, for their part, proved even less receptive to his demands. In one locale, Beit Safafa, Abdel Qader suffered the ultimate indignity, being driven out by angry residents protesting their village’s transformation into a hub of anti-Jewish attacks. Even the few who answered his call did so, by and large, in order to obtain free weapons for their personal protection and then return home.

...Fawzi Qawuqji, the local commander of ALA forces, scathingly found the Palestinians “unreliable, excitable, and difficult to control, and in organized warfare virtually unemployable.”

This view summed up most contemporary perceptions during the fateful six months of fighting after the passing of the partition resolution. Even as these months saw the all but complete disintegration of Palestinian Arab society, nowhere was this described as a systematic dispossession of Arabs by Jews. To the contrary: with the partition resolution widely viewed by Arab leaders as “Zionist in inspiration, Zionist in principle, Zionist in substance, and Zionist in most details” (in the words of the Palestinian academic Walid Khalidi), and with those leaders being brutally candid about their determination to subvert it by force of arms, there was no doubt whatsoever as to which side had instigated the bloodletting.

Nor did the Arabs attempt to hide their culpability. As the Jews set out to lay the groundwork for their nascent state while simultaneously striving to convince their Arab compatriots that they would be (as Ben-Gurion put it) “equal citizens, equal in everything without any exception,” Palestinian Arab leaders pledged that “should partition be implemented, it will be achieved only over the bodies of the Arabs of Palestine, their sons, and their women.” Qawuqji vowed “to drive all Jews into the sea.” Abdel Qader Husseini stated that “the Palestine problem will only be solved by the sword; all Jews must leave Palestine.”

...As the fighting escalated, Arab civilians suffered as well, and the occasional atrocity sparked cycles of large-scale violence. Thus, the December 1947 murder of six Arab workers near the Haifa oil refinery by the small Jewish underground group IZL was followed by the immediate slaughter of 39 Jews by their Arab co-workers, just as the killing of some 100 Arabs during the battle for the village of Deir Yasin in April 1948 was “avenged” within days by the killing of 77 Jewish nurses and doctors en route to the Hadassah hospital on Mount Scopus.

Yet while the Jewish leadership and media described these gruesome events for what they were, at times withholding details so as to avoid panic and keep the door open for Arab-Jewish reconciliation, their Arab counterparts not only inflated the toll to gigantic proportions but invented numerous nonexistent atrocities. The fall of Haifa (April 21-22), for example, gave rise to totally false claims of a large-scale slaughter, which circulated throughout the Middle East and reached Western capitals. Similarly false rumors were spread after the fall of Tiberias (April 18), during the battle for Safed (in early May), and in Jaffa, where in late April the mayor fabricated a massacre of “hundreds of Arab men and women.” Accounts of Deir Yasin in the Arab media were especially lurid, featuring supposed hammer-and-sickle tattoos on the arms of IZL fighters and accusations of havoc and rape.

This scare-mongering was undoubtedly aimed at garnering the widest possible sympathy for the Palestinian plight and casting the Jews as brutal predators. But it backfired disastrously by spreading panic within the disoriented Palestinian society. That, in turn, helps explain why, by April 1948, after four months of seeming progress, this phase of the Arab war effort collapsed. (Still in the offing was the second, wider, and more prolonged phase involving the forces of the five Arab nations that invaded Palestine in mid-May.) For not only had most Palestinians declined to join the active hostilities, but vast numbers had taken to the road, leaving their homes either for places elsewhere in the country or fleeing to neighboring Arab lands.

...Indeed, many had vacated even before the outbreak of hostilities, and still larger numbers decamped before the war reached their own doorstep. “Arabs are leaving the country with their families in considerable numbers, and there is an exodus from the mixed towns to the rural Arab centers,” reported Alan Cunningham, the British high commissioner, in December 1947, adding a month later that the “panic of [the] middle class persists and there is a steady exodus of those who can afford to leave the country.”

Echoing these reports, Hagana intelligence sources recounted in mid-December an “evacuation frenzy that has taken hold of entire Arab villages.” Before the month was over, many Palestinian Arab cities were bemoaning the severe problems created by the huge influx of villagers and pleading with the AHC to help find a solution to the predicament. Even the Syrian and Lebanese governments were alarmed by this early exodus, demanding that the AHC encourage Palestinian Arabs to stay put and fight.

But no such encouragement was forthcoming, either from the AHC or from anywhere else. In fact, there was a total lack of national cohesion, let alone any sense of shared destiny. Cities and towns acted as if they were self-contained units, attending to their own needs and eschewing the smallest sacrifice on behalf of other localities. Many “national committees” (i.e., local leaderships) forbade the export of food and drink from well-stocked cities to needy outlying towns and villages. Haifa’s Arab merchants refused to alleviate a severe shortage of flour in Jenin, while Gaza refused to export eggs and poultry to Jerusalem; in Hebron, armed guards checked all departing cars. At the same time there was extensive smuggling, especially in the mixed-population cities, with Arab foodstuffs going to Jewish neighborhoods and vice-versa.

The lack of communal solidarity was similarly evidenced by the abysmal treatment meted out to the hundreds of thousands of refugees scattered throughout the country. Not only was there no collective effort to relieve their plight, or even a wider empathy beyond one’s immediate neighborhood, but many refugees were ill-treated by their temporary hosts and subjected to ridicule and abuse for their supposed cowardice. In the words of one Jewish intelligence report: “The refugees are hated wherever they have arrived.”

Even the ultimate war victims—the survivors of Deir Yasin—did not escape their share of indignities. Finding refuge in the neighboring village of Silwan, many were soon at loggerheads with the locals, to the point where on April 14, a mere five days after the tragedy, a Silwan delegation approached the AHC’s Jerusalem office demanding that the survivors be transferred elsewhere. No help for their relocation was forthcoming.

Some localities flatly refused to accept refugees at all, for fear of overstraining existing resources. In Acre (Akko), the authorities prevented Arabs fleeing Haifa from disembarking; in Ramallah, the predominantly Christian population organized its own militia—not so much to fight the Jews as to fend off the new Muslim arrivals. Many exploited the plight of the refugees unabashedly, especially by fleecing them for such basic necessities as transportation and accommodation.

...What makes these Jewish efforts all the more impressive is that they took place at a time when huge numbers of Palestinian Arabs were being actively driven from their homes by their own leaders and/or by Arab military forces, whether out of military considerations or in order to prevent them from becoming citizens of the prospective Jewish state. In the largest and best-known example, tens of thousands of Arabs were ordered or bullied into leaving the city of Haifa on the AHC’s instructions, despite strenuous Jewish efforts to persuade them to stay. Only days earlier, Tiberias’ 6,000-strong Arab community had been similarly forced out by its own leaders, against local Jewish wishes. In Jaffa, Palestine’s largest Arab city, the municipality organized the transfer of thousands of residents by land and sea; in Jerusalem, the AHC ordered the transfer of women and children, and local gang leaders pushed out residents of several neighborhoods.

As for the Palestinian Arab leaders themselves, they hastened to get themselves out of Palestine and to stay out at the most critical moment. Taking a cue from these higher-ups, local leaders similarly rushed en masse through the door. High Commissioner Cunningham summarized what was happening with quintessential British understatement:

You should know that the collapsing Arab morale in Palestine is in some measure due to the increasing tendency of those who should be leading them to leave the country. . . . For instance, in Jaffa the mayor went on four-day leave 12 days ago and has not returned, and half the national committee has left. In Haifa the Arab members of the municipality left some time ago; the two leaders of the Arab Liberation Army left actually during the recent battle. Now the chief Arab magistrate has left. In all parts of the country the effendi class has been evacuating in large numbers over a considerable period and the tempo is increasing.

Muhammad Nimr al-Khatib, a Palestinian Arab leader during the 1948 war, would sum up the situation in these words: “The Palestinians had neighboring Arab states which opened their borders and doors to the refugees, while the Jews had no alternative but to triumph or to die.”

This is true enough of the Jews, but it elides the reason for the refugees’ flight and radically distorts the quality of their reception elsewhere. If they met with no sympathy from their brethren at home, the reaction throughout the Arab world was, if anything, harsher still....

No wonder, then, that so few among the Palestinian refugees themselves blamed their collapse and dispersal on the Jews. During a fact-finding mission to Gaza in June 1949, Sir John Troutbeck, head of the British Middle East office in Cairo and no friend to Israel or the Jews, was surprised to discover that while the refugees

express no bitterness against the Jews (or for that matter against the Americans or ourselves) they speak with the utmost bitterness of the Egyptians and other Arab states. “We know who our enemies are,” they will say, and they are referring to their Arab brothers who, they declare, persuaded them unnecessarily to leave their homes. . . . I even heard it said that many of the refugees would give a welcome to the Israelis if they were to come in and take the district over.

Read the whole thing. I think that Karsh exaggerates the Arab calls to evacuate and minimizes the Zionists' taking advantage of the situation after the fact; I believe that the vast majority of those who left did so due to simple fear combined with the expectation that they could start over again elsewhere, as their ancestors had done countless times. Read my analysis here in part 8 of my history series.

Either way, the point is that Jews did not actively try to depopulate Palestine of its Arab population and this myth has been kept alive for propaganda and political purposes - the same reasons that the descendants of the original 1948 refugees themselves are being kept in camps to this very day. And while the "Nakba" will be loudly celebrated in the coming weeks, the real catastrophe is not what happened during a few months in 1948 but how Palestinian Arabs have been treated by their brethren over the past 60 years.
  • Thursday, May 01, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is spreading quickly through the Internet, and who am I to stop it?

A bizarre Indian Muslim (and, apparently, Hindu) ritual of throwing babies off of a 50 foot mosque:

Here are some of the physical consequences of shaking a baby:
The brain rotates within the skull cavity, injuring or destroying brain tissue.

When shaking occurs, blood vessels feeding the brain can be torn, leading to bleeding around the brain.

Blood pools within the skull, sometimes creating more pressure within the skull and possibly causing additional brain damage.

Retinal (back of the eye) bleeding is very common.
  • Thursday, May 01, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Al-Ahram English just printed yet another pseudo-scholarly article blaming Israel for all Palestinian Arab misery and predicting Israel's eventual downfall.

Here's my response:
It is ironic that people who claim to want what is best for Palestinians are the same people who refuse to actually help them. Egypt turned Gaza into a prison far before 1967, refusing to allow Palestinians to become citizens, a policy that continues to this day. Palestinians can become full citizens of most Western nations but not most of the Arab world, in stark contrast to the Jews who were chased out of Egypt in 1948, welcomed into Israel.

If you want to blame Israel for their plight in 1948, that is fine, but it is the Arab world who work hard to keep them in misery today (while claiming to be doing so for their "unity.") The Arab position is to keep them in camps and stateless for however many decades it takes to destroy Israel, even though survey after survey shows that many of not most Palestinians themselves would love to become full citizens of Arab countries given the chance.

So keep pretending that Israel will fall, keep telling Palestinians that they will be able to "return" to villages long gone. Keep publishing articles claiming that you care about Palestinians.

They might just disagree.
  • Thursday, May 01, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Sometimes, the enormity of the Holocaust is too overwhelming, and one needs to see how bad things were beforehand to even begin to relate to the horror of the death camps.

This news clipping from 70 years ago gives a small idea the situation of the Jews in Austria before the gas chambers were built. And it shows how a situation could occur that would culminate in genocide only a few years later.

  • Thursday, May 01, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Happy 60th Birthday Israel by Melanie Phillips (cover story of the Spectator)

A snapshot of Sderot, also in the Spectator (h/t Backspin)

How can there be any common ground? by David Bogner

"A land without a people for a people without a land" at Middle East Quarterly (h/t InContext via Soccer Dad)
  • Thursday, May 01, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
A number of Arab newspapers, as well as CNN, are juxtaposing yesterday's "agreement" in Cairo for a calm by terrorist groups with Israeli actions in Gaza, making it appear that Israel is violating a truce.

Of course, Israel never agreed to any "calm" or truce.

What is more interesting is that none of these sources mention that Palestinian Arab rocket fire has not only ceased, but has increased in recent days. Since the "tahadiye" announcement some 12 rockets have been shot at Israel (some five last night, including two during a Holocaust memorial service; seven this morning, including one that hit near a high school sending students into shock.)

As usual, Qassam rockets are simply not reported as news.
  • Thursday, May 01, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
From CNN (h/t Global Freezing):
One person was killed and three were wounded Wednesday in an Israeli airstrike targeting a metal shop in Rafah, according to Palestinian security and medical sources.

Israel Defense Forces confirmed the airstrike.

The person killed was the deputy commander of the Islamic Jihad military wing, according to the Palestinian sources, who said he also served as a school headmaster at a United Nations Relief and Works Agency school.

UNRWA spokesman Chris Gunnes [sic, it is spelled Gunness] said he could not immediately confirm that the person was employed by the United Nations, and added that staff members who bring politics into U.N. institutions are fired immediately for violating staff rules.
Notice that he doesn't say that staff members who are also terrorists are fired, or else their employees would be decimated.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

  • Wednesday, April 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
I had missed this story:
Amman - Amman's public prosecutor on Tuesday [4/22] began hearings in a lawsuit filed by a coalition of 30 Jordanian media establishments against a dozen Danish papers which reprinted controversial cartoons of the Muslim prophet Mohammed, judicial sources said.

The coalition, which is waging a campaign entitled The Prophet Unites Us, is seeking 'moral and material compensation' for the damages caused by the reprinting of the pictures, the group's lawyer Tareq Hawamdeh said.

'The lawsuit is based on the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Penal Code and the Press and Printing Law,' he added.

Public prosecutor Hassan Abdullat on Tuesday heard testimonies by the anti-Denmark campaign's leader Zakariya al-Sheikh, Member of the Jordanian lower house of parliament Ali Dalaeen and head of the Foodstuffs Traders Association Khalil Haj Tawfiq.

The chairman of the Jordan Bar Association Saleh Armouti, head of the Jordan Pharmacists Association Taher Shakhshir and chairman of the Amman-based Arab Human Rights Organization Hani Dahleh are to testify Wednesday.

Firas Press' elaboration today includes these tantalizing tidbits in autotranslation:
The Commission's task is confined to the interpretation and classification of articles on the case, then to analyse their implications for the mentality of the Arab and Muslim reader, which will help the court in making its final decision.
... The Jordanian 'Petra' news agency quoted the campaign for attorney Tarek Hawamdeh as saying that the prosecution case provides the right personal claim for material and moral damages caused by abusive cartoon drawings of the Noble Prophet in Danish newspapers.

The lawyer said the lawsuit 'demand for reparations newspapers resulting from their actions' alluding at the same time, the lack of appreciation of the value of compensation due to the enormity of damage, and added:' legal bases available allows the prosecution of the media and others who participated in a campaign of abuse '.

The Jordanian weekly newspaper, Shehan, in 2006 published the insulting cartoons which raised the anger of the Jordanian street at the time.

However, the newspaper defended itself, and wrote an article entitled 'Islamic uprising against the abuse of Danish', where it invited Muslims to use reason and said: 'Which is more detrimental to Islam than a Muslim carrying a suicide bomb belt in a wedding ceremony in Oman or anywhere else? Which provides fuel for the world trying to defame Islam and Muslims: caricature drawings or realistic scene of the beheading of a hostage with a sword in front of the cameras while chanting Allahu Akbar? '

Sheikh Zakaria, chairman of the Campaign for the Support of Jordan, expressed his delight at the Prophet's acceptance issue in a Jordanian court, and pledged to lift another case for the prosecution of Dutch MP 'Gert Vilders' which was broadcast in late March the anti-Islam "Fitna" on the Internet. The Sheikh said that the coming period would witness also similar lawsuits in a number of Arab and Islamic states.
  • Wednesday, April 30, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Apparently, Al Jazeera and B'Tselem are more concerned with the truth than most of the Western media who uncritically reported that an Israeli tank shell (or missile) went through the roof of the Abu Me'tiq home and that there were no terrorists outside. They don't quite believe the IDF version either, but it is abundantly clear that the initial Palestinian Arab reports were simply lies.

Reports suggest that the explosion was caused by a missile from an Israeli drone, targeting an unarmed fighter who had moved to stand outside the house.

[Al Jazeera correspondent] Chater said there appeared to have been two missiles fired from the drone.

The first missile targeted four fighters, armed with a Kalashnikov rifle and carrying a bag containing rocket-propelled grenades.

He said the men had put the bag down and the grenades were later recovered, intact, by B'Tselem.

"It [the bag] did not explode. There was no secondary explosion as the Israeli military are saying.

"Three men out of the four were injured by that first missile attack ... the fourth one, unarmed, walked down the street," he said.

"He was killed by a second blast and that second blast from the drone caused the deaths of the mother and her four children."
B'Tselem’s investigation indicates that an Israeli aircraft fired a missile at three armed Palestinians standing on a street in the northern section of Beit Hanun, wounding them and a nearby civilian. About a minute later, the aircraft fired a second missile, this one at a fourth armed man, who was about fifteen meters from where the first missile landed, and about one meter from the gate of the Abu Me'tiq family’s house. This missile killed the fourth armed man and the five members of the family.

In its letter, B'Tselem states that the material it has collected, including an analysis of the area, photographs of bodies and eyewitness accounts, raise doubt about the IDF Spokesperson’s contention that a secondary explosion is what killed the family. B'Tselem called on the IDF Spokesperson’s office to publish all the material in IDF hands that documents the incident, especially the UAV photos, which could prove or refute this claim.
There are still many inconsistencies between Al Jazeera's and B'Tselem's accounts, as well as the PCHR initial report, but all agree that the Palestinian Arab version was complete fiction.

It is also curious why B'Tselem doesn't mention the bag of RPGs that Al-Jazeera claims B'Tselem recovered. I emailed B'Tselem to see if they have any more information, or, especially, photographs of the house, and asking them to release all of their information just as they demand the IDF does the same. The information can be looked at objectively; their results cannot because they might be colored by a reliance on "witnesses" who are not so interested in the truth.


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