Tuesday, March 19, 2013

  • Tuesday, March 19, 2013
From Ian:

Rashid Khalidi and Palestinian Rejectionism
While Shavit, as an Israeli, tries to assess the situation both critically and self-critically, seeking a realistic way forward, Khalidi, blinded by hatred of Israel, places the entire onus for the conflict at its doorstep, refusing to engage in any introspection.
That’s hardly a formula to advance the peace process, and Obama would be well-served to ignore Khalidi’s counter-productive advice to America’s leader. In fact, the professor is so caught up in mining the English language for ever uglier ways of describing Israeli policy that he blithely skips over one inconvenient truth after another, presumably hoping the reader won’t pay attention.
Honest Reporting: Doctors Respond to Lancet Article on Israeli Doctors and Torture
The absence of any comment or reference to medical literature or non-biased expertise as relating to trauma induced during CPR, immediately places Ms. Devi’s article outside the realm of objective, medical/scientific publication standards. Responsibility for accepting the article for publication rests on The Lancet editor.
Why Let An Inconvenient Truth Spoil a Great Mood?
What were the circumstances of their eviction? Did the family really own the property in question? What was the basis for the Jewish claims? Had they failed to pay rent? Were they in fact squatters? Was Israeli bureaucracy running amok?
The Guardian has a disproportionate fixation on Israeli evictions and home demolitions in eastern Jerusalem. So finding background info on the Al-Kurds wasn’t hard. Indeed, The Guardian’s Rory McCarthy covered the 2008 eviction. And after hashing through the legal he-said-she-said, McCarthy wrote in black on white:
Rabbi Arik Ascherman, of the Israeli group Rabbis for Human Rights, acknowledged that the al-Kurd land may have belonged to Jews before 1948 . . .
Jonathan Freedland promotes the myth of ‘non-violent’ Palestinian protests in Bil’in
Over the past several years more than 200 Israeli security personnel have been injured by Palestinian rioters in Bil’in.
Like so many symbols of the Palestinian “resistance”, the weekly protests at the security fence near Bil’in are not spontaneous, grassroots acts of civil disobedience but, rather, choreographed, media-friendly acts of violence.
IDF Blog: Rocks Can Kill
Rock throwing is common in Judea and Samaria, and along with Molotov Cocktail and booby-trapped tire throwing, is a terror act that comes under the definition of ‘popular terror’. These incidents happen daily, and are easily ignored by the mainstream media, because they don’t seem that serious. But did you know that a simple rock can kill?
2 Jerusalem Arabs Charged in Foiled Terror Plot
Two Jerusalem Arab men were indicted Monday morning on charges of plotting to carry out a terrorist attack on Jews in the holy city.
Gaza terrorist to serve 18 years for firing rockets
Man involved in firing rockets at Sderot; arrested in 2011, when he crossed into Israel from Gaza for reconnaissance.
Lawyer sues Mubarak for failing to ‘reclaim’ Eilat
An Egyptian lawyer has filed a lawsuit against former president Hosni Mubarak and other state officials for neglecting to “reclaim” Um Rashrash — the Israeli city of Eilat — and demanded that Egypt take the southern resort from Israel. The town, which had been occupied by the British and was claimed by Jordan, was captured by Israel during the War of Independence in March 1949.
UN report reveals Iranian violence against Bahais
Research discloses extreme state-sponsored discrimination against minority community, says Bahais "systematically deprived."
German university fires Holocaust-denying professor
The University of Aachen in Germany has fired historian Vladimir Iliescu for claiming the Holocaust never happened in Romania.
The institution “cancelled the teaching contract” of Iliescu “immediately after statements he made to the Romanian Academy became known,” a spokesperson for RWTH Aachen said, adding that the university was “appalled” by his words.
87-year-old Vladimir Iliescu claimed on video that claims of genocide in his native Romania are a ‘huge lie’
Greek player banned for life for Nazi salute
Giorgos Katidis booted from Greek national soccer team after making gesture to celebrate goal
Greek soccer player Giorgos Katidis has been banned from his national team for life after giving a Nazi salute while celebrating a goal in the top-flight league.
Report: Vidal Sassoon Center Lecture
Funding PA terrorists is only the tip of the iceberg. Dr. Gerstenfeld spells out the details of Norwegian anti-Semitism.
During his lecture at the Vidal Sassoon Center at Hebrew University, anti-Semitism expert Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld said that Norway serves as a most useful example to expose anti-Semitism and anti-Israel hate-mongering in the Western world. He listed a number of events in this Labor party-dominated Scandinavian country which would have been admired by Nazis.
  • Tuesday, March 19, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Lots of people have written about the New York Times Sunday magazine front-page story (that I wrote about on Friday)  that effectively romanticized and justified violent riots and was an advertisement for a third intifada.

David G summarized many of them well:

The New York Times has done it again. Less then two weeks after publishing an intellectual attack against Israel, it publishes an article glorifying physical attacks on Israel. The front page story of yesterday’s New York Times Magazine, Is This Where the Third Intifada Will Start? by Ben Ehrenriech. (The cover has the more provocative phrase, “If there is a third intifada, we want to be the ones who started it.”
Chemi Shalev of the left wing paper Ha’aretz lets us in on a little secret about Ehrenreich:
In 2009, Ehrenreich published a direct attack on Zionism in the Los Angeles Times entitled “Zionism is the Problem”. In the article, Ehrenreich castigates not only the “deplorable conditions in which Palestinians live and die in Gaza and the West Bank” but “the Zionist tenets on which the state was founded “as well.
“The problem is functional”, Ehrenreich writes. “Founding a modern state on a single ethnic or religious identity in a territory that is ethnically and religiously diverse leads inexorably either to politics of exclusion or to wholesale ethnic cleansing. Put simply, the problem is Zionism.”
In other words, Ehrenreich is every bit the anti-Israel ideologue as Joseph Levine who recently explained why Israel could not legitimately be both a Jewish and a democratic state. The article is written in a measured, professorial tone. So the outrageous aspects of the article will be omissions that indicate that Ehrenreich is not telling the whole story.
For example, Ehrenreich writes:
But little was resolved in Oslo. A second intifada erupted in 2000, at first mostly following the model set by the earlier uprising. Palestinians blocked roads and threw stones.
But the second intifada didn’t just erupt. It was orchestrated by Yasser Arafat. The available evidence is overwhelming. But Ehrenreich isn’t interested.

At the blog, This Ongoing War, the Roths note another omission:
That’s all he writes about Ahlam Tamimi but we can tell you more. She is a Jordanian who was 21 years old and the news-reader on official Palestinian Authority television when she signed on with Hamas to become a terrorist. She engineered, planned and helped execute a massacre in the center of Jerusalem on a hot summer afternoon in 2001. She chose the target, a restaurant filled with Jewish children. And she brought the bomb. The outcome (15 killed, a sixteenth still in a vegetative state today, 130 injured) was so uplifting to her that she has gone on camera again and again to say, smiling into the camera lens, how proud she is of what she did. She is entirely free of regret. A convicted felon and a mass-murderer convicted on multiple homicide charges, she has never denied the role she embraced and justifies it fully.
Yet all the NY Times says about Nabi Saleh’s favourite one-time resident is that she was an escort “who now lives in exile in Jordan”. Period. This is no mere oversight. The editors at the New York Times showcased this same psychopath once before, six years ago. Then, as now, we felt someone needed to push back and we posted two blog articles: “7-Aug-07: Hot House: Cold Truths” and “28-Jun-07: About sweet-faced young women”, and got a little attention for a while. But it was clear to us that those who thought they perceived greatness of spirit in the woman continued to do so.
One of the children killed at Sbarro’s by Ahlam Tamimi, was the Roth’s 15 year old daughter Malki.
Israelly Cool notes the Roth’s story and adds another detail that was somehow omitted:
I will add the following: As I posted recently with regards to a Ha’aretz puff piece on Bassem Tamimi, his Tamimi Press Facebook page clearly indicates he is fighting for a one-state solution – a palestinian state – and supports terrorism and the terrorists who perpetrate heinous killings in support of this very goal.
Ehrenreich’s goal is to portray another intifada as a justified non-violent response to Israeli “occupation.” But as Elder of Ziyon notes, rock throwing isn’t exactly non-violent:
Too bad Mr. Ehrenreich didn’t think of pushing back on Bassem Tamimi’s irritation at justifying his idea that stone throwing is supposedly “non-violent.”
Because today a three year old Israeli girl is in critical condition as a result of a stone-throwing attack.
Then again, that story cannot be found in the New York Times, so it must not be very important.
It’s like the reporters wants it to happen. He wants another violent intifada in which hundreds will be killed, God forbid.
Believe it or not this isn’t the first time the New York Times has glamorized an intifada. The Sunday Magazine of October 29, 1989 featured Inside the Intifada by then Israel correspondent, Joel Brinkley.
In the light from the nearly full moon, the shebab, crouching behind the low boulders, watch the bus approach. Sitting in a front seat is a soldier in olive green, pointing his M-16 out the window. In the jeeps leading and following the bus, troops also sit with their weapons aimed into the dark and their plexiglass face shields lowered. As they reach the town the soldiers hear several shrill whistles – the shebab signaling to one another. From the convoy, as if in reply, comes the sound of rifle bolts snapping into place, loading bullets into chambers.
As the bus lumbers into range, the young Palestinians adjust their face masks and rise quietly in the dark. Each takes careful aim and with all his might hurls his baseball-sized stone. Even as the rocks fly, they turn and run, not waiting to see the results.

Before the crunching sound of shattering glass has stopped reverberating across the field, the soldiers are on the ground, firing volleys of rubber and steel bullets at forms they think they see moving in the dark. The driver, Itzik Meuchas, also leaps down, waving a pistol, agitated and angry.
Joel Brinkley currently teaches journalism at Stanford University. I wonder if he discusses the ethics of running with a group of vandals intent on attacking civilians.
But the bigger problem is with the New York Times. The paper runs frequent editorials castigating the Israeli government for not doing enough for peace. However the paper uses its influence not to encourage compromise, but to promote and prolong Palestinian grievances against Israel. The hypocrisy of the New York is astounding.

Jonathan Tobin at Commentary also wrote an excellent response:

Ehrenreich is a curious choice to write an in-depth piece on the Israeli-Palestinian struggle for the supposedly objective Times. If the piece seems incredibly skewed toward the point of view of the Palestinians, it’s no accident. Ehrenreich has never made any secret about his view about the State of Israel: he thinks Zionism is the moral equivalent of Nazism and believes the Jewish state should not exist. He stated as much in a 2009 op-ed published in the Los Angeles Times titled “Zionism is the problem.” In that piece he didn’t merely repeat the canard that Israel was an apartheid state but actually said the racist South African government compared favorably to the Jewish state.

The author thinks it’s an injustice to say that denying to Jews the same rights that no one would think to deny to every other people on the planet is anti-Semitism. True to the beliefs of his Marxist grandparents, he thinks all nationalisms are bad, but he sees the destruction of the one Jewish nationalism as a priority. The piece is a farrago of distortions, not the least of which is the notion that a single secular state to replace Israel could guarantee the rights or the safety of Jews there. But the main takeaway from it is that he has no interest in even arguing the merits of a two-state solution or lamenting the fading chances of such a deal. That’s because he agrees with Palestinians who continue to refuse to recognize the legitimacy of any Jewish state, no matter where its borders are drawn.
  • Tuesday, March 19, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Under existing agreements between Israel and the PLO, borders is one of the "final status" issues that are meant to be hammered out in negotiations.

Since at least 2009, the PA changed the rules - frustrating US government mediators -  and refused to go back to the negotiating table without Israel agreeing, against UNSC 242, that the 1949 armistice lines should be the basis of the negotiations - arbitrary, indefensible lines that were never considered national borders for any purpose.

Instead of supporting the Israeli position that negotiations should continue without preconditions, the EU has given support to the Palestinian Arab position and strengthened Abbas' intransigence.

Here is the latest example, as the EU's Catherine Ashton announces, in effect, that the negotiating framework that has given autonomy and land to the Palestinian Arabs is dead, and giving the PLO carte blanche to tear up the Oslo Accords:
EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton and Palestinian Premier Salam Fayyad on Tuesday signed in the headquarters of the European diplomatic service, an accord with which the EU will grant 7 million euros in aid for the development of the so-called 'C area' representing roughly 60% of the West Bank. Fayyad is in Brussels to take part in a meeting of the ad hoc committee to coordinate assistance to the Palestinians.

The accord, said Ashton, aims to support the Palestinian presence and promote social and economic development in the C area, which is key to Palestine's economic sustainability.

Ashton also said she was impatient to work constructively with all partners to change the C area.

Relations between the EU and Palestinian National Authority are also being boosted. The EU Council has adopted a common action plan of neighbourhood policy. The plan provides for a shared engagement to deepen bilateral relations and boost the privileged partnership, Ashton said. She also said she had discussed with Fayyad how to better implement shared objectivesi n the plan, and in particular a full association accord between the EU and PNA.
Ashton's statement is here, where she states that the EU is "focusing our efforts on East Jerusalem, the Gaza Strip and Area C."

Effectively, Abbas' temper tantrum in 2009 has now become EU policy.

Amazing how much you can be rewarded by just saying "no" repeatedly.
  • Tuesday, March 19, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last week I posted a video showing the repeated assault of a woman in Oakland after she wrote "Am Yisrael Chai" in chalk on what appeared to be a public park.

The Jewish Press' Lori Lowenthal Marcus did some real reporting:
Ogawa Park was named for a civil rights activist who was the first Japanese member of the Oakland City Council. But Ogawa Park was “renamed” by Occupy Oakland protesters to “honor” Oscar Grant, a felon who had been imprisoned for drug dealing and weapons offenses, and who was shot by Oakland police 1n 2009, while resisting arrest.

An area in the Park is specifically designated for public expression; it has been the scene of many boisterous protests, including the long-term occupation by Occupy Oakland, last year.

Last week a perfect example of what so much of the anti-Israel movement is built on, was on display in Ogawa Park. In this “free speech” park taken over by “peaceful” protesters of all kinds of oppression, a young woman who was drawing a message of peace was physically assaulted, cursed out with the foulest possible language, and thrown out of the public park by people who claim to be, and are referred to by the mass media, as “peaceful,” “non-violent,” “free speech” activists. In truth, they are frequently abusive, intolerant, violent anarchists who believe the highest form of expression is provoking violence with what is usually aggressive resistance, but occasionally spills over into outright violence.

This is what happened.

...Channa decided, after looking around and finding no one interested in talking about why they hate Israel, to take a piece of chalk from one of the communal bags that had been placed around the Plaza for people to use to ‘express themselves.’ She began to draw, underneath a message in large block letters – FREEDOM TO SPEAK – and drew in large letters, “Am Yisrael Chai.” Why? “I’m from Israel, I love my country, and they are attacking my people, my culture.”

Channa said she was simply writing a message of peace, but before she could finish her short message, a harpy descended on her, yelling, “you can’t write that here,” grabbing at her chalk, screaming, cursing and shoving her. It was Gabrielle Silverman, a resident of Oakland, formerly of Brooklyn, and full-time, long-term “peace” activist. Name a major protest – one in Washington, D.C. against the International Monetary Fund in 2000, when she was only 17, Occupy Oakland, Black Bloc attacks in San Francisco, and Silverman has been involved in some way. She’s been arrested for violent, destructive behavior, as recently as this past October.

The attack, shown in the video, went on for several minutes, with more and more people coming to assist Silverman in menacing and ejecting Channa. The crowd assisted Silverman in shoving Channa and her friend David out of the public square.

Freedom of speech? Nah. Freedom to assemble? Nope.

The Jewish Press reached Silverman late Saturday night, and asked her “why you felt it was justified to attack someone who was expressing a view – even one you find abhorrent – in a public place.”

Silverman’s response:
We had created a space at the Plaza to chalk the names of our dead friends and people who have suffered because of state or corporate violence. (“freedom to speak and assemble” was written either semi randomly or as a statement on the wittling away of constitutional rights that we are experiencing in the present time.) It was over this memorial space that they intruded. They came to pick a fight with us on the anniversary of Tristan’s shooting. I want to say that I don’t like or respect the right wing, but I would never disturb one of your memorial spaces, and I find their targeting of an event for Tristan Anderson to be cowardly and unethical. They are a shonda for the goyim.

She added, “I also want to add that my only regret is calling her a whore. Solidarity with whores everywhere!”

“As a former soldier, I was trained to maintain my composure in the face of that kind of provocation,” Channa said.
Read the whole thing.

I saw on Twitter that the Oakland police are looking at this incident.
  • Tuesday, March 19, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Mahmoud Abbas has gone out of his way to honor Maryam Farhat, known as Umm Nidal, the mother of three "martyrs."

Farhat is the Hamas lawmaker and mother of terrorists who justified killing Israeli civilians and enthusiastically celebrated her son's death after he killed several Jewish pre-army students.

Abbas opened a "tent of condolences" for Farhat at his headquarters in the Muqata in Ramallah.

Not only that, but he gave her a high Palestinian Authority posthumous honor, the "Order of Sacrifice."

Abbas is showering honor on Farhat on the eve of being visited by President Obama.

Yesterday I showed a  video  of Farhat which made even the Arab interviewer cringe with her naked support of terror.

Here's a video of her with her son who is about to murder Israeli civilians. She talks about her happiness at her son's forthcoming murder spree and expected death:

This sick creature is considered a hero worthy of the greatest honor by Israel's supposedly "moderate" peace partner.

Will President Obama address this issue when he meets Abbas in Ramallah? Will he even pass by the mourning tent on his way to the meeting? That would be a photograph that would haunt him.

If he has any sense of morality at all, if the tent is there Obama should turn around and nix the meeting.

This is a prime example of how the Palestinian Arab leadership supports and glorifies terror, and sweeping it under the rug is exactly the wrong approach. It is their despicable embrace of the most disgusting terrorists and their actions that is the real "obstacle to peace" and here we can see it as explicitly as possible.

Incidentally, this shows how Palestinian Arab "unity" would work - Fatah would go towards Hamas' positions, not the other way around, as here is a prominent Hamas member that Fatah and Abbas is happy to publicly embrace.

Monday, March 18, 2013

  • Monday, March 18, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon

(h/t Yerushalimey)
  • Monday, March 18, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
J.E. Dyer has brilliantly put together the evidence that a Hamas rocket killed Omar Mishrawi, referring to my blog posts and others.

"J. E. Dyer is a retired US Naval intelligence officer who served around the world, afloat and ashore, from 1983 to 2004. Her last operations in the Navy were Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom in 2003, and she retired at the rank of Commander."

She was the person who I originally asked to examine the photos of the Mishrawi house to see if she agreed with me that the damage looked more like a Hamas rocket than an Israeli missile.

After reading this, see who you think the bigger expert is - Dyer or the BBC's Jon Donnison who declared that "Most likely is that Omar died in one of the twenty bombings that the Israeli military says made up its initial wave of attacks."

Oops – The IDF didn’t kill Baby Mashrawi (and other things that didn’t happen during Pillar of Defense)

Not killed by the IDF (AP Photo)
Not killed by the IDF (AP Photo)
Diligent readers of the Washington Post may know by now that UN observers in Gaza attribute the death of 11-month-old Omar Mashrawi, during Operation Pillar of Defense in November 2012, to a Hamas rocket which fell short and hit a Gaza City home.
WaPo initially reported the death using an AP photo with a caption that implicated an “Israeli strike.” The corrected story has that reference removed from the caption, after AP removed it ina correction to its original posting with the photo.  Numerous print and online news outlets used the same AP photo, however, with the original caption alluding to an Israeli strike.
Yet bloggers doubted at the time that the damage done to the Gaza City home was caused by an Israeli strike.  Elder of Ziyon’s post on the Mashrawi question mentioned these doubts first, I believe, and got wide attention.  Full disclosure: I am the correspondent with military experience whom he quotes analyzing the photos of the damage and assessing that it could not have been caused by an Israeli weapon.  (For reasons my readers are aware of, I didn’t have the time to write a post of my own on this topic, and it’s Elder who deserves full credit for putting the argument together, with photo references, for public consumption.)
My initial skepticism about the “Israeli strike” narrative was based on examining the photos of the damage.  Later, as reports of eyewitness statements came in, it became even less likely that an Israeli weapon was what hit the home in Gaza City.
Conflicting statements about the event
For example, eyewitness accounts of a “mass of fire” hitting the roof were inconsistent with an Israeli weapon, which would be fuzed to detonate by proximity, timing, and/or command guidance, but which would not have descended toward the home’s roof as a “mass of fire.”  The “mass of fire” report could well have described what was visible with a Hamas rocket hitting the home, however.  (The baby’s father, BBC Arabic journalist Jihad Mashrawi, said originally, in Arabic, that “shrapnel” hit his home.)
Mashrawi home: Not damage done by an IDF weapon.
Mashrawi home: Not damage done by an IDF weapon.
But some of the reporting in Arab media described the projectile that hit the home as a “tank shell” – which in this context usually means any type of common short- or medium-range artillery round, whether fired from a tank or not.  It is frequently used interchangeably with “mortar,” by the media and civilian eyewitnesses; it does not refer to ananti-tank round.
Hamas uses former-Soviet shells for artillery fire, and uses the explosive material to make warheads for its indigenously assembled rockets.  The level of damage in the photos is consistent with the amount of explosive in a Hamas “tank shell,” something Elder demonstrates nicely with his photo comparison.  The damage is much less than would be expected from an attack with an IDF stand-off targeting weapon, however, such as a guided bomb or air-to-surface missile.
Related to that point is a third statement attributed by the BBC’s Jon Donnison to unnamed Israeli officials, who reportedly said that the IDF was targeting “the building” – implied to be either the Gaza City home or a building near it – because there was a “militant” in it.  This element of the narrative doesn’t hang together, either as an implication about Israeli intent (Elder’s takedown of the implication’s idiocy is comprehensive), or in conjunction with the “tank shell” report from eyewitnesses.  If the IDF were targeting a militant inside a building, it would not use a weapon like a “tank shell” to do it.
Not an Israeli “tank shell”
This is the case for two reasons: first, because a tank shell – even a modern, penetrating or anti-personnel tank shell – is not the weapon for ensuring an interdiction-type objective like killing specific terrorists; and second, because in Pillar of Defense, there was no ground-combat phase in which the infantry was engaged with terrorists in close combat, or in which the firing platforms for the “tank shell” were brought in close to the target.
Using “tank shells” to go after terrorists in buildings is something the IDF does in ground combat, when its own troops have tactical objectives in an urban close-battle environment.  (As with the IDF in Cast Lead in 2009, the U.S. Army and Marine Corps made great use of this approach in Iraq with newer munitions created for the M1A2 Abrams tank, including the 120mm M1028 “Room Broom” anti-personnel round. Scroll down for a summary at this link.)  The purpose for which these modern tank shells are suited is denying terrorists a place to hide in urban combat.  They target physical features of the landscape, destroying them or making them uninhabitable; they are not used to ensure that specific, named terrorists are targeted or killed.
For tactical urban-warfare use, these “tank shells” must be deployed from positions relatively close to the structure or other hiding area a commander wants to deny to the enemy.  “Close” in this case means 500 meters or less; typically, around 200 meters.  Obviously, no Israeli tanks or mobile artillery were deployed that close to buildings in Gaza during Pillar of Defense.  None entered Gaza at all.  IDF artillery can lob some types of shells considerably further than that, but using those shells from a distance for an interdiction-type targeting purpose – trying to kill a specific terrorist or terrorists during a stand-off bombing campaign like the one in Pillar of Defense – would be a flawed approach.  There are weapons better suited for the purpose (the guided bombs and missiles mentioned earlier).  The IDF could be reasonably sure of causing damage to a buildingwith a “tank shell” attack, scattering or wounding whoever was in it, but would not have reasonable certainty of killing a particular terrorist.
All that said, the level of damage visible in the photos indicates that what hit the Mashrawi home was not an Israeli “tank shell” anyway.  It was a round too weak to achieve the objective of killing a specific terrorist – a form of malpractice it would be laughable to accuse the IDF of.  Using a weapon that doesn’t offer a reasonable guarantee of eliminating the terrorist – one that will do little more than poke a hole in the roof and rearrange the furniture, while still potentially injuring bystanders – would be an irresponsible use of force, and not at all characteristic of the IDF.  When the Israelis attack terrorists inside buildings in Gaza, they use weapons of sufficient power to ensure the terrorists are killed.
I am confident in assessing that during Pillar of Defense, when there was no IDF troop presence in Gaza and all targeting was done from a stand-off distance, the IDF was not targeting a terrorist in a building using a “tank shell.”  It’s the wrong weapon for the desired effect, and IDF planners know that.
Unlikely to have been collateral damage from a nearby strike
An alternate theoretical possibility is that a flaming projectile was expelled from the explosion in an actual Israeli strike somewhere nearby, and ended up falling through the Mashrawi roof.  That possibility is low, however, partly because photos of the damage to the home show kinetic effects, which would have had to be produced by blast.  The flaming projectile would itself have had to explode inside the home, or have caused an explosion (theoretically, for example, of a propane tank), rather than merely causing things to catch fire.  Whether such a projectile would have penetrated the roof is one question; another is whether an eyewitness would have called it a “tank shell.”  There are too many special coincidences necessary for this to be a likely conclusion about the event.
Elder looked early on at the possibility that the Mashrawi home was affected by IDF strikes on a group of Hamas Fajr-5 rocket launch sites, not far from the Zeitoun neighborhood where the Mashrawi home is located.  The distance of the Zeitoun cluster from the sites, anywhere from 200 to 500 meters, makes it possible that some fragments from the presumed blast area traveled as far as the Mashrawi house.  But it is unlikely that anything heavy and flaming – a projectile that could penetrate the roof of the home – did so.  Fragments flying that far from a nominal 500-pound-class bomb blast (presumably with detonation at or very close to ground level) would be small.
Child killed by Hamas rocket (not by IDF).
Child killed by Hamas rocket (not by IDF).
If an IDF attack with the larger bombs used against big buildings (1,000- and 2,000-pounders) had set off sympathetic explosions from an ordnance storage site near the Mashrawi home, everyone in the area would have been aware of it and would have mentioned it to reporters.  The Fajr-5 sites and large factory buildings identified in the IDF graphic at Elder’s post are less than a kilometer – in American terms, less than half a mile – from Zeitoun.  An explosion big enough to send lethal fragmentation that far would have been heard by everyone, would have put up visible smoke, and would probably have caused neighbors to rush out and discuss the event (not to mention capturing evidence of the blast on video).
No reporting from the day in question indicates an incident or reaction of this kind.  Ultimately, I consider it unlikely that whatever hit the Mashrawi home was frag from an IDF strike nearby.  And, of course, even if the damage did turn out to be from an IDF strike, the fault lies with Hamas for putting rocket launch and storage sites so close to civilian homes.
Media credulity about multiple false reports
The positive evidence reported about the damage to the Mashrawi home points to a Hamas rocket, whereas it is not consistent with a direct hit by an Israeli weapon.  At a certain point, the media’s failure to recognize this has to reflect on the practice of their craft.  From embattled regions of Africa to Afghanistan and Chechnya, there are very fine reporters out there who know what they’re seeing, when they see combat and bomb damage.  But there seems to be no critical eye cast by the major news organizations on reports coming from Gaza.
Scene from Syrian civil war (not from Gaza).
Scene from Syrian civil war (not from Gaza).
Even without knowledge of weapons and weapons effects, however, the parade of false photo-essay depictions from sources in Gaza should give reporters and editors pause.  As the Camera link in my second paragraph above reminds us, there was another damning piece of photo “evidence” at the heart of misrepresentations during Pillar of Defense.  (I wrote it up at the time.)  The lifeless body of four-year-old Mohammed Sadallah, who was killed by a Hamas rocket on 17 November, was paraded for grotesque photo ops with Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil, and the world media reported little Mohammed as the victim of an Israeli attack.  Israel was not attacking in Gaza at all when the boy was killed, however, and even the New York Times concluded that he was actually killed by a Hamas rocket.
Pillar of Defense also saw pioneering work from Hamas in the faked-injuries department.  CNN and BBC both ran footage of Gazans carrying a supposedly injured man who – a few seconds later, in the same video – was up walking around as if nothing had happened.  CNN made an on-air correction due to Elder’s post on this video fakery.
Meanwhile, the least-effort method of creating a false narrative from images is to simply swipe the images from another conflict, because who knows the difference, right?  Thus was the image of a father clutching his bleeding son swiped from the civil war in Syria, and passed off by Hamas as an image from Gaza during Pillar of Defense.
A method that exertion-free is bound to crop up more than once, and so Mr. Donnison of the BBC was caught up in a separate recycled-Syrian-casualty-photo incident.
third such incident was reported by The Algemeiner, when a site called Alarab Net, on 18 November, posted a photo purporting to show a massacred family in Gaza, which turned out to be a massacred family in Syria, photographed at least a month earlier.
Scene from Syrian civil war, not Gaza.
Scene from Syrian civil war, not Gaza.
This series of video- and photo-narrative fakery incidents is what we in intelligence call a “pattern.”  Richard Landes wrote an excellent summary of the pattern in November for the UKTelegraph, bringing in evidence from years past.  It isn’t a new thing.  Hamas and Hamas’s apologists in the blogosphere routinely attempt to create a false narrative through the use of images and unsubstantiated claims.  News reporting from Gaza simply assumes Israeli guilt even where none has been established, as with the invalid narrative about Mohammed Sadallah’s death.
The more times this happens, the more careful Western media organizations should be about vetting sources and verifying the details of events.  It’s because they don’t have a reputation for doing so that arguments like Robert Mackey’s defense of the original, careless and slanted reporting on the Mashrawi incident come off as special pleading.  Throwing up the argument that “both sides are at fault” is a cheap dodge, when the Western media are routinely complicit in falsely depicting Israel – in exactly Hamas’s own terms – as extra-specially at fault.
In the end, it does matter who killed the baby, because Hamas in fact kills its own people, as well as getting them killed, in the pursuit of its goals.  That is the nature of the opponent Israel faces in Gaza.  And that is the larger reality of which Omar Mashrawi’s truncated, 11-month life is powerful evidence.
  • Monday, March 18, 2013
From Ian:

Remembering the 65th Anniversary of the Hadassah Medical Convoy Massacre
While the State Department denounces Israel for building houses in Jerusalem, the 65th anniversary of the Hadassah Medical Convoy Massacre reminds us that the Muslim terrorists worked to ethnically cleanse the native Jewish population from their city, engaging in attacks on civil and communal institutions, a wave of violence that concluded with the destruction of the synagogues of East Jerusalem and the expulsion of its Jewish population.
‘Most Americans don’t want US to push Mideast peace’
New poll finds broad support for Israel in the US; 69% want to leave resolution of the conflict to Israelis and Palestinians
With just two days left before US President Barack Obama’s visit to Israel and the Palestinian Authority, a new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that seven in 10 Americans would prefer to leave peace negotiations to the Israelis and Palestinians rather than see the US take a lead role in trying to resolve the conflict.
Netanyahu's Gift to Obama: Symbol of the U.S.-Israel Connection
Netanyahu will give Barack Obama a chip in which the independence scrolls of both countries are embedded side by side.
The nanochip will be placed on a Jerusalem stone from the Second Temple period which is normally used for sealing pottery in which liquids and perfumes had been stored. The gift was developed by the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute at the Technion in Haifa.
The Prime Minister's Office said on Sunday that the unique gift symbolizes the key messages of the visit - the strong and deep relationship between Israel and the United States and the shared values between the ​​nations, the thousand-year relationship between the people of Israel and the land of Israel, and Israel’s leadership when it comes to technological research and development.
Iron Dome to get airport photo op with Obama
IDF to move missile battery to Ben-Gurion to simplify president’s visit to see American-funded system
Obama to get first-hand look at Start-Up Nation’s innovations
Netanyahu to show his guest remarkable examples of Israel’s high-tech prowess, and introduce some young pioneers
Israel, Netanyahu will tell Obama, has made unique contributions in the fields of medicine, agriculture, road safety, robotics, and more — and will prove it by showing him some of the world-changing innovations developed here.
‘Obama, don’t bring your smartphone to Ramallah’ by Khaled Abu Toameh
The large signs appeared over the past few days in a bid to draw US President Barack Obama’s attention to the fact that Palestinians in the West Bank still don’t have the 3G Internet service.
The posters read: “President Obama, don’t bring your smart phone to Ramallah; you won’t have mobile access to Internet; we nave no 3G in Palestine!” It was not clear on Sunday who was responsible for the posters. Some Palestinians said they did not rule out the possibility that the two local mobile phone companies, Jawwal and Wataniyeh, were behind the signs for purely commercial purposes.
Ann Bayefsky: Apartheid Palestine?
The campaign to rid the world of Israeli settlements is a campaign to rid the world of Israel.
Now the 22nd Judenrein Arab state is in-the-making: Apartheid Palestine.
Meanwhile, 20 percent of Israel’s population is Arab, and free Arab citizens sit on the highest courts of the land, represent Israel abroad, and hold political office. An Arab living (and thriving) in the Jewish state is fulfilling a human right.
How does this obvious contradiction make it past the human rights geniuses at the UN? The answer is almost as old as humankind: intolerance, xenophobia, bigotry and lawyers.
Douglas Murray: Lord Ahmed: Disgrace to Britain
It would be easy for them not to do so. Apart from his endless lies and extreme statements, Lord Ahmed has regularly hosted extremists, including people associated with terrorist groups, at the Houses of Parliament. Any panel invitation sent out at the behest of Lord Ahmed can be guaranteed to be a unique blend of conspiracy theorists, rabid anti-Semites and apologists for international terrorism. He has long been not just an embarrassment to the Labour party but an embarrassment to Parliament and a shame and disgrace to Britain.
BBC pussy-footing around British antisemitism again
So why did the BBC elect to airbrush the racist nature of Lord Ahmed’s alleged remarks by using the ambiguous terms “Jewish claims” and “anti-Jewish remarks”? Coming hot on the heels of the BBC’s previous attempts to downplay the antisemitic nature of remarks made by David Ward MP, this really does suggest an endemic problem at the BBC.
UK Parliament debates hate incitement and UK funding of PA, based on PMW findings
UK Parliament scrutinizes Palestinian hate incitement, terror glorification and British funding of PA in debate examining PMW findings
MP Ellman: "The matters... are truly shocking and put a question mark over the status of the Palestinian Authority as a partner for peace"
MP Henderson: "No peace agreement will be able to guarantee... peace if a generation of Palestinians is growing up indoctrinated to hate Israel, Jews and the West"
The Israeli who can predict the future
She has a PhD and a black belt, but where Kira Radinsky is really making her mark is in Microsoft disaster-prediction software.
It was at Microsoft’s US headquarters that Radinsky, now 26, met Eric Horvitz, head of Microsoft Research. He suggested they work together on a data-mining project that’s been grabbing headlines. The duo’s software can predict disasters of many types, including disease outbreaks, violence and natural catastrophes.
IAI Wins $300 Million Brazilian Contract
Israel Aircraft Industries has won a contract worth $300 million to build an airborne refueling system for Boeing 767-300 planes of the Brazilian Air Force. IAI beat out several companies in the U.S. and Europe to win the contract.
Having achieved world peace and utopian harmony, last week marked the most anticipated social event on the calendar of Israel haters’, oops, pro-Palestinian activists, across campuses in the United States – the ‘Israel Apartheid Week.’
With the situation in Syria resembling Club Med in Vanuatu, feminists finally controlling the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and China open to the most robust free press and thriving Tibetan community in the world, clearly this is an opportune time for our bastions of human rights and defenders of freedom to turn on the sole democracy in the Middle East – that grand pariah of them all … the Jewish State of Israel.
  • Monday, March 18, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Bethlehem residents decided to greet President Obama in that quaint, Middle Eastern way:

The rumor is that Obama didn't want to visit the Knesset out of fear of being heckled. Well, his visit to Bethlehem should be lots of fun....

Avi Mayer on Twitter asserts that the pickup truck running over Obama's picture is an official Palestinian Authority vehicle. 
  • Monday, March 18, 2013
From Ian:

Choose Your Side: The New York Times or Judaism
American Jewry is often said to be divided between those who judge Judaism by the principles of the New York Times and those who judge the New York Times by the principles of Judaism. The former group was elated by Professor Joseph Levine’s recent clarion call “Questioning the Jewish State” (NY Times of March 9), which advocated the expulsion of Israel from the family of nations. The latter group was dismayed and nauseated, and confirmed in its view that expecting ordinary decency from “progressive” Jewish professors is like trying to warm yourself by the light of the moon.
If “Problem” Is Zionism, Peace Isn’t West Bank Activists’ Goal
With President Obama due to arrive in Israel on Wednesday, slanted pieces on the Jewish state found their way onto both the front page of the Sunday New York Times and the cover of its weekly magazine today. I’ll have more later on the newspaper story by Jerusalem bureau chief Jodi Rudoren, which treats the erecting of homes for Jews in Jerusalem as an outrage that “complicates” the nonexistent hopes for peace with the Palestinians. But that piece is a model of objective journalism when compared to the magazine’s cover story. The title of the article, “Is This Where the Third Intifada Will Start?” promises an investigation into the chances of more Palestinian unrest and violence. But what author Ben Ehrenreich delivers is not so much an answer to that question as an argument about why it should happen and an affectionate portrait of some of those who are doing their best to see that it does.
A Little Village in the Hills, and the Monsters it Spawns
That the NYT Magazine focused on Nabi Saleh while barely mentioning the convicted child killer celebrated by the residents of the town as an honored daughter (Arabic Wikipedia) indicates how manipulated its readers are. Also: how far we are from beginning to blunt the ongoing threat of the terrorists.
Daniel Pipes: Abbas is Right, There is No Disagreement Between Fatah and Hamas
For those of us arguing that there’s no fundamental difference between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, an interview of Mahmoud Abbas today by Salam Musafir of RT, the Russian television network, today comes as useful confirmation.
Hamas: We are Not Terrorists; We Just Want to Destroy Israel by Khaled Abu Toameh
In private, however, Fatah leaders say they are also opposed to removing Hamas from the list out of fear that such a move would legitimize the movement and pave the way for the creation of a separate state in the Gaza Strip.
Hamas wants to be dropped from the list not because it has changed. Rather, Hamas wants to be removed from the list because it feels that the world has changed, and that many naïve Westerners are now willing to tolerate its radical ideology and terrorism.
Anyone who supports Hamas's bid should also vote in favor of removing Al-Qaeda from the same list.
British MPs Discuss Palestinian Hate Incitement and Funding of PA
“It is clear that a culture of hate has wormed its way into the very fiber of Palestinian society…Incitement takes many forms. It ranges from the denial of Israel’s right to exist to the abhorrent glorification of violence and infamous Palestinian terrorists,” MP Henderson said, according to PMW.
Two-Year-Old Injured by Palestinian Rock Throwers Remains in Serious Condition
Adele’s mother, Adva Bitton, told Army Radio that it was a “real miracle” that any of her family survived the attack. “Whoever has seen the pictures [from the scene] can testify that [survival] was not at all clear,” she said.
Palestinian airline bomber to be released from US prison
Man who placed explosive device on Pan Am flight to Hawaii goes free after 20 years
Mohammed Rashed slipped a bomb beneath the jetliner seat cushion, set the timer and disembarked with his wife and child when the plane landed in Tokyo. The device exploded as Pan Am Flight 830 continued on to Honolulu, killing a Japanese teenager in a 1982 attack that investigators linked to a terrorist organization known for making sophisticated bombs.
Israel will seek US air strikes to thwart Hezbollah missile transfer
Britain's Guardian says Jerusalem will use US president's visit to persuade Washington to carry out air strikes on Syrian missiles if there is evidence they are being handed over to Hezbollah
Egyptian vigilantes hang and kill 2 thieves in Nile Delta town while large crowd watches
Egyptian vigilantes beat two men accused of stealing a motorized rickshaw on Sunday and then hung them by their feet while some in a watching crowd chanted “kill them!” Both men died, security officials said.
Egypt May Allow “Citizen’s Arrest” of Western Tourists for Blasphemy
Egypt’s tourism sector was doing really badly, so the Muslim Brotherhood regime decided to finish it off. I don’t recall even the Saudis allowing freelance blasphemy arrests. And this is taking place in a country where much of the population thinks that being a member of a non-Islamic religion is blasphemy and being a Westerner means you are a spy.
So come to beautiful Egypt. If you don’t get attacked by a mob making a citizen’s arrest, you’ll get attacked by a rape mob and if you don’t encounter any of these, you get a t-shirt that says, “I Survived Egypt.”
Dutch press tries to hide anti-Semitic incident
The anti-Semitic youths affair initially got more international attention on global websites than in the Netherlands’ media.
Columnist Elma Drayer wrote in Trouw that if native Dutch youngsters would have said on national TV that Muslims, including babies, should be slaughtered, it would have led to an uproar and demonstrations in which prominent Dutch leftists would have also joined. Drayer’s column hardly got any attention elsewhere.
  • Monday, March 18, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Naharnet:
Syrian warplanes bombed the border area with Lebanon for the first time on Monday, a high-ranking Lebanese army official told Agence France Presse, reportedly targeting Syrian rebel positions inside Lebanon.

"Syrian planes bombed the border between Lebanon and Syria but I cannot yet say if they hit Lebanese territory or only Syrian territory," the military official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

But a Lebanese security services official on the ground confirmed that the warplanes had fired four missiles against Syrian rebel positions on the Lebanese side of the border.

He said the attacks targeted the town of Arsal, in east Lebanon, close to the Syrian border, where many residents back the uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The National News Agency had reported: “Syrian warplanes bombed the outskirts of the towns of Khirbet Younin and Wadi al-Khayl in Arsal's barren mountains.

Meanwhile, according to al-Manar television, the warplanes planes had targeted two barns used by rebel forces in the Wadi al-Khayl area of Arsal.

Al-Mayadeen television said the neighboring country's army targeted the positions of gunmen in the towns of al-Dabaa and Jousiyyeh near the Lebanese border.

Local resident Suheil Fliti told AFP that the missiles had fallen in an agricultural area and there were no injuries in the incident.
Arsal is near the northeastern border of Lebanon, which would explain why Hezbollah - which openly backs and is fighting for the Syrian regime - didn't fight the rebels there directly. Hezbollah is based in the south, far away from Arsal.

(UPDATE: Amiyena in the comments points out that Hezbollah also has a stronghold in Baalbek, maybe only 20 km southwest of Arsal. See also here.)

Lebanese reaction to this attack will predictably go along party lines. Even though Hezbollah's entire raison d'etre is supposedly to defend Lebanon against "Israeli aggression" against Lebanon, those who support Hezbollah suddenly won't care a whit about Lebanon's sovereignty when the aggressors are their Syrian heroes .

Al-Joumhouria newspaper quoted the joint military command of the Free Syrian army as saying that the bodies of 38 Hezbollah fighters that were killed inside the Syrian territory have been sent to Lebanon to be buried secretly in in various villages .

“Most of them were killed in the Reef of Homs while four fighters were killed in Damascus,” the media head of the Free Syrian Army Fahed al-Masri revealed.

“The corpses were transferred secretly to Lebanon and arrangements for the burial were being made after buying the silence of the deceased’s relatives,” the newspaper reported.

It was hard to identify 10 corpses as a result of severe burns and injures, it added.

Hezbollah has in recent months allegedly buried a number of fighters killed in Syria, without publicly disclosing how the men were killed, or where.

On Sunday, a Hezbollah member that was killed while fighting in Syria was buried in southern Lebanon, several residents of the man’s village told AFP.

The residents said that the funeral of Hassan Nimr Shartouni, 25, was held in Mays al-Jabal after the arrival of his body from Syria where he was killed in fighting on Saturday.
  • Monday, March 18, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
A tweet from the Al Qassam Brigades:

Of course, I wanted to see what these soldiers looked like as they stormed the mosque. Here they are. prepare to be angered at their wanton acts of aggression and destruction, so I clicked on the video link.

I still can't see them entering the mosque, but I must be blind.

By the way, I stormed the commuter train this morning, and then stormed two churches that I pass by on my way to work. Maybe for lunch I'll storm a restaurant, or perhaps I'll storm a Starbucks if I get a chance.

No wonder I am so exhausted all the time.
  • Monday, March 18, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
A major mini-series is being shot in Egypt this month, and news articles about it leave no doubt that it is meant to be a very expensive piece of incitement against Jews.

The fortress at Khaybar, today
Called "Khaybar," the series by director Mohammed Azizié is meant to show events that led up to Mohammed's defeating the Jews of that city in Arabia in 629 CE.

The purpose of the series isn't historical, however. It is meant to be a thinly disguised parable of how treacherous Jews have been for centuries. As the director says, the series is intended to "review the history of the Jews in the Arabian Peninsula and the conflict with them until they came out of the Khaybar with a focus on the details of their social and economic lives, and their plots and temperament characterized by racism and treachery."

Other articles describing the script went a little further, saying "The series focuses on the social and economic life of religious Jews at the time and how they managed and controlled other tribes. It reveals the features of their lives and their personal characteristics throughout history which embodies the spirit of enmity and hatred of others beside the treacherous nature of their repeated betrayals and abhorrent racism.

The script writer has told the media that his story tells of "the extent of hostility between Jews and the Arabs from the days of Moses, and discusses Jewish betrayal and false promises."

External shooting will be in Morocco after the major filming is done in Egypt.

Chances are that this anti-semitic film will be one of those hit Ramadan TV mini-series in 2014.

  • Monday, March 18, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Every day the Egyptian media has a new story about how Hamas or Gazans cannot be trusted. Here's today's:
The military has started an investigation over fabric it says it seized in a tunnel to Gaza to find out why the fabric was smuggled, where it was being taken and how it would impact national security, a military source in North Sinai Governorate said.

A military spokesperson had said earlier Sunday that the Armed Forces seized fabric printed with patterns similar to security forces’ uniforms, warning people to be aware, in case the fabric is used to impersonate security personnel.

The military arrested two people present at the entrance of the tunnel, the North Sinai source told Al-Masry Al-Youm, adding that military intelligence officers formed the investigation team.

The source said preliminary investigations with the two suspects are under way at a military area in North Sinai. The military is also looking for five other Egyptian suspects, whom it said would be interrogated within hours.

The source said investigations could indicate whether Gazans were involved in Egypt’s ongoing security problems, as well as raise questions on whether Gazans were also involved in killing demonstrators during the 25 January revolution.

The announcement came after a military source told independent daily Al-Shorouk that the perpetrators of a deadly attack on a Rafah army camp last August, which killed 16 Egyptian soldiers, included 40 Palestinian jihadis.
That story about the 40 jihadis was yesterday's anti-Gaza story in Egypt.

Yet even after Egypt's crackdown on the tunnels at the Gaza border, one still isn't seeing any demonstrations on college campuses or UN resolutions or "human rights" organization reports about the Egyptian "siege" of Gaza.

Funny, that.

Hamas' leader Ismail Haniyeh, alarmed at the deterioration in its relationship with Egypt, reportedly told an Egyptian Wafd party leader that "Egyptian blood is more valuable than Palestinian blood" in an attempt to calm the situation.

UPDATE: A Hamas spokesman said that the materials "could" have been used for children's clothing.
Taher al-Nounou, a spokesman for the Hamas government, said in an interview with Egypt’s al-Mihwar television, “This fabric could be used in children’s clothing, and you know children tend to wear such [military] clothing in festivities.”
Yeah, that's convincing.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

  • Sunday, March 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
JPost reports:
US Secretary of State John Kerry called his Turkish counterpart, Ahmet Davutoglu, last week, asking for help in restarting the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, the Hurriyet daily reported on Saturday.

Turkey turned down the request citing bad relations between Ankara and Jerusalem and saying the responsibility to fix the murky relations between the two countries falls on Israel.

Relations between Jerusalem and what was once its only Muslim ally crumbled after Israel Navy commandos raided the Mavi Marmara ship in May 2010 to enforce a blockade of the Gaza Strip and killed nine Turks on board after they attacked the commandos.
Tom WC emailed me about this, noting that relations between Israel and Turkey had been deteriorating way before the Mavi Marmara incident.

His example was this story from October 2009:
Israel's foreign minister has ordered Turkey's ambassador to be summoned over a Turkish TV series that portrays Israeli soldiers killing children.

Avigdor Lieberman said the programme, whose first episode was broadcast on Tuesday, incited hatred against Israel.

In one clip screened on Israeli news channels, an Israeli soldier takes aim at a smiling young girl and kills her.

The complaint is the latest to strain the relationship between Turkey and Israel.
There were other signs that Turkey was straining relations with Israel before the flotilla. A November 2009 Wikileaks cable said:
The GOI [Government of Israel] raised the current direction the Government of Turkey has taken toward Syria and Iran -- and away from Israel. Israeli participants argued that Turkey has been supportive of Hamas in Gaza while pursuing a more "Islamic" direction with the goal of becoming a regional superpower. The GOI argued that the Turkish military is losing its ability to influence government decisions and strategic direction. After this past year, GOI participants said they have a "bad feeling" about Turkey. The GOI noted that the Israel Air Force (IAF) Commander in the past wanted to speak to the Turkish Air Force Commander, but his Turkish counterpart declined.
An earlier cable from October 2009:
While the Foreign Ministry and the Turkish General Staff agree with us that a strong Turkey-Israel relationship is essential for regional stability, PM Erdogan has sought to shore up his domestic right political flank at the expense of this relationship. His outburst at Davos was the first in a series of events the results of which we and his staff have sought to contain. The latest of these was Exercise Anatolian Eagle. Erdogan canceled Israel's participation hours before the exercise was to begin. With an Israeli strike - across Turkish airspace - against targets in Iran a possibility, Erdogan decided he could not afford the political risk of being accused of training the forces which would carry out such a raid. Through some remarkable work with Allies and with the inter-agency, we engineered a public "postponement" of the international portion of the exercise, but the relationship has begun to sour.
A Stratfor Wikileak confirms this as well:
Turkey planned on downgrading relations with Israel even before the May 2010 flotilla incident, documents published Wednesday by WikiLeaks suggest.

A leaked email from George Friedman, the head of US-based global security analysis company Stratfor, reveals that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger that at some point he would burn bridges with Israel in favor of a closer relationship with the Islamic world.

According to the Turkish newspaper Sunday Zaman, Friedman also wrote in the same email that Turkey does not get along with Israel and the United States. An attack by Israel on Iran would provide a good opportunity for Erdogan to finally cut Turkey’s ties with Israel and the US and to expand Turkey’s power, he further wrote.

The flotilla to Gaza — in which nine Turkish citizens aboard a ship heading to Gaza were killed after attacking the IDF commandos who intercepted it – was not the cause of Turkey’s new strategy but rather the opportunity Erdogan had been waiting for, Army Radio said.
The Mavi Marmara isn't the reason that Turkey is anti-Israel - it is the excuse.
  • Sunday, March 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
I've been playing with this weekly auto-generated newspaper based only on my tweets. It looks cute, so I figured I'll put the embeddable version here and see if people like it. (The full size paper can be seen here.)

Here's the full-size edition, in a frame, for another view:


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